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Can I have a reading please?

Post by Ashley65 » Fri Jul 01, 2016 11:10 am

Can I have a reading from eye_of_tiger please. Many thanks.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jul 08, 2016 1:34 am


Out of the two life areas of your relationships and your career, this month's reading will be about your future love life.

The Page of Cups (same as Hearts in a normal deck of playing cards) is bringing you a message about matters of your heart. This message is not so much a prediction about whether you will meet someone and fall in love with them during the next six months thought to be covered by this reading, but it is much more about what you can reasonably and practically do in order to significantly increase the chances of this happening. But there are of course no guarantees that this will quickly bring about the desired result.

I am also at the same time getting a strong feeling that you have suffered a significant loss of a person who was very close to you. Someone who you thought the world of and whose absence has left a very big hole in your life. It is not clear from your reading how you were related to this person and how long ago you lost him, but the pain which you are still carrying around with you about losing him is still having a big effect on your ability to trust another man with your heart, as you did earlier.

The typical Page Of Cups person is often highly emotionally sensitive and in some ways rather naïve about the ways of men (no offence intended), but your significant loss has made your oversensitivity to having your feelings hurt yet again that much higher than it might have been otherwise without your loss. This oversensitivity understandably makes you more hesitant to want to risk your feelings again with another man in your life, but nothing of importance to you is without its associated risks.

By loving someone we automatically run the real risk of losing them at some time in the future, either through a broken relationship or death. And the more that we love them, the more is often the pain of our separation from them by whatever way it happens. But this does not mean that we should never love again, so that we can never feel that pain again. To do so would be to rob or deprive ourselves of the opportunity to be healed by the sheer power of love itself.

At least for the next six months you are being advised to find the optimum balance for you between learning to value and respect yourself more (equals increased self love) as well as simultaneously preparing yourself for the next relationship with a man, if this is what you would like to happen.

If you do not feel ready to do the emotional healing work necessary to give yourself the best possible chance of finding the right man for you (none of us is perfect), then leave this at least until next year. Use the extra quality time instead for improving your self confidence without always having to have a man in your life to remind you on a daily basis that you are worthy of being loved (lovable).

To prepare yourself for the next relationship, this time the balance needs to be between constantly wearing your heart upon your sleeve and leaving yourself too emotionally vulnerable, or at the other end of the spectrum developing a thick protective wall around your heart to the point that you will keep your love permanently locked inside, and any man's love for you in the future permanently locked outside.

To protect yourself from any man who would take unfair advantage of your kindness and vulnerability to having your feelings hurt, without at the same time unwittingly protecting (?) yourself from any man who is capable of and willing to give you the type of true and lasting love which you so richly deserve.

Life now begins at 60, so according to that definition you are about to within approximately four years be born again (not the religious meaning) into the next interesting phase of your life, where love can start again fresh and new, if you only want another relationship enough to do the necessary emotional spring cleaning beforehand, to make this a real possibility. More than 90% of the emotional healing process does not involve any other person than yourself.

Love, Light and Healing,

Brian  :smt049 :smt049

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