Presence clearer

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Presence clearer

Post by DragonKnight » Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:35 am

Would it be accetable if it was possible for a person to clear peoples charkras when they enter a room just for the reason of doing it or is there some hidden ethical code or should i just plough on through blessing and clearing?


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Clearing Chakras

Post by MoonGoddess » Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:22 am

Mmm this is a tough one, I only know a small bit of chakra clearing but I would say it is the same as is for all magic.  You must ask for their permission, as they might have adjusted to what their chakras are doing and you may unbalance them in doing so.

I remember hearing of this lady doing Aura cleansing and healing with Reiki and one of her clients had serve head aches that debilitated her whole life.  When this healer went any where near her head a voice sounded in her commanding her to stop as this person had karma which she needed to deal with.

It is the same with any magic you have to no all the facters before jumping into the deep end.  Hope this was helpful, and hopefully some one who knows a bit more about Chakras can comment too. :)
May the Goddess enlighten you all, Blessed Be!

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Re: Presence clearer

Post by Gem » Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:09 pm

DragonKnight wrote:Would it be accetable if it was possible for a person to clear peoples charkras when they enter a room just for the reason of doing it or is there some hidden ethical code or should i just plough on through blessing and clearing?

Hi DK, reading this and your other posts today, you appear to have a lot of thoughts that might indicate a need to slow down and take things one step at a time. Taking time to understand and work on your gifts and master them is what is needed now.
The energy world is very fragile, and is in balance and harmony, unrestrained power can be a dangerous thing, it can harm emotionally and damage auras as well as cause illness and disease.

There is no unwritten rule about balancing other people's chakras, its a written one, loud, obvious and clear, that you should not ever do such a thing without permission just for the sake of it or just because you can!  Moon Goddess is right, you could do more damage. Ploughing on is not an option, you have no right to think that you know better and to interfere with other's energy systems, and if you do, you will very soon find out that people feel uncomfortable around you and move away for no apparent reason.

Please, please learn about your gifts and how to use them wisely. Do you have any guides that can help you? Do you have a mentor? Are you taking any training?

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