Vedic Astrology for a total beginner

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Vedic Astrology for a total beginner

Post by askhokhar » Sun Jan 14, 2007 9:25 am

I have been interested in Vedic Astrology due to its high precision. However, I am feeling a handicap as I do not have access to any astrologer in my area. Besides, it is very difficult to find Vedic Astrology books here.

I shall be very grateful if anyone could help me locate a good book for a total beginner like me on the net.

Looking forward to your help please.

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Post by Dharminder » Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:14 pm

Well u can try on e-bay for vedic astrology books and software.

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visit my blog

Post by vivekvshetty » Fri Jan 26, 2007 5:03 pm

visit my blog, i am posting lessons on the shah system of prediction.
it is a simple system to learn compared to the traditional one (though the traditional system is much more deeper but also much more difficult).
for a beginner Shah system should be fine.
Read from the first post onwards (the one lowest down), i have just started it, so you will not have much to cover.
By the end of the lessons you will be comfortable predicting.

hope this helps.

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Post by arian_1c » Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:19 am

there are a few good groups teaching astrology, like ICAS, KP, etc.. they also have distance learning, go for that, not only u get the reading material, u may also get in touch with like minded people, which is the most important thing in learning anything
Apart from that if ur just looking for books, try Sagar Publications, they've got some of the best books, but I wud still recommend u joining a correspondence course, as there is a set pattern....I am not endorsing any one , but I must mention I was the youngest student at ICAS, a few yrs ago ;)

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Re: Vedic Astrology for a total beginner

Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Jan 29, 2007 12:51 am

[quote="askhokhar"]I have been interested in Vedic Astrology due to its high precision. However, I am feeling a handicap as I do not have access to any astrologer in my area. Besides, it is very difficult to find Vedic Astrology books here.

I shall be very grateful if anyone could help me locate a good book for a total beginner like me on the net.

Looking forward to your help please.[/quote]

Welcome to the charming Universe of Jyotish :-)
I have a few lessons and articles posted at sites for beginners
{2015-10-27: I am editing the links since it might be misunderstood as commercial even though I did not and had no intentions of gaining from these earlier sharings}
I also had a CD with some of these materials but that is a commercial product and so i would not talk more about here.

Narasimha Rao's book on integrated approaches to astrology is a good {FREE} book for beginners.

Please tell me how you came to the strong conclusion that: Vedic Astrology [jyotish] has high precision.

Please note, I am not questioning that statement or even your belief in it. All I am asking is for you to share if possible your experiences which logically led you to that conclusion that Vedic astrology is of high precision!

Last edited by Rohiniranjan on Tue Oct 27, 2015 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by jaydoc » Sun Feb 11, 2007 9:16 pm

dear RR ji,

           well how r u getting on with my chart...?

        You asked the author of this thread what made him say astrology is acccurate. allow me to say a few words too. As a doctor, being an individual of scientific temper, it isn't the done thing for me to believe in the crap called jyothish...! but here I'm, being a resolute believer of the art called Astrology...!

           The roots for my belief go back to the time, when a  friend of mine totally impressed me with a prediction of my nature and values in life by using my sunsign accdg to western astrology. That started me of on a journey and love with astrology and Jyothish, that has continued till this day.

             there were many instances during my journey when i received more confirmation of the inherent truth in the Real Astrologyof the seers.

       the time when me and my friend visited a NADI jyothish Centre near Kanchipuram, tamilnadu. The center did not have my chart, but they were so accurate with the reading of my friend's chart, selected using his thumbprint. they gave us his exact name, his parents' name, the names of his siblings. well, tht instance really converted me into a die-hard believer of Jyothish.

       and so many more instances....! after having read in a book tht a swathi asterism and a sixth place raahu will give rise to all sorts of illnesses for the native, remembering my long-suffering brother who is a swathi native and looking into his horoscope, i see tht his Rahu position is exactly in the sixth house....
this sort of accuracy is what made me a believer.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:25 pm

Dear Sir,

Your chart has been placed in the queue.

I was not questioning the accuracy of jyotish but wished to know a bit more about the reason for his belief that jyotish is of high precision. Hope you see the difference!

That said, here are a few of my thoughts which may or may not jive with what your framework is.

When I say 'astrology' I am using in in not an inclusive sense. I am including then only the rational, logical, technical and therefore transferable part of astrology. In other words, the factors, the rules and so on.

In a reading though other factors also operate such as intuition, and in many cases siddhis etc. Those while useful should not be considered as part of astrology or at least the astrological part of a reading. That said, in a reading it is often not as clear cut where logic ends and the paralogical begins but the two components must not be muddled together when describing the process, in a discussion such as is happening here.

Nadis are interesting, since they do not follow the standard rules nor utilize them. If there is an astro-logical component it is either secret or not known. If one digs around a bit lot of instances of failed nadi readings also surface, however, out of politeness or some sort of psychological fear of the occult processes, the failures are not discussed or even mentioned. Let us face the fact that all occult vidyas including astrology has a certain component which for lack of better term gets lumped into the label of superstition but is really the 'mystical/unexplainable' part of the process.

Finally, while this 'soft' and somewhat undefinable, mystical part (including secrets and intuition) while essential to the process of giving a prediction is also a variable that varies considerable from person to person and creates a performance distribution curve that has significant kurtosis (very flat and not bell-shaped). Sadly, the technical part is not black and white either and yes examples like you gave do occur but if you look for the same variable (rahu in sixth or whatever) in several charts, the frequency of 'hits' goes down.

I realize a lot of people do not care about or worry about it and all this might be sounding too picky or anal to them but unlike most other divinatory crafts, astrology has the highest number of rules and more defined technical nature. I call it technical because it is transferable and anyone can learn without having special powers or abilities. Having those does help but not essential.

Sorry for the long post -- I realize you must be very busy.


[quote="jaydoc"]dear RR ji,

           well how r u getting on with my chart...?

        You asked the author of this thread what made him say astrology is acccurate. allow me to say a few words too. As a doctor, being an individual of scientific temper, it isn't the done thing for me to believe in the crap called jyothish...! but here I'm, being a resolute believer of the art called Astrology...!

           The roots for my belief go back to the time, when a  friend of mine totally impressed me with a prediction of my nature and values in life by using my sunsign accdg to western astrology. That started me of on a journey and love with astrology and Jyothish, that has continued till this day.

             there were many instances during my journey when i received more confirmation of the inherent truth in the Real Astrologyof the seers.

       the time when me and my friend visited a NADI jyothish Centre near Kanchipuram, tamilnadu. The center did not have my chart, but they were so accurate with the reading of my friend's chart, selected using his thumbprint. they gave us his exact name, his parents' name, the names of his siblings. well, tht instance really converted me into a die-hard believer of Jyothish.

       and so many more instances....! after having read in a book tht a swathi asterism and a sixth place raahu will give rise to all sorts of illnesses for the native, remembering my long-suffering brother who is a swathi native and looking into his horoscope, i see tht his Rahu position is exactly in the sixth house....
this sort of accuracy is what made me a believer.[/quote]

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Post by jaydoc » Mon Feb 12, 2007 6:51 am

well RRji, it looks like you are the ideal person to begin working on a statistical paper tht examines the accuracy of Jyothish when applied to a wide range of the general populace.. kurtosis and skewed distributions...! anyway i have already told you abt tht i suppose.

on a serious note, what do you say to such a paper. we could take up some of the interesting and so-called established cornerstone principles of astrology - and make an unbiased case study of many charts and publish our findings on how true they are.

i being a pediatrician can help with accurate birthtimes of many babies. we could have a study on the principles of Baalarishta, for example.

what do you say...!

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Post by jaydoc » Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:15 pm

why no reply RRji...?

anything wrong with wht i said...?

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:22 pm

Dr. Jay,

Thanks for your kind offer and kind words of praise. I also got your sequela to your email and also the private email after that. No there was nothing wrong in what you proposed. The delay was because of our time difference. When you wake up, I go to sleep, when you come back home and write on the net, I am deep asleep (most nights!) and so on.

First of all, I am hardly knowledgeable in statistics. Something like jyotish would need a high degree of knowledge and familiarity with non-parametric stats, similar to what is necessary for a epidemiological study or a clinical trial.

Then there is another issue which is even bigger and more crucial in my reckoning. Psychology, forensic psychiatry for instance are very heavily statistic-dependent pursuits. They are very good at predicting behaviour in cohorts and groups but their predictability falls severely when the rules are applied to individuals. In some ways medicine is also similar where disease outcomes, treatment results when looking at a group of individuals are fairly accurate. However when it comes to individual patients sometimes the predictability falls down or becomes less certain if only the medical rules and techniques are utilized. Good doctors too have good intuitions and it helps their patients.

Astrology, on the other hand, is quite opposite in that sense. It works a lot better for the individual but does not do too well when a group is studied. Isn't it strange? Case studies, therefore in jyotish are of more utility than studying a group and trying to figure out strong indicators, using statistics.

What I am saying is possibly counterintuitive and even running against logic, a rational scientific mind may think. But certainly the last word has not been said on this matter/topic yet. I have read some of the groups and other people's research and sure there are correlations discovered and sets of rules produced; however when it comes to cold testing they do not always come across successfully. For predictive purposes, in other words, they do not really help a lot. The same fact is also highlighted in nearly all jyotish classics. Multiple combinations are given for each indication and while overall they do hit often, success rate of individual or small groups of such rules do not really work in the field with a high degree of accuracy.

I realize that this is something that is hard to swallow for a jyotishi and I would have been called to the Panchayat for such heresy, if these were the old days!


[quote="jaydoc"]well RRji, it looks like you are the ideal person to begin working on a statistical paper tht examines the accuracy of Jyothish when applied to a wide range of the general populace.. kurtosis and skewed distributions...! anyway i have already told you abt tht i suppose.

on a serious note, what do you say to such a paper. we could take up some of the interesting and so-called established cornerstone principles of astrology - and make an unbiased case study of many charts and publish our findings on how true they are.

i being a pediatrician can help with accurate birthtimes of many babies. we could have a study on the principles of Baalarishta, for example.

what do you say...![/quote]

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Post by jaydoc » Tue Feb 13, 2007 8:49 pm

dear RRji,

            i quite understand what you have explicitly explained. My confidence in you is beginning to grow with every reply...! but please don't let it bias your readings, as i'm sure you won't....!

            I now understand tht its very difficult to qualify Jyothish as a science because of the very reasons you have mentioned.

            thanks for the though-provoking reply.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:07 pm

Interest raised in astrology from November 2006,and In July 2007,there are more knowledge of Astrology.By the Moon sign there are Sun,Mercury,Jupiter,Venus,Saturn,Rahu,making good in your life,only Rahu is the most important for the educations of Paranormal strength.but Mercury always slipped your talk by own effects,like more talking on one subject.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Feb 13, 2007 11:34 pm

What reading? ;-)


[quote="jaydoc"]dear RRji,

            i quite understand what you have explicitly explained. My confidence in you is beginning to grow with every reply...! but please don't let it bias your readings, as i'm sure you won't....!

            I now understand tht its very difficult to qualify Jyothish as a science because of the very reasons you have mentioned.

            thanks for the though-provoking reply.[/quote]

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Post by jaydoc » Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:54 am

the reading for which i'm waiting with my heart fluttering like a butterfly....!

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Post by Sadhana » Mon Oct 26, 2015 11:08 am

Astrology presupposes destiny. It is believed that at the time of birth of an individual, his/her, life pattern is determined. It is an ancient belief that all existence follows a pre-determined course, and man's life pattern can be determined through the study of planetary configuration present in the universe at the time of his birth. It is through deep meditation and intuitive sight of seers, they discovered that there is an order in the universe and all heavenly bodies, and life form on earth, as also the seasons and weather, follow a chartered course. A further study and probe led to the philosophy of astrology."

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