
Know your chakras, and learn more about chakra healing.

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Post by Prasanam » Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:16 pm

Is someone ever tried the meditation called Kuji-In?

I would like to start this practice and I know it's about chakra and mudra, so I thought maybe someone here does or did that?

thank you

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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Sun Feb 27, 2011 6:56 pm

Hi , I was taught this by my Qi Gong teacher, it is really very efficient, and works well to ease the tensions of the day as I can use it anywhere. In fact you often see fighters doing the hand positions and muttering between rounds lol,  :)

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Post by Prasanam » Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:44 pm

Yeah, I saw the technic were use to get better in any kind of martial art. Well, I will start the process and I will let you know what happens. If some of you want to try also, it would be great to have more than my point of view to grow.
I will try to find good technic and I will get back with it. Thank you

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Post by Prasanam » Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:33 pm

I found something interesting here; http://www.kujiin.com/books.html
for who wants to try to have the picture of the mudra.
It's a free book for beginner, I will start with it and let you know what happens.

The basic is;
- a hand position, called "mudra" in sanskrit
- a spoken expression, called "mantra" in sanskrit
- a focus point in the body, called "chakra" in sanskrit
- a mental visualization, called "mandala" in sanskrit
- a philosophical concept to ponder
All or a few of these tools are used while breathing in a relaxed posture. The beauty of this technique is that it can be done by combining only two of the five tools, helping in the assimilation of the technique, yet it reaches its full potential when all the tools are applied at once. This way, it becomes much easier to assimilateeach step one by one.
The first Kuji;  Rin
Extend your two middle fingers and interlace allother fingers.
Chakra: Base
Mantra jp: On baï shi ra man ta ya sowaka
Mantra sk: Om vajramanataya swaha

The RIN set is used to strengthen your mind and body. This Kujiin set must be performed before any other Kuji-in sets can truly be effective. The RIN Kuji acts as a sort of hook-up to the Ultimate Source of all Power. By connecting you with this Divine energy, the RIN Kuji strengthens your mind and body, especially in collaboration with the other practices of the Kuji-In. A stronger connection to the Divine energy source will make you stronger at every level. Please be aware that this set may elevate your body temperature.

Visualize a red shining light descending from Heaven into your body, and lighting a flame at your Base Chakra, the region between your anus and your sexual organs. Relax and begin the visualization, perform the mudra, chant the prayer mantra calmly, slowly or quickly, as you wish, (or even at an accelerating tempo, then come back suddenly to a slower tempo. The Base Chakra is the point where the Sacred flame emerges into your energetic body.

It may be hard for you to believe, but the Universal Fire is situated at the base of your own experience: the base Chakra at the tip of your spine. You are all that there is; you simply don’t clearly understand what that means yet. On this path you will learn that, as the Sacred Flame grows brighter in you, it actually rises up your spine until it fills your entire body. Breathe deeply and softly. Every inhalation nourishes the flame at your Base Chakra, encouraging it to fill you with Sacred Fire. Visualize the flame increasing in intensity, giving life to your entire body. As you are increasingly filled with this Sacred Fire, all the energy circuitry in your body will repair itself, becoming healthier and more alive as it receives the flow of the Universal Root energy: The Sacred Fire. This is your connection to All That IS.
Each time you make a decision, you will notice that some of your muscles tighten with fear. Muscles tighten when you have to make a decision because of the inherent biological fear that the human animal body holds. The objective of this exercise is to become conscious of the fearful nature of the human, animal part of you. Once you are aware of these fears, release them and trust yourself.
Self-trust is the key to success in everything.
From the book; Kuji-In 1, Qi-Gong and Kuji-In
A Practical Guide to An Oriental Esoteric Experience
by MahaVajra

So, I'm going to do 1 hour of each Kuji by day during 7 days, for Rin. After, another week for the second Kuji etc...for a total of 63 hours. You don't have to do that much, but if you want to do the same.well...I will be happy :)
I will let you know my reaction to this practice. Feel free to comment, my goal is to evolve from it.

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Post by Prasanam » Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:55 pm

Here my first experience.
The first 20 minutes, nothing really special happened, but after that I could feel how no self-confidence I have. Even if I could see that, I stood in the state of Faith and trust until the hour end.
It was very trying for my nerves I guess, because I felt like spasm and stuff like that. I hope tonight won't be that difficult.

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Post by Prasanam » Sat Mar 05, 2011 8:09 pm

I feel more in peace with this kind of energy. Yesterday I could feel the DIvine potentiel, without any intention. Just a great power came in my body. I could feel so much of will and trust. That was nice.

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Post by Prasanam » Tue Mar 08, 2011 3:03 pm

The next Kuji; KYO
Extend your index fingers and bend your middle fingers over your index fingers so that the tip of your thumbs are touching. Interlace all your other fingers.

Chakra: Hara/Navel
Mantra jp: On isha na ya in ta ra ya sowaka
Mantra sk: Om ishaanayaa yantrayaa swaha

KYO activates the flow of energy within your body and outside of you, in your environment. This Kuji will help you learn to direct energy throughout your body, and eventually outside your body, so you can manifest your desires in the objective world. Although willpower directs energy, you must not push too hard with your willpower. Willpower that is used to direct energy should be rather like “wanting something a lot” but not like “getting a stranglehold on something, or pushing with a crippling force”. Even when you apply your willpower to attain something you desire, you must always be at peace and relaxed.

Pay attention to your Navel Chakra. Visualize your body filling with red light and the red light circulating throughout your entire body and around it. Continue paying attention to your Navel Chakra, never forcing the concentration, but always gently being aware of it.

What you project towards others, will eventually come back to you (for good or ill) in full measure. This teaches us to keep a constant attitude of peace. Smile. Be joyful in your communications and in your actions. You will develop peace and joy as you accept it in yourself. You will discover that your experience of your environment will eventually be modified, slowly but surely by the healthy energy you nurture and project outwards. The Flame of Life will destroy your old behaviors as you establish new, healthier ways of acting and being. The ropes of energy that keep you in bondage to those old behaviors will come untied and every bond that keeps you hostage will inevitably be consumed by the Flame of Life . As you develop this brand new, amplified, energy management system, you will discover that it is essential to become completely responsible for yourself. All that you do, all that you say, will find a way to manifest around you. You will have to learn tolerance and happiness or you will magnify your negative thoughts and these will become manifest as your reality. It is absolutely necessary to stay positive, even in the worst situations. It will be necessary to learn to feel the normal everyday emotional pains and discomforts while remaining positive; to experience those periods of depression we all have and just humbly accept them, without judgment. Keep the eyes of your Heart fixed on the higher plane of life.
In fact, you will increasingly experience your growing ability to positively impact the world around you, and to manifest your desires, by nurturing healthy energy and projecting it into your environment.

Kuji-In 1, Qi-Gong and Kuji-In
A Practical Guide to An Oriental Esoteric Experience
by MahaVajra

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Post by Prasanam » Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:03 pm

I am sure this kind of meditation manifest events in my life to be sure that I grab all the wisdom I need :) I never so much opportunities to let it go. I really see better my control in life. I want to control my suffering, I want to control my love and this is not Faith.

Everything is just flowing energy.

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Post by Prasanam » Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:47 pm

The next one is; TOH
Point your thumbs and the last two fingers of both hands while keeping your index and middle fingers interlaced inside your hands.

Chakra: Dan-tian, between the Hara and the Solar Plexus
Mantra jp: On je te ra shi ita ra ji ba ra ta no-o sowaka
Mantra sk: Om jitraashi yatra jivaratna swaha

By practicing TOH, you will develop your relationship with your immediate environment, and eventually with the entire universe. As you practice, begin by filling yourself with energy and then surround yourself with this energy. (This is accomplished by visualizing that it is so). This is the Kuji of harmony. It teaches you to accept the outside events of life while remaining at peace inside.
Always breathe deeply inside your abdomen, naturally, without

Pay attention to your Dan-tian, and visualize your entire bowel region filling with orange and golden light, which is flowing harmoniously throughout your entire bowel system healing your body. The TOH Kuji affects the harmony between you and others in your life; it enhances peace in your relationships, the joy of associations and communications, and the harmony available at the emotional level. Do this Kuji to enhance your relationships with others, as well as to heal your bowels.

Kuji-In must always be performed with an attitude of gratitude towards the infinite Universe. You must complete each action with respect. The success of your personal rituals depend on your ability to remain humble before the All, the Great spiritual Reality. When you encounter a huge obstacle, like a rock obstructing your path, instead of spending all of your energies trying to remove the rock, simply go around it. This way, even if the rock still thinks it has the power to block your path, you will be back on the road, moving ahead, keeping all your energy for some more useful purpose.
Be humble on your path. You have nothing to prove to anyone, not even to yourself. Trust yourself, always. Seek harmony with the Universe around you. When something occurs that upsets you or thwarts your plans, choose an attitude of compassion. Do not waste your energy engaging an obstacle in battle. With a strong mind, heart and body, you may advance on the evolutionary path with confidence. Even your muscles will benefit from this positive mental attitude on the path. The moment you set your mind on something, the Universal energy will always be there to assist you.

Kuji-In 1, Qi-Gong and Kuji-In
A Practical Guide to An Oriental Esoteric Experience
by MahaVa

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Post by Prasanam » Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:37 pm

The fourth one; SHA
Extend your thumbs, index fingers and both little fingers. Interlace your middle and fourth finger inside your hands.

Chakra: Solar Plexus
Mantra jp: On ha ya baï shi ra man ta ya sowaka
Mantra sk: Om haya vajramaantayaa swaha

With this Kuji, the healing ability of your body is increased. As you practice this set, your body will become more efficient in its daily rebuilding, healing and reconstruction. This increased healing efficiency is the result of the higher levels of energy passing through your energy channels (Meridians) and your solar plexus. This healing vibration will eventually radiate around you, causing other people to heal as you spend time with them.

Pay attention to your Solar Plexus. Visualize it filling with a golden yellow light, pulsating with strength and peace. This is the Kuji of healing. It triggers the regeneration of your body, and the healing of every physical aspect of your health.

SHA teaches us that unwavering strength is always consistently available for you. That energy constantly flows into you, igniting your Sacred Flame, causing it to rise until it reaches your Solar Plexus, (the energy dispatcher). There is great power in the Universe, and it is power you can tap into at every moment. Know that you are powerful. Know also that, to manifest this power in your life, you must be ready to assume the responsibility for all your actions.
The most obvious manifestation of your new ability to circulate powerful energy, will be the complete healing of your body. Qi and Prana move in your body like rivers of fire and pure light. There are also other manifestations of this inner resource of power. Great explosions of energy may occur when you really need them. Remember that you have an equal ability to hurt and heal. This is an awesome power. You must be responsible for your actions. There are severe consequences for any misuse of this power. In this, the original intention does not matter, only the result.

Kuji-In 1, Qi-Gong and Kuji-In
A Practical Guide to An Oriental Esoteric Experience
by MahaVajra

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Post by Prasanam » Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:07 pm

What a strong feeling in my solar plexus. At first, it was painful, but after a few days, it's just an information and I think it's about all my attachment?

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Post by Prasanam » Tue Mar 29, 2011 3:57 pm

The Kuji; KAI
Interlace all of your fingers, with the tip of each finger
pressing into the root of the facing finger.
Chakra: Heart
Mantra jp: On no-o ma ku san man da ba sa ra dan kan
Mantra sk: Om namah samanta vajranam ham

This Kuji will raise your awareness and help you to develop your intuition. The mudra is called “The outer bonds”. The outer bonds are the energy currents that precede every event, if only for an instant. They are the specific influence from the outside world that produces every one of your experiences. Intuition is a powerful ally; it is the way you perceive what your senses register from your contact with the environment, and from the people surrounding you. This set will increase your intuition and will help you to learn to love yourself and others.

Focus on your Heart Chakra while you imagine a comfortable blue light everywhere; Your heart is glowing with an intensely calm electric blue, which is so clear and strong that it radiates beyond your body. You are protected, you have intuition.

SHA teaches us that unwavering strength is always consistently available for you. That energy constantly flows into you, igniting your Sacred Flame, causing it to rise until it reaches your Solar Plexus, (the energy dispatcher). There is great power in the Universe, and it is power you can tap into at every moment. Know that you are powerful. Know also that, to manifest this power in your life, you must be ready to assume the responsibility for all your actions.
The most obvious manifestation of your new ability to circulate powerful energy, will be the complete healing of your body. Qi and Prana move in your body like rivers of fire and pure light. There are also other manifestations of this inner resource of power. Great explosions of energy may occur when you really need them. Remember that you have an equal ability to hurt and heal. This is an awesome power. You must be responsible for your actions. There are severe consequences for any misuse of this power. In this, the original intention does not matter, only the result.

Kuji-In 1, Qi-Gong and Kuji-In
A Practical Guide to An Oriental Esoteric Experience
by MahaVa

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Post by Prasanam » Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:24 pm

The next: JIN
Interlace all your fingers, with your fingertips inside, each of them touching the equivalent tip of the other hand’s finger, if possible.
Chakra: Throat
Mantra jp: On aga na ya in ma ya sowaka
Mantra sk: Om agnayaa yanmayaa swaha

The “inner bonds” are the energy currents inside you that connect you with your True Self. We have the ability to know what others are thinking. By reaching deep inside you, into the place with no words, you may get in contact with this same place in others. When you make this connection you may hear the other person’s thoughts without words, or you may learn to communicate by thought concepts; this is commonly called telepathy.
This mudra is used to open your mind to the thoughts that others project from their mental activity. It can help you gain an understanding of why people do the things they do. If you want to develop compassion you can use this mudra to enhance your empathy for others. If you don’t judge what you perceive, you will perceive it with more clarity.

Concentrate on your Throat Chakra, surrounding that area with blue light. Visualize a calm blue light emanating from your throat. Imagine that your body is very big, immense, much more imposing than your actual physical body. See yourself as gigantically tall, filled with the blue light which entirely envelopes you. Remain in this visualization and simply contemplate that you have access to all the knowledge of the Universe. Perceive the bonds between you and the rest of the cosmic reality: bonds of knowledge and awareness.

When you practice the JIN Kuji, you will be able to meet your Higher Self and make contact with the elevated thoughts of that more advanced part of you. There is a special part of your thinking process, hidden deep inside of you, that does not utilize words to communicate. In fact it does not speak in any language that your conscious mind understands. This place of “no words” is the place where you truly communicate, truly think and truly know.
This is the place where the Divine is connected to and thinksthrough the human mind. Find the place with no words, and you will find this Greater Truth. If you want to send or receive thoughts with your mind, you must understand that the thoughts that travel are not the thoughts that are phrased in words; the thoughts that travel do not depend on any form of language or system of communication. To listen without words is to accept your own inability to really understand this truth, and to learn to rely solely on your Spirit. Once you find yourself, deep inside, you will become aware of everything that comes within your mind’s grasp. Only then can you decide whether or not you really want to put these concepts back into words so you can understand the thoughts and images that are flying around in the world outside of you.

Kuji-In 1, Qi-Gong and Kuji-In
A Practical Guide to An Oriental Esoteric Experience
by MahaVajra

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