This is bothering me.

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This is bothering me.

Post by caramel » Wed Nov 02, 2016 3:42 pm

This question is haunting me for a long time now. Almost 7 months.

I have a question: Is this person emotionally manipulating and controlling her.

The person I'm talking about is someone I know for 4 years. I thought he is a nice guy and I knew he had troubles and was in a bad working envronment and bad relationship. I used to feel sorry for him and I genuinely thought he is a very nice person and deserves to be free from such bad environment and be happy with a nice girl.

Last year in June he left that envrionment and his girlfriend. He seemed very happy and I was very happy for him.

In November last year, he met my friends daughter. A lovely girl and they started dating. Everything seemed fine until this March. Suddenly I saw a change in the guys behavior. He seems to control and manipulate my friends daughter. He seems to be emotionally abusing her.

I don't know. She is not telling me. I have a feeling he is blackmailing her.  He is holding something against her and blackmailing her so she is not honest with me or her parents.

Can the tarots answer if everything is alright between them. Is my suspicion correct? Or is my suspicion baseless. I could be over reacting, and I hope I'm over reacting.

I really don't know. Do you think he is manipulating her?

Please help. I'm really worried

EDIT: In case you don't do readings like this, can I atleast get a reading for myself. I mean can you read the cards and tell whether I should be worried or if my worries are baseless and just overreaction to things.


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Post by cedars » Wed Nov 02, 2016 6:14 pm

You are right. This type of readings are not allowed here.

Why are you keeping all this to yourself? If you are that worried, why dont you have a word with your friend whose daughter is dating this guy?
Why not express your fears and apprehensions to the mother and let her deal with it?
Or, are you waiting for a reading to verify your fears and then you are going to show her the reading as proof of your gut feelings? You know that is not the right thing to do...

As for requesting a reading for yourself, it is once again based on the third party. Your questions are full of IF's...

Despite you caring for your friend's daughter - which is noble and comes from a good place - I think you are going behind their backs to see if your suspicions are on solid foundations by getting a reading. Whichever way I look at your reading request, it is about what this guy is doing (or not) to your friend's daughter.

What if a reading did say he is abusing her emotionally? What would you do?
Go and tell her that a certain person gave you a reading and here it is, the proof!

I think you should talk to your friend (the mother) and see if she has noticed any change in this guy's behaviour towards her daughter and see where that takes you.

I am sorry about the situation you find yourself.

The burning question I have for you is the following:
If someone outside this forum gave you a reading and told you you were not over reacting and your doubts and feelings were true.
What then?
What would you do?

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