Sagittarius - Problem & Solutions

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Sagittarius - Problem & Solutions

Post by Abhishek » Tue May 17, 2005 7:22 am


As with all sun signs, we all have unique traits to our personalities. When these traits are suppressed, or unrealized, problems will arise. However, with astrology we can examine the problem and assess the proper solution based on the sun sign characteristics. As a Sagittarius you may see things below that really strike home. Try the solution, you most likely will be amazed at the results. If you find yourself on the receiving end of the negatives below, it is because you are failing to express the positive.

PROBLEM: Others have no time for you as you are apt to have too many irons in the fire at any given time.
SOLUTION: Be sure that you have a 'product' to match all the 'advertising' you do. Is it fact or is it fiction?

PROBLEM: Others cease to confide in you or to take you seriously.
SOLUTION: Try not to exaggerate or be contentious with others as this could be embarrassing if they feel you are not trustworthy.

PROBLEM: Feeling lost and disillusioned.
SOLUTION: Focus upon one thing that will satisfy you and work toward that point.

PROBLEM: You seem anchored in one spot, unable to move forward.
SOLUTION: You should try to think more positive thoughts and set some short term goals that you can reach, then set more. In this way you will move ahead in your endeavors.

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Post by starchild » Fri Jun 17, 2005 4:41 pm

For me, it seems like I'm always saying something! I say how I honestly think and feel, making it clear this is what it is- and a lot of times, espeically on discussion boards, people don't like it. They feel defensive, and attack.

Like they don't want to hear it (what I honestly think and feel about it) if they don't agree, and have to discredit me, or get rid of me, instead of just saying "it's how she feels and thinks about it".

I'm trying to simplify it. It really isn't my problem how others choose to react. But I get made into a gossip and liar and troublemaker.

to me I'm just being honest, "myself".

Do people really prefer games and pretend?

I've had other Sagittarians tell me I should use more TACT. I don't have to say everything I think and feel.

This seems phoney and dishonest to me. I end up thinking "since anyone can make anything they want out of anything, I just shouldn't say anything to anyone ABOUT anything!

I have all fire and air signs, have Gemini rising and moon in Libra.

So, I'm open and outspoken, need to see all sides fairly, and like to talk about it!

I even have Mercury (communication) in Sag. I talk to people while waiting in checkout lines...

Now they are using Chiron in astrology charts, I find that mine is in Virgo, giving me one small earthy sign.

I've also read (recently) that if you have elements missing or not balanced, to add them to your surroundings. LIke I should have plants (earth) and water (foundation- or making leaky sinks? (LOL)

I like the idea of general tendencies for the signs, it can help us understand each other. Even if the other planets are involved, too. We can get an idea what the person might be like by the sunsign and not expect something else, and be disappointed or angry when we don't get it.

~ Carrie

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Post by Abhishek » Fri Jun 17, 2005 5:05 pm

Wow Carrie! BRAVO! :smt038

firstly welcome aboard.

i am something like you when it comes to talking my mind and / or while i am giving a pience of it to someone.

i say and do whats on my mind. it does get people talking and i often to find myself in murky grounds i would much rather prefer to avoid.

but thru the years... i have learnt one thing which was only highlighted further when there was this huge row between us friends of 25+ years. dont give your advice / suggestions / comments / voice your opinion on other peoples life (its another thing to voice your opinion on bush, war, and stuff like that and totally another thing to express opinion on people)

i can speak for myself and say it is hard to do given the type of person i am. but i am honestly trying my best not to say nothing even thou i am itching to say my part. and it has only helped me. when i do really really need to voice myself i talk to person i think who would atleast make an attempt to understand me... if not agree with me.

i dont know i can go on and on ... but i guess i stop here.

btw. i am leo and i am all fire.

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this sign people are very independant

Post by jyotimirpuri » Thu Nov 23, 2006 4:20 am

they can solve their problems with reasoning and perfection as sags are a sign of total confidence

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Post by rainy » Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:03 pm

Dear Carrie,
Plz look at my poll, wud b very interested to hear ur views
rainy x

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Post by rainy » Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:04 pm

dear carrie,
look under general discussions
rainy x

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carrie mercury in sag

Post by tt » Wed Sep 05, 2007 11:43 pm

Hi fellow sufferer, I too have mercury in Sagittarius. so did Marie Antoinette (Let them eat cake). Mercury in Sag tends to speak without realizing how it's going to sound to the other person . I think truth is tremendously important but it's only helpful if it's palatable enough to be swallowed by the recipient. I'm not too good at it but I try to stop and think about how it will sound before I say it. My ex-husband liked to say I was brutally honest, with the emphasis on Brutally. I like to think I'm a work in progress.

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Post by MIssN0rge » Sun Sep 09, 2007 9:12 am

i am also known as a very blunt person  :smt009
i always tend to say things without thinking how it will affect the next person..  :smt012

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Post by adi4570 » Sat Jun 14, 2008 8:29 am

hey i hv one sag profile can anyone guide me to slove problems of that one.

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Post by floraw » Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:27 pm

it was my tendence.. to speak up without considering how it could affect the others. and in therms of inner energy, it does not matter if i said or if i thought it, because the enrgy i produced was the same... so, i started to use a kind of emotional filter. I mean, i keep on saying what i think, but i also know that the thing i say can turn back for me in a negative way, then i noticed that i spent more time quiet, but i had better results, and i felt better with myself.
words become rules..  then i watch out

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Problems and Solutions

Post by Rurk61 » Tue Jul 22, 2008 4:47 am

Yeah it is interesting that we apparently need someone of another sign to give us some direction. I thought it would be Virgo though. (Just teasing) I believe this was excerpted from a book but I don't remember the title offhand. Something I sped read at Barnes and Ignoble I suppose. Briefly and suddenly completely off-topic- if Barnes and Ignoble installed small dormitory rooms along one wall, and added some 5 star restaurants along another, all my problems would be solved. Oh they would have to add scholarly books on Antiquity and Dinosaurs. Since this is all humor it connects to Sagittarianism I suppose

Sorry about the humor. Isn't it harder for those Sagitterribles (tm) being punished by malevolent planetary nasties Like Saturn, Pluto, Mars and Uranus to behave themselves? I mean maybe they are having a good life if they just don't commit destruction of all matter, just for today. Take Jim Morrison. Not a bad person by any means, but he certainly lived an unorthodox life to say the least. He had Sun opposed Uranus, Mars and Saturn. Always pushing the boundaries of acceptable behavior. and possessing many of the "negative" Sagittarian qualities. These "negatives" can be well ahead of everything when Uranus is involved. I have Mars conjunct Sun and this duo squaring Uranus wedded to Pluto, and while I am no kind of criminal, I am sure I have problems being the well-behaved Sag type. The candor. The bent humor. The ridiculously impossible restlessness. The nagging attraction to top fuel drag racing. A microscopic tendency to exaggerate. Attraction to the most absurdly recondite intellectual subjects. The iconoclastic travel, both literally and physically. You are going to Las Vegas? I am emigrating to Antarctica, and then establishing a Republic on Jupiter. So there. It goes on and on and as one's skin seasons and one approaches the unyielding expiration date, one wonders. Will I always be alone? Yes, and maybe that is the best thing for myself and the rest of humanity. Sorry I have to go watch Ice baseball now.

Just a note about confidence too- I am sorry this is not meant to be mean, but at least in my case I have suffered from a self esteem value of negative infinity my whole life, despite having multiple graduate degrees for example... I understand that self esteem should be built internally rather than depending on externals, but this seems an impossibility. I am not even as good at faking confidence as some are, because of my desire to be truthful as I see it. Still of course I parade through life sporting the same phony baloney Captain Kirk visage I assume others are. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe only I have this problem. At any rate, only expensive primal whine therapy can help now.

What is the answer? Life is full of problems and some people have more than others. Try to make the best of it. I can't change to please others, because the same behavior will displease them tomorrow. Please myself. Even if my talents are never recognized by a cruel humanity and I am ultimately tossed into a muddy pauper's grave, at least I will still have my integrity. Wait, not I won't- I will be dead. Well at least it will all be over. Philosophical til the end.

There you have an impressionistic portrait of a Sag horsewhipped by hard Mars Pluto and Uranus aspects.
Please give generously to charitable organizations that are trying to combat this terrible affliction.
Thank you and good night.

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