Seeing Colors while meditating

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Seeing Colors while meditating

Post by cookie92 » Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:15 pm

Today, was my first day meditating I did it along with the audiobook healing with the angels by Doreen Virtue. I begin meditating and there was a white/yellow light. Then as I continued to meditate I begin too see a dark and vibrant pink. Then the colors changed to a vibrant blue then a vibrant purple and it went back and forth between these colors..Do they have any meaning and am I meditating right because I was still thinking while I was doing it...

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:59 pm

The literal interpretation of the word meditation means....To think upon.  That indicates to me it is not so much a stopping of the mind as a focusing of the mind.  

My experiences with meditation have taught me to go to a special place in my mind's eye - I like my garden - where I can examine its beauty and just rest in its calming effects.  When the mind wanders, and it will, it is often called the monkey mind, return it to the scene of peace and calm and continue to relax.  Do not allow the mind or body to become tense and disrupt the feelings of calm.

Now that you are into practicing meditation, make it your own, personal experience.  You do not need anyone's meditation tape to accomplish your goals of calm peaceful rest and relaxation.  But each meditation usually has a purpose.  If you are seeking to receive something, something will manifest.

Colors is a beginning and each color has meaning:
Yellow/white light:  Yellow is the mental color and is awakening your consciousness to operate in the spirit.  The white is the color of spirit.
Pink:  Even a hot pink is the color of love.  When it gets dark and intense, you may have to find the calm pink for your approach to others in what you are doing.
Blue: This color is associated with intuition as well as healing.  The colors are working to open you beyond the conscious state to inner knowing.
Purple: is the color of spirit service - from mauve to deep purple it is always a good sign of your willingness to serve spirit.

This is, of course, my interpretation of a very personal journey you are embarking upon.  You will form your own color chart of meanings that will help you interpret your symbols.  Be sure to be open to interpretation from those that join you from spirit in your efforts.

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Post by cookie92 » Tue Jan 24, 2012 3:08 pm

Thanks spiritalk I guess I thought the colors have a generally the same meaning for everyone..but it is kind of hard to get into because my mind wanders I think  meditated for an hour yesterday before I got the hang of it and I like it so, I'm going to continue to do it.


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Post by spiritalk » Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:31 pm

Do not keep trying for hours.  The longest anyone can hold their consciousness on a given topic is microseconds so the longer you sit there trying, the more upset the mind will get - you will do more harm than good to the peace and balance within.

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