cures for coughing

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cures for coughing

Post by sddaytimefun » Fri Feb 23, 2007 6:34 pm

I have been getting bronchitis about every other year for the last 15 years. Is there a remedy other than the drugs the doctors keep giving me that do not work? It goes away when the weather gets warmer but lasts about 3 months or more.

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Post by Gem » Fri Feb 23, 2007 8:31 pm

Do you know what triggers it then? Perhaps its a mould growing in the damp ( no offence) or tree blossom or crop spraying? Can you pinpoint when it starts and is it the same every year? If its that regular it sounds more like a reaction or allergy to something and finding out what may help you to not need any medicine :)

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dear sddaytimefun

Post by drdeoshlok » Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:08 pm

please continue the Hepar sulph 30 2 drops three times in a day for a week and report me.

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Post by sddaytimefun » Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:32 pm

I do not get this at a specific time. If I catch a cold and it turns into a cough, then it stays for a long time. A cold is always the trigger. It only happens in the winter and a doctor told me it is because I am a singer and I irritate my throat more than normal.

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Post by drdeoshlok » Wed Feb 28, 2007 5:26 pm

continue the above medicine.

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Post by jawallac27 » Thu Mar 08, 2007 3:58 pm

ssdaytimefun said:
I have been getting bronchitis about every other year for the last 15 years. Is there a remedy other than the drugs the doctors keep giving me that do not work? It goes away when the weather gets warmer but lasts about 3 months or more.

Man, I understand where you're coming from. I've had breathing difficulties most of my life. I spent my first birthday in the hospital with bronchitis. As a child I got very bad coughs around the holidays (nov & dec). As a young adult I was mostly fine - only the yearly sinus/cold/cough. Then I married a heavy smoker - bad move for the lungs - developed spring allergies. Divorced the smoker. Got bronchitis last year and didn't really get rid of it. This year I am having some pain, some coughing.

I'm using a homeopathic remedy from Heel BHI for homeopathy. They have a remedy called Bronchitis. The bottle says: For the temporary relief of wet & dry coughs, minor bronchial pain & irritation, smoke-induced cough. It seems to be helping as my pain and coughing has lessened. Here's a link to their website:

Other things you can do that may or may not help:
Humidify the environment - steamy shower, water on slow boil, whatever.
Gargle with salt water
Bay leaf tea -- steep 1 leaf in 1 cup boiling water.
Ginger tea - steep 1/2 t ginger, pinch of cloves, pinch of cinnamon  in 1 c boiling water

Good luck!

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Post by Nicole » Sat Mar 10, 2007 11:57 am

Hello jawallac27,  :smt006

Nice to meet you~!!  :)

I use to get it every year also.. I am  a smoker. Cut back big time
When I started getting the flu shot it stopped..
My son and I get really, really sick when the flu season come in the fall..
He know gets the flu shot also..
He is allergic to everything~!! Pine pitch to 19 or 20 things..
When we moved to Maine they changed his pills to 1 pill instead of 2. He takes inhaler also..
But Spring and fall he's sooooooooooo sick, the poor little guy....
I use to do the hot steam and it made him cough so much more...
Now that we moved and the seasons change faster he's doing a 90 degree turn around...
I don't smoke in my home It's out side...
I was also told that didn't matter ppl like our son can still get sick. The nicotine from us can still make them sick... I change my close...
Remember smoke sticks to EVERYTHING~!! Curtains, furniture, rugs paint.. All over.. And is it hard to clean once you start smoking in your home..
I wont ever do that again.. I stopped that years ago.. If I'm driving I get out and have one also...

Bronchitis is very catchy~!! ppl can pass it onto others..
You have awesome great tips to share thanks~!!

Hope it goes away for good for you I know how you feel..
Been Bronchitis free for 2 years now~!!  :)

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Post by jawallac27 » Sat Mar 10, 2007 3:23 pm

Nice to meet you, too, Nicole.

I'm glad my comments help. My heavy smoker ex left the house just about 2 years ago - I occasionally open a book that's been closed for that long and can smell smoke. I can't imagine the damage it did to my lungs!

I think winter and dry heat have a lot to do with making my breathing worse. I bought a cheap ($30) humidifier yesterday and used it last night in my bedroom. I woke up feeling better - less nasal dryness. I plan to run the thing constantly until it gets warmer here in the central part of lower Michigan.

Congrats on cutting your smoking back, especially for the health of your son. Poor guy.

I'm also a big fan of ginger tea to help all sorts of things, mostly digestive issues (but I'm sure you're aware that digestive issues can help resolve many other issuses.)  I'll post that info here, too, as there doesn't seem to be a specific place for teas or whatever.

Teas good for digestive issues:

1) Ginger. Strong, fast-acting. Good for upset tummies, funky digestion, overall icky feeling. Get yerself some ginger root. Freeze it - it's easier to cut that way. Slice the ginger as thin as you can. Slice a bunch of it...1/2 cup? 1 cup. Put in a pot, cover with water and a little bit more water. Boil. Keep it boiling gently for quite some time. When the water turns a different color than what is was, you've got ginger tea. Drink 'er down. You can modulate the taste by adding water. I've had great luck storing at length as ice cubes and ALWAYS have ginger/ginger tea. That way you have ginger tea in a minute or so with the help of your friendly microwave. Sorry the directions are vague :)

2) Mint. Mild, slow acting. Downright gentle. Good for upset tummies and all of the above. Just buy some Celestial Seasonings peppermint and you're set.

Good luck!

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Post by Nicole » Sat Mar 10, 2007 5:40 pm

Hay Julie,  :smt006

Why not make a new post just for tea's~!!  :smt020
How does that sound.. Tea by Julie~!!  :smt003

I have some Tea called "Breathe Easy" Promotes Respiratoy Health*
It works let me tell yeah~!!
I had such a nasty cold before I went to see my family in Nov..
I drank this tea and was gone within a few days..
All the mucus eww hate saying this.. groseie.. lol.. came up easier for me..
I have a Herbal shop right around the corner from us...
There so nice in there..
She just moved to a bigger store..
I also have another friend who owns a shop in Maine close to N.H. aka New Hampshire....
Has everything~!! I will post a Egyptian statue my husband and I gave her last year. I'll add it in my blog soon...

Oh I know another thing that will work Boil some hot water in a little pan. and add "Thyme" That helps your sinus open up and your nose will run like a faucet~!! My husband did it, and so did I last yeah.. I have impacted sinus really, really bad.... When it's boiled put a towel over your head and put the pan under your face. sitting on the table.. all the steam and the Thyme will open your sinus right up.. Add a little towel on your table for your pan.. Have tissues ready your going to need


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Post by kit10zwanderlust » Mon Apr 14, 2008 9:17 am

my b/f got a rather nasty cold the other day and its mostly gone except that he has this horrible cough that sounds just awful he has some phlegm and has really taken his voice completely away he suspects it is laryngitis and im inclined to believe him we dont have health care and honestly CANNOT afford the dr on our own much less the ER he has been in bed for the past week which is totally unlike him. most colds he gets have him abed for a day or two. any suggestions to help with his cough would be greatly appreciated... ive been making him tea with honey and Popsicles but after teh past week of soup i cant force him to eat anymore lol he is all souped out  :)   :smt017


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