What are these "tingling" sensations felt on the skin?

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Moon phases seem to influence increase in energy...

Post by PetraVanilla » Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:40 pm

I am VERY familiar with that tingling. It feels like there's an electric current running over my skin, especially my forearms and hands. It usually happens when I haven't practiced my Reiki for a while or when I am intensely involved with spiritual things. I also noticed that my energy increases in intensity with the moon phases. I am approaching my birthday on the 16th which is New Moon and I expect my energy to peak on that date. For some reason I had 2 major Reiki treatments in the past, on the afternoon of a Full Moon night, each time. Does anyone here know how the moon phases influence my "tingling" sensation and increase in energy?

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Post by happyme » Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:15 am

What does it mean when the third eye chakra starts off as a sensitive tingle and the sensitivity becomes so strong that is unbearable. My third eye has always been sensitive from when I was a child til now especially when people or myself put their hands or fingers near it, but several months back, I woke up in the after hours to it getting really really sensitive. It was almost unbearable.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Fri Nov 13, 2009 4:29 pm

Caroline229, it sounds like you have some clear-auditory experiences there... You are obviously quite sensitive when it comes to psychic sensations like that. I think you should check out the psychic development section on mysticboard to learn more about it. I also believe in general, that you (anyone, actually) should make sure to KNOW about the dark side as much as you are able to, but I'd stay away from dark spells and calling on spirits you don't know how to handle, because that is known to backfire.

I am very sensitive to all kinds of energies and have found to be very much affected by moon phases, especially New Moon and Full Moon, which are the times when I feel my energy increase, as well as thunderstorms and windstorms, now that I think about it... it's because of the electro-magnetic changes in the atmosphere and the earth gravity field, I believe. Even as a child I would go outside in the middle of a storm, hang on to the cemented in pole of a clothesline we had in our yard and just experience it. Scared the crap out of my mom, when she caught me outside back in like 1990 (I was 14), watching the neighbor's plastic roof section rip off their balcony... haha!

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Post by PetraVanilla » Fri Nov 13, 2009 4:47 pm

Izunu, your body has chakras and meridians that are used in Chinese acupuncture to open up and balance energy passages. You may want to check this site among others, it has a diagram on how those meridians run... http://www.healing-arts.co.za/chinese_health.html. Some of them run through your hand and fingers, that may explain some things. Western medicine usually rules medical issues out if you have an issue with your fingers, when in fact traditional Chinese medicine might find an organ related issue based on an energy blackage in your hand. Qi Gong, Reiki, acupuncture or acupressure are often helpful here.

Happyme, we meet again... check your aura question response on the pale yellow aura you described and the purple or violet flashes... alongside your third eye chakra opening up, seems like you're indeed in for a spiritual awakening... (violet/purple is also the color of your 3rd eye chakra, in case you didn't realize) that is then also the explanation for both! I believe getting a Reiki treatment would be helpful to clear any energy blockages and meditation may also help you feel better. You may find some helpful chakra meditation videos on Youtube... Sometimes spiritual awakening comes as a shock to the system, sort of like a ice-cream brain freeze LOL...
I would also pray for protection from your guardian angels, especially Michael, to protect you from any unwelcome negative energies, since when your 3rd eye opens that rapidly, you may not be ready for all that you are now open for.

Lots of blessings!

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Post by happyme » Fri Nov 13, 2009 9:07 pm

Wow what you said sure explains a lot! Thanks Petra, very insightful. I feel like I am taking my time and putting the pieces of a puzzle together with the help of meaningful insight from you and others as I go along the way. Thanks again.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:43 pm

Happyme, I've gotten so much help on this forum myself, it's time to pay it forward! Keep posting, ask questions, and you'll get at least a good handful of great answers!

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Re: What are these "tingling" sensations felt on the skin?

Post by fisk_82 » Sat Nov 14, 2009 5:30 pm

silversphere wrote:I'm in tune with my chakras and sense energies all the time. But one thing that's been bugging me, are these tingling sensations I'll feel on my skin and sometimes right underneath the skin. What are these? For instance, the other day, I kept feeling a tingling on the tip of my nose...all morning. That was just not an itch. Also, I'll feel tingling on certain spots on my back- in the smae place -for a long time now. Any suggestions on this and what they are? thanks-
i think that the energy is always there but you don't feel it while u not in tune with it... i always feel the tingling everytime i go on meditation especially on my forehead, hand, and my back

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Post by srimathi29 » Mon Nov 01, 2010 3:15 pm


    I am regular visitor to the other forums , but first time for this forum.Iam intrested in knowing about CHAKRAS.During night or some times in the day also my finger tips get tingling effect. Can you tell me why it happens?

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