Gemstone Associations

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Gemstone Associations

Post by MoonGoddess » Sat May 12, 2007 5:53 am

Hi all as in a previous discussion topic about the use of Gemstones or Crystals to make runes, I thought I better post this bit of information I found in one of my books.  (Runes by David V Barrette from the preminitions library)  Although I do not agree with there use as I believe that Runes have a different energy to Gemstones and Crystals and would disrupt their separate energies creating a different Tool which would  need to be understood differently from either Runes or Crystals by themselves.  As Runes were created with the purpose for creative change I can not totally disgard this combination and so I will share with what knowledge I have regarding this. (I have no images of crystals yet so you will have to bear with me until I place what ever I find in here)

Image Feoh, Fehu the Rune of Cattle, movable wealth, earnt wealth by hard work.  Moss Agate Feoh is associated with moss agate which has both medicinal and talismanic virtues.

Image Uraz, Ur The rune of strength.  Carbuncle Ur is linked with the carbuncle, which reputedly brings success and energy.

Image Thurisaz, Thorn the rune of defensive protection, The rune of Thor and sudden change.  Sapphire Thorn's gem is the sapphire.  Its colour is linked with the heavens and holiness

ImageAnsuz the rune of comunication, the Rune of Odin the god of Shaminism or all things to do with the occult and spirituality.  Emerald, Ansur is linked with emeralds, which have properties of hidden knowledge, and are considered beneficial for the eyes.

Image Radaz, Raidho, Rad the rune of travel and the means to do it.  Chrysoprase, Rad's gemstone is the greenish chrysoprase...(does not explain why)

Image Kenaz the rune of knowledge, positive energy and the strength to go with it.  Bloodstone traditionally, the bloodstone, Ken's gemstone, has magical curative powers to stop bleeding from wounds.

Image Gifu, Gyfu the gift rune, help when needed.  Opal (Which to me the image I have in this book looks more like yellow topaz then opal, but hey I don't profess to know anything about Gyfu's stone, is the opal is linked with friendship, but it should not be used selfishly to try to bring love.

Image  Wunjo, Wyn the rune of joy and harmony, Diamond the hardest gemstone is the diamond, wyn's stone.  It's purity and clarity makes it a symbol of truth, love and commitment.

Sorry can't go and further with this as I do not have my heart in it and I feel there are way to many discrepencies...and it just feels wrong.  I think that is why this book I don't really take any stock into it and feel it is best left for a bit of brain fluff on the coffee table.  Yes harsh I hear you say but you have to trust your gut instinct some times and mine is telling me that if I continue I would only be miss leading your all.  So please do understand that I do not agree with any of the information here about crstal, gemstone associations.  The bit about the runes I have added so the meaning are correct for the runes and are only just a general overview of what they mean.  I will finish here before I delete the whole entire thing as I am more so inclined to do.


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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Sat May 12, 2007 9:10 am

I LLLOOOOOVVVEEEEE crystals and dont know much about Runes but am learning.  There seems to be a current trend lately that seems to blend many of the therapies and sets and tools together.  there are aromatherapy readings, Australian Wattle tarot readings, Crystal Runes readings.  It does feel that the orignial tool are becoming mixtures of the many.  Fun to look at and play with etc but more often than not confusing and information starts to conflict.

I'm like you I tend to keep my bits seperate and whilst I do not know much about runes to me they have always been a woody feeling.  I dont know why but I'm visual but when I hear runes I imagine wood in my mind an earthy texture.  I'm aware crystals are from the earth but their vibrations are much much higher than wood.

Thanks for posting this and please do leave it as it is interesting and worth a look for others as you have so done....

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Sat May 26, 2007 12:02 pm

I have thoughts on both MG and Angel's post and will comment as needed ;)  
MG wrote:..and it just feels wrong
I couldn't agree more.  I look to the writing of the past to guide me in my understanding of these things.  I just don't see crystals ever mentioned in Germania.  Now Celtics may be a different story, of course, but it was the Germanics who were rune-users and crystal proficiency isn't part of what we know about them...
Angel wrote:There seems to be a current trend lately that seems to blend many of the therapies and sets and tools together...  It does feel that the original tools are becoming mixtures of the many.  Fun to look at and play with etc but more often than not confusing and information starts to conflict.
Again, I couldn't agree more.  Unfortunately, if we believe there is a mystical association with these tools, then they most likely have that energy in their original form and not blended in with a modern fabrication to appeal to a specific audience.  If we muddy the waters, we risk diluting that energy and for those interested in how it is done, they may not get the full (or any) impact from improper (as defined by historical scholarship) practices.  Modern crystal practices and therapies certainly have their place in our world but they just don't need to be attached to runecasting and vice versa.  Wood never lies.

Note: The edit comment below is to clean up a markup tag, basically a fix for the quoting of Angel, and not any content.  Just so it is clear in context of the subsequent post and response.  :)  
Last edited by EarlofLeicester on Sat May 26, 2007 10:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by Rising Sun » Sat May 26, 2007 5:37 pm

Perhaps you are confusing crystals with runestones? Many stones were carved with runes and used, when is a stone a crystal and viceversa? If you just use wood as a medium for runes you are really missing out on a whole world of stone runes. Stone carving isnt that much harder but does need proper tools now to keep H&S happy and of course a dustmask. Maybe the opposite is true, instead of diluting energies, maye modern man is responsble for labelling and pigeon-holing them and our egos allow us to cause rifts rather than using a harmonious whats ever does the job best approach that would have been the case in the older times?

What did u mean by wood never lies?

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Sat May 26, 2007 10:08 pm

Hmmm, I am re-checking my post and am not sure where I confused stone with crystal.  But in case I wasn't clear I was saying I did not advocate crystal as a runic media.  I am quite content with stone as media for runic inscription and engraving.  I have posted on the subject before (had to do something useful in 1000+ posts) advocating stone and criticizing crystal for purposes as runic media.  Here is one such post today: ... c&start=10

The relevant part of that post is right here:  I don't recall any historical precent for crystal carving in Norse runes.  Wood, bone, metal and stone seem to be the mediums of choice of ancient Germania.

I also spoke in favor of stone in this post: ... c&start=15

With the topic relevant portion here:  For media, let's stick with wood as the media of choice, although whalebone (kinda frowned upon in the modern era), stone and metal (in that order) are historically agreeable choices.

Then there was my discussion on  the blank rune where I displayed a nifty stone runic inscription in Sweden (post is here: ... c&start=10) and here is the image:


So... I think I was clear on where I stand on stone (although maybe not in this post ?  Well I am now).  But other posts (as I have shown) clearly state my approval and not disapproval of stone as runic media.  Hope this clears things up!
Rising Sun wrote:our egos allow us to cause rifts rather than using a harmonious whats ever does the job best approach that would have been the case in the older times?
If that is directed to me, the part about the egos, I may be inclined to take offense.  But instead I will ask you to see what I have posted over the last several months and you will see for the most part plenty of content devoted to the ways of the old Norse.   I have not been as active in posting as I would like, to be honest, but I would hope that MB considers me one of its more dedicated members where adherence to old Norse ways goes...  Don't mean to tout my own horn and I do that rarely to be sure, but it's not often where I am considered to not be faithful to the ancient Germanic beliefs.  Odin be praised!

Now, about wood never lying?  My way of saying that for me its use always leads to energized, authentic (and rarely ambiguous, exceptions are my errors and not the runes!) runecasts.  Wood is so alive IMHO.

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Post by Rhutobello » Sat May 26, 2007 10:50 pm

I think you all are well informed in the art of runes.

I assume there have been some misunderstanding from both parts....and I don't believe any post are attack on the others knowledge...but more a statement about what oneself prefer.
So please look upon each other as friends with mutual interest in an exciting art :)

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Post by LibB » Sun May 27, 2007 1:12 am

Everyone has the right to choose the medium of their choice. Whatever feels most comfortable to them. If your past life was with one then you are more likely to use that one for a reason. gemstones were rare or too expensive or they did not have the technology at that time to make appropriate runes with crystal materials. Originally they would have been made with wood and then when they found the correct stones and tools to use they did. This would be called technological advancement, if they even knew that word. To use crystals you say may be New Age but what is wrong with that. If everyone stopped still at the original learning of something, you would be living under a bush and eating with you hands. You certainly would not have your computer to connect with so many people around the world. there is nothing wrong with what runes are made of so long as you are using them with unconditional love and honor the Universal Laws. I would imagine that many people would have had Gold and Silver runes in ancient times and of course now if it was practical and not so expensive. Crystals are equally of the earth and of the Universe. Wood can receive negative energy and doesn't cleanse so well after people use them too much, they get worn down and then you have to make more. It is possible that you would need a separate set of wooden runes for each different person as their energy will seep into the wood immediately. I believe the Norse people found stones to be last longer and cleanse clearer
than wood, so for them this was an advancement. Same as crystals. There really is no debate once again. What feels most comfortable to you is what you use.
There are a few websites explaining the special power and cleansing ability of the crystals used. Imagine using gold? Wouldn't that be wonderful!!!!

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Sun May 27, 2007 2:35 am

I never disputed individual choice, only a clarification of what was historically accurate for the people who lived in that time.  Silver was more common than gold, and was often used as currency, such as a mark of silver (8 ounces).  Metal was (frankly) too valuable to be used in runecasting when it was a measure of wealth or manufactured in armor, weapons and other essential items relying on metalwork.  The Norse lands of 1000 years ago did not have the metal fabrication capacity of today (obviously) and was a very valuable resource.  Non-metal substitutes would always be employed when possible, and for runes, it was possible.  

I suspect the Norse of old did not take cleansing of negative energy into account because they were (to my best understanding) not aware of the concepts.  Wood was plentiful in 11th century Scandinavia (for the most part) so wood runes were common based one ease of acquisition and craftsmanship (easy to brand wood than engrave stone).  Is there anything wrong with New Age use of the crystal rune?  Well, depends.  The use of of the runes (to many) is to recreate the wisdom and experience of those who used them a millenium ago.  Imitation of their methods ideally produces the best results.  The old Norse were, unless anyone can prove otherwise, the best practitioners of their art and skill.  Technology and progress is not always the answer for everything.  Yes, I use my computer (4 of them in my place) but do I adopt every belief of modern society.  Uhh... no.  I trust in the example of the old ones to guide my experience with the runes.  They know more than me or anyone else breathing on this planet.

Would I use gold runes?  Hmmm... honestly, no.  I would like to acquire a set of stone runes, possibly as stones to collect this summer (summer coming soon in the northern hemisphere).  I do agree that the unconditional love is the most important element and have (in different posts and/or blog entries over the last half year) said so.  100% agreement here, no doubt.  Paper runes (although that is a wood product, lol) would work just fine with the right disposition.  

You mention the Universal Laws, not a term I am familiar with, well, not in context with Germanic beliefs.  It does come back to Germania because that's where the runes come from, according to legend from this guy named Odin.  We can change the runes to suit out needs but they stop becoming "the runes" when we do that. So instead of Universal Laws I would say Germanic Tradition.  I understand there are way more Celts and Wiccans out there than there are Norse and these people may pick up the runes, and use them well, but it does not change the history and scholarly understanding of what the runes were and how they were used.  If I accomplish anything on MB, it will be devotion to the ancient Norse ways.  Not to coerce others into following it (although providing good example is okay) but to let others know that there is an old way and how to approach it, if they be so inclined.

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Sun May 27, 2007 3:12 am

Hi LibB

Actually wood doesnt seem to hold negative enegy or transmitt it to others.  Wood is probably one of the best tools for any divination as wood is very grounding.  Which is why some people after giving readings or had arguments will place their hands upon the trees bark so that the enegy can be taken down through the ground to be used as compost for mother earth.  So wood for any divination tool besides at times wearing down it would not hold or transmitt energy to other people.  I find at times if I use too much psychic energy or angel energy I must sit my root chakra on the ground holding some fallen wood and ground myself.  Crystals and such do although have a habit of keeping energies within as some stones would do also.  although like all crystals stones and such would need cleansing.
After your next Angel reading try holding some wood and see if that helps ground you.  Dont use it during the reading as you may not lift your vibration but for after certainly get a hold of some to bring you down quicker and release any energy you have held onto.

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Post by MoonGoddess » Sun May 27, 2007 6:24 am

Wow so much controversey!  I posted this topic although I do not aggree about it as a tool of learning for us all, not so that we can get all steamed up about it.

As this is the Runes forum and most of what is put in here is lovingly posted so that all can learn and expand there knowledge about runes.  I believe that we should keep ourself open and not closed minded about this.  I also believe that we should listen to those who have experience in working with runes and not be quick to judge them because they prefer the use of Wood over Crystals.  If this was in the Crystals forum I am sure the moderator there would ask you to respect the views of those more experienced in Crystals.  So I am asking your to respect the views of those experience in Runes and not jump down their throat because they are more then likely backing their post up by reference material or knowledge learn by working with runes.

Thank you


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Post by LibB » Sun May 27, 2007 12:09 pm

Sorry to all for upsetting you. I'm actually neutral. I do not know much about runes and am always getting negative vibrations when going near them. possibly my past life recall. i love the idea of crystal runes though. I do know spiritually about wood and I do know spiritually about crystals. if Earl wants to  stay with stones and Norse tradition that is wonderful. Personally for me I would like Runes if I had any made out of Lapis Lazuli. ( this idea just came to me, I can see them and feel them sparkling) My feelings of love come to me when I think of that. I don't know what that means. but there really shouldn't be a debate about it, as the spirit world guides people to what is best for them. Anyway I know I've been a little bit off with a few things lately as I'm on Panadeine forte for pain, antibiotics for infection and trying to take vitamins to counteract the negative effects and to strengthen my body. So if it was me out of line, please accept my apologies.
I thought I would give my opinion thats all. I'm not trying to be a know it all.

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Sun May 27, 2007 1:16 pm

Oh sound to be on the same drugs as me but mix valium in with mine and I can look like I'm having a party in my own head...haha.  I also know nothing about runes and am trying to learn but theres so much and my brain space is running out of room..  I would personally always take note of anything Moongoddess and Earl say though as they live and breathe Runes as you and I do psychic and Angel readings. I love crystals but my own intuition tells me the two dont seem to mix they feel of a very differnet energy and nature and intent.  

Giving your honest individual opinon or experience is never wrong especailly when delivered as such. I think its when others perviously have come across within this topic rather strict and ruling and it gets caught up in the topic.
Lapis is gorgeous but I wont go on theres a better place for me to discuss that elsewhere...

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Sun May 27, 2007 3:36 pm

Hi LibB.

Well, no offense was intended to you.  I am just passionate about this stuff as Angel points out.  I do try and be newbie friendly (if I am not, I apologize) but it is important to me to explain the ancient ways of rune usage because IMHO that is how it is done.  Like if I said I would never cleanse negative energy from my crystal and complain it doesn't work.  I would hope someone who understands better than me would kindly inform me how to do it better.  MB is a good repository of knowledge in a lot of disciplines so we can all hopefully learn from each other.  Hopefully we don't step on too many toes in the process.  Because you are so attuned to crystalline energy I suspect that maybe the runic energy feels different (or as you termed it, negative).  Well, I did not mean to bite any heads off.  Have a blessed day.

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Sun May 27, 2007 10:08 pm

flight _of_angelwings wrote: . I think its when others perviously have come across within this topic rather strict and ruling and it gets caught up in the topic.
Earl I just wanted to clarify this statement of mine was not directed at you. It was a previous poster elsewhere who has limitied knowledge of runes at best.   I read your post and wondered if maybe you thought I meant you, of course I dont see you as strict and ruling.  To me your my Runic Teddy Bear....with a great taste in Angels.....;)

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Runic Teddy bear

Post by MoonGoddess » Mon May 28, 2007 12:45 am

Lol that is a very apt discription, hope you don't mind Earl but now that is how I will alway see you with a big Wunjo stitched into your belly like that of a

My message before was not directed at anyone in particular, I put it there I think as just a reminder to us all including myself as some times we all need a reminder that we are all learning and sometimes it is harder then other times.

So keep on smiling and imputting your information as the more knowledge we gain the more we learn...mmmm babbling again.

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