Gemini Compatibilities

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Post by LuLu » Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:17 pm

Do geminis get along well with geminis?

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Post by Emerald » Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:47 pm

Well..from what my ex gemini boyfriend used to tell me (and he went out with a few gemini's) gemini and gemini didn't work out.  *shrug*
they're too alike.  no balance.

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Post by cowvvvv » Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:44 am

LuLu wrote:Do geminis get along well with geminis?

After careful examination...NO!!  we are damned to prefer our own reflection than someone else's.  We can't stand the fact we are not the Sun of the stars.  We hog attentions....IMO

p.s. Scorpio's likes Gemini's.  Just to let you all know....  :smt002

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Post by cowvvvv » Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:45 am

LuLu wrote:Do geminis get along well with geminis?

After careful examination...NO!!  we are damned to prefer our own reflection than someone else's.  We can't stand the fact we are not the Sun of the stars.  We hog attentions....IMO

p.s. Scorpio's likes Gemini's.  Just to let you all know....  :smt002

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Post by bluepetals » Thu Mar 29, 2007 1:08 am

My husband and I are both Geminis and we get along great.  Its nice to be with someone a lot like you and then Geminis are so interesting, never a dull moment, and the intelligence factor is great.  We keep each other thinking, analyzing, and laughing.  And its true we are strong yet soft.

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Post by Thor's Hammer » Sun Apr 08, 2007 1:13 am

I'm married to a Libran and we get along great.There are the occasional arguments, but overall its been a wonderful 6 years.
Every Cancerian I've dated has left me with a massive headache.
As for the Aries compatability with Gemini, I will personally disagree that they are most compatible.
I've been with 3 Aries women in my life and 2 have been very volatile relationships. The last one I won't even get into. It was THAT bad.
Fiery tempers are an understatement.

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Gemeni Compatibility

Post by m00nshadow » Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:20 am

Hello everybody,
Im a Gemeni Male, and I have been with a Scorpio female since 1989, and we have been married since 1991. It has been a rough road at times, but for the most part we get along pretty well. I find that being a Gemeni I am a very social person. I love to talk with people, however I find myself getting board very easily with the conversation, and I tune them out or just walk away. My wife on the the other hand isn't as social as me, and tends to be very jelous. She attacks first and asks questions later. I on the other hand like to anilyze the situation from every possibility before I act. It drives my wife nuts because she will ask me a question and want an immediate answer. I can not give one. I feel that if she or anybody who comes to me must want a true answer. So I will take my time with the question. I will pull it apart in my head and put it back together from every possible aspect before I can arrive at my final answer. So for my wife to get an answer to a serious question it may take me a day or two to get back to her.  
am I the only Gemeni like this ????

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Post by littleflower » Fri May 11, 2007 8:55 pm

Well I am a Gemini too and i have dated a few geminis and now come to the decision i should stay clear.  I like them as friends but not partners.  I get on really well with Aquarius, Aries and Leo.  I find these signs are very independant and dont take things too seriously. I also find them very challenging because they dont share their feelings too well and can be quite distant.  I love the challenge of trying to get them to open up.  I have been attracted to scorpios on a sexual level but i dont find there is much else going on there, and as for pises and capricorn men, i get on ok with them but find them boring at times and a bit too sensitive and hasty to settle down.  They also seem very quick to express their feelings and expect the same in return.  I believe i have a lot of the gemini traits.  Communication and independence is important to me and i like people who have similar qualities.  I also do take quite a while to give answers and make decisions.

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Post by Geminiasp » Sat Jun 02, 2007 5:06 pm

I'm a gemini female and i'm dating a virgo male and it's going pretty well.

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Gemini Compabilities

Post by krpawar » Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:27 am

Ideal Association (5-9 Sun Sign Pattern): Libra and Aquarius
Not always, but surprisingly often, the extraordinary magnetism of 5-9 Sun sign attraction leads to easy sympathy, mental stimulation, emotional affinity, romantic fulfillment. There will be a strong sympathy between you and misunderstandings will not be severe or lasting. The chances for harmony are excellent, and a happy relationship on a permanent basis is more effortlessly achieved than with any other sign - be it friendship, business, family or love relationships. Hostile placement of planets between the two horoscopes will cause some personality clashes and tensions - causing the compatibility to rock from time to time - although the basic empathy and understanding will always remain. If the planets are in harmonious aspect, your relationships with these people will be most extraordinarily happy, smooth and sympathetic.

Ideal Association with some Problems (7-7 Sun Sign Pattern): Sagittarius
Not always, but frequently, you either get physically attracted to or secretly admire and respect each other - in case of opposite sex. The individual possesses the qualities of character and personality traits you yourself lack. The urge to imitate will be strong. However, in case of same sex, you may become strongly competitive and feel uneasy or envious. Mutual aspects between other planets somewhat modify the relationship positively or negatively.

Compassionate Association (2-12 Sun Sign Pattern): Cancer
In your association with this individual, one of you will feel that he or she has many lessons to learn from the other. The one who has lessons to teach will feel an inexplicable compassion for the weaknesses and mistakes of the other person, strangely understanding the other's markedly different motives and behavior.

Favorable Association (3-11 Sun Sign Pattern): Aries and Leo
You will feel a strong tie of friendship, whatever the association you share with these individuals. Mutual trust and ease of communication mark the relationship. In spite of strong differences, you connect closely with each other. A sense of responsibility and some sort of inescapable duty will bring you together. You will constantly stimulate each other into changing habits and existing situations. Any quarrels will usually be quickly resolved, forgiven and forgotten. Even when the association seems to be a closed chapter, it reappears months or years later, to be resumed once more.

Beneficial Association (6-8 Sun Sign Pattern): Scorpio and Capricorn
There will be some problem in communication. Yet you will be powerfully drawn into each other. Irresistible sexual attraction in case of a love relationship. In case of friendship, business or family ties, attraction through some shared interest. Urge for mutual help. Service given will always be repaid. In some way, a great benefit will come from one to the other through the relationship, and the one who serves will usually remain loyal.

Reflective Association (1-1 Sun Sign Pattern): Gemini
You will each be tempted to magnify your own virtues and failings. All the positive character traits will be intensified - as will the negative traits. A constant effort should be made to encourage in one another the positive qualities of the zodiac sign you both share and to discourage the negative ones.

Unfavorable Association (4-10 Sun Sign Pattern): Virgo and Pisces
Not always, but surprisingly often, you will feel a noticeable tension or conflict of personality in the presence of these individuals. One of you may grow restless because of the strict disciplinary attempts of the other. For various reasons, there will always be some mental and emotional restriction.

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Post by sweet14684 » Sat Aug 04, 2007 6:40 am

Please let me know...if a Gemini is compatible with a Gemini ???

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Post by amen-ra » Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:12 pm

I am a gemini and my girlfrined is a gemini and its truely a interesting ride

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Post by seadrenea » Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:07 pm

sweet14684 wrote:Please let me know...if a Gemini is compatible with a Gemini ???
My husband and I have been together since 1979!
He is closer to Taurus, I am closer to Cancer. We are the duality!
By the way, things are great.

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Post by cajun » Fri Dec 21, 2007 4:51 am

I'm a Gemini and been married to a Virgo for 19 years lol

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Post by WITCHYNANNA01 » Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:48 am

I'm a Gemini and I had a great relatioship with a scorpio for 25 years.

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