Is A Faint M Sign Still a Good Sign for Material Wealth?

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Is A Faint M Sign Still a Good Sign for Material Wealth?

Post by handman » Sun Sep 16, 2018 8:47 pm


A client has an M sign on his right hand, however, it becomes faint as it approaches the head line, but an M can still be seen depending on the lighting.

In bad lighting, it appears as though there is a small gap after the life line and just before the head line breaking the M sign.

Is this still a good predictor of material wealth, being on the right hand? Client is right handed (as in signs his documents with right hand).

Please advise,
Many Thanks,

Pravin Kumar
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Re: Is A Faint M Sign Still a Good Sign for Material Wealth?

Post by Pravin Kumar » Mon Sep 17, 2018 4:14 am

iN Western Palmistry we do not attach any importance to any Alphabhet whether it is A B C D etc. etc. including M also.


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Re: Is A Faint M Sign Still a Good Sign for Material Wealth?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Sep 28, 2018 4:35 am


It is in Chinese Palmistry that the letter M on one's palm is interpreted as predicting that the person will have good luck with money and with love relationships.

Please read the following article for more detail. ... n-palm.htm

Also I feel that if your client is convinced that the appearance of the letter M necessarily means that he will enjoy great material wealth, that it might give him more confidence in his future dealings with money, and if these dealings are successful become what is called a positive self fulfilling prophecy.

Believing enough subconsciously that the M on your palm means good luck with money, could condition you to believe that enjoying success with your money dealings/investments/risk taking from now on, is a real possibility.


Brian :smt026

Pravin Kumar
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Re: Is A Faint M Sign Still a Good Sign for Material Wealth?

Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Oct 07, 2018 11:01 am


Good to know you are healthy and working. M is found in at least more than 1/3rd of the palms. Just see number of palms posted and reading given. Combination of Heart, Fate, Head and Life line makes M. All those who are struggling to rise up high financially believe that M indicates money and then come to ask us. Now if a person has M why would he come unless he is struggling. That is how I reason.


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Re: Is A Faint M Sign Still a Good Sign for Material Wealth?

Post by Pravin Kumar » Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:38 am

If he has M sign is he rich? Whatever is reflected in the palm is the xerox of what is there in your brain. The hand is connected by nerves to the brain and hence if you think you are rich it gets reflected in the palm which we interpret. If you think you are of sound health then it gets reflected in the palm. If you think you have a sharp memory and good concentration then it gets reflected in the palm Whatever you think that reaches your Subconscious Mind then you will definitely get it even though it may take time. Read the Book "The Power of the Subconscious Mind" by Dr. Joseph Murphy.

Pravin Soni

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Re: Is A Faint M Sign Still a Good Sign for Material Wealth?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Oct 15, 2018 10:28 pm

To my esteemed friend and colleague Pravin,

We are between us losing the spirit of the original question, or going off on a tangent.

It is clear from the above that we agree about the power of the person's subconscious mind and the power of suggestion in ultimately determining a person's health or their success with money, but that we disagree about the significance of the M on their palms.

But surely that is OK.

Very rarely will you ever find another person who believes everything that you believe.

But that does not mean that we cannot still have a mutually respectful discussion about that subject.

Not agreeing with everything that you do does not mean that I am questioning or attacking your obviously much greater knowledge of palmistry, or worse that I am attacking you as a person.

I have seen too many forums and good friendships destroyed by discussions like this one turning into a life and death game of attack and defence, and I am not willing to allow this to continue on the new and fresh type of Mystic Board which I want to help to build.

Let us agree to disagree about some things, and honestly ask ourselves the question HOW IS OUR DEBATE HELPING THE PERSON WHO POSTED THIS QUESTION?

The important point here is we are both here to try to help handman.

You will always have my friendship, support, respect and admiration.

Can the both of us serve as positive role models to a new generation of Mystic Boarders, through this fresh approach to all our discussions and other interactions from now on?

Peaceful blessings to you,

Brian :smt049

Pravin Kumar
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Re: Is A Faint M Sign Still a Good Sign for Material Wealth?

Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Oct 31, 2018 4:58 am

Dear Brian,

In palmistry there are so many divergent views, so many ways of reading palms that I do not doubt others. But the way a person reads or presents I come to know immediately about his knowledge. Indeed I am grateful to you for helping Sweta in keeping her group going. I had exchange of few mails with her as I have met her personally at her residence. I would love to help her but situation probably now is not so good in her life I feel this. So all I can do is to contribute what I can. I knew her Dad and Mom and hence my best wishes for her in her life.

Once One person read one indication in my palm according to his method which indicated lots of travel which I do but that indication according to me indicated near fatal accident which I did have. So I never doubt any method. In Western Palmistry we never believe in M because this will be found on the hands of at least 50% persons. That is my reasoning and I follow it but others can be right according to their views. You can see various palms posted in this group and you will get confirmation. For age method I follow Cheiro who takes maximum age to be 98 and Benham takes it as 70. I follow Cheiro only for age prediction and rest Benham. So it is my belief in what I follow that it is right then I cannot go wrong. To have strong belief in oneself is most essential to get success in life.

Further I wanted to posted so many posts in Meditation but you wrote something, which I could not understand. If you want me to post them in General Discussions I will do that but I can only copy paste and post it.

Hope you are keeping Good Health.

Pravin Soni

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Re: Is A Faint M Sign Still a Good Sign for Material Wealth?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Oct 31, 2018 9:15 pm

Further I wanted to posted so many posts in Meditation but you wrote something, which I could not understand. If you want me to post them in General Discussions I will do that but I can only copy paste and post it.

The original idea was for you to choose three at a time of what you feel would be the best postings from the Meditation and Mind Improvement forum, let me know which ones they were, and I would copy them over myself.

But the feedback from the other team members who I asked to do the same thing was that it was simply too difficult to pick them (as different people have different ideas about what would be their best postings suitable for general discussion).

Accordingly I have decided not to go ahead with the idea at all, as it does not have the support of enough of you to make it work.

It would only make more work for all of us. Which at the moment we definitely do not need.

What we really need are enough members responding to and discussing the postings which have already been made, to make posting any new ones feel worth the effort involved. It saddens me to see how many postings you have made, which have never received one single response.

Could I please ask you in future to keep any personal content about Swetha (or any of the other team members) to our private messages?

I understand that in this case you were using this information to show the rest of us that you have a particularly close friendship with our much loved, but also much missed site owner.

But your loyalty to Swetha as well as to our community over a long period, and your detailed and extensive knowledge of palmistry, were truly never in question.

You do not need to constantly defend, what was never under attack in the first place.

Having a different opinion about or way of seeing something in the field of Palmistry should never be automatically interpreted as a personal attack on the palmist him or herself.

Have a nice day,

Brian :smt023

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