first lesson:court cards-cups

Please note readings given here will be done by tarot students of varying levels with the purpose of improving their skills and knowledge. These practice readings will draw feedback on the style, the card interpretations and overall content.

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first lesson:court cards-cups

Post by samantha234 » Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:15 am

Hi everyone, :smt006
 I will try to make this as easy as possible. When I am done,, if you could look at your cards, either through your deck or the software, write down what you pick up from each court card. Do you feel some stronger than others?which ones?Tell me! What meanings do you feel, tell us!Who do the characters on the cards remind you of?  Post it! I would really like to know!
 Everyone has their own unique way of reading the cards, let's discover yours!Also, check out the other meanings on the forum and incorporate them! Lets begin!
                                 The Cup family
The cup family usually have blond hair, and blue eyes, whether it is dyed or not! They are kind, loving and generous to a fault. Now we will get to know the members of this family!

The King of cups- The father figure, a man who will take you under his wing, who will accept you into his family with open arms. A definite family man. Could be associated with Social Work, a doctor, any field that helps mankind. Might be your father, your husband, your grandfather.
see his card. feel the love and kindness. he is in his 40's and up.

The  Queen of cups-The mother, the wife, same qualities as the king. except she is very psychic and spiritual. she may be a teacher.  She is a good mother and a good friend . she is open and honest.

the Knight of cups-same qualities as the former, except when he appears in a reading, it means an offer of love, of help, of friendship. it is genuine and sincere.If another court card appears next to him in a reading, then the offer is from them. He is also a young man,age 20 to 39,

the page of cups-The page is a child from birth to 19 yrs old. Sorry guys! Its the cards ,not me! lol! The page is a female so if it comes up next to the Empress in a reading she will have a little girl. She will be gentle, sweet, and kind. Well behaved unless the page of swords comes up next to her. more about that later.
It also means news or a letter concering love or friendship, like hearing from an old friend!
 You may take this course at your own pace, which is why i have seperated the suits into different topics. Plus I didn't want to overload you with too much knowledge all at once. :)
 Congratulations! You are now on the way to learning the tarot!

  Here is a list of your classmates so you may correspond with them and compare notes!
1. susanne
5. susan
6. carol
Good to have you all here!

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Post by swetha » Wed Jul 19, 2006 10:35 am

i did the cups now. its not as difficult as i thought it wud b. its more easy to relate to the images on the cards isnt it? or maybe i am understanding more;:))

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Post by nicnic » Wed Jul 19, 2006 1:14 pm

Of all the court cards in the suit of cups, I think that the king is my very dear father-in-law who is the most kindess and loving person you could ever meet.

The queen is most definatley my mother!

The knight could possible be my son who is a romantic at heart.

The page would have to be my daughter when she was younger, although she is 19 now but she is just so loving!

Anyway I have posted my interpretations for these cards under the posts for meanings.

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Post by nicnic » Wed Jul 19, 2006 1:46 pm

Do you know I think the cup court cards are just sinking in to me. As I said in my previous post that they reminded me of some people in my family. Well I know I did have a real problem reading them...however and it just came to me, the King of Cups......Someone who you can rely on for emotional support.....just like my father-in-law.

The queen.....a caring person around you who will also give you emotional support and the love that you mum!

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Post by samantha234 » Wed Jul 19, 2006 3:57 pm

applause!.... :)
great job, both of you! i'm glad its getting easier swetha, and carol, so much easier when you relate it to someone you know! :smt006

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Post by xiyang » Wed Jul 19, 2006 4:02 pm

The cup family, the people on water and with water.

King of cup: has the character of King, being reliabe, honest, in power of the family, strong leadership

Queen of cup: the cup has special meaning to me.  Spiritual and sensitive , She is devoting very much to the matters and people she is taking care. Serious, more or less too serious. She is dreaming, sometimes even confurse herself, which is true, which is dream.

Knight of Cup:  Young man, information sender. Sam says he is the love offeror. During my tarot reading, I have not seen this cuo showing.

Page of Cup: a lovely girl, creative and friendly. young sight in heart, other words, not mature.

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Post by George » Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:59 am

After looking at each card I came up with this:

King of Cups:
This is going to sound weird, I’m sure, but I feel uncomfortable looking at this card.  The water in the card gives me butterflies in my stomach.  My emotions are confusing on this one.  It all implies fear of the water on my part.  I think I know where it comes from but it is a sad story and not what this Lesson is about.  I just hope it doesn’t cloud my readings.
If you notice his left foot is almost in the water as if he is not stable and in danger of falling in.  
My book on the Tarot by Leo Louis Martello defines the fish on the left, coming out of the water, as a dolphin.  Too me an intelligent friendly creature, unless provoked, that shows all signs of warmth and understanding towards humans.  Which would be my understanding so far as the meaning of King of Cups and most likely of all the Cups in general.  

Queen of Cups:  
I do not get the same anxiety like I do with the King.   If I were to pick my mind and search the toys in the attic I would say that’s because she is safely on shore, so it goes….
 This card is more interesting too me because of the religious aspect to it.  As describe in Martello’s book there are three “cupids” carved into her throne. Two above her head and one at, if you will, at her feet. It occurred to me that they may be watching over her and protecting her from harm not just from above but also from below.  The queen is dressed in white (purity) studying a cup with, what looks like the two Cherubim on the Ark of the Covenant!  The biggest question is what is in the cup she is holding?   Anyway, I just found it interesting especially when you go by the definition of “kind and loving… mother… psychic and spiritual”
BTW, I always tend to think of “cupid” as a Cherub not the Roman God of love but a Christian creature (lack of a better word).  Which made me go and  look them up and refresh my memory on the topic.   Here is an interesting passage form my Dictionary on angels about them.   “A fascinating process of evolution has transformed these monstrous beast that guarded the building of ancient times to the modern chubby little cherubs seen on holiday cards at Christmas and Valentine’s Day.”  

Knight of Cups:
The stream in this card bothers me and almost gives me the same feeling as the king does.  It runs from the left edge of the card to the bottom edge and seems to block his path.   Even though his horse reminds me of a carousal horse wooden and never moving save in a circle.
The wings on the helmet and boots are interesting and remind me of Mercury the Roman god, a messenger of the gods.
The back ground on the card is just white as if he is riding on a clear day.  

Page of Cups:
You know I never really got much from this car so I was sitting her looking at it again and thinking what about this card at least catches my eye.  That would be the color of the outfit.  It always strikes me as a lot of red.  Then I was thinking of the green and how the flowers are red which made me think of Harry Chapin’s song “Flowers are Red”.  Which is about a boy who spirit is crushed by one narrow-minded teacher that can only see what “has always been” and not all the “colors of the rainbow”, so it goes… but that’s not important it was just a pasting thought.  Although that is going to help me remember the card’s meaning.

You say “cups usually have blonde hair”.  I’ve read medium brown hair along with gray eyes, green eyes? What is your feeling on that?  

You listed this page as a girl.  I read it could be a girl, a boy, a homosexual or a boy who is sensitive and shy.  What is your feeling on that?

When I was choosing my card for my own readings I choose the King of Cups and I’m not quite sure if I choose the right card.  What is the best way to choose the right card for the right person?
Are we choosing this card on the just looks but also on the definitions of the cards?  EX: kind, father figure, and loving etc?

I hope I did the lesson correctly and if I missed any part I will try again and repost.
Thanks for taking the time!

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Sep 25, 2006 6:50 pm

George, Since Samantha isn’t present at the moment I will try to give mine opinion. :smt014

You have done a great work, and you have done it the same way I did it when I started.
I was then corrected that each card has some “base” meanings that should be present.
After some thought I can understand this, and agree with her that the “basic” have to stay in the bottom and out from that we can interpret the cards out from what spread we use.

So from “King” you can at once assume a father figure or a leader. The 4 different colours tell us what kind of leader or profession he has. (wand, sword, coin, cup.)
As a leader he has to be wise, since he also are a father figure he correct you and lead you on the right way and care for you. Money might be involved…so let the thoughts fly on this J

The queen…the mother…she show love, do also care for you, give advices, can show birth, keep the kings house in order…celebrations and so on …just follow that thought.

Knight….young man teenagers and up…travelling around exploring the land. In doing so he brings messages from far away, he learn a lot about many things so he can be wise, but he must be careful so he don’t become blunt

Page, this is infants and up to the teens. They are mostly around the house deliver messages from those in a closer area…they are a bit more playful…and so on..

Many “starters” are afraid of the “court” cards, but just look at them as your family, find the features for each card…then look and see if you have an uncle, ant and so on that this can suit, then you will have an easier time remembering it  :)

Good luck!

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Post by Nicole » Mon Sep 25, 2006 9:17 pm

For some reason, I want to call you Mike~!!
I don't have my deck anymore... But my word mister~!! You are so detailed in them cards.  :)
I did the same thing at the age of 15 with my friend... I called her Mumzie, she is my second mom... I was seeing things at a very young age.. I would go to her and ask what it all meant and why... If you like you may try your talent on me~? It can be in PM if you want, don't matter to me... I'm not a leader on the cards, but one on one I think I do ok from what others say... I like to ask others to read me, cause it's another point of view from what I see.. I work with both me and the other who reads me.. Make sense~? lol I prefer the person in front of me.. Man I go crazy when I meet ppl.. I mean to my self I tend to read there minds and catch them off guard with out them knowing it. I keep it in mind for my own well Ok what's to do with the name Mike about you~?....LOL

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Post by George » Mon Sep 25, 2006 9:38 pm

thanks for the reply and taking the time to explain!  I thought i might have been off a bit in what i was doing.  i'm going to go back and reread lesson one part one and read everyones post and see if it is more clearer.

so, if i understand correcly that all four suits has the same "base".  the king in all four suits are father figures, leaders; the queen is the mother in all the four suits; the same with the pages and knights?

The four colors, i assume you mean the coloring of all four suits and not that on suit has four colors on each card?
i only have read one thing about the colors and they only talk about red and black.  which i thought didn't help me much  sense the cards have more then two colors!  

you wrote: "After some thought I can understand this, and agree with her that the “basic” have to stay in the bottom and out from that we can interpret the cards out from what spread we use. "

"basic have to stay in the bottom..."  i'm not sure if i understand that! Can you explain it a little bit more? What is the bottom, i guess is what i'm am asking?

i'm going with the assumption that there is not dumb question so i'm sure that i'm going to ask a lot!  i am so new at all this i just don't know the basic of basic of the tarot!  thanks for everything!

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Post by Nicole » Mon Sep 25, 2006 9:59 pm

GeorgeSmith wrote:thanks for the reply and taking the time to explain!  I thought i might have been off a bit in what i was doing.  i'm going to go back and reread lesson one part one and read everyones post and see if it is more clearer.

so, if i understand correcly that all four suits has the same "base".  the king in all four suits are father figures, leaders; the queen is the mother in all the four suits; the same with the pages and knights?

The four colors, i assume you mean the coloring of all four suits and not that on suit has four colors on each card?
i only have read one thing about the colors and they only talk about red and black.  which i thought didn't help me much  sense the cards have more then two colors!  

you wrote: "After some thought I can understand this, and agree with her that the “basic” have to stay in the bottom and out from that we can interpret the cards out from what spread we use. "

"basic have to stay in the bottom..."  i'm not sure if i understand that! Can you explain it a little bit more? What is the bottom, i guess is what i'm am asking?

i'm going with the assumption that there is not dumb question so i'm sure that i'm going to ask a lot!  i am so new at all this i just don't know the basic of basic of the tarot!  thanks for everything!
You kinda lost me
I do remember when my reader did a spread on me.. There were always men in The very first time was my Husband showing up for years before I met him... If the hair color was on the card it would be a blond or a dark haired man.. Some was messenger.. Some was trouble... Same goes for the woman cards.. One for mother figure and depending on the hair color and how the spread was... My cards use to go upside down.. Some say that don't matter, It does for me~!! And if I shuffled my cards and dropped one or some.. I would leave them out of the reading and then looked after the reading and used them after.. It does tell a story~!!
I'm not a leader.. I'm just saying how I know it works for me. and how my reader did mine...

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Sep 25, 2006 10:05 pm

you wrote: "After some thought I can understand this, and agree with her that the “basic” have to stay in the bottom and out from that we can interpret the cards out from what spread we use. "
I mean the basic understanding of the card....but since there are no facit can spin your interpretation around a singel card in many ways.
It's all depend on how you use the "short notes" (basic) you find it here :

I am not good enough in English to use the right words...but when you have learned the basic...many readers start to Meditate on each card in order to develop a deeper understanding of it, and since you knew the "basic" your will stay on that subject but get more meat :)

When it comes to kings..queens....and so on....yes they have about the same main attributes...but just like people they are a bit different, that's why I said...try to look to your family....even if you are are all different :) (Color = suit=elements (water-air-fire and earth))

Just ask...hopefully I give some sence...if any other will partisipate...please do....we all learn from this!  Thx a lot George :) :)
Last edited by Rhutobello on Mon Sep 25, 2006 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Nicole » Mon Sep 25, 2006 10:10 pm

Rhutobello wrote:you wrote: "After some thought I can understand this, and agree with her that the “basic” have to stay in the bottom and out from that we can interpret the cards out from what spread we use. "
I mean the basic understanding of the card....but since there are no facit can spin your interpretation around a singel card in many ways.
It's all depend on how you use the "short notes" (basic) you find it here :

I am not good enough in English to use the right words...but when you have learned the basic...many readers start to Meditate on each card in order to develop a deeper understanding of it, and since you knew the "basic" your will stay on that subject but get more meat :)

When it comes to kings..queens....and so on....yes they have about the same main attributes...but just like people they are a bit different, that's why I said...try to look to your family....even if you are are all different :)

Just ask...hopefully I give some sence...if any other will partisipate...please do....we all learn from this!  Thx a lot George :) :)
Thanks Rutho,
I get way head of my self.. Thank you~!!  :)
He's right...

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Post by Nicole » Mon Sep 25, 2006 10:22 pm

Where can I find this~? I had it once but took it off.. I want to install it again..

MB Free Tarot Reading Software~?

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Sep 25, 2006 10:26 pm

Here my friend :) ... tware.html

and now don't use it to be millionare :)


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