
Post your questions here. Have a healthy discussion, and learn to develop your psychic skills as a novice medium.

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Post by XxdestinykayXx » Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:25 am

ok well everyone is always talking about how mediums only hear stuff but i wanna explain everything tht has happended to me

               i started hearing and seeing stuff when i was 10.anything you can name i have probally seen.i constanly feel someones presence around me.i can never sleep.i have to  be put in hospitals from trying to harm myself and the next day i never know what happended.  i see little children they talk to me and there is one little girl that has changed everything around me and actually showed me how she only be 13 im really scared.most of the people in my family are physic,witches . but im the only one tht sees things , i really dont know wat i am or wat im supposed to do and everytime i try to tell someone they never believe me . and i was sitting in my room one day and i had already seen the little girl everyday before but never a man there was a man with red eyes a black shadowy figure walking out of my closet  and he started walking towards me and one of the littl;e girls showed up and started chanting something and he disappeared OUT OF NOWHERE ! the next day my mom went to work and i started walking out of the house to go tot school and this girl was sitting outside and i walked outside and she said my name and she had her hands around her neck i asked her to move them and she did and she had a slit in her throat and blood coming from her private area as if she had been raped. PLZ HELP WHY DO I SEE THIS STUFF?

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:58 pm

Begin each day with affirmations and visualize yourself free of this spirit input.  You are inviting it with your interest and they know now that you can hear or see them and they will play with you all you want.  Stuck spirit (which is those unable or unwilling to move away from the earth plane) have become your play mates.  Its time you sent them on to spirit realms for their progress as well as your own.

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