Meet people born under Sagittarius here

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Post by nisha » Fri Jun 24, 2005 3:58 pm

The sign of Sagittarius rules the hips, the thighs, and the liver. Both men and women of this sign tend to have long, wellshaped legs. Sagittarians are graceful, coordinated, well-developed and are often described as having a buoyant walk. Indeed, walking is their favorite form of relaxation and exercise. Physical activity is a must; they will stagnate and become ill if they don't get enough exercise. Although usually lean and slender in your early years, you have a tendency to put on weight as you get older. In Sagittarian women the weight unfortunately seems to settle on the hips and thighs. Your upper legs are the first part of the body to tire and weaken when Sagittarians are under strain. You often have chronic aches in the hips and thighs and may be vulnerable to sciatica, gout, hip disease, and sometimes lameness.

Sagittarius's ruling planet Jupiter governs the liver. Jupiter's influence has also been noted on the pituitary gland. The pituitary, known as the "master gland," which regulates hormone production and physical growth. Sagittarians tend to have an active, sensitive liver that instantly suffers from overuse of alcohol. They are also susceptible to hepatitis.With a minimum amount of care, you can enjoy a long healthy life. Proper diet is important for the on-the-go~Sagittarian. A poor diet heavy in fats, starches, and alcohol puts an extra burden on Sagittarius's sensitive liver, and makes it harder for them to sustain a high energy level.

Sagittarius's cell salt is silica, which strengthens the nervous system, keeps the connective brain tissue healthy, and prevents numbness in fingers, legs and feet. Lack of this mineral may result in lank hair, dull skin, and sores and receding of the gums. Best sources for the silica that Sagittarians need are the skin of fruits and vegetables, raw salads, green peppers, figs, prunes, strawberries, pears, apples, potatoes, oats, the husks of grains, whole-grain cereals, egg yolk. Foods that particularly do not agree with Sagittarius are fats, gravies, cream, butter, candy, and chocolate. They should go very easy on alcoholic beverages, not only to avoid damage to the liver but to the skin, which coarsens and ages under the effects of liquor. Sagittarians should eat a high protein diet, with lots of broiled poultry and fish, fresh vegetables and fruit (such as brussels sprouts, beets, tomatoes, asparagus, plums, cherries, oranges, and lemons), eggs, skim milk, yogurt, brown rice, and whole wheat.

You should drink lots of pure water, eat four mini-meals a day rather than three large ones.

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Post by sarah1751 » Sun Jun 26, 2005 1:34 am

Thankyou for the health information for sagittarius, it was very helpful, Sarah

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Post by jyotimirpuri » Mon Dec 04, 2006 8:19 am

thanks for the info it will be good to be aware what we are infor if we do not take care of our health

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Post by jyotimirpuri » Mon Dec 04, 2006 8:20 am

thanks for the info it will be good to be aware what we are infor if we do not take care of our health

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Post by DeMadre » Sun Dec 24, 2006 5:08 pm

everyone should look into thier blood type and then make health decisions but in my experience most sagitarious are o blood type

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Post by sierra3260 » Sun Mar 04, 2007 8:15 pm

nisha wrote:The sign of Sagittarius rules the hips, the thighs, and the liver. Both men and women of this sign tend to have long, wellshaped legs. Sagittarians are graceful, coordinated, well-developed and are often described as having a buoyant walk. Indeed, walking is their favorite form of relaxation and exercise. Physical activity is a must; they will stagnate and become ill if they don't get enough exercise. Although usually lean and slender in your early years, you have a tendency to put on weight as you get older. In Sagittarian women the weight unfortunately seems to settle on the hips and thighs. Your upper legs are the first part of the body to tire and weaken when Sagittarians are under strain. You often have chronic aches in the hips and thighs and may be vulnerable to sciatica, gout, hip disease, and sometimes lameness.

Sagittarius's ruling planet Jupiter governs the liver. Jupiter's influence has also been noted on the pituitary gland. The pituitary, known as the "master gland," which regulates hormone production and physical growth. Sagittarians tend to have an active, sensitive liver that instantly suffers from overuse of alcohol. They are also susceptible to hepatitis.With a minimum amount of care, you can enjoy a long healthy life. Proper diet is important for the on-the-go~Sagittarian. A poor diet heavy in fats, starches, and alcohol puts an extra burden on Sagittarius's sensitive liver, and makes it harder for them to sustain a high energy level.

Sagittarius's cell salt is silica, which strengthens the nervous system, keeps the connective brain tissue healthy, and prevents numbness in fingers, legs and feet. Lack of this mineral may result in lank hair, dull skin, and sores and receding of the gums. Best sources for the silica that Sagittarians need are the skin of fruits and vegetables, raw salads, green peppers, figs, prunes, strawberries, pears, apples, potatoes, oats, the husks of grains, whole-grain cereals, egg yolk. Foods that particularly do not agree with Sagittarius are fats, gravies, cream, butter, candy, and chocolate. They should go very easy on alcoholic beverages, not only to avoid damage to the liver but to the skin, which coarsens and ages under the effects of liquor. Sagittarians should eat a high protein diet, with lots of broiled poultry and fish, fresh vegetables and fruit (such as brussels sprouts, beets, tomatoes, asparagus, plums, cherries, oranges, and lemons), eggs, skim milk, yogurt, brown rice, and whole wheat.

You should drink lots of pure water, eat four mini-meals a day rather than three large ones.

Thank you ! Very true about the sciatica .. also anxiety and depression , and importance of diet.

I've never gotten on with alcohol either and do enjoy walking as my excercise of choice when I can manage it.

I think it's important to know one's weakeness but focus on one's strength. As Sagg's we have plenty of stengths too. I hope all the sagg's really explore those :-)

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Post by gauloise82 » Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:12 am

It is quite true what you say. I recognize myself in the weight. The legs are first A to tire. I have tendency has to let to me go. I will take your advice. Philippe

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Mmm interesting

Post by MoonGoddess » Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:12 am

DeMadre wrote:everyone should look into thier blood type and then make health decisions but in my experience most sagitarious are o blood type
I am Sagitarious and my blood type is A positive, but I know what you are talking about when you talk about blood type.

O typers use to be hunters and gathers, therefore their blood was thinner and able to cope with eating meats.  Meat is full of fat and if you don't have thin blood it slows everything down.

A typers use to be farmers eating lots of fruit and vegetables, with thicker blood.  So if a A typer were to eat lots of meat they would slow down and gain weight and be unhealthy.

This web site or if you buy a book by the guy in it, it will explain more.

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