Part Two - The Minor Arcana - fives - 5

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Part Two - The Minor Arcana - fives - 5

Post by Gem » Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:26 am

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Rider Waite Deck

The fives have very strong storylines in all of the cards. Can you make up a short storyline for each card please.
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Re: Part Two - The Minor Arcana - fives - 5

Post by George » Sat Apr 28, 2007 12:42 pm

Gem wrote: Image   Image              Image        Image
Rider Waite Deck

The fives have very strong storylines in all of the cards. Can you make up a short storyline for each card please.
V of Swords:

A seaside battler has occurred and 3 pages have the job of cleaning up the fallen weapons of conquer foes.  The day is cold and the wind harsh blowing across a sandy beach under a heartless and sharp sky.   Night is about to fall and the dead and inured taken away hours ago our pages now must hurry.
He’s happy and content to collect his master’s troupes.  The battle is won and his master’s household will be celebrating and he needs to get to it.  He holds two swords cupped in one hand and the third point down to the ground as he has chosen this one to be his own personal troupe.  Two other swords lie around his feet.  He face shines brighter then any on this day and he gloats in ever swords he picks up.  His friend is walking away to finish the task at hand of cleaning up.  There is no time for his friend joy although he feels no sorrow his friend has won.  Our third page stands towards the water with face in hands unlike his friends he takes no joy at all in the battle he feels no pride in the win.  He cries for the dead in contrast to the victory.

V of Wands:
Five young men mock a battle and fight with wands.  They practice their skills and one day hope to prove themselves to the lord of their lands.  Their fathers watch from afar and no how hard they are struggling to prove themselves.  There is no real harm done because swords are not the tools of the day but of the future.  But that doesn’t concern us because any bruises or wounds today will be accidentally.  Today’s battles is hard work and a struggle but not life threatening.  Our 5 young men will learn and move on with a better understand of the battle to come and hardship that may cause.

V of Pentacles:
Mother and son walks pass a brightly lite church on a dark cold snowy night.  They only have themselves and no one else.  They must find a way to eat and keep warm tonight.  The church and its rich stained glass window only mocks the two as they walk away looking for a warm haven and food for the night.  

V of Cups:
The sky is doom and so is our lord’s outlook because he no longer can allow for his servants to drink from his cups.  He is after all three cups short to fill the need.  A man with green lands and beautiful castle and running water doesn’t need to worry so much just walk down to the water and fill his cups again.
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Post by Gem » Sat Apr 28, 2007 1:34 pm

Fantastic George! Love the storylines. Bet that felt good?

Every one should have different ways that they see these cards depending on their own life's experiences, can't wait to see what others post, then I shall post mine :)

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Post by George » Sat Apr 28, 2007 2:06 pm

Gem wrote:Fantastic George! Love the storylines. Bet that felt good?

Every one should have different ways that they see these cards depending on their own life's experiences, can't wait to see what others post, then I shall post mine :)
i was trying to edit my post and must have hit quote so please be incline to delete the extra one!  :smt012  not sure how i did that.

it always feels good to have fun with the cards! and you know thats what we been missing is more insight on the cards from you!   :smt002  can't wait to read what you have to say and everyone else of course!  :smt016
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Post by chrisdee » Sat Apr 28, 2007 4:42 pm

The Rider Waite Deck
here I bow my head because i feel hurt i can see the river which is making me emotional it is also separating me from my strength which is the building the other side the river what i haven't seen is the bridge that would connect me and make me feel whole again
Hear i see a conflict of interests to win through i must fight if not i will shall lose
Hear i have been battling i don't feel as bad as my adversaries because they turn to the water to drown there sorrows but i haven't really won either because i have only secured two swords and two lay on the floor with the third sword in my other hand  held away from my body pointing down may be i only have a slight edge over them
hear I'm walking in the snow with no shoes and a blanket to keep me warm behind me my responsibilities follow there in a sorry disorganized state  looking up pleading to be paid but i have nothing to give i feel abandoned and lonely
Celestial Tarot
Five Cups
You have been hurt emotionally given time you will recover
Five Wands
You have competition in what you are trying to accomplish you must take up these challenges to win through
Five Swords
You are feeling betrayed be careful who you trust look to your inner circle for the culprit
Five pentacles
Hard times due to mishandling ones resources or talents
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Post by Gem » Sun Apr 29, 2007 3:13 pm

Beautiful Fives Chris :) I love Pegasus!

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Post by mysticcrystal » Sun May 06, 2007 4:29 am

5 of wands: this whole family is battling over nothing important; they just all want to be right and won't hear what the others are saying.
5 of cups: This person is crying over what could have been and not seeing what he/she has.
5 of swords: Bitter battle, the victor is picking up the spoils.
5 of pentacles: This poor family lost everything they owned in the blizzard and are now homeless.


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Post by Chooky » Wed May 30, 2007 5:40 am

The Cups - This man has been so focused on achieving in other areas of his life, that perhaps he has come to neglect the people that he most loves, perhaps he was trying to do something to beneift his family, regardless time has gone by and his family have become used to his absence that they have rebuilt their lives.  The man then realises that he missed the big picture, he was achieving for his family, to be able to spend more time with them and now that he has more time, they have moved on.  He feels alone, isolated and let down.

The Swords - Three friends who have always been very close, there has been some type of betrayal of that friendship that the person in the front has done, he is the one who is going to lose out, as the friend in the middle is siding with the friend who has been wronged.

Pentacles - These men are at thier lowest, the are sick, tired, injured.  I feel they are leaving the church after being refused help becuase perhaps their ways have been not the wisest of ways to travel in life.  

Wands - To me this looks like a bunch of friends trying to build a tee-pee.  They are all working together with a common aim, I feel with the help of everyone involved they will get the job done, or the project off the ground.  Although to me it looks like it could not be done singlehandly

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Post by Gem » Wed May 30, 2007 11:14 am

Good Work  :)

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Re: Part Two - The Minor Arcana - fives - 5

Post by weezerwall » Thu Jun 21, 2007 5:44 pm

Gem wrote: Image   Image              Image        Image
Rider Waite Deck

The fives have very strong storylines in all of the cards. Can you make up a short storyline for each card please.
Chapter 5 - "Dark Days"

5 Wands:  Things started falling apart.  Petty squabbles, arguments.. creative ideas lost - no way to compromise and no one is trying. The battle of wills begins...

5 Swords:  the situation deteriorates - lines are drawn, opponents become enemies - swords are drawn - deep cuts are made - no way to turn back.  A senseless battle has begun ... no way out - victory and defeat have the same face.

5 Cups:  clothed in the black robe of grief - no light coming in or going out.  Looking back over the "carnage" (spilled cups).  Feeling intense sadness over what has been lost (or taken from me).  Blinded by the tears of shame and despair, how can I see that there is something left to be salvaged (the two cups that are still standing behind me).

5 Pentacles:  My temple (body, mind, spirit) have become dark and cold. Love, wealth, talents, ideas - ALL LOST.  Only poverty is left - my glorious robes have turned into rags - I am crippled and needy.   :smt010

Do I have enough strength left to lift my head and focus on the light of the (5 pentacles) stained glass that is still shines?

Things can only get better... THE END!!


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Post by cedars » Thu Jun 21, 2007 6:14 pm

Five of Swords: To me this card can be interpreted in different ways, depending on where it falls and how the querent puts forward his/her question. But the way I see this card, is that the man holding the three swords has intervened in the fight of the other two guys in the picture and asked them to setle their differences hence making them put down their swords. If the man holding the three swords is the victorious and the other two the vanquished, so be it. But I dont see the smile of victory on the face of the guy carrying the two three swords; he has simply stopped them fighting and brought some kind of reconciliation between them.

Five of Wands: I see here competition, fight to win be in a business venture, ideologies, or anything that has to do in the survival of the fittest. I dont think it is a bloody fight, but, nevertheless, competition indeed. Competition can be healthy in business as long as it is done fair and square.#

Five of Pentacles: here is a family/couple/mother and son who have fallen into hard times; so much so that they have lost their faith and almost turned their back to it. Be it financial distress or physical health, the light that is coming through the stained glasses of the church indicates there is hope and with faith things will get better.

Five of Cups: the man is so distraught at the loss of his three cups, that he has turned his back to the other two standing upright. This does happen to us sometimes when we lose something and do not see the good that there is either out of that loss or the lessons we should we should learn from that. I would even advise not to grieve too miserably at the current loss, for there is still hope once the painf of the current loss is out and one starts seeing the light.

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Post by Shumani » Sun Aug 19, 2007 8:08 pm

I feel i am better than everyone else, i work as part of a team but keep the victory for myself. Although i have won the battle i feel no happiness, only emptiness and i myslef feel as though i have lost.

I am fending off the competition and rivalry without much success. They keep on coming. I feel very outnumbered. In reality i am fighting myself.

I am out in the cold, alone and wounded. i feel lost and that i am searching for something that i cannot find.

I feel regret and deprived. Much like i am grieving for something or someone. I feel a deep sense of loss and that there is no help out there for me and i am truly alone.

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Post by pamDemonium » Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:03 am

he fives from all these cards are very negative. I have tried to make a story that I would use in a reading to bring a more positive slant. 'what doesnt kill ya makes you stronger' is the theme here

wands. There is conflict with another person, perhaps a work collegue. Respect them and don't let prejudice or dislike get in the way.  It is through conflicts and competition that we grow as a person.

Pentacles. Dark clouds surround you. You are worried, anxious about things which you cannot contol. Remember that you grow as a person when you work through your fears.

Hearts. You will face disapointment either in something or someone you wanted. Perhaps you did achieve what you wanted but it was not what you expected.  Walk away. Again we learn and become stronger through our disappointments.

Swords Trials and tribulations surround  you.  you feel defeated.  But don't despair, trials are meant to test us and strengthen us. You WILL get through it.
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Post by cedars » Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:21 am

Rider Waite Deck
Five of Swords: two ways I can see the story here: a) Even though our guy has won the fight over the other two and has taken possession of their swords, he is still unhappy about his victory. The other two are shameful of the incident and cannot look back at the victor. b) the main guy in the picture has mediated and separated the two in the distance who were having some kind of a discord. They are both ashamed of what they have done and the mediator, taken possession of their swords, is still sad that this should not have happened.

Five of Wands: Discord, fighting and competition. Difference of ideas, each shouting that his is the right one and so on. Except for one (the one in red) all the others have their wands high or in a non-threatening position. This can apply to any situation in a querent's life: work environment, social discord, family and so on.

Five of Pentacles: looks like a family has fallen into hard times in health, material security and left out in the cold plodding along, grieving their misfortunes. They dont even look up at the light coming from the stained glass of the church which shows there is hope and all is not lost. A sad card but with an immediate hope in the background.

Five of Swords: A man is grieving his loss of the three cups and is in no mental/emotional state to see the two standing upright behind him. There is the river in front of him and a bridge to cross over, he is standing put and turning his face away from what could be his new hope or even the re-awakening or the repair of that lost love or relationship.

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Post by cedars » Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:30 am

I thought this was a new thread, even though I could have sworn that we done the Fives..... I have just seen that I had already responded to this thread .....
Well, never done, like a good pupil, I am not the teacher's pet - done it twice.....  yipppeee!

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