Eye of tiger

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Eye of tiger

Post by KattieKat » Sat Jan 18, 2020 5:21 pm

Greetings Eye of tiger

I hope this message finds you well.

I was wondering if I could ask for some insight/reading?

At a very late stage in my life, I have been advised by my GP to get weekly psychotherapy for my long-term issues, for the next 3 years.

I’ve been told by a friend is an intuitive empath, that unfortunately my mental health issues can never really massively be tackled/transformed.
As they are deep rooted, and as I am old, and for a number of other reasons. She didn’t say that to upset me, but just to be able to manage my expectations about my future and psychotherapy.

I have dabbled in a few different estoeric healing rituals at times ... but they haven’t really been enough to tangibly, permanently transform my mental health issues.
My mental health seems to hold me back/sabotage nearly every area of my life, and cause persistent negative outcomes.

So, I guess my question is “can I expect any permanent/positive change from psychotherapy?” -
Perhaps my friend was accurate.
And finally - I stumbled across a hypnotherapist online yesterday.
She sounds great, but doesn’t have ‘formal’ credentials.
BUT, my gut feeling tells me that the hypnotherapist might be able to transform my mind in a shorter time than psychotherapy.
But yet, when I’ve trusted in the past in a similar way, the modality has made no difference whatsoever :(
... or perhaps both modalities might be effective together?.
I have a VERY limited budget and can barely afford one, let alone 2 - but will get a loan out if I have a chance of tangible change.

I’m just wondering if you have any feelings or advice about all this.

I acknowledge that you’re not a medic or mental health professional, I’m just asking in the same capacity that I see that you respond to people in this form.

Love and light

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Re: Eye of tiger

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jan 19, 2020 1:44 am

KattieKat wrote:
Sat Jan 18, 2020 5:21 pm
Greetings Eye of tiger

I hope this message finds you well.

I was wondering if I could ask for some insight/reading?

At a very late stage in my life, I have been advised by my GP to get weekly psychotherapy for my long-term issues, for the next 3 years.

I’ve been told by a friend is an intuitive empath, that unfortunately my mental health issues can never really massively be tackled/transformed.
As they are deep rooted, and as I am old, and for a number of other reasons. She didn’t say that to upset me, but just to be able to manage my expectations about my future and psychotherapy.

I have dabbled in a few different estoeric healing rituals at times ... but they haven’t really been enough to tangibly, permanently transform my mental health issues.
My mental health seems to hold me back/sabotage nearly every area of my life, and cause persistent negative outcomes.

So, I guess my question is “can I expect any permanent/positive change from psychotherapy?” -
Perhaps my friend was accurate.
And finally - I stumbled across a hypnotherapist online yesterday.
She sounds great, but doesn’t have ‘formal’ credentials.
BUT, my gut feeling tells me that the hypnotherapist might be able to transform my mind in a shorter time than psychotherapy.
But yet, when I’ve trusted in the past in a similar way, the modality has made no difference whatsoever :(
... or perhaps both modalities might be effective together?.
I have a VERY limited budget and can barely afford one, let alone 2 - but will get a loan out if I have a chance of tangible change.

I’m just wondering if you have any feelings or advice about all this.

I acknowledge that you’re not a medic or mental health professional, I’m just asking in the same capacity that I see that you respond to people in this form.

Love and light
Dear KattieKat,

My feeling or advice would be for you to accept your GP's recommendations for you to get weekly psychotherapy for your long term issues, for at least the next 12 months.

It is very important during this 12 month period that you do not dabble in any more esoteric healing rituals, or visit a hypnotherapist.

This should allow you to more fully evaluate whether longer term psychotherapy is going to be of any positive benefit to you before you commit yourself to another 24 months.

Only after a consecutive 12 months of psychotherapy, should you even consider taking out a loan to pay for the hypnotherapy.

Psychotherapists have medical qualifications, while many hypnotherapists do not.

In my country (Australia) psychotherapy treatment is administered by psychiatrists (doctors), whose fees are partially or fully covered by medical insurance.

If on the other hand you want to try hypnotherapy or some other complementary (rather than alternative) treatment, then you will have to entirely bear the cost and risks involved yourself.

Precisely because your issues are so long term and deep seated, I really feel that that you owe it to yourself to give the psychotherapy approach a fair trial.

Your intuitive empathic friend was spot on in what she told you, in my opinion.

But this must not be taken as a sign that you should forget about your GP's wise advice, and gamble with your life with a person who is neither qualified nor trained to deal with problems of the seriousness and size, which you are describing.

Finally, the chance of success of any treatment protocol should never be exclusively judged by how fast you have been told by someone else (or your own intuition) that it might or could work.

What works for one person, may not necessarily work for you at the same speed as it did for them, if at all.

Whatever treatments you do use, do not unrealistically expect any forward progress which you do make as a result, to always be in a straight line upwards (linear).

Sometimes it is one step forward, closely followed by two or more steps back. The idea is to overall always keep moving in the direction of better mental, emotional and physical health.

Do not be too hard upon yourself for sometimes slipping backwards or having a bad day. This will often happen, even if you are doing everything right.

If you gradually have less bad days and more better days over a longer period of time, you are definitely on the road to recovery.

Give yourself the well deserved but long overdue credit for not having given up on yourself.

I wish you all the very best, in all areas of your life (not just this one).

God bless you,

Brian :smt109

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Re: Eye of tiger

Post by KattieKat » Sun Jan 19, 2020 12:35 pm

Hi Eye of Tiger

Thanks for this.

I’m very grateful for your feedback.

I have to pay for the psychotherapy myself, whilst I have no income. So if it won’t make any difference and nothing in my life will change, then what is the point?
I’d prefer to save the money tbh. Plus I’m very old.

If I may ask - if it will be the case that nothing changes with therapy, then I’m confused at your mention of ‘2 steps forward, one step back’.
Surely it should just be ‘no steps in either direction’ or just ‘backwards’, if I’ve understood my friend’s advice correctly?

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Re: Eye of tiger

Post by KattieKat » Sun Jan 19, 2020 3:13 pm

And just one more point/Q, if I may ...

My life is one that is solitary. I have no family , friends or job. I’ve tried to change these things, to have temporary change and rejection as the perpetual outcome. I assume that my friend (who is more an acquaintance) and yourself are basically telling me that the same will just repeat through my life until the end ? It is fine if so, I’d prefer to just accept that than live in the delusion of believing things will ever change - especially in old age.


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Re: Eye of tiger

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jan 20, 2020 12:44 am

Dear KattieKat,

You have completely misunderstood what I told you.

You are putting words into my mouth, which I did not say.

Neither your friend or myself told you that psychotherapy would not make any difference.

We agreed upon the fact that because your issues are so serious, complicated and long standing that ANY THERAPY after all these years would be expected not to make your symptoms completely disappear or quickly vanish overnight.

That any type of therapy would be challenging, both for your therapist and yourself.

You do not need to be psychic

If I had thought that the psychotherapy would be a total waste of your time and money, I would not be advising you to give it a fair trial for at least the next 12 months.

For me to do that would not make any sense.

I would never do this to a friend.

I already recognised that the psychotherapy was unlikely to be free, but I do not know anything at the time about where you live, what medical insurance is available in your country, and your eligibility for making a claim on your medical bills.

Before we go any further, I do not think anything less of you because you are thinking the way that you are.

I am a not a doctor, but I have experienced myself on several occasions, the distressing symptoms of clinical depression.

When we are depressed, thoughts such as we are too old for any type of therapy to help us, or that because something did not work, nothing will ever work are unfortunately quite common.

That is your depression or the inner voices telling you these things, which are simply NOT true.

If you have to get a loan to either try the psychotherapy or the hypnotherapy, it is both my personal and the reading's opinion that you would be much safer and more likely to have at least some success sticking with the psychotherapy by itself, for several reasons which I have already explained above.

I believe that although whatever progress you can reasonably be expected to make through the psychotherapy will not completely eliminate all of your issues in one session, that it offers you the best possible chance for getting at least some relief over time.

I did not want you to try the psychotherapy while having totally unrealistic expectations that any progress you make would be quick and without any temporary setbacks (one stop forward, two or more steps backward is another way of me saying the same thing).

You asked for my intuitive advice, but I CANNOT and WILL NOT force you to act upon that advice.

I am only the messenger.

If you do eventually try the psychotherapy, I would recommend that you and your therapist start by challenging your beliefs about you being too old for anything to help you, or that simply because you have not had the success which you expected that you would have had with other treatments that psychotherapy cannot and will not work.

You will have to accept that it is unlikely at your age that any form of therapy is guaranteed to 100% fix all of your issues, but you do not have to accept that any form of therapy cannot improve any of your issues.
I’d prefer to just accept that than live in the delusion of believing things will ever change - especially in old age.
That is always your choice to make.

I will always respect your right to choose.

My thoughts and prayers go with you.

Love, Light and Healing,

Brian :smt049 :smt049

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Re: Eye of tiger

Post by KattieKat » Fri Jan 24, 2020 11:51 am

Thank you Eye of Tiger.

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Re: Eye of tiger

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jan 25, 2020 11:26 am

KattieKat wrote:
Fri Jan 24, 2020 11:51 am
Thank you Eye of Tiger.

You are very welcome.

God bless,

Brian :smt024

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