Part Three - The Court Cards - 1

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Part Three - The Court Cards - 1

Post by Gem » Mon May 21, 2007 4:51 pm ... st&p=95215 The Court Cards - The Swords Family

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After reading the post above on all the court cards I would like you to look at the Sword family and see how they make you feel, are they a warring family or a loving one? Can you think of any well known actors that could play the part of these people?

Have a look at your other decks and see fi the backgrounds change at all?

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The Sword Family

Post by chrisdee » Mon May 21, 2007 10:18 pm

The Sword Family are an intelligent thinking family:
They are not a family i would feel comfortable around, they say what they think which is not always the best tactics, their all head strong so i can see many arguments.

The youngest the Page loves to gossip and is a teller of secrets. The Knight Swords does not always act in a rational manner he’s spontaneous and very impulsive he as quickness of thought and communication, The mother Queen of Swords is either well educated or just bright, She knows who she is and what she wants, She resists those who seek to dominate her and rebels when not in charge,  She as a natural take over attitude, not frightened to say what is on her mind, she wants to be treated as an equal by men but she her self can be dominating and intimidating to others. The father King Swords tends to be a leader in society he dislikes inequality/injustice and uncivilized behaviour he can step back from a situation and evaluate fairly

Have a look at your other decks and see if the backgrounds change at all?quote

I hadn't noticed but the family's do have different back grounds Swords-Air= sky ,clouds ,birds.
Ive got a few new decks so i'm going to look carefully at their back grounds as well

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Post by Gem » Tue May 22, 2007 2:16 pm

Thanks Chris :)

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Post by mysticcrystal » Fri May 25, 2007 5:01 am

I think the swords family is an intense family, very intelligent and highly volatile emotions. When they care about someone, they care deeply. The page loves to read books, and would prefer studying to sports. The knight is always on the alert to recue and protect those he cares about. The Queen is intelligent and compassionate. SHe is a good shoulder to cry on. The King is an honest man who sometimes acts too hastily.

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Re: Part Three - The Court Cards - 1

Post by George » Sat May 26, 2007 11:31 am

Gem wrote: ... st&p=95215 The Court Cards - The Swords Family

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After reading the post above on all the court cards I would like you to look at the Sword family and see how they make you feel, are they a warring family or a loving one? Can you think of any well known actors that could play the part of these people?

Have a look at your other decks and see fi the backgrounds change at all?
They remind me of people that may be worried and troubled about someting.  Always fighting, aruging etc always willing to take up the cross and do what is necessary and fight for their causes.   agression and stern ideals and thoughts.
they make me feel uneasy usually in a reading because its almost like trouble is coming and your worry about it.  
Susan Sarandon would plays the queen because she stricks me as a storng women who fights for her causes.
William Moseley as the knight because he his young and coming up actor going out into the world ready to fight not too mention that in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and Wardrope he plays that's his part exactly.
The King would be Ralph Fiennes because the king's face reminds of him.  
as for the Page i really couldn't say for sure nothing is coming to mind.

The sword family may love each other but are always fighting something, always looking for a cause, always fighting things that are in their own minds.


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Post by Gem » Sat May 26, 2007 3:38 pm

What about Orlando Bloom for the Page?

Another thing with the Swords family is the clouds, always clouds around :(

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Post by George » Sat May 26, 2007 6:32 pm

Gem wrote:What about Orlando Bloom for the Page?

Another thing with the Swords family is the clouds, always clouds around :(
actually i was thinking of Elijah as Frodo when i was looking at but it didn't really look like him!  :smt002

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Post by Chooky » Thu May 31, 2007 4:02 am

I feel that they are an aggressive family, always ready to go in to battle, probably defensive, so you probably have to watch what you say or pick your words carefully.  I think they would only see things in black and white, and be very moralistic,

The King - He looks, stern, justly, a man ready to go into battle, he looks like he would listen to your point of view, but unsure if it would make much difference to the way he thinks, because of his strict morals

The Queen - She looks powerful, once she was one over, she would be your friend.  I feel that she would give a lot of advice, but unsure if that advice would always be right, so probably a bit narrowminded.

The Knight - He is ready for a battle at any time, often goes around looking for a cause. Will defend you at all cost if you have won his favour.

The Page - Thinks of himself as a bit of romeo.  His intentions are mostly good, I feel that he could be easily swayed towards another direction, easily distracted by promises of better things, Probably not the most loyal of friends.
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Post by cedars » Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:38 pm

At the best of times, I have not liked the Swords, but I agree life has its swordish bits too without which life would not be Life.
PAGE OF SWORDS: to me this person, this guy, comes across as being somewhat effeminate and yet he thinks he is God's gift for looks and style. He has a style (albeit feminine)  in the way he presents himself and holding that sword not in such a manly fashion (unlike the Knight). To me this guy is full of himself; he would only take compliments and probably never give any. His stance is one of: see me and admire me for my height, my hair flying off my head and my red boots.  However, being of the Sword family and holding that sword upright, he could be nasty as well as with an element of strength somewhere within him. At first sight, he will come across - to me - all the above features that I spoke of, but somewhere within him he could surprise us with his charm and strength.

KNIGHT OF SWORDS: Now, he is the opposite of his fellow sword brother - the Page. He is impulsive, fast, not too intense and always on the go. He would be the first to jump off his seat to save the day, but his enthusiasm could be more of an unreasoned impulse rather than from his heart. The world needs people like the Knight of Swords but they could do turning to their Queen for advice and guidance. But, as he is the Knight, he will not do that and rely on his inner instincts which, at times, could bring him trouble and at other times good use to his surrounding. I can see this Knight as more masculine than his teenage brother. Because he is never sitting still, this could also signify to the querent travels and movement?

QUEEN OF SWORDS: Their mother, so to speak, has seen and done it all. She knows about the characteristics of both her sons - the Page and the Knight. She is strong, firm and confident. She guides those around her - the family - with a firm hand showing them to go forward in life. She is almost above the clouds but not conceited in her knowledge and experiences of life. She is a mother, but a wise and a strict one at that. She will be cruel to be kind, but never lose any of her motherly qualities deep inside her.

KING OF SWORDS: This is the male equivalent of the Queen. He is just, wise and strong. People will go to him for advice and to seek justice for their cause and he will give it to them. He is gown is not stylish nor is it of the best quality. He has seen his kingdom through hard times and wars and will rule with a firm hand and sword against oppressors. Because of his tough experiences in ruling his kingdom, this king will not give in to emotions easily. He will almost love with his brain than his heart; he will rule with his brain than his heart. Having said that, he is not a bad father, head of family nor king of his people. It wasnt easy for him to bring his family/kingdom to its current state and he is going to keep his strength and justice to keep it running smoothly.

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Post by Gem » Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:13 pm

WoooHooo, Spot on with the descriptions and I like the comments about the Knight and travel too,  you worte lovely little mini essays about them all, they will love you for it. Onwards and upwards.

Another aspect of the Sword Family is they are the suit of air, imagine the swords flying or hurling or thrashing through the air as a trigger.

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Post by cedars » Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:16 pm

Thanks Gem,
I used my viewing and story-telling instinct.
Is there a similar thread for the next court cards? what is the link please? (if you havent noticed already, I think am a bit lost with the threads).

I went to town this morning and almost bought myself a Mythical tarot deck. Then I stepped back and wanted to get more attuned to the Rider Waite deck which, I must say, I do like.

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Re: Part Three - The Court Cards - 1

Post by successgoodhealth » Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:14 pm

Gem wrote: ... st&p=95215 The Court Cards - The Swords Family

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After reading the post above on all the court cards I would like you to look at the Sword family and see how they make you feel...
When I see a swords card...I think of "legal or law related" people
or "military" people...and usually professional people.

Page of Swords:  I see this card as a young person under 20. To me, this
young person is a troubled kid, a selfish kid that doesn't care about other
people that much. Can be a girl or boy that has problems.
If I don't want to read this as a "person," I just say it is a "message"
about trouble or problems.

Knight of Swords:  Here is the messager bringing messages of tumoil or
trouble with anger and conflict involved. He might be bringing a message
from the court...a summons perhaps. This person is very mentally
aggressive and extremely blunt. He acts very militant. However, he is
probably more mental than physical.

Queen of Swords:  She is very outspoken and knows how to get to the
bottom of a problem..."slices" right through it!
Her tongue is "double edged" and SHARP!
I see her as a "lone" or lonely person - maybe even divorced or
separated  - and DOESN'T want to be alone. She is sharp as a tack and
you have to watch your step around her because she is very tempermental.
She is also high-strung. Seeing her in a reading can also mean that there
is a need to pay attention to any pending legal situations you may have
going on.

King of Swords:  He is either a lawyer or someone in the military. He is a
brilliant person and will be able to cut through all of the confusion to get at
the truth QUICKLY. He is righteous but strict. Getting this card in a reading
may mean that you need to get a lawyer.

As far as gossiping because they are air signs, I only read that way,
if they are "reversed."

...these are just my views and the way I see the cards.

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Post by Gem » Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:11 pm

Hi Lyn, thanks for your views.

I am aware that you only joined a couple of days ago, so you may not be aware that you have stumbled across the middle of our Learn Tarot Class.

The class is not locked, not secret not shielded against anyone, but it does have a beginning and and end and if you would like to join in please do sign up and start, we welcome all, and with your intuition you will fly through the lessons :)
Otherwise it might be seen as being out of order, posting a reply without taking the rest of the course, I hope you understand :)

Any problems please let me know :)

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So sorry I did that!

Post by successgoodhealth » Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:13 pm

Hello! Gem!

Will correct soon...

I am really sorry - I must have misunderstood...I will try to figure out where the
beginning of the class is and sign up there...

Thank you for letting me know...I do appreciate that.


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Re: Part Three - The Court Cards - 1

Post by weezerwall » Fri Jun 29, 2007 7:38 pm

Gem wrote: ... st&p=95215 The Court Cards - The Swords Family

Image Image  Image  Image

After reading the post above on all the court cards I would like you to look at the Sword family and see how they make you feel, are they a warring family or a loving one? Can you think of any well known actors that could play the part of these people?

Have a look at your other decks and see fi the backgrounds change at all?
Hmm.. The Sword family just moved into the neighborhood and I sense that they are rather "cool customers".  Their house is cold and sparcely furnished with the bare necessities. Cool, CRISP air keeps the mind and body SHARP! Like the air element that gave birth to them - they are first and foremost FREEDOM LOVING - don't take well to being trapped or limited by boundaries of any kind and will do everything and anything to keep it that way. (When they're at home, they keep the windows open at all times) Anticipating that they'll be "caged in" or someone will break in  - they've developed a world view that life is a series of STRUGGLES/BATTLES - an inherently defensive mindset??  They are "ALWAYS RIGHT".  To give into another"s idea would mean defeat.  Conflict is a necessary part of life - maybe they'll show me how to use those swords (mental thoughts/abilities) to bring about some CLARITY in my own life?  

With this in mind, they need the swords to cut away perceived obstacles and defend against "intruders" or threats.

They have a cool, warrior-like tone - reminds me of the Norseman or Vikings.  You need a sharp mind AND a sharp tongue if you want to survive a visit to their home.  Despite the coolness, there is a lot of passion and strength around them.  I didn't see any showing emotions or any type of outward (physical) affection.  This would be a sign of weakness.  The intellect reigns supreme - that's the only way to keep the sky a deep blue.

This is my first visit to their world.  Have to introduce myself to the individual family members now and see what they're like.


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