Part Two - Minor Arcana - 7

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Part Two - Minor Arcana - 7

Post by Gem » Wed May 09, 2007 4:18 pm

Seven Wonders of the world,
Seven layers of the Aura

So many.....sevens can you think of one?

Image Image  Image  Image

Work through each card and see what story and meaning they bring to you? Try to imagine emotions and one word that describes their feeling.

Which card do you prefer to look at?

Which card would you prefer to get in a reading for yourself?

If you drew each of the sevens as a single card for some guidance to answer the question    "What do I need to know today?"  What would you interpret the card as meaning?

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Post by Gem » Wed May 09, 2007 4:36 pm

Seven of Swords.... "Darn it! can't carry those two aswell!"

Seven of cups....."WoooHoooo I can juggle 7 at a time!"

Seven of Wands.... "Are you with me wand men?"

Seven of Pentacles..... " These Pentacle things keep growing!"

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Post by mysticcrystal » Wed May 09, 2007 7:42 pm

Seven of Swords: Sneaky, theivery, greed trying to grab those last few swords. Don't look back!
Seven of cups: Some many choices so little time, head in the clouds, drug abuse (foggy headed)
Seven of Wands: Fighting off the enemy and winning from a higher stance
Seven of Pentacles:Working hard and seeing the benefits

I would prefer the 7 of pentacles in a reading because it tells me that although I'm not finished, I am on the right path.
Of I drew:
Seven of Swords: I am not seeing deciet that is taking place in my life
Seven of cups: I have to make a decision and stick with it
Seven of Wands: Although the day may be hectic, I will be a good one
Seven of Pentacles: I might be working hard, but I will reap the rewards

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Post by chrisdee » Wed May 09, 2007 10:09 pm

Seven Cups
Here i see a person who as many opportunities before him all that look good but will he make the right choice he may feel confused at so many choices but excited at the same time
Seven Wands
Here i see a man on top of his emotions and work fighting back problems has they arise
Seven Pentacles
Here this man  as laboured hard to make a success  but now he must wait patiently for the fruition of his labours
Seven Swords
Looking in the back ground i can see a family that may be out for the day the person in the for ground looks like a sneak  something that is going on behind your back or may be hes a thief so watch your personal belongings

My choice for a seven would be Cups as i feel you are in charge of your decisions the right one could lead to something really good

Celestial Tarot
Seven Cups
You have a decision to make but first you must cut through the emotional attachments stand back and make your decision from your head
Seven Wands
Don’t let challenges and disruptions get you down there part of every day life get up and push forward to over come them
Seven Swords
A time to use intelligence wit and cunning in a current situation or somebody like the hare may be playing tricks on you be careful of theft
Seven Pentacles
You have  paved the path to success now you must be patient and wait for its growth and progress
If i drew these cards
cups-to day i would receive a surprise opportunity but that doesn't mean it would turn out good or bad either just that its a new opportunity
wands-if i drew this card every thing would be getting me down but i should persevere and not give in
Swords- i have drawn this card before i locked up the car but it still got broken into
pentacles-i Ive drawn this when Ive asked how soon something will happen i guess it means be patient
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Re: Part Two - Minor Arcana - 7

Post by George » Fri May 11, 2007 12:52 am

Gem wrote:Seven,
Seven Wonders of the world,
Seven layers of the Aura

So many.....sevens can you think of one?
Seven days the earth and heavens where created.
The end of man with happen when he reaches seven thousands years from the day of creation.
Seven days of the week.

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Work through each card and see what story and meaning they bring to you? Try to imagine emotions and one word that describes their feeling.
VII of Swords:
A man must gather all seven swords but is concerned for the two left behind.

VII of cups:
Offers many chooses and paths that can be taken and their is a feeling of confusing right now surround the darken man that you cannot see his face.

VII Wands:
A man struggle with chooses and options feeling a little overwhelmed by the struggle.

VII of Pentacles:
A man looks at a blooming garden of fortune and is happy of it he now leans over and looks over all his hard work and smiles.
Which card do you prefer to look at?
Which card would you prefer to get in a reading for yourself?
For both questions I like the VII of cups because of all the options.
If you drew each of the sevens as a single card for some guidance to answer the question    "What do I need to know today?"  What would you interpret the card as meaning?
For the VII of Swords I would say something like you have forgotten to do something and you need to look behind you and see what it is you need to do.

The VII of Cups is a day for you to make a choose and fill in the darkness within you.

The VII of Wands is not always being on top without a struggle.  

The VII of Pentacles is not having your cake and eating it too.

I almost forgot about this lesson and i'm still trying to decided if i should have waited until tomorrow to do but alas it is done.  :smt002
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Post by Gem » Fri May 11, 2007 11:30 am

Today was a very good day to post :)

This thread reminds me of my old school days when we had to choose a picture and write a story about it and how it made us feel. Each of these cards has an emotion and they are very strong I think?

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Post by Chooky » Wed May 30, 2007 12:45 pm

Pentacles - Hard work has paid off, reaping the rewards for your efforts - REWARD
Wands - Feeling like forces are against you, but in a good position to overcome - STRUGGLE
Swords - Sneaky, betrayal, fleeing before the job is complete - DECEPTION
Cups - Many choices, feeling confused as to which direction to take - CONFUSION

I actually like the wands to look at visually, can't say why, just do...
I would like to have the option of choices, so would pick the cups for the one I would like in my own reading, as you will eventually decide

What do I need to know today
Wands - might be a few struggles today, but will be able to overcome
Swords - someone might not be telling you the whole story, have your wits about you today
Pentacles - Don't be a spendthrift today
Cups - Narrow down your options

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Re: Part Two - Minor Arcana - 7

Post by weezerwall » Fri Jun 22, 2007 4:05 pm

Gem wrote:Seven,
Seven Wonders of the world,
Seven layers of the Aura

So many.....sevens can you think of one?

:smt002 Some people count 7 chakras and each with a corresponding color.  I have also read/learned that there may be 7 light rays which make up the divine (white) light - each corresponding to a color and watched over by 7 enlightened beings (masters) and archangels.  

More later.. Weezer

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Work through each card and see what story and meaning they bring to you? Try to imagine emotions and one word that describes their feeling.

Which card do you prefer to look at?

Which card would you prefer to get in a reading for yourself?

If you drew each of the sevens as a single card for some guidance to answer the question    "What do I need to know today?"  What would you interpret the card as meaning?

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Re: Part Two - Minor Arcana - 7

Post by weezerwall » Mon Jun 25, 2007 4:29 am

Image Image  Image  Image

Work through each card and see what story and meaning they bring to you? Try to imagine emotions and one word that describes their feeling.


:smt017 7 Swords - I find myself surrounded by people or circumstances that I somehow CANNOT trust.  Just grabbing for whatever I can get and trying to stay under the radar.  It could be paranoia or just simply not feeling safe.. something is "up for grabs" and I have to be cunning in order to "get what's mine" using means that are less obvious EMOTIONS - I feel like I'm being sneaky - doing something I "shouldn't" - intrigue.

7 Cups - TOO MANY CHOICES!!  My vision becomes blurry - I'm standing in front of a wall filled with fog and illusions.  My options seem "magical" - or at least surreal. EMOTIONS - I feel very confused.  Like being lost in thick fog.

7 Wands - Standing my ground in the face of obstacles, criticism? or competition.  EMOTIONS:  Feeling strong and determined, hoping to find strength to continue...

7 Pentacles - After a hard day's work - looking back over the fruits of my efforts.  I've accomplished much - but it somehow doesn't seem like enough - despite all the hard work.  I take time to reflect.  At least I have SOMETHING. EMOTIONS:  feel good about the process so far, but not completely satisfied with the "rewards".  Am I receiving enough recognition (from myself and others??)

Which card do you prefer to look at?

 :smt017  That's a 'tricky" question.  :smt002  I can find a little encouragement in the 7 of Pentacles and Wands.  At least I have the feeling that there is some strength, progress or direction in these 2.   The other 2 (Swords and Cups) don"t "feel" positive to me.  7 Swords feels too "dishonest" - I don't feel like I've learned to TRUST (myself at least).  The world doesn't feel like a safe place.  Looking at 7 Cups makes me feel rather dizzy - as if my consciousness has been altered with drugs.  I have some temporary "escape" but things still remain confused.

Which card would you prefer to get in a reading for yourself?

:smt002 7 Pentacles - seems to be the "easiest" to deal with.  

If you drew each of the sevens as a single card for some guidance to answer the question    "What do I need to know today?"  What would you interpret the card as meaning?

7 Swords - as a single card - for me today - "You're not being completely upfront about something - or you don't believe enough in your own intellectual talents prowess.  This makes you perhaps overly suspicious of your environment.

7 Cups - a lot of choices to be made about how to "manage" the affairs of your life.  The cups mirror this, but it's also a "warning" not to get lost in illusion, imagination - or the world of magic.  Time to come down from the clouds.

7 Wands - stay strong and defend your position.  Trust in the strength of your own ideas and creativity.  

7 Pentacles - Be content with what you have, but don't stop striving to secure material progress.  



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Post by pamDemonium » Fri Sep 14, 2007 1:25 pm

swords my card shows a girl nervously fending off swords that are pointed toward her. It's a dark card, something sinister about it.  OPPOSITION
There are those that will oppose you and might use underhand methods to undermine  you.  Just be aware of them so you are able to fend them off

cups. She leans her head back, opens her arms to heart full of smaller hearts.
'so many handsome little time'.
Youre being fanciful perhaps 'in love with love'. Workout what is real and what is not and don't make a decision till you have.

Wands A brave warrior stands tall against his enemy. COURAGE
Take courage, face those fears of those that oppose you and you shall prevail.

Pentacles. She leans on her staff as if weary from work and gazes at a tree of pentacles. FRUSTRATION
You are frustrated by people and events that surround you. Don't worry about the past or future. Just count your blessings and focus on the present.
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Post by arianna » Sun Oct 28, 2007 1:54 pm

The seven of rods is a picture of a person standing over and rods that are in the ground -  are they coming up to fight him or is he pushing them down

I feel that this card represents standing your ground and fighting for what you believe in even if others don't agree with you.
If I drew this card than I would say that obstacles may come my way today but I can overcome them by staying true to myself and my beliefs

The seven of cups is a picture of seven gold cups all filled with something different - so it represents choices to be made so many things coming at you at once what to do what to choose.

If I drew this card then I would know that I will have a difficult choice to make but if I focus on what is in front of me and not become scattered then I will be able to make the right choice

The seven of swords is a picture of someone walking away and not looking at what is left behind - carrying too much- books have told me that it is sneaky and deceiptfull but could this person be taking what was taken from him trying to get back what was lost or stolen

If I drew this card then I would be cautious and maybe a little paranoid being careful about who I spoke with and maybe a little betrayed

The seven of pentacles shows a money tree (I would love that in my backyard - lol) It represents hard work and getting a good return on your investment - The tree was planted and nourished by hard work and efforts and now it is growing into some financial security but it is not fully grown and could die if the nurtouring stops.

If I drew this card than I would be glad that I was on the right path to continue my financial growth - I appreciate the wealth but don't take it for granted - still another day another dollar
I wish that your dreams stay big and worries stay small

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Re: Part Two - Minor Arcana - 7

Post by Sabra » Sat Nov 24, 2007 10:16 pm

Gem wrote:Seven,
Seven Wonders of the world,
Seven layers of the Aura

So many.....sevens can you think of one?

Image Image  Image  Image

Work through each card and see what story and meaning they bring to you? Try to imagine emotions and one word that describes their feeling.

Which card do you prefer to look at?

Which card would you prefer to get in a reading for yourself?

If you drew each of the sevens as a single card for some guidance to answer the question    "What do I need to know today?"  What would you interpret the card as meaning?
The Seven Seas
The Seven Sacred Planets
The Seven Gates of Man

Seven of Pentacles - Hard work has been done with a good pay off, but it's not time to stop yet as it never is.  There is satisfaction overall.

Seven of Cups - A lot of options have opened up, which can be good.  But  a lot of options can bring confusion, so choose carefully and responsibly.

Seven of Swords - I see someone that has deceived, stolen, or both.  It could have been worse though because not all has been taken or lost.  There are still two swords.  -- I see that it can also be advising to take on a project quietly or covertly.

Seven of Wands - I've never been quite sure about this card.  He might be defiant and ready to take an aggressive stand, but he has no armor and doesn't really seem prepared to fight.  Depending on the reading, I would probably  take it as a sign to take a stand for what you believe is right, but to do it cautiously.

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My RW sevens say...

Post by pirbid » Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:25 am

- 7 of Cups: "Why can I not stop seeing all these things? What do they mean? Am I going mad?". Feeling of confusion.
This card is about a lot of options one might like to take, but I am not sure they are all realistic. If we are objective, there are not usually so many paths to chose from, so this card could be more of a daydreaming bout. If I got it in a one card reading, I would take it to mean I am spending too much time spinning fantasies and too little doing anything useful about any of them.

- 7 of Pentacles: "Hard job this is, but look at the fruits! Make it worth all the effort". Feeling of fulfillment.
I find this quite a straightforward card (for a change): reaping the benefits, or at least see them grow after putting some effort into them. If I got it in a reading, I would have to turn around and appreciate some of my achievements, instead of looking only at future goals, taking strength and comfort from them.

- 7 of Wands: "Try as you might, you will never get me to step down or give in. But keep trying, lads, this is fun". Energetic self confidence.
I believe this card illustrates a certain way to face the world, or problems, confronting them head on and even getting a kick out of being able to overcome them one after another. It builds your strength and the conviction that not many things can faze you if you put your whole energy into them. In a reading for myself, I would probably try to find out if I am overreacting to any situations, as I tend to face them all that way, even when a less aggressive approach might work better.

- 7 of Swords: "By the time you find out about my latest prank, I will be long gone, hee, hee". Stealthiness.
This is a difficult card for me: I see it as doing things or speaking behind others' backs. But then I find this society calls for a lot of hypocressy  in everyday dealings. Usually people do it in order not to be too blunt or rude and hurt others. But, while I can see they mean well, it makes me uncomfortable not to know what people really think about me, so I have an ambivalent feeling about this. I am also quite useless at trying to hide my own intentions or opinions. It's quite an art! :smt003
If I got it in a reading, I would try to think of a situation in which I am not being upfront about something, or maybe making excuses to get out of a chore. Also if I am being too selfish with my things, my time or my ideas, not sharing when sharing would be best.

I can think of the Seven Wonders, the seven colors of he rainbow, the seven musical notes. I believe it is a very important number in the Old Scriptures, as George probably knows.

I like looking at the seven of cups because of its many colors and wild illussions, but the one I prefer to get in a reading is the 7 of pentacles, so I know I am on the right track. But the one I am most likely to get is the 7 of wands.


The Ancestral Path 7 of cups is different because it is another person showing the king his options, the things that could come to pass... or not. It is supposed to be Morgane la Fée doing a reading for his brother king Arthur, so it could mean trying to see some of our future through getting a reading done?

Robin Wood's 7 of swords looks more like a professional thief than a prankster. I have always wondered why he only takes 5 swords instead of all seven (in RW also). Anyone noticed this?

Ancestral Path's 7 of Pentacles puts all emphasis on the (literal) fruits of our labor, rather than the laborer. This card is one of the very few of this suit that has a link to RW and its meanings. I have always thought the designer of the Ancestral Path deck ran out of inspiration by the time he/she did the Pentacles.  :smt003
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Post by glenellen » Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:33 am

seven of swords...deceit, treachery, this person has convinced someone to accept a deal or investment but his advice is not honourable he planned it to go in his favour and leaves the querent with little or now means to fight for whats rightfully theirs.

seven of cups..material love, choices, the querent has many choices the woman's head in the cup is his partner she is giving him a choice she cant give him money but she can give him love, in the other cup there is his mistress, a snake is close by her which tells me she is sneaky she is not showing her true self she has plans for him she will teach him how to have it all, maybe theft, drugs, the querent seems to be leaning towards the left so he may choose love over money he is very confused but he does no the consequences of his choices

seven of wands..this person has a challenge coming he is going to have to stand his ground he could lose friends because of this, he is passionate about reaching his goals he will win his battle but not without some losses, he will be respected and will make a good leader maybe a position in management he will have people working under him

seven of pentacles...he is tired but content he has earned his money through blood, sweat and tears but it was a honest living and now is ready to reap what he sowed

i like the seven of wands because a challenge in life is good it gives you spirit to do something with life, it also suggests you can achieve your goals, but the seven of swords i like because it would remind me to be careful who i trust not everyone can be trusted, which i could of done with that card the other day

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Post by farafina » Thu Feb 21, 2008 4:27 pm

7 of cups: too many dreams, too many goals, but it all remains a dream. I need to pick one of them and stick with it and work towards it.

7 of swords: this young man seems to be trying to run away with stolen swords while a group of men hold a meeting in the back. This makes me think of someone trying to get away with something that is not right. Or someone wanting to get away from a group. The idea is that after hanging out with some people, you find out that you have to take away what is good for you and leave them with what is not good for you.

7 of pentacles: The gardner has been picking up the dead leaves and racking them from the garden. Tey are arranged neatly in a pile and he contemplates his work, knowing there is still a little left to clean up. Good work for today, he tells himself.

7 of wands: The young man is planting large sticks into the ground and it takesa a lot of strength and determination to hit the tough ground with them and dig holes. But he has succeeded for 6 of them, so why not for the last one he holds in his hand. This is a determined person who is not afraid of hard work that seems apparently impossible.


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