When you start to see the aura

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When you start to see the aura

Post by MysticMari » Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:16 pm

The aura is a field of energy surrounding the human body which can be both seen and felt by those who have attuned to its higher vibrational frequency.

It has seven layers, each one emanating from a specific chakra and coloured by the quality of energy in that chakra.  

The more sensitive you become, the more layers you will be able to see. The first layer is the etheric field which extends about an inch of so around the body. It is the densest level of energy and probably the first level that you are likey to see when you begin your exploration.

Autumn Rose
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Post by Autumn Rose » Fri Jun 18, 2010 9:51 pm

What chakra is the etheric field emanating from? And, for example, would the auric layer emanating from the root chakra be red?

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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Wed Jun 30, 2010 9:12 pm

Autumn Rose wrote:What chakra is the etheric field emanating from? And, for example, would the auric layer emanating from the root chakra be red?
There are actually eleven auric layers all told, but most people only see 1 or 2. The auric field is not connected to chakras it is the other way round so depending on how your chakras are balanced will depend on how they show. The root chakra is far different when the lower energies are vibrating and moving through the auric shield. The root anchors us into this being and does not appear read at all, it is more of the denser vibration  so that it may be perceived as being red or blood filled, but actually has no colour at all as the other chakras pull energy through it :)


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Post by Nakesha » Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:45 pm

I am just wondering if this is the aura I see or the bit before, or not the aura? ha

I see a bluey,white glow about 1-2cm outwards, sometimes it moves outwards and a see through black color replacing where the bluey white was about 4-5cm outwards then the blue goes to the outer edge. What is this?

I always was told that auras stood a few inches outwards from a person and usually a hazy one color.

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aura reading

Post by rainbowwitch » Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:02 pm

Aura reading can come in many forms a wonderful book to look at is both Aura reading by rosetree and hands of light from Brennan. While I am learning to see auras now it is is easier to do so with the first book the second focus on healing. But there are differnet ways of experienceing auras. you can start by trying to do it through all your senses and play with it. Like for instance go to a mirror softly gaze at your reflection don't strain if you do not see color that ok just work with it. Or try clapping your hands then on the second time go slower and then stop before you touch then lightly bounce back and forth, what do you feel go with it

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