reading requiest for a business owner

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reading requiest for a business owner

Post by saboinia » Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:45 am

i am requiesting a reading for my business.  the name is saboinias secret. ive been in the red for quite some time, is there a light at the end of the tunnel. i have a few ideas for promotion of my site, will they work. there are also some personal concerns as well. as i have to stay at home to take care of my mom, so i need this to work so i can work out of the house and take care of her.
any help would be greatly appreaciated. please forgive my spelling.

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Post by cedars » Mon Sep 21, 2009 3:10 pm

Hello Saboinia

I am sorry you have not been given a reading yet. I will do my best to post one for you soon.

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Post by cedars » Mon Sep 21, 2009 4:34 pm

Hello Saboinia

Sometimes, when I am drawn, I try and connect with the querent psychically and get images as to what is going on around them. These visions may not be predictive answers; sometimes they can be symbolic and it is up to the querent to extract the meaning of that symbolism.

When I tried to link in with you, the images I got were one of you working single-handedly in this. I just see you counting with your fingers, rather than using a calculator. This is symbolic I am sure, which probably means you are trying to do things either by not accepting help or doing them in a primitive way. You be the best judge as to what this means. I also sense in the distance a bed (as you mentioned). It is not you in the bed, but I cannot see who is in it. I am assuming it is your mother. But as far as your business goes, I just see you working alone, or working in a primitive way. I am trying to really understand what this means for you. I see you are under stress and the situation is not motivating you in any way and there are times you feel like giving up on this project. You feel alone and not getting any help from anyone. I also feel that your hands are empty; empty in the sense that they are not touching anyone. Again there may be a symbolic meaning in that you probably need to hold on to someone else’s collaboration in order to make a go of this business. Seeking a helping a hand or the help of partnership with someone else in order to add more choices and capital to what you are offering. I feel sometimes you are reluctant to do this and so far you have refused to join hands with someone else. I get the feeling your hands are looking out for that help whichever mode that help may be for you in order to move forward in this. On one hand you feel trapped that there is this sick bed next to you and on the other hand, I feel as though you need help yourself whether it is from a bank, or a partner, a set of new ideas or new products…… this is what I am getting.

Now let us see what the cards have got in store for you. I am suing the Rider Waite deck.

The Star spread:

Question: What should Saboinia do in order to promote her business? What are the choices and options available to her?

Position 1: Info about the origin of the question.
Knight of Pentacles.

There could have been either someone in this situation with the qualities I am going to describe or you may have handled this project with these qualities yourself. Whilst the Knight of Pentacles is a person who approaches things very carefully and slowly, thinking ten times before making a decision; he can be unwavering but also stubborn at the same time in his approach to things. He can be cautious but somehow lacks risk-taking; he can be too deep and thorough and yet obsessive; he can be realistic but also sees pessimism in that realism. The positive qualities of such a person can be a blessing to a business venture, but then the negative side of such a personality can jeopardise what could may come out of the positive ones.

Position 2: Info about the forces/energies important at Present.
The Moon.

Despondency, lack of hope and despair are the energies surrounding you at present. You do not know who to trust and which advice to take. You may think a certain path is the correct one to take, but then are influenced either by your own fears or what ‘advice’ you get from those around you. I feel as though you do not want to rattle the cage, i.e. leave things as they are for fear of spoiling it all, or take that step out of the water (like the crab in the picture) not knowing which way to go. But, my dear friend, this is the effect of the moon that controls the best of us with its illusive and doubtful elements. What do you do when you are in such a situation? The important thing for you now is to listen to your own intuition and take everything else with a pinch of salt. What does your intuition tell you?

Position 3: Near Future. What to expect?
Eight of Wands.

Things are moving in the background, and they are moving fast. Whatever thoughts and ideas you have had or worked on in the past, may be heading your way. As wands are the element of fire, passion and creativity, I am inclined to say whatever it is that is heading your way may be some good tidings that you had been waiting for. I consider Wands as active cards and their time frame could signify something in the happening right now.

Position 4: The help that is offered and what you can do to reach your goal.
Five of Wands.

Again we have here another element of fire. Minor arguments and disagreements with fellow business people or family members; competition which could turn out to be healthy for your business; discussions going on with your surroundings which when put to good use could give dividends. In spite of the negative sounding aspects of this card, there is also a lesson to be learnt here. Not all disagreements lead to a negative outcome; not all arguments end up in disaster. Following from the silent, illusive despondency of the Moon, the Five of Wands is telling you that you should take part in discussions with others in order to bring about a solution which is beneficial for you and possibly to others too.

Position 5: The influence of environment; things you have to confront.
Two of Wands.

This card tells me there is the need to make a choice; it is also talking about a duality in a given situation. With the gift of the Ace of Wands, we get to make certain choices or certain associations in order to start putting into action what that initial gift of the Ace was all about. This is to look ahead into the future with the belief that you can do it and conquer them all. Whether this is to join hands with someone else or to make a single handed decision for your next step, the universe, I feel, will bring upon you to make that choice.

Position 6: Things that oppose; your internal state.
Five of Swords.

Do you fear defeat Saboinia? Have you lost before and you fear the same might happen again? Do you feel bad when there are times you feel you need to look after your own interests? Do you feel you will fail others in doing so? Your internal state of mind has this fight going on and if you let it, it may halt your progress.

Position 7: Outcome/Summation.

A clean slate I would say to this one. Leaving all the mistakes of the past behind and coming out afresh, renewed, free of debris of the past and almost being reborn for the new way ahead. After clearing the clutter around you, the vision will be for the future will become clearer for you to see. Being a Major Arcana card, this changeover could be imminent and what you truly need in getting your affairs sorted.

Outside the spread, I picked three advice cards for you:

Knight of Wands: The need to be active and passionate in your affairs and, possibly, a new person coming into your life with such qualities.

Nine of Pentacles: The need to be disciplined in handling your finances and also spending time with yourself for your own little pleasures.

Four of Wands: Enjoy the fruits of your hard work in a warm home environment.

If not all, I hope this reading gave you some of the answers you were looking for and I hope it resonated with you in your current situation.

I wish you all the best and hope to hear from you.


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Post by cedars » Mon Sep 21, 2009 4:41 pm

I am not suing Rider Waite deck as it says above. It was supposed to read I am using Rider Waite.. Oops...... sorry A.E. Waite  :smt005

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Post by cedars » Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:31 am

Hi Saboinia

Has this reading meant anything to you?

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