Part Three - The Court Cards - 2

Under this forum The Tarot Professor can and will be able to set the students assignments and homework. Which then must be submitted back here itself. This forum can be accessed only by Members.

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Post by glenellen » Mon Feb 04, 2008 3:31 pm

This is not a close family the are wrapped up in there own lives and are forgetting the important things THE PAGE OF PENTACLES he is wondering why money is the root of all evil he is naive and has no responsibility and just wants to have fun THE KNIGHT OF PENTACLES has different view's he believes he wont make his fortune here and must travel in order to achieve his goals THE QUEEN OF PENTACLES she is holding the pentacle close to her she is wise with her money to be sure her family want for nothing THE KING OF PENTACLES he has done his bit for his family now he is sitting back and enjoying the material things in life and leaves all the finances to his wife

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Post by farafina » Sat Mar 22, 2008 5:50 pm

This is what the family is thinking:

King: "I have built a lot of things, businesses, construction projects etc, but I am sure there is still a profitable investment I can make just to make sure my wife and kids are alright for the rest of their life." This is the chief of a village, tribe, or community, who is responsible for the material comfort of all his dependents. He is reliable, responsible, dependable.

Queen: "I have to make sure I order the latest Gucci dress, and also go to my weekly spa treatment before scheduling my Atlantic cruise... oh, and my ruby necklace must have arrived from Switzerland!"
She is not a greedy woman, but a warm and kind woman who enjoys  material comfort and luxury. But she did not lose her humility. In business, she is competent, a brilliant tradeswoman.

Knight: "If I spend the weekend at the office and stay afterhours for the next 6 months, I am sure I will be a lot more productive. .. and must I admit? I love my work!"
I don't see the knight as being in it just for the money. rather, he enjoys his work and thinks his job is everything. He works hard and in the process is doing pretty well financially.

Page: "Waw, this course is so interesting... I love all the readings, and the homework... I wish it never ends!" This is a university, trade school, technical college, student who is a bit of a nerd. However, this is a very mature page, who is responsible in his assignments and finishes the projects and the missions he is assigned.


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Post by appylover » Sat May 03, 2008 2:05 am

Page: Father has done well. We have everything we could want. Hopefully, when I grow up I'll inherit all this and never have to work a day in my life.
Knight: Yes,father has provided for us. Now it is time for me to go out into the world. Father has taught us well. But, now it is my time to prove myself. To go out see the world, to make my own way.
Queen: She is thinking about how far they have come and how hard they worked to get where they are. All she wants is for her sons to be appreciative and realize how lucky they are. How lucky they all are.
King: Yes, I have done well for my family. This will all be theirs one day. I worry about my youngest son. He seems to be taking this all for granted. My oldest has a good head on his shoulders, I know he will be ok and do well in life.

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Court cards 2 Pentacles

Post by deelitefullyme » Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:28 am

Now I just wonder what are they all thinking?  Any ideas?

This whole family seems to be all about giving.  They don't fight, they try to make things easier for everyone.  They appear to be kind and gentle, enjoying the simple things in life.

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Post by Mandimedea » Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:57 am

To me yellow is not just a color for happiness but of protection and clarity as well

To me what the person in each card is saying

Page-Look what I found, I will keep it and take very good care of it and usie it for good cause

Knight-I will move on alone and take this with me and I will keep it to myself and not share, some day it will bring me good fortune

Queen-I will protect this as long as I need.  I can be depended on to be smart and creative where I keep it

King-I have invested wisely and can now enjoy my wealth and help others with it.

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