Part One - The Major Arcana - 18

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Post by lavirgo » Tue Apr 03, 2007 4:19 am

yes ive always thought of the moon as sumthing quite beautiful and mysterious. I see her feminine, silent yet holding so much power, she brings light when it is night, she controls the oceans and dog/wolves howl in her presence.  

Most of the time i feel its about answers appearing in your dreams, or  going with your instincts and intuition if things arent all to clear.

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Post by starryskies » Fri Apr 06, 2007 3:32 pm

The Moon card makes me think of secrets and peace and quiet, goddesses and female wisdom. Sometimes dreams or bad nightmares.

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Re: Part One - The Major Arcana - 18

Post by George » Sun Apr 15, 2007 10:33 pm

Gem wrote:Image

This card still seems sunny and bright and almost as if the moon is fighting the sun? Many other decks have much easier to interprete pictures of the Moon.  What does the RW picture say to you?
what that could mean?
Once again we have water and a lobster (my book calls it a crab) crawling out of the water between the dog and wolf.  I would guess from all this water in this card and the last it just me, myself and I in other word all of us and what we are.  
Anyway, night but not as dark as it could be because of the full moon’s light.  Things are a sleep and about to be waken with the dawn (our next card is the Sun and completes our Fools journey between night and day he becomes complete by making it through the night then the day. Nightly mysteries.  
In a reading hidden things within us. Things that are hidden by the dark, by our fears?. Are our dreams going to come true? Do we have dreams that may come true?  Could make for a very rich reading! if the querent feels lost!
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Re: The Moon - Mythic Deck

Post by George » Sun Apr 15, 2007 10:39 pm

MissEm wrote:The Mythic deck card is very different to RW.  Hecate is a moon goddess but is also a ruler of the underworld because she stole something from her mother and fled to earth where she became impure.  She had to go to the Underworld to be cleansed of her impurity but instead became one of the rulers.  Hecate has the Furies for companions who punished earthlings for crimes against nature or gods.

I think Hecate represents uncertain times in our lives - do we go this way or that, do we make a decision now or later, or one that will be good for us now but might come back to bite us later or get us into deeper trouble?  An indication of a time to take a step back and assess the situation for what it really is.  Don't go jumping in feet first, sit back and think about it first.  The one thing that is certain is that there will be a new day.
Hecate is mention in my book about the RW card that she is the "goddess of the 'dark side of the moon'."  The wolf and crab (i still think lobster too)  are more like Hecate whereas the dog is like "Diana, goodess of the chase."   "the luntiac is on the path..." to quote PinkFloyd which i forgot all about latin word "luna" that the word lunatic comes from that.  

anyway, just glad you wrote about Hecate it was very intresting to read!
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Post by George » Sun Apr 15, 2007 10:49 pm

chrisdee wrote:
Gem wrote:I wonder why it is a lobster? not a crab?
The lobster represents the unconscious mind not the crab because
 The crab walks side wards, side stepping things. The unconscious as no control over its thoughts so cant side step (this can cause sleepless nights) ,we can however control the conscious mind to a degree so it does side step things

am i close
i really like that and it made sense then i read ellis about how crabs come out at night and no one knows why!  my books says its a crab and i think it really looks like a lobster, i'm so confused  :smt017
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Post by mysticcrystal » Sun May 06, 2007 7:06 pm

XVIII The Moon: Lots of watery images. Emotions running high. Psychic abilities with the
large moon (looking like the sun). The hidden will come to light. Deception will be


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Post by Chooky » Tue May 29, 2007 1:39 am

This one is hard...there is a path down the centre, is that almost seperating night from day, like the consious and subconsious...I'm not sure...Could it be about being awoken, it looks like both animals are trying to get the attention of the moon and the crab/lobster in the centre.

I suppose it could also be about being caught in between two things, an argument with others, or simply a battle between the mind, and the crab/lobster in the middle is centralised trying to protect the meditating moon

Really not sure with this one...
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Post by Chooky » Tue May 29, 2007 10:19 am

I have had another thought...i still find this one very hard...could it be an internal conflict, and therefore a need to take the middle road, being careful not to dwell  on the negative and also being able to put things into a postive context, but no so positive that we delude ourselves.  When we sleep our subconcious minds are more active  so we should rely on our intuition for the given situation.

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Re: Part One - The Major Arcana - 18

Post by dreamfairy » Wed Jun 13, 2007 9:38 pm

Gem wrote:Image

This card still seems sunny and bright and almost as if the moon is fighting the sun? Many other decks have much easier to interprete pictures of the Moon.  What does the RW picture say to you?

:) the crayfish seems to be choosing to either stay in the safety of the pool or to go on the land which may be more dangerou because he's more vulnerable in the open.  Rhythmic cycle, waxing and waning, ebbing and flowing, all these reflect the cycles and rhythms in our lives.  Dreams and psychic experiences.  Water - emotions and the unconscious. The Moon may bring up feelings and emotions that have been buried in our unconscious, bringing them up to be revealed.  but by the light of the Moon there may be illusions, the Moon has no light of it own it reflects the light of the sun.  Full Moon - luna, lunacy, dogs barking at the moon, theres more violence, more bleeding in operations reported at the time of the full moon.  We learn to deal with cycles, intuition, repressed unconscious and hidden forces, illusion, deception and indecision caused by lack of clarity.  
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Post by Gem » Thu Jun 14, 2007 10:58 am

Lovely, thanks, especially the
but by the light of the Moon there may be illusions, the Moon has no light of it own it reflects the light of the sun

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Post by dreamfairy » Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:29 pm

Gem wrote:Lovely, thanks, especially the
but by the light of the Moon there may be illusions, the Moon has no light of it own it reflects the light of the sun

:) Thanks Gem.  I am really enjoying these lessons, and looking at the tarot in a way I haven't done before.  So glad I joined the class. Thanks
Dreamfairy :smt006
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Re: Part One - The Major Arcana - 18

Post by weezerwall » Fri Jun 15, 2007 6:57 pm

Gem wrote:Image

This card still seems sunny and bright and almost as if the moon is fighting the sun? Many other decks have much easier to interprete pictures of the Moon.  What does the RW picture say to you?
:) Looks can be deceiving!  The expression on the moon's face isn't really inviting - despite it's bright yellow color.  The dogs are barking - telling us not to be fooled by any illusions we create that may be lurking under the surface (in the world of our dreams or subconscious).  

Just as the moon needs the sun in order to "shine" - we need light from a TRUE source in order to grow.  This card could be the alarm clock that snaps us out of dreamland.  Time to say goodbye to "Mr. Sandman" and look for clarity beneath the surface.


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the moon

Post by SandiLJ » Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:03 am

I, noticed that their are2 big stones it reminded me stonehinge i think that i prounced them right it represented the spritual power & psyhic powers that the moon has the power to shine love on you or to help you in your spritual need the moon looks angery with how we are treating the earth for we should treat our plantet better so that all life can live better it is trying to tell us to be in touch with our spritual side & we must be conceted to being the animals are crying out to tell the moon that we are trying to help save our plantet but sometimes we forget to help take careof our selves let alone our plantet. SandiLJ

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Post by littleone22 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 12:44 pm

The moon suggests to me that at night our problems seem so much worse when we dwell on them at night! The dogs are barking at the moon which suggests that the moon is an argumentative force! And the long path ahead is going to be undertaken by the crazy lobster! NBot sure why though! love littleone22 :smt006

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Post by pamDemonium » Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:58 am

Rather than confusing myself by trying to interpret  your RW  card, I thought I'd better stick to my own, since they are the ones I shall be reading and frankly, I prefer it.  :smt007

I love the purples in this card. The purple night seems full of trepidation, but i see purples as a creative imaginative colour. Perhaps despite the fearful darkness of night, the moon is there to guide us home.

I have no idea why the moon should have a tear in his eye and a great big grin on his face.  Perhaps, despite sadness, a happy result in  the future is assured
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