A few questions about aura reading

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A few questions about aura reading

Post by happyme » Wed Nov 11, 2009 5:44 pm

I practised reading my aura this morning. For about 20 minutes. I am not quite sure what colour I would call it though, except to say it was a very light colour that kind of glowed, it looks somewhere between yellow/white but not quite either. Once I saw a flash of pink then a flash of purple around it. Once it was about 1 foot (or a little less) wide, but the other times just 1 inch. The other issue I have is that there are many articles on the internet that provides the meanings of aura colours but most of them vary. How do I know which ones provide the authentic meaning of an aura colour? What I have been trying to do is look for the commonalities as best as possible.

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Post by happyme » Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:14 am

This is the shade I remembered seeing. I am going to practise again tomorrow and see what I see then.
pale-yellow-beauty-30x24sm.jpg (34.64 KiB) Viewed 9203 times

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Post by PetraVanilla » Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:33 am

I find that aura reading stuff interesting, too and would like to know more about it... I read that the color of your aura can change based on your mood or health, I heard about indigo and crystal children who have blue auras and a so-called camouflage aura, as well. What are the correct criteria for determining the color of an aura. Or would you actually want to alter your state of mind by meditation, trance and the like to have a more accurate aura picture, so to speak?
I once saw my own aura in an altered state of mind and it was an electric blue while my ex-husband's was bright orange... would love to know what to think about my aura color especially...  any suggestions?

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Post by happyme » Fri Nov 13, 2009 12:55 pm

Hi PetraVanilla

This is what I picked up off the net about orange and blue:
ORANGE AURA COLOR: Relates to reproductive organs and emotions. The color of vitality, vigor, good health and excitement. Lots of energy and stamina, creative, productive, adventurous, courageous, outgoing social nature; currently experiencing stress related to apetites and addictions;

Turquoise: Relates to the immune system. Sensitive, compassionate, healer, therapist.

BLU AURA COLOR: Relates to the throat, thyroid. Cool, calm, and collected. Caring, loving, love to help others, sensitive, intuitive.

Soft blue: Peacefulness, clarity and communication; truthful; intuitive

Bright royal blue: Clairvoyant; highly spiritual nature; generous; on the right path; new opportunities are coming

I tried again this morning and I saw the same pale yellow, with a lining of pink and blue/purple.

Yesterday I saw my father and I was able to read his - blue, red, and green. Wasn't surprising - he is in the natural herbal remedies and foods industries, and work as a herbalist and healer himself for about 25 years now. He is also very cool and grounded and highly intuitive, has strong survival instincts, practical, and energetic.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Fri Nov 13, 2009 4:08 pm

Hi Happyme...

I checked my aura again last night (completely sober and awake, no altered state of mind), and my life color (closest to the body) is like a blue-indigo hue with some violet as it extends a bit further. Spiritalk suggested to check out this website auracolors.com/personal-quiz-auracolors.com I took the quiz and scored the highest points available (12) on blue, violet and indigo with abstract tan at 11. Total match! I evidently match the Indigo adult profile, too, and my daughter is Indigo, as well. My son seems to be a crystal child. He also has the blue hues in his aura, but more of a pastel tone... I wasn't quite sure. I hear crystal children have a crystal clear, white or colorless aura that will take on hues of the persons that are nearby, because they are so compassionate and act empathetically in mind and aura... with 2 Indigos around, that would make sense...

Check Out The Astrology Quiz!!
As for your color, I found the following:

YELLOW AURA COLOR: Relates to the spleen and life energy. It is the color of awakening, inspiration, intelligence and action shared, creative, playful, optimistic, easy-going.

Light or pale yellow: Emerging psychic and spiritual awareness; optimism and hopefulness; positive excitement about new ideas.

PASTELS: A sensitive blend of light and color, more so than basic colors. Shows sensitivity and a need for serenity.

Pale yellow sounds like you  :smt002

But you could be indigo or crystal from your birth year, too.

Found this: "Crystal is a rare Life Color. Crystals have clear auras and are known as the "aura chameleons." Like chameleons, their auras will change colors to match those of the people they are connecting with at the time. They then take on the characteristics, behavior patterns, emotions and thoughts of that color.

Consequently, in power Crystals can get along quite well with almost anyone. Yellows , for example, feels they can relate to Crystals who, when they are with them, act and think like Yellows . Later, when the same Crystals spend time with Sensitive Tans, the Tans can feel as if they have found kindred spirits.

However, the Crystals' inconsistencies can also confuse people. One minute Crystals think and behave like Greens . A short while later, they can act like Blues . The more they connect and bond with others, the more their personalities change.

Because Crystals tend to absorb the colors of other people's auras, people can, at times, feel an energy drain when they are in the presence of Crystals. In power, Crystals can be a clear conduit or channel for healing energy. Being natural healers, the Crystals' gift is to help their clients clear blockages, thereby enabling the clients' own natural healing processes to take place.

While healing, balanced Crystals are able to keep their thoughts and emotions out of the way, making the healing more pure. Crystals do not always understand their healing abilities. It can often frighten and confuse them or cause them to feel overwhelmed. These rare souls are often physically fragile and delicate.
Because of their unusual sensitivity, they can only heal one person at a time. They then need to go to a peaceful place to cleanse their aura. Working with too many people can short-circuit their system. "

What do you think?

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Post by happyme » Fri Nov 13, 2009 9:25 pm

Last edited by happyme on Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by happyme » Fri Nov 13, 2009 9:25 pm

Petra this is very helpful. It came to my mind once, when I came across the definition once, then I said nah couldn't be. Not because I didn't think it could be, but more like when I am pushing away the idea. It explains a lot again if I am one, because the more I think of it I see the colour every morning when I check and I cant quite pin down the colour, I even try to put a paper towel behind it to see if i can get a better sense of it, all I can say is it is not exactly white, and if it is yellow, then it is a very very very pale yellow. It may be crystal for real. The other colours I saw were far easier to pin, like my dads, and when I saw pink and purple in there, but somehow this colour I am not sure. The more you telling me about crystal, making me seriously consider looking into it, plus based on my birthday as you said. September 29, 2009 (2+ 9 = 11) my first name when worked out also come out to 11. Then my personality does seem to change a lot, almost as if I am fickle, and I am super sensitive to people, I don't like to be hugged or kissed, I don't like to go out in public a lot, and I don't like when their hands get near to me. I am also sensitive to their emotions, some people's emotions become almost unbearable to deal with. I think it is why I didn't do well in the last three jobs I had. I had to deal with a lot of people's issues and I ended up internalizing them, and they would also complain that I hide my true self from them, the last job it was really overwhelming though a lot of ppl were very unhappy at that workplace, and suffering from depression and stress, it was so bad that I had a couple nervous breakdowns there, I felt so embarrassed, and ppl thought I was a wuss and pushover there, but when I reflect on it now I think I was absorbing a lot of people's negative energy and emotions and it influenced my performance and my own mental end emotional well being on job a lot. I would also get sick a lot, bad woman cycles, bad migraines and backaches, etc. I tend to be really awkward sometimes in how I express myself too.

Petra I am going to add all the links of the other questions I have asked on here, because I think they are all pieces of a puzzle starting to match up. Yes, psychic abilities are opening up, but it goes beyond that, the sensitivity is really taking place because a spiritual awakening is happening. This is what I suspect, but it's getting cemented by a lot of the symptoms I have and a lot of these things that are starting to make sense or become harder to explain with seemingly logical or rational answers. I will post the links in another response here.

By the way thanks for the tip on what the blue/purple means.  :smt003
Last edited by happyme on Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by happyme » Fri Nov 13, 2009 9:26 pm

The first two links are about the dreams I have been having.

The link below is about some of the sensitivities I have been having to the pain of others.

This is about the dead moth I saw and knew it was a symbol for something that I should pay attention to.
I also have you, Sweetsunray and Spiritalk to thank a lot for being so helpful with your expert insights.

Symptoms or signs I have had.
The major life crises that took place in 2008 it started with a major accident that could have made me and the other person involved lose our lives. I am surprised we didn't. Then I left my job at that point, the third one, because it had become so overwhelming to deal with. I couldn't cope with it anymore. Then I was sued for the car accident but the insurance covered that, but I lost all the savings I put in that car, and I became broke. and at one point was in serious debt trying to get back financially on top of it again. I couldnt get another job. Now I am still out of a job, not rich, but I have a trade I use that meets my basic financial needs. I used to be embarrassed about my seeming decline in life. But I have become insensitive to it, even up to the point I had the huge debt, it's like I stopped caring about it and became calmly assured that it would work itself out and it did. I feel the same about getting on track too, I feel as if I am getting on track as is. I don't feel compelled to run down anything anymore, if it is for me, it will happen.

I have been vegan from birth, but strayed a lot til I discovered raw vegan. I think it was around this time that my third eye became super sensitive to a point that is was overwhelming.

I sleep a lot more, but at nights, I wake up once or twice between the hours of 12 - 4 am. Sometimes I go back to sleep sometimes I don't.

I dream a lot. At least two vivid dreams per day, and that is based on what I remember. I know they are all telling me something, I try to translate them on my own now, because it would be crazy in my mind to post every single dream I have been having since I started to remember them again. Before I remembered dreams now and then but on the rare to occasional side. Once I remembered I was lying flat on my back on my bed meditating. it was in the day. I don't know if I fell asleep, but I remember all of a sudden I heard really loud intense fighting between a man and a woman, they were shouting at each other, and  the woman was telling him to get out and actually pushing him out of her house, it was so intense that I became conscious while my body was still in paralysis and forced myself to break out of it all together just to run out to my brother and ask him if he heard anything, and he swore he didnt. I also wake up to being conscious of my body being paralyzed. It used to freak me out, but not anymore. Sometimes I wake up and my body have a knee jerk reaction. This week, I became conscious of my body feeling like it was floating and gliding in and out of itself even though my actual body was paralyzed. It felt kinda icy and tingly too but my mind fell back asleep again after that.

I eat a lot, and I am not even fully raw right now, and I am ashamed of some of the things I ate recently. A lot of sweet and a lot of protein.  The salt water flush has been helping me to maintain my weight and keep my system cleared. Although I know I should do better, but for some reason I cannot help it its like I have to eat and a lot. From I was a child my weight always fluctuated and I had a lot of issues with food, but it has never been like this, this overwhelming need to eat so much.

Then I have a lot of short term memory loss, can't remember things easily like names of people that I always would remember, names and dates of events that are obvious or I should remember, the meaning of simple words. It is almost like I am getting old.

I feel out of place right now like I don't fit in or belong. Places that have gone up I didn't remember or noticed. A friend was asking me about some apartments on a road really close to my home, that I should have known about because I pass through there every day and they are very noticeable, and I didn't know or remember them until he point them out to me and asked about them, and I was like when did those go up, I have never seen them before and I didn't remember them being constructed and I always remember everything I see on that road that isn't normal it was shocking to him.

I do and say things that don't make sense.

Lots of crying and anger, and sometimes for reasons I cannot exactly pinpoint.

I have a new level of empathy and compassion. Even in brutal situations like gruesome crimes. I have always been a softie, but I wud get fierce or angry at the idea of ppl hurting others really badly. Now I don't take sides, nobody is good or bad, and there is always something in somebody's life that caused them to turn out the way that they are or to become a victim of whatever happens to them. It is their calling in life, there is some personal purpose for it, and or they are to help others with that experience.

My eyes are itchy and they blur a lot. My eyes have always been bad from lots of reading, but never blurry like this.

I get throbbing headaches.

Earaches everytime I wake up.

I am very sensitive to sound. I always have to turn down the tv and music. I also am sensitive to when the sound gets louder and softer on its own. So I have to constantly turn it up and down. I also notice when ads are much louder than actual programming. I hear things that I don't think I am suppose to hear from the distance that they are coming from. I also hear what sounds like my name being called when nobody called me.

Tingling and throbbing all over my body, esp the hands and feet.

My back itches a lot, and sometimes I get a ache in my lower back.

My feet and hands get super cold, to the point where sometimes I worry that my fingers will burst.

As I remember other things I will continue to add them here.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Fri Nov 13, 2009 11:27 pm

OK Happy lots of info here and a few very distinctive things.... The fact that you don't like to be touched and don't initiate hugging is a sign that you are more likely an indigo, not a crystal. Crystal children come to everyone, hug and give love. Yes they will pick up on other people's aura and emotions, but don't display such a warrior like attitude. That as a matter of fact is an indigo trait. I believe that you are an indigo empath that has not yet learned how to disperse the negative energy ("flush it through") rather than retaining it within yourself. It is IMPERATIVE that you learn to do that quickly! Look up "empath" - you will find that it fits you like a "t". A lot of indigos and the ones that came thereafter thrive better on vegan food, because other foods often act as allergens and play a role in declining health (one thing I still have to integrate in my life!) or hypertension.

Here are some things you said that identify you as having indigo qualities:

"I sleep a lot more, but at nights, I wake up once or twice between the hours of 12 - 4 am. Sometimes I go back to sleep sometimes I don't." - That's when the spirit world is most active and your mind most open to spirit activity... you are extremely sensitive, so that makes sense. I either don't go to sleep until after the "witching" hour or tend to wake up a lot, too.

"I became conscious of my body feeling like it was floating and gliding in and out of itself even though my actual body was paralyzed. It felt kinda icy and tingly too but my mind fell back asleep again after that. " - out-of-body experiences are quite common with indigos. I have done long-distance Reiki sessions where I was sitting on the floor in my living room and by the time I came out of the meditative state it often puts me in, I was all disoriented, as if I had been floating in another place and then put back into my body, but the opposite way around, facing the other direction. Was pretty strange.
Sleep paralysis happens when your brain is in a deep sleep phase. That is to prevent your body from acting as if it is awake without you being conscious and you hurting yourself. Waking up during that time is like a shock to your body and will drain you. Been there! If that happens during the time you mentioned and during spirit activity, you might want to be mindful of psychic vampires, spirit beings who try to drain and use your energy for their own bad purpose. Pray before you go to bed. Ask arch angel Michael to protect you and keep evil away. (I have only recently become aware of the fact that I can actually call on my guardian angels by name according to their gifts - Michael to protect from evil, Raphael for healing etc... )

"Then I have a lot of short memory loss, can't remember things easily like names of people that I always would remember, names and dates of events that are obvious or I should remember, the meaning of simple words. It is almost like I am getting old. " - A lot of indigos forget the "unimportant" details of everyday life over more important spiritual things. Same here, I do that a lot and keep misplacing things, too.

"I feel out of place right now like I don't fit in or belong." - Yup, another thing indigos have in common... it's because we have a home in the spiritual realm.

"I do and say things that don't make sense. " Things that don't make sense to you or others? Are you constantly looking for new knowledge and answers, it even makes you restless? Another indigo thing!

"Lots of crying and anger, and sometimes for reasons I cannot exactly pinpoint. " Yes and that, along with the depression is often a result of being mistreated for or suppressed in doing things that come naturally to us that others don't understand... such as being scorned for failing at left brain activities that involve logic, such as math and linear activities, when we rather engage in right brain activities like doing creative things, starting a thousand projects (but often not finishing) and skipping all over the place during a conversation.

"I have a new level of empathy and compassion. Even in brutal situations like gruesome crimes. I have always been a softie, but I wud get fierce or angry at the idea of ppl hurting others really badly. Now I don't take sides, nobody is good or bad, and there is always something in somebody's life that caused them to turn out the way that they are or to become to victim of whatever happens to them. It is their calling in life, there is some purpose for it, and or they are to help others with that experience. " - Indigos have an extreme sense of justice... it angers us when someone is being mistreated and we have to get it out.... yes, some of us indigos have learned to accept things as fate, but at the same time we have the distinct notions that we are here to make the world better and need to take things in our own hands! That can create quite the conflict in us...

"My eyes are itchy and they blur a lot. My eyes have always been bad from lots of reading, but never blurred like this." - Gonna have to research that further, have a similar issue...  Indigos, and especially crystals have extremely intense eyes, everybody keeps commenting on mine, my daughter's and my son's eyes... Maybe I'll add a pic later so you know what I mean...

The different pains and ailments can be attributed to your sensitivity, if you have ruled out medical conditions.

"My feet and hands get super cold, to the point where sometimes I worry that my fingers will burst." - Another thing indigos seem to be prone to... same here...

Gotta go get my kids now, but will expand just a little more in a bit. Tell me more if you can. I am just burning to hear and talk more!

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Post by happyme » Sat Nov 14, 2009 12:10 am

OMG this is almost eerie it's startling the things we have in common! I am glad we are getting an opportunity to explore this too.

You make a good point about the vegan thing. I have always been super sensitive to meat. It leaves a lingering smell that repulses me. When I do stray I never have it. Only rare occurences as a kid, and those occurrences made me very sick. If somebody gives me a meal that has meat or animal product in there, I know without them telling me. I feel the effects on my body quickly. I also have bad sensitive skin - black spots and pimples, and it is usually gets worse when I go through a very stressful time, touch against something that is dirty or unhygenic in some other way, or eat animal products.

What you have said about praying to the Archangels is making sense, it explains why I have always felt compelled to read up about angels in more recent times.
"I do and say things that don't make sense. " Things that don't make sense to you or others? Are you constantly looking for new knowledge and answers, it even makes you restless? Another indigo thing! - Exactly! Yes, yes, and yes!

"Lots of crying and anger, and sometimes for reasons I cannot exactly pinpoint. " Yes and that, along with the depression is often a result of being mistreated for or suppressed in doing things that come naturally to us that others don't understand... such as being scorned for failing at left brain activities that involve logic, such as math and linear activities, when we rather engage in right brain activities like doing creative things, starting a thousand projects (but often not finishing) and skipping all over the place during a conversation. - I have never been good with figures. Never! In my third job it used to frustrate my boss a lot when I try to do my reports. In my last job at least i got to express my creative side a lot more in copywriting and what not. With the third one it was marketing job but it really was about figures and reports, thats all they did track sales and margin, and that frustrated and made me very unhappy too. Yes, to starting a billion projects and never finishing one, yes to skipping all over the place during convos! I also rarely do well with relationships, ppl come in my life and take take and take, they always start out nice then they become more distant and removed and cold til they eventually ignore me all together or flat out ditch me. And it used to hurt a lot, because I couldn't understand why they would treat me this way when I was so good to them. I think it also fit into what you said about our strong need for justice and balance.

Another thing about the justice. As meek and mellow as I can be most of times. I have a very bad righteous temper. I hate to be wronged or see others being treated unfairly or wronged or hurt in anyway. In fact in creating my debt, a good reason that it wasnt worse than it was, was because I cussed off a lot of dishonest people and they end up crediting me back for the charges, I got rid of half of the debt occurred that way. Now somebody charged my card for a subscription and membership that was already cancelled. I feel my warrior trait coming out about that already. I have sent some stern mails to them already and am adamant that the charge will be removed one way or the other. Plus I know now if not before to change my card number. I will deal with them.

"My eyes are itchy and they blur a lot. My eyes have always been bad from lots of reading, but never blurred like this." - Gonna have to research that further, have a similar issue...  Indigos, and especially crystals have extremely intense eyes, everybody keeps commenting on mine, my daughter's and my son's eyes... Maybe I'll add a pic later so you know what I mean... - This makes a lot of sense. Because I am black jamaican. Many Jamaican black people have dark brown eyes, meaning not hazel or light brown, but not black either. My eyes are very very dark almost black if not actually black. People are always commenting on how dark and bright they are. Just the other day I was on the road and this homeless man smiled at me and called me 'bright eyes'. I smiled back, because I didn't have any money to give him at the time, but hoped that in smiling back I could spread some optimism to him and help him to feel better.

The different pains and ailments can be attributed to your sensitivity, if you have ruled out medical conditions. Yes when I do check ups I am always fine, but I will say though that when my diet is at my best, I don't get them, well until recently even when I was still raw I started getting them again. By the way I hate doctors and hospitals. What about you?

"I feel out of place right now like I don't fit in or belong." - Yup, another thing indigos have in common... it's because we have a home in the spiritual realm. Big Wow

"Then I have a lot of short memory loss, can't remember things easily like names of people that I always would remember, names and dates of events that are obvious or I should remember, the meaning of simple words. It is almost like I am getting old. " - A lot of indigos forget the "unimportant" details of everyday life over more important spiritual things. Same here, I do that a lot and keep misplacing things, too.  yes for real always focused on finding myself spiritually not interested in the material world at all. Do you find material stuff don't interest you, like fashion in the sense of keeping up with fads and money and stuff like that?Even when I was more interested in my finances it was more about maintaining my independence and being able to take care of my mom when she gets old, it has never been about getting rich and what not.
"I sleep a lot more, but at nights, I wake up once or twice between the hours of 12 - 4 am. Sometimes I go back to sleep sometimes I don't." - That's when the spirit world is most active and your mind most open to spirit activity... you are extremely sensitive, so that makes sense. I either don't go to sleep until after the "witching" hour or tend to wake up a lot, too.  This explains a lot. There was a time too when I used to dread going to my bed at those hours. Now I sleep with a special night lamp, that gives my room a comforting shade.

"I became conscious of my body feeling like it was floating and gliding in and out of itself even though my actual body was paralyzed. It felt kinda icy and tingly too but my mind fell back asleep again after that. " - out-of-body experiences are quite common with indigos. I have done long-distance Reiki sessions where I was sitting on the floor in my living room and by the time I came out of the meditative state it often puts me in, I was all disoriented, as if I had been floating in another place and then put back into my body, but the opposite way around, facing the other direction. Was pretty strange.  Wow this is super interesting...
Sleep paralysis happens when your brain is in a deep sleep phase. That is to prevent your body from acting as if it is awake without you being conscious and you hurting yourself. Waking up during that time is like a shock to your body and will drain you. Been there! If that happens during the time you mentioned and during spirit activity, you might want to be mindful of psychic vampires, spirit beings who try to drain and use your energy for their own bad purpose. Pray before you go to bed. Ask arch angel Michael to protect you and keep evil away. (I have only recently become aware of the fact that I can actually call on my guardian angels by name according to their gifts - Michael to protect from evil, Raphael for healing etc... ) I am glad you told me this, I definitely will. Sometimes I leave notes under my pillow to the angels. I am going to start doing that again. I also burn sage every other night in my room too.
Last edited by happyme on Sat Nov 14, 2009 1:25 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by happyme » Sat Nov 14, 2009 12:35 am

By the way do u notice interesting number patterns too, I always notice 10:01, 12:12, 10:11, 11:11, 111, 22:22, 222, 333, 444, 555, 999, and occassionally 777. I actually saw 333 in this dream once and when I was translating the dream I noticed a lot of things were happening in 3s too. I get a tingling when I notice the patterns too or sense of warmth of comfort.

What are your kids like? What auras do they have? Are you or them sensitive to bright lighting?

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Post by PetraVanilla » Sat Nov 14, 2009 1:42 am

Real quick, my photo is at http://mysticboard.org/vi ... 449#257449... submitted it for a reading.

The numbers may very well be a sign of angels... especially 11:11 and 3:33. I read that that is their way of announcing themselves and telling you that they want to communicate. Next time you wake up at that time, just say out loud: "Why are you contacting me and what would you like me to do...? Please let me know in (your preferred method)." They may answer in a dream or vision. I will look you up some information I gave someone else on the same question and get back with you on that.

My indigo daughter is a rebel like no other. She know exactly what she wants and acts like she's the boss. She's very sensitive to energy changes and interested in Reiki, healing and helping people. She is very attached to animals and nature. She has most all of the traits that I outlined in yourself and I. Gabi is very intelligent but she's got a huge issue with authority, never takes "no" for an answer. She's very hyper. She's a fearless warrior. She told me she feels like she's being watched. Her aura is mostly blue, but also violet, indigo and abstract tan.

My son is the cuddliest little boy I've ever seen. He is very loving, extremely sensitive to the slightest changes in someone's energy or emotions. He comes and gives hugs, compliments and love whenever someone needs it. He is even brighter than my daughter, I think it is because he can sit patiently and pays attention to every little detail. My daughter just can't sit still. Jesse will repeat things he heard from far away, he has a keen sense of hearing as much as he is empathetic.  Still have not determined what other gifts he might have. I just looked at his aura and it was violet blue to indigo. It seems to change a lot in intensity and hues.

Here is an interesting fact for you. After I got pregnant with either one of them, I had the same dream where a nurse brought my baby into the hospital room and asked me "what will you name him/her?" I answered with their exact names they have today.

Gabriella Louise, my indigo warrior child's name means the following:

Origin of the name Gabriella:
Feminine form of Gabriel, which is derived from the Hebrew gavhrī’ēl (God is my strength). Gabriel is borne in the Bible by one of the seven archangels, the herald of Good News who appeared to Mary to announce her pregnancy and the impending birth of the Christ child.

Origin of the name Louise:
Feminine form of Louis (famous in war), which is from the Germanic Hluodowig, a compound name composed from the elements hluod (famous) and wīg (war, strife).

Jesse James, my crystal cuddle bug's name means the following:

Origin of the name Jesse:
Derived from the Hebrew Yishai, which is from yīshai (gift, wealth). Var: Jessee. Short: Jess.

Origin of the name James:

From the Ecclesiastic Late Latin Iacomus, an evolution of Iacobus which is from the Ecclesiastic Iakōbos, a cognate of the Hebrew Yaakov. The name has its root in ya`aqob (supplanting, seizing by the heel). Some say Iacomus arises from an error in the transcription of manuscripts from the Greek to the Latin by an early monk. Short: Jim. Pet: Jamie, Jimmy.

As if I had known... Gabi's a fighter for justice as she sees it, and Jesse has been a gift in my life, but he takes over sometimes, not asking for permission...

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Post by happyme » Sat Nov 14, 2009 1:48 am

Wow your eyes are really beautiful, one could look into them forever. Is that your real colour hair? I have been reading about Incarnated elementals - perhaps you could be one too?

Your children sound absolutely adorable. Indigo and crystal children interesting LOL. They sound like amazing gifts to be cherished. I hope you encourage them to stay at their level of awareness and not get lost in the material world at any point, but I suspect they will only go to higher and higher levels of awareness from here. :)

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Post by PetraVanilla » Sat Nov 14, 2009 1:59 am

Thank you for the compliment. Yeah if there's one thing about me it's my eyes... I may also put up my kids eyes (maybe not the whole pic to protect them).... if you are impressed with my eyes, my kids will do it especially! Lol my hair color is a reddish brown but the color I have right now is a lot more red...

I sent you a few angel links on pm. let me know what you think...

Edit: Here are my kids' eyes

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... 455#257455

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Post by happyme » Sat Nov 14, 2009 2:35 am

Yes I just saw them awhile ago absolutely gorgeous. Your natural hair colour is reddish brown and you have an indigo with rebellious warriorlike nature when it comes protecting the wronged and fighting injustice. I just need to hear that you love nature and love to be outside and hate when ppl litter, and I will be like, yup, definitely incarnated elemental. Check it out more information on them here:
http://peperonity.com/go/sites/mview/ea ... s/11712953

I got your links definitely intriguing. I am going to do more reading on the matter of these number patterns.

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