Part One - The Major Arcana - 13

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Part One - The Major Arcana - 13

Post by Gem » Tue Mar 27, 2007 3:19 pm


The Death Card!

Number 13.

This must be the most frequently misinterpreted card. From the RW picture its probably easy to see why? But.. there is movement, there is the horse, and there are lots of clues, what do you see and feel from this card?
Last edited by Gem on Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by chrisdee » Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:19 pm

Death is the process that strips us of that which is no longer necessary ,an ending that could be sad or a welcome relief depending on circumstances end of school-welcome, end of a marriage sad ,end of an addiction -welcome There are endless possibilities every ending as a new beginning Phoenix rising from the ashes symbolizes death is followed by resurrection and rebirth This card tells me of cutting losses and moving on
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Post by suzisco » Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:33 pm

Death is very much about change and for endings.  I think death can be a very positive card.
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Post by MissEm » Tue Mar 27, 2007 11:24 pm

Death - The Mythic Tarot

Here we see Hades accepting gifts from three figures. Two of hte older women offer him a gold coin and a crown.  The thrid, a child, offers him a flower.

To me this tells me that we have paid our price for the past wrong doings or actions and are now ready to move on.  Not to death itself, but to a new cycle of our lives.  The river is not the river of life in this pic but rather a river of poison (Styx) which says if you don't pay up, you will be doomed to just wander along the river. So paying your dues in one life cycle ensured entry to the next life cycle.

I think we need to accept that what ever is done is done, grieve if you have to but lets move on.  Life keeps moving on.  There is  a new day dawning and what that day holds will be revealed in good time.

I actually quite like this card.  Hades holdin out his white hands like that is an almost welconing gesture.  Come to me my children,  pay yr price but also know there is comfort in knowing a new day is almost here.  Yr future is nigh. :)
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Post by ellis » Wed Mar 28, 2007 8:11 am

We should campaign to get this cards name changed to 'Transformation'. This card represents the shedding of your old self in readiness for the new you. The celtic dragon pack shows it best. The change is sudden and has a huge impact on the person but it is necessary to move forward. The card can often suggest a death also as this can totally transform the world of the person left behind.
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Post by Gem » Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:26 am

Some very interesting comments about death. Some packs rename this card too.

Important notes on this card....

99 times out of a 100 when the Death card comes up in a reading it does not signify death! As you have all said it usually means a transformation, and end, closing one door, openeing the next, breaking eggs to make an omelette!  Leaving the old life for a new one.

Just as a point, from my experience if a'death' is going to be shown in the cards it won't be by this card, it will most probably show with others creating the situation and although you may understand what the cards mean, it never does any good to blab out .... someone will die, or anything along those lines. Those words are negative and not what we are here to do. When faced with a reading that obviously shows something happening or about to happen that will have such a huge impact its always best to take a moment and word your answer sympathetically and compassionately. Think how you would feel?

The future is not set in stone,

Readings can change events, and just by giving a reading we may actually change what people do and think and the decisions they make, and so influence their future.

I have had to cope with a few people that have come to me scared witless after being given a tarot reading from someone that said they will die in an airplane crash or their child will get run over, or their wife/husband/ dog will die in a car crash.

These kind of disrespectful and rule breaking readings have practically wrecked the querents life. The first never goes near a plane or airport, his family don't have holidays anymore. Slowly though I am convincing him that the reader was wrong, and he is gaining confidence.
The mother now never lets her child anywhere without her, and lives in fearof losing him :(

Tarot readings should be positive and helpful. They should transmit a feeling of hope and give guidance. In a world that can be hostile and frightening, Tarot should be a wise friend :)

We will cover lots more situations and questions later in the course but this card is worth discussing in this way now, becasue many of you are already giving readings and I wanted to make my point and opinion quite clear. There are ethics that surround the reading of tarot cards and we will be looking at those soon too. :)


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Post by lavirgo » Fri Mar 30, 2007 2:55 pm

this card is positive to me although i feel it may mean the ending of something.  a relationship or a part of it for instance.  New beginnings but that something is replaced.  It could also mean that it is time to let go of the past and face the present and future because a new bright path is waiting.

i'd have to say i do think of this card more as the transformation card.

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Re: 13 - Death

Post by *Star* » Mon Apr 02, 2007 7:26 pm

Gem wrote:Image

The Death Card!

Number 13.

This must be the most frequently misinterpreted card. From the RW picture its probably easy to see why? But.. there is movement, there is the horse, and there are lots of clues, what do you see and feel from this card?
End of something. Transformation. Beginning of a new cycle.

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Post by starryskies » Fri Apr 06, 2007 3:26 pm

The end of one cycle and beginning of another. A positive card. It is often scary to leave old patterns and situations but necessary to shed those times to enjoy the new.

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Re: Part One - The Major Arcana

Post by George » Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:44 pm

Gem wrote:Image

The Death Card!

Number 13.

This must be the most frequently misinterpreted card. From the RW picture its probably easy to see why? But.. there is movement, there is the horse, and there are lots of clues, what do you see and feel from this card?

Once again we have an image of black and white but in this case black rides white hence controlling to a certain degree.  Death rides to the pope as if religion controls the darkness or is the pope trying to control the white by grapping the horse reins.  You also have a child at the horse's feet or is it death's feet!  I’m coming to call these women we are seeing in the cards Mother Earth.  She unlike the child is innocents and pure but not because of a childlike innocents but because she has chosen to be that.   I know one thing that the horse and death is riding toward the living and has past the death.  There is a dead body that he has walked past.  The real question is did he cause the death and now wants to offer it to the bodies that cross his path or he just a warning of things to come?
There seem to be no reason to think that Death is actually causing the death that lies behind him or before him. Maybe he is just the messenger!   I know by certain cards that it does mean death or sickness (if I remember right) but for the card itself could be a change from what things were.  The death of one thing to began a new one.  You lost one your job (death) now its time to get another one, etc.  Although if I remember right in certain readings that if Death falls by the Tower then you maybe in real trouble.  
I tend to believe my book when it comes to Death and sickness.  For Death try not to predict at all even sickness can be a taboo to stay clear of especially in just learning the Tarot because there is no real good reason to scare your querent with news of death and sickness.  

From my book: ”He carries a black banner emblazoned with the mystic rose, its inner and outer petals forming two pentagrams.”  I just started to study Wicca and now knowing that the pentagrams represent all aspect of our earthly existence it make it more interesting that he is caring it.  

My book also says that the dead body is  “that of a king”  I’m not sure why that would be important save the fact that death awaits us all no matter of who we are, etc.
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Post by mysticcrystal » Sun May 06, 2007 6:31 pm

XIII Death: It's actually one of my favorite cards, because my old ways have died and I'm
open to new, improved ideas/circumstances/spiritual development. The white horse, to me,
stands for protection from negativity and moving forward with my life to a better
destination, physically, emotionally or spiritually.


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Post by Chooky » Mon May 28, 2007 11:50 am

To me it seems like the natural order of things, accepting change, moving on, starting again.  The man holding his hands out to death riding in, seems ready to embrace it.  The lady in white seems reluctant and not willing, whereas the young child seems wary.  Regardless, change will happen whether we like it or not.

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Post by Gem » Mon May 28, 2007 4:18 pm

Yes, I like the Death card too! But I hate change :( lol

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Post by dreamfairy » Fri Jun 01, 2007 9:13 pm

Death - I feel Transformation is a better word than Death, transforming means that something will take the place of something ending, Death sounds so final.  I can undertand why, when Death comes up in a reading, why people would be frightened, because of the images in the card.  I can also see why humans are fascinated, and frightened, by Death, the unknown.  I was dreading the Death card, because my Dad died three months ago, and examining the card has opened up issues with myself that need transforming.            My Dad had always had a great fear of death, which got more and more intense as he got older, so much so that it began to affect his `living'.  He resisted any kind of change, and stuck rigidly to anything that was safe and familiar, his phobia got that bad that he almost became a recluse, not wanting to go far away from his home "in case something happened".  His fear of change didn't stop with himself, he worried if I, or my three sisters, made changes in our lives or took any risks. (Perhaps, issues relating to The Hanged Man of letting go and having faith and The Fool - taking risks, as well as Death).  For the past two and half years he was a `recluse' because he had a severe stroke and ended up bedridden.  At the end, he died with courage and dignity, and finally opened the door to transformation.  

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Post by Gem » Sat Jun 02, 2007 7:32 am

Some decks have a transformation card instead of death and others have both, you are spot on, thanks for sharing your story with us :)

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