Psychic Vampires

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Psychic Vampires

Post by dhav » Wed Nov 06, 2019 5:04 pm

Psychic vampires do they work with entities to draw out energy? Are they victims or they consent to work with them? How do we block them and heal from their attacks? How do we recognize them?

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Re: Psychic Vampires

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:16 pm

You have asked quite a few questions at once.

Psychic vampires can either be living people, or discarnate (without a physical body) entities.

Their insatiable hunger for energy can either be completely unconscious or deliberate (a conscious psychic attack).

Both incarnate and discarnate "vampires" do not need any help from anyone else to do this, and they certainly do not need the permission or consent of the other person, to draw the energy out of their aura (personal energy field).

You generally recognise that you have been the target of a psychic vampire, by a feeling of being totally exhausted, which cannot be explained by any other logical reason, including of a medical nature.

You can learn to block them by strengthening your personal energy field to prevent any further attacks, as well as simultaneously raising your energy vibrational frequency so high, that they no longer want to have anything to do with you, and they will hopefully go away.

Do you believe that you have already been attacked by, or are the unconscious victim of a so called psychic vampire?

Incarnate (with a body) or discarnate (no physical body)?

Take care,

Brian :smt017

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Re: Psychic Vampires

Post by dhav » Thu Nov 07, 2019 7:10 am

I feel I have been rendered totally weak and yes many times I will be drained. It is like I no more feel confident about myself and my relationship with some friends have also been manipulated. Many time I have been told I do not know how to do my work etc and also my emotion or feelings are illusion. It is like my being human has been snatched. Right now I just feel I am no more the one who was strong and would work well and can achieve great things through my skills n efforts. It was exhausting... :smt010

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Re: Psychic Vampires

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Nov 08, 2019 12:43 am


Your emotions and feelings are an illusion?

I strongly disagree with that! :smt012

Instead they are valuable indicators of what is presently going on in your inner world.

They can be used as valuable tools for positive change, if you are willing to own them, and listen carefully to the healing messages which they can bring to you.

Since you posted this, your other postings in the psychic reading forum and The Hug Exchange have already answered my two questions above.

In this reply I wish to emphasize that what you feel at present is largely determined by what you are telling yourself that this particular, unpleasant experience means.

If on one hand you are telling yourself that this loss of trust and breakup in your relationship means that nobody can be trusted in the future, then you will be setting yourself up for this happening over and over again.

If on the other hand you are telling yourself that although this specific relationship broke up along with trust, every human being is imperfect and makes mistakes.

It does NOT automatically mean that ALL of your future relationship (including working ones) will inevitably break up through a loss of trust by at least one of you (our mind's frequent tendency to overgeneralize) .

Realizing that they are imperfect and mistake making human beings like yourself is the ONLY way I know of to slowly but surely break forever the chain of future negative expectations and negative events , which have been unintentionally set in motion here.

Mourn for the loss of your friend and your sense of trust in them, but do not let your grief consume you entirely.

Do NOT allow it to make you bitter against ALL people, or overly pessimistic about what may happen from now on.

Conserve what limited energies are currently available to you, and focus most of what energy is left behind (after basic survival) on healing yourself.

I have got your back,

Brian :smt027

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Re: Psychic Vampires

Post by dhav » Fri Nov 08, 2019 3:35 pm

Dear Eot,

yes I completely understand what you are saying. I need lot of self caring and love. I need to find myself where I left myself as I became too engulfed in others lives that I completely forgot about myself. I have become someone who has forgotten many good things about myself, the good things I can do and giving good to others.

Thank you Brian for being there. I will ask for a reading after some weeks when things are more sorted out and when I am more focused. :smt024
Huhu (my new name) :smt002

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Re: Psychic Vampires

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Nov 08, 2019 11:20 pm

Message read and understood.

You are always welcome.

I agree that it is probably best to leave another reading, until things are more sorted out and focused for you.

In the meantime, please read the following article.

I feel that it is particularly relevant to the BOTH of us.

"Are you suffering from Healer's Disease?" By Tanaaz ... rs-disease


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Re: Psychic Vampires

Post by dhav » Sat Nov 09, 2019 1:33 am

Wow. It totally have my symptoms. I need to take back my life from others. Enough of their constant need of me being there for them. They are always seeking my presence and when I go I end up doing things for them or sometimes they talk as they want with me even hurting me in the process.

Thank you for this article. And lots of love to you :smt049 :smt049
I woke up with something small running around in my room during the night and there was some visits. I had lost touch with them n they are coming back. n maybe they were healing me.

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Re: Psychic Vampires

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Nov 10, 2019 2:42 am

I woke up with something small running around in my room during the night and there was some visits. I had lost touch with them n they are coming back. n maybe they were healing me.
But it is much more likely that any human visitors from the other side are there mainly to protect you from the "small thing" running around your bedroom at night.

The "small" thing sounds very much like an elemental or negative/sometimes malicious non human animal like dark entity, that you really do not want to have in your home at any time of the day.

Could you please give me any more detail which you can remember both about your visitors, as well as concerning any history of your encounters with the "small thing"?

Are you absolutely sure that you were fully awake at the time that this all happened?


Brian :smt017

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Re: Psychic Vampires

Post by dhav » Mon Nov 11, 2019 8:45 am

I was semi-conscious in a dreamlike state. When I sensed the small thing i tried to look but it was invisible. It was running very fast around in the room and it touched around my base chakra. Then I fully woke up and sensed that part activated Maybe it was sexual also. Then later there was another presence near me and this one was humanoid and I could feel some energy he was giving me or working with me. My body was accepting it the energy then I fell asleep again. I don't know if it was good or bad.
The small thing maybe I encountered long time ago when I am asleep coming on bed feeling like something heavy. Once I tried to look subconsciously and a saw a dark thing with blue eyes. Then a presence with violet light came and shooes it away. I don't know if it is the same thing because the old one was something heavy and the latest one was something fast.

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Re: Psychic Vampires

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Nov 11, 2019 9:55 pm


Once again I feel that the "humanoid" presence was there mainly to protect you from the small dark thing (with blue eyes), and to repair any damage done to your personal energy field, by what is definitely a psychic vampire.

Your base or root chakra is not primarily involved with your sexuality (that is the function of second or sacral chakra).

The root chakra is associated with your life force, or that which holds you in the physical world (and in your physical body).

Anything which draws upon that energy centre is essentially trying to rob you of your life force energy or is literally "sucking the life out of you".

The first and second chakras are so close together that they are often stimulated and therefore activated simultaneously, which is why there could have indeed been a sexual element to the psychic attack.
My body was accepting it the energy then I fell asleep again. I don't know if it was good or bad.
This energy was positive (good), and supportive.
The small thing maybe I encountered long time ago when I am asleep coming on bed feeling like something heavy. Once I tried to look subconsciously and a saw a dark thing with blue eyes.
Heavy and dark, with blue (glowing) eyes?

This is I believe the source of your problems, with regards to you feeling constantly drained of your vital energies.

What you or I can practically do about permanently ridding yourself of this piece of "psychic vermin", is another matter.

Maybe that is why you are being given urgent spiritual healing support from the other side.

One thing you could possibly do to help to weaken the small thing's hold over you is to try to control your more negative emotions and fears (always easier said than done).

Psychic vampires are attracted to the negative energies generated by such feelings as the need for revenge, and feed upon your fears like a glutton feeds on a banquet.

Feed your soul with (mainly) positive energies, and in this manner starve the little you know what of the very thing which it craves, and needs to be able to continue to exist.

Brian :smt027

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Re: Psychic Vampires

Post by dhav » Tue Nov 12, 2019 3:36 am

Dear Brian,

Yes I agree I have to work on positive energies rather than concentrating on my blues. Right now my emotions is all about the abuse and trauma I have received from friends for the past 2 years. I am unable to forgive them as their deeds just flash back to me. I had suppressed what I have felt and endured and now they are all coming out.
This saturday I am going to see a woman who does healing. I am glad I got you as a friend to help me out especially seeing more clearly.

Dhav :) :smt024

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Re: Psychic Vampires

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Nov 12, 2019 9:49 pm


As usual, you are very welcome.

I want to emphasize here that controlling or balancing your emotions/feelings, does NOT mean that you should suppress them indefinitely.

As many of us have learned.

The hard way. :smt010


Brian :smt026

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Re: Psychic Vampires

Post by dhav » Fri Nov 22, 2019 11:46 am

I have taken a bog break from all my friends and no more business with them finally. I am dealing with working on the pains they have given me and which I have suppressed. I have let them manipulate me, they have taken me for granted and I could no more stand it and I have to deal with a heartbreak as well. But I am much better now it's been 1 week. :) The one I had feelings for is sad and trying to remain friend with me as I never let him down but he could not respect my feelings with his immature behaviors.

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Re: Psychic Vampires

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Nov 24, 2019 3:41 am

I feel that you now have a greater understanding about fully experiencing strong emotions, but not at the same time allowing them to overpower or consume you.

My advice would be to keep any "bog break" (current or future), to a maximum of 30 consecutive days at a time.

Note that I am specifically using the term bog break in the sense of the intense emotional healing component of your total time off from your usual routine.

Sending you Love, Light and Healing,

Brian :)

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Re: Psychic Vampires

Post by dhav » Sun Nov 24, 2019 3:39 pm

Hello Brian,

Can you be more clear on bog break ? :)
Otherwise something unbelievable happened today. I entered a clothing shop today and there I was walking in and at same time my ex+ a new girl were in front of me walking. I recognized him at once after all these years but looked as if I didn't recognized him and turn away on the right from his path.They were on their way out of the shop. He is someone who caused me a very great pain and abandoned me many times in the past. This was symbolic for me this little moment like the universe orchestrated this to convey a message to me today. It is part of my healing.

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