Quotes of cheiro

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Quotes of cheiro

Post by stalin.v » Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:08 pm

Quotes from the book " Language of the hand" written by cheiro

As regards the people who first understood and practised this study ol
the hand, we find undisputed proofs of their learning and knowledge. Long
before Rome or Greece or Israel was even heard of, the monuments of
India point back to an age of learning beyond, and still beyond. From the
astronomical calculations that the figures in their temples represent, it has
been estimated that the Hindus understood the precession of the equinoxes
centuries before the Christian era. In some of the ancient cave temples, the
mystic figures of the Sphinx silently tell that such knowledge had been pos-
sessed and used in advance of all those nations afterward so celebrated for
their learning. It has been demonstrated that to make a change from one
sign to another in the zodiacal course of the sun must have occupied at the
least 2140 years, and how many centuries elapsed before such changes came
to be observed and noticed it is impossible to even estimate."

                                                                                                                                   - Cheiro

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Post by stalin.v » Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:20 pm

" The intellectual power which was necessary to make such observations
speaks for itself ; and yet it is to such a people that we trace the origin of
the study under consideration. With the spread of the Hindu teachings
into other lands do we trace the spread of the knowledge of palmistry. The
Hindu Vedas are the oldest scriptures that have been found, and according
to some authorities they have been the foundation of even the Greek schools
of learning.

When we consider that palmistiy is the offspring of such a race, we
should for such a reason alone at least treat it with respect, and be more
inclined to examine its claims for justice than we are at present. In the
examination of these points we therefore find that this study of the hand
is one of the most ancient in the world. History again comes to our assis-
tance, and tells that in the northwest province of India palmistry was prac-
tised and followed by the Joshi caste from time immemorial to the present

                                                                                                                                - cheiro

Posts: 164
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Post by stalin.v » Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:33 pm

"It may be interesting to describe here, in as few words as possible, an
extremely ancient and curious book on the markings of hands, that I was
allowed to use and examine during my sojourn in India. This book was one
of the greatest treasures of the few Brahmans who possessed and understood it, and was jealously guarded in one of those old cave temples that belong
to the ruins of ancient Hindustan.

This strange book was made of human skin, pieced and put together in
the most ingenious manner. It was of enormous size, and contained hun-
dreds of well-drawn illustrations, with records of how, when, and where this
or that mark was proved correct.

One of the strangest features in connection with it was that it was written
in some red liquid which age had failed to spoil or fade. The effect of those
vivid red letters on the pages of dull yellow skin was most -remarkable. By
some compound, probably made of herbs, each page was glazed, as it were,
by varnish ; but whatever this compound may have been, it seemed to defy
time, as the outer covers alone showed the signs of wear and decay. As
regards the antiquity of this book there could be no question. It was ap-
parently written in three sections or divisions: the first part belonged to
the earliest language of the country, and dated so far back that very few of
even the Brahmans could read or decipher it. There are many such treasures
in Hindustani; but all are so jealously guarded by the Brahmans that neither
money, art, nor power will ever release such, pledges of the past.

As the wisdom of this strange race spread far and wide across the earth,
so the doctrines and ideas of palmistry spread and were practised in other
countries. Just as religion suits itself to the conditions of the race in which
it is propagated, so has palmistry been divided into systems. The most an-
cient records, however, are those found among the Hindus. It is difficult
to trace its path from country to country. In far-distant ages it has been
practised in China, Tibet, Persia, and Egypt; but it is to the days of the
Grecian civilization that we owe the present clear and lucid form of the
study. The Greek civilization has in many ways been considered the high-
est and most intellectual in the world, and here it was that palmistry, or^
cheiromancy — from the Greek cheir, the hand — grew, flourished, and found
favor in the sight of those whose names are as stars of honor in the fir-
mament of knowledge. We find that Anaxagoras taught and practised it in
423 B.C. We find that Hispanus discovered, on an altar dedicated to Hermes,
a book on cheiromancy written in gold letters, which he sent as a present to
Alexander the Great, as " a study worthy the attention of an elevated and inquiring: mind." We fiiid it also sanctioned by such men of learning as
Aristotle, Pliny, Paracelsus, Cardamis, Albeitus Magnus, the Emperor Au-
gustus, and many others of note"

                                                                                                                     - Cheiro

Posts: 164
Joined: Fri Apr 05, 2013 5:44 pm

Post by stalin.v » Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:44 pm

" To consider the origin of this science, we must take our thoughts back to
the earliest days of the world's history, and furthermore to the c(^nsideration
of a people the oldest of all, yet one that has survived the fall of empires,
nations, and dynasties, and who are to-day as characteristic and as full of
individuality as they were when thousands of years ago the first records of
history were written. I allude to those children of the East, the Hindus, a
people whose philosophy and wisdom are every day being more and more
revived. Looking back to the earliest days of the history of the known
world, we find that the first linguistic records belong to the people under
consideration, and date back to that far-distant cycle of time known as the
Aryan civilization. Beyond history we cannot go ; but the monuments and
cave temples of India, according to the testimony of archaeologists, all point
to a time so far beyond the scant history at our disposal, that in the exami-
nation of such matters our greatest knowledge is dwarfed into infantile noth-
ingness — our age and era are but the swaddling-clothes of the child; our
manhood that of the infant in the arms of the eternity of time"

                                                                                                                                              - Cheiro

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