Why divination is harmful for human being

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Why divination is harmful for human being

Post by firefly43210 » Thu Feb 01, 2018 1:18 pm

Divination is the process through which unknown facts about places or time inaccessible to one is revealed . Human mind tend to be anxious to know what is unknown , but it is observed in most cases , that one is interested in knowing only what will happen , rather than why such thing may happen . Imparting such reasons to imaginary things such as planets and such . While the real cause and effect is ignored . Any event is a part of a string of events culminating to a specific result .
Just as a single incident is a part of a story or a novel . The result or intermediate effects depends solely on the cause and the process itself .
So , in the matter of divination , it is most important to know the real cause and criteria i.e the personality etc. without which one tends to be misled to ignore ones participation in producing the effect in future and blames either others or ones own fate .

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Re: Why divination is harmful for human being

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Feb 01, 2018 10:03 pm

While I completely agree with you that divination can be harmful in the wrong hands, and that it can potentially encourage spiritual laziness and over dependence when making decisions, when used properly it can present us with future possibilities and open doors which would never have been considered or opened without it.

Also just as everything else in this life, divination itself is neutral. That is that it is neither positive nor negative, although it contains the possibility of either (or in some situations both).

It is the intention behind using it which mainly determines whether or not with the luxury of hindsight, it is to be regarded as beneficial or self destructive, both to the reader as well as to his or her client.

And also like everything in life the intention behind the proper use or abuse of the art of divination attracts karmic credits or debts, to overall balance each person's cosmic account (both over a single lifetime, and/or many lifetimes).


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Re: Why divination is harmful for human being

Post by firefly43210 » Thu Feb 01, 2018 10:45 pm

Yes , and also that one should not stop at knowing what will happen , one should also seek out why such will happen . Because many people holds others vile on knowing what what will happen without knowing the circumstances or reasons of the happening and their own participation in it .

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Re: Why divination is harmful for human being

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Feb 02, 2018 12:01 am

Your entire case is based upon the common but incorrect assumption that psychics have access to information which is not accessible to other mortal human beings.

That psychics/tarot readers possess special spiritual powers, abilities and senses which the average person does not, and never will.

Often the only difference between a psychic reader and a person who regards themselves as completely lacking in any psychic abilities, is that the former have decided to develop and use their abilities in order to help others to finally access their own truths and information from within themselves.

Truths and specific personal information obtained from with oneself are always superior and more practically applicable to your life situation, when compared to truths and information obtained by someone other than yourself.

If people think for one moment that psychics can always accurately and reliably predict their own futures, that they have a private, dedicated telephone line to God, and that they also completely understand why some things happen and other things do not happen when they expected them to happen, then they are living in a constant state of fantasy.

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Re: Why divination is harmful for human being

Post by firefly43210 » Fri Feb 02, 2018 4:21 am

Please !
The case is that people do not seek the reason of the future event !
They just want to know what will happen !
You did not study the petition !

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Re: Why divination is harmful for human being

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Feb 02, 2018 9:33 pm

firefly43210 wrote:
Fri Feb 02, 2018 4:21 am
Please !
The case is that people do not seek the reason of the future event !
They just want to know what will happen !
You did not study the petition !
But I did study the petition (as you expressed it)!

And I did get the point which you were making.

If they also asked the reason (s) why that particular future is being predicted, then if they do not like it there is always the potential for them to be able to change it to more their liking, by them taking positive, practical action in the present moment.

Most of the readers on this site however bypass the step of attempting to predict any future.

We do not hold to the internet definition that a psychic is a person who predicts the future. That is a fortune teller.

Instead our readings on MB tend to go straight to how the client could actively change their own future, by what they do NOW.

Because of this we generally ask the client to change their question to something like "What could I do now to greatly increase my chances of getting a job?'

Instead of "When will I get a job?"

Please read the following forum sticky for more details of the reasons why we rarely if ever set out to predict the future on Mystic Board.



Brian :smt045

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