om Namaha Shivaj

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om Namaha Shivaj

Post by erik » Fri Dec 28, 2018 11:01 pm

I was for the 3rd time in India from October 2002 till the end of Januari 2003. When I was staying in the Ved Niketan Ashram in Rishikesh from October to early December 2002, I had a few nice realizations.

One day I was sitting in the chai shop next to the ashram and drank a few cups of tea with sugar and ate a few sugar bars of candy. I went to my room in the ashram later and found myself very restless. I was thinking of a few mantra's to chant and when I started the mantra of Shiva which begins with: "Om Trayambakam Yayamaye..." I thought this was too long. Then I started another mantra which goes like this : "Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha..." but found this too long as well. Then I thought of the Hare Krishna mantra and started to chant: "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna..." but this too was too long and at that moment I heard a dark deep voice in my mind chanting three times: "Om Namah Shivaj, Om Namah Shivaj, Om Namah Shivaj."

I thought that this would be the mantra to chant, so I did, I used to wake up early in the morning (around 4.30 - 5.00) and began to chant this mantra and one day this happened:

I was chanting the mantra in the morning and suddenly I fell like I was about to leave my body, I would have an out of body experience, I thought. But just at that moment that I was about to leave the body, a monkey started to jump up and down on the roof, just above my room! The monkey also started to scream and shout and broke my concentration. I was pissed but I kept on chanting.

And on another day this happened:

It was midday and I was chanting Om Namah Shivaj again and suddenly I felt like I could leave my body again, so I prepared and concentrated more, but all of the sudden, at the moment I would leave the body, I heard somebody making a noise just outside my room. It broke my concentration again and I quickly went outside to see who had shoven a clay pot (because it sounded like that). And I saw nobody around, that was the weirdest thing.

So I almost went out of my body twice in Rishikesh, India.
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Re: Om Namah Shiva

Post by erik » Sat Dec 29, 2018 2:49 am

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Re: Om Namah Shiva

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Dec 29, 2018 4:36 am

drank a few cups of tea with sugar and ate a few sugar bars of candy
This unhealthy habit can cause a steep increase, closely followed by an equally large drop in your blood sugar levels, which seriously affects your brain's chemical balance and state of consciousness.

Even without you having any diagnosed mental illness or personality disorder, a huge sugar hit or rush can cause total chaos with your body and mind.

Combined with a professionally diagnosed mental illness or personality disorder, the abuse of sugar is like throwing petroleum or gasoline on a fire to try to put it out.

Sugar is one of the most addictive substances in our modern diet.

Which is a major reason (not the only one) why we are presently in the middle of a type 2 diabetes and obesity epidemic/pandemic.

There is nothing particularly mystical or spiritual about this, and the chemically induced illusion of being outside of your body (or about to leave it) is called autoscopy.

Some skeptics believe (but I do not) that ALL out of body experiences (OBEs) are actually chemically induced illusions of our brains.

Based upon both of your recent postings, I can only advise you to see a qualified professional doctor, specialist, counselor and have them thoroughly check you out for a possible mental illness, personality disorder, or chemical imbalance which could contribute to the illusion of you being about to leave your body.

Do not underestimate the dangers of a possible sugar addiction and depriving your body of a well balanced and nutritious diet, as part of the mixture. ... within-you

Brian :smt031

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Re: Om Namah Shiva

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Dec 29, 2018 7:11 am

I just wanted to add here that meditation uses a lot of water.

You could have enough mental confusion and stress caused by your blood sugar levels being all over the place, without you also being dehydrated, due to not having had enough water and meditating for too long at a time.

The symptoms of dehydration are remarkably similar to those of having too much or too little sugar in your bloodstream.


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Re: Om Namah Shiva

Post by erik » Sat Dec 29, 2018 8:26 am

Hello Brian,

thank you for your kind reply, I am amazed to read that too much sugar can trigger of those kind of experiences, I did see a doctor, that was in Januari 2003 after a suicide attempt and was admitted in a psychiatric hospital where I was diaganosed with paranoid psychosis, later, after another psychosis, the diagnosis was schizophrenia.

I still eat a lot of sugar, in my tea, chocolate and more of this stuff, I have to take care that I won't overweigh, now I weigh 105 kilos. I stopped drinking coca cola.

Anyway, thank you again for your insights!

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Re: Om Namah Shiva

Post by erik » Sat Dec 29, 2018 12:40 pm

I was just weighing myself again after a few weeks, last time I weighed myself I was 105 kilo, and now I weighed 107,8 kilo, I was shocked to find out, I am goiing to cut down seriously on my sugar intake, no more chocolate after dinner, no more soya drinks (1 liter is containing 65 grams of sugar) after dinner and just one spoon of sugar in my cup of tea from now on.

I am sporting a lot, I am jogging 4 times a week and I go to the fitness gym 4 times a week, but if I continue to eat like I did all the sports I do will be for nothing, jogging is difficult as I weigh 107.8 kilo now and I have more than 20 kilos overweight, I should weigh 85 kilo.

Ok, let's start the new year with all these good new years resolutions :smt002

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Re: Om Namah Shiva

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Dec 29, 2018 11:08 pm

erik wrote:
Sat Dec 29, 2018 12:40 pm
I was just weighing myself again after a few weeks, last time I weighed myself I was 105 kilo, and now I weighed 107,8 kilo, I was shocked to find out, I am goiing to cut down seriously on my sugar intake, no more chocolate after dinner, no more soya drinks (1 liter is containing 65 grams of sugar) after dinner and just one spoon of sugar in my cup of tea from now on.

I am sporting a lot, I am jogging 4 times a week and I go to the fitness gym 4 times a week, but if I continue to eat like I did all the sports I do will be for nothing, jogging is difficult as I weigh 107.8 kilo now and I have more than 20 kilos overweight, I should weigh 85 kilo.

Ok, let's start the new year with all these good new years resolutions :smt002

One of the symptoms which instantly stood out in the article which I gave you a link to was uncontrolled anger.

As you undoubtedly read the extreme swing in your blood sugar levels sets off a stress response, and the fear and anxiety which results from this naturally makes you feel paranoid and under attack.

Which in turn makes you feel angry.

Very angry. :smt009

The problem is that the energy of that emotion (which is in itself neutral) needs to be safely released, but in a healthy manner.

Turning the anger inwards towards yourself leads to depression.

But turning your anger outwards towards the people closest to you who are often your carers, is almost guaranteed to destroy your relationship with them.

This is a common challenge for most people, to be able to find a healthy outlet for their anger.

I am sorry to hear of your weight problem, but at the same time I feel grateful that I have in some small way given you another tool for taking better care of yourself, from now on.

It is always my privilege to be of service.

From your friend,

Brian :)

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Re: Om Namah Shiva

Post by erik » Sun Dec 30, 2018 6:53 am

Hey Brian,

I read the link you provided, it is interesting and the author gives nice guidelines, but I have to say that I am a vegetarian since 1994 and don't eat meat, as the author recommends to eat fish and meat to counteract sugar imbalances.

Yes, anger is a gateway to hell, I follow the Hare Krishna philosophy a bit and in the Bhagavat Gita as it is, BG 2.63, it is written:

"Anger leads to clouding of judgment, which results in bewilderment of the memory. When the memory is bewildered, the intellect gets destroyed; and when the intellect is destroyed, one is ruined."

Indeed anger is terrible!

About my weight, yes, I am going to work out more, I have a hometrainer and will, besides jogging and the fitnes gym, also do that, I wil ltry to work out 13-14 times a week and burn a lot of calories.


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Re: Om Namah Shiva

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Dec 31, 2018 4:35 am


When I give you a link to something, you are not under any obligation to follow any of the advice given on that website.

Nor will there ever be a case where you will 100% fit the profile of the person they are presenting.

The general advice is to take from the article whatever resonates with you as being of practical value to you in making your life healthier, happier and more successful.

Either put what does not feel right to you on the shelf for the future when possibly it will feel right to you, or completely discard it.

There are other ways to counteract sugar imbalances, without you having to give up being vegan.

My main purpose for giving you that link was to show you the huge range of different symptoms which can be caused by sugar addiction and imbalance.

It was not meant to force you into adopting any particular method to re-balance your blood sugar levels.

Anger has the potential to destroy both the angry person, as well as those innocents who are unlucky enough to be close to him, if it is not properly channeled into producing positive change.

Anger when channeled correctly can become a positive force for change in our lives, and in our relationships.

Anger is part of every human being's survival toolkit.

It always starts out as being neither positive nor negative (neutral).

Without anger we would each become like "human doormats" for everyone else to wipe their feet on, and to not consider our feelings.
Anger leads to clouding of judgment, which results in bewilderment of the memory. When the memory is bewildered, the intellect gets destroyed; and when the intellect is destroyed, one is ruined.
I agree with the clouding of judgement and bewilderment of memory (primitive emotions and reptilian part of the brain suppress the mammalian frontal cortex, where logic resides), but I completely disagree with the intellect being destroyed or the person ruined.

Intellect temporarily neutralized, and person embarrasses him or herself in public?

When anger is not channeled correctly it is easier for the person to make bad decisions or make an mistake, but one bad decision or mistake does not mean that the person's life is permanently ruined.

If getting angry or making a bad decision or mistake, which every human being does many times throughout their lifetime qualifies them for hell, then heaven must be empty.

No offence intended to your religious beliefs, but I am unwilling to accept any so called sacred text or God which or whom expects us to be perfect (never get angry, never make a bad decision or mistake), in order to earn our gold ticket into the afterlife.

You can learn much of great benefit and value to you from your mistakes.

If you never make mistakes, you will miss the lessons contained within the experience of making each mistake.

Enough said?

More love and light,

Brian :smt045

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Re: Om Namah Shiva

Post by erik » Mon Dec 31, 2018 1:11 pm

Hey Brain,

yes, anger can cause mistakes which can be learned from, but in my case anger led me to complete ruins, I became angry with the people who attacked a church in Gouda in Februari 2002 and it led me to complete paranoia which lasted for a year and two suicide attemps, so complete ruins.

The religious text is applyable to me in my case, but I do understand that it is not so for the majority of the people living on this planet.

I do appreciate your giving me the link, I never knew that there was a connection between sugar and anger, that is new to me, and since I ate normally again, so no sugar since two days ago, I weigh now 105,9 kilo, so two kilos less. Losing weight always goes fast with me.

I remember that I was in Radhadesh, the spiritual community of the Hare Krishna's in the Belgian Ardennes and I was fasting for 8 days there, that happened in June this year, I lost a kilo a day, when I came back to Rotterdam I lost 8 kilos!

I lose 1 kilo a day if I fast.


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Re: Om Namah Shiva

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Dec 31, 2018 10:34 pm


If you are as completely ruined as you claim to be, why are you still showing such great courage in the face of your many challenges?

Why are you seeking our help and support, when you believe that your life has been permanently ruined?

Yes your anger has lead to considerable suffering by you as well as to those who most care for and about you, but after the suicide attempts you are still here, and you are consciously trying to improve yourself.

Ruined equals beyond saving, and therefore with no room for improvement.

Avoid extreme fasts of more than 24 hours in length.

If you deprive your body of the nutrients and energy it needs any longer than that, it will view this as an emergency and respond by keeping as much fat as possible under your skin and around your major organs, which is completely the opposite of what you want if you wish to lose weight.

1 Kg per day of lost weight is far too much, and terribly unhealthy. This could seriously interfere with your body's ability to process the medication prescribed for your illness.

Consult your treating doctor about what could potentially be the tragic consequences of putting your body into a permanent emergency mode.

Try instead for say 2 Kg a week. In this way you will lose the extra 20 Kg over 10 weeks, and be much less likely to suffer the dreaded yo-yo effect, where the patient loses weight, then immediately puts it all back on plus a few extra kilos. This can happen over and over again, until the body finally but inevitably succumbs to it's abuse. :smt009

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Re: Om Namah Shiva

Post by erik » Mon Dec 31, 2018 11:57 pm

Hey Brian,

first of all, best wishes for the new year 2019!

Yes, I was completely ruined, but not permanently, my first suicide attempt was that I took an overdose of tranquilizers, then I was admitted in a psychiatric hospital and after a week or so, I took a walk with the staff and some patients there and ran away, jumping from an overway, it took me 6 months to recover from everything.

I had a terrible time but the staff was allright, helping me to recover.

Concerning the losing weight thing, yes, I did this because it was Parama Ekadasi on June 10th 2018, I went to Radhadesh because it was said in the scriptures that you had to fast for 6 days on this Ekadasi, so I did! Ekadasi is done every two weeks in the Hare Krishna movement, I always do a complete fast for 48 hours, following what the scriptures say, but normally you can eat but no grains and beans.

But that Ekadasi it was said you had to fast for 6 days, so I went to Radhadesh to do that, and then I found out that I lost 1 kilo a day!

It's better to lose some weight the way I do now, by not to take sugar anymore.


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