Can you read my handpalm please???

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Can you read my handpalm please???

Post by AF » Sat Jun 11, 2016 10:42 am

I am 30 years old male.
I want to know if I become successful en rich in my life?
I want to know how many children I wil get?
I want to know how is my healthy in future?
How will be my marriage life?

Please answer my questions.
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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jun 12, 2016 1:42 am


I would like to take this opportunity to warmly welcome AF to our community.

AF please let me know through a private message if you ever feel that I can be of some assistance to you in using and navigating this huge website, as well as exploring its many hidden resources.

Also follow these links........


Brian :smt006

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Post by AF » Sun Jun 12, 2016 1:28 pm

Thanks Brian. I am just waiting for some reaction about my handpalm reading.

Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Jun 15, 2016 4:05 am

With which hand do you write?


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Post by AF » Sat Jun 18, 2016 2:31 am

With right hand.

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Post by AF » Sat Jun 18, 2016 2:33 am

plzzzz read my hand someone!!!

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This request is now a week old

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jun 19, 2016 12:25 am

Could one of our volunteer readers please look at this request (which is now a week old), as soon as it is convenient for you to do so? Or alternately could you please let me know through a private message if there are any problems with it?

On any of the reading forums, 48 hours is considered to be a reasonable amount of time for members to wait for a response to their request. Even if it is only for the reader to ask for more information, or pass on the request to another reader to take in their place (best done through a PM).

This promotes a feeling that we genuinely care about what is happening to them, and that we are ourselves members helping other members.

We do recognise that with the very few requests posted on the site over the last few months, that you may not have been checking for them as regularly as you used to.

Your ongoing efforts on behalf of and compassion towards the other members during your readings as well as after them, are always greatly appreciated by the both of us.

Brian  :smt017  :smt017

Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Jun 19, 2016 3:24 pm

What is your health problem? To check your health problem I have to see the nails. So post good images of the nails of both palms.

How will be your married life: You have independent head line and such people always have problems in married life. You should have posted side views of both palms to see the portion below the smallest finger. Do so now. Independent Head Line makes you act first and think later on and if you and your life partner think exactly the opposite on a particular point then you will not adjust at all but luckily you have an adjusting thumb which bends back sufficiently and hence the friction between you and your life partner gets solved.

It is not possible to tell about kids as they are very fine lines on relationship lines and often go wrong because now a days even pets are considered to be children. You can become as rich as you want to in life. I am not saying this from your palm as Palm does not indicate your bank balance. It only shows what is going on in your mind and you do not get success because of what is written in your palm. You get success from how positive you think and put those thoughts into action.

Read this:

I have been reading the Book "The Power of the Subconscious Mind" By Dr.Joseph Murphy and followed certain instructions over there. I am over 68. In seven days the spectacle I was using for reading was working fine and now since last 5/6 days I feel a strain in the eye. So I went for the eye check up and now find the number reduced and my far vision totally normal.

If you want success in life download the above book from U Tube, go through it and then you are bound to get success in life financially or whichever positive way you want .


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jun 21, 2016 1:36 am

Could I please add here that if members do not want to watch the entire YouTube video to which Pravin refers and which is over 6 hours and 4 minutes in length, then saving the PDF version of the book to your computer and reading its 193 pages at your own speed  may be easier and not so demanding upon your internet connection? ... s_mind.pdf

Download size 1.27 MB



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With cancer, you can never say that it has been cured

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jun 21, 2016 4:22 am

On page 3 of the book  "The Power of the Subconscious Mind" By Dr.Joseph Murphy I found the following claim.
A personal healing will always be the most convincing evidence of our subconscious powers. Many years ago I managed to cure myself of a malignancy - in medical terminology it is called a sarcoma - by using the healing power of my subconscious mind, which created me and still maintains and governs all my vital functions.
Now I am quite willing to accept the idea that the power of suggestion and the unconscious mind can play a valuable and important role in the self healing of a cancer patient when used in combination with conventional medical treatment, but I have serious problems with the idea that suggestion should be used to entirely replace chemo and radio therapies in the treatment of a bone tumours (sarcomas), or of any similarly aggressive and dangerous malignancies .

I have heard of several cases of people who have completely rejected conventional cancer therapy either for themselves, their partner or their child, to depend entirely upon using the power of prayer and suggestion to cure their cancer.

While I fully support much of what Dr Murphy has said and I am certainly not suggesting for one moment that this is a good reason for us to throw out every theory which he has offered his readers probably with the best of intentions, I feel that it would be irresponsible of me as well as this website not to issue a timely warning about the potential dangers involved by accepting this claim exactly as it is presented, without at the same time exercising what should be common sense.

Denying potentially life saving medical treatment to yourself if you are an adult of sound mind is one thing, but denying the same to a child is in many places regarded as criminal, parental negligence.
It is a popular misconception that the phrase "First do no harm" (Latin: Primum non nocere) is a part of the Hippocratic oath. Strictly speaking, the phrase does not appear in the oath, although the oath does contain "Also I will, according to my ability and judgment, prescribe a regimen for the health of the sick; but I will utterly reject harm and mischief"....................Another equivalent phrase is found in Epidemics, Book I, of the Hippocratic school: "Practice two things in your dealings with disease: either help or do not harm the patient". The exact phrase is believed to have originated with the 19th-century surgeon Thomas Inman.

Brian  :smt009

AF, please do not interpret any of this to mean that either of us believe that any of your existing health problems include cancer.  

I really do hope that the ideas which Dr Murphy has presented in his book will help you to heal from the much less serious medical issues which you are more likely to be suffering from, but I thought that such an extreme claim such as this required me to sound a loud warning about the dangers of taking what is basically a sound medical and moral principle too far. Sorry if I unintentionally and unnecessarily frightened you by doing this.

Brian  :smt053

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Thu Jun 23, 2016 1:28 am

While meditating and healing a person we never ask the person to leave medicine. In fact the patient should be under treatment of a qualified Doctor whether it is Allopathic, HOmeopathic, Ayurvedic or any other treatment. It is only when Doctors declare that the patient is well that we consider it to be true.

I have healed a lady with breast cancer and before she was healed I described to her Doctor, who happened to be her relative where she was for over three months, where the problem lay . How the cancerous cells started diminishing in strength going upwards first and then down ward downwards till it entered appendicts. Doctor confirmed everything. This lady got healed totally when she was checked up in November 1995 and told by our Sadguru that she will continue to live another 25 years. She is still there though her husband expired more than 10 years back and she has only one son who too lives separately in different city.

So always only when examined by a Doctor and Doctor says you are healed and no need to take any medicine then stop medicine. You never know who heals and through whose efforts you might get healed so thank everyone involved with helping you get better.

Pravin Kumar

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jun 24, 2016 12:17 am


I am looking at what you have written about all of these different branches of healing and medicine working cooperatively together in the best interests of the patient, and it is clear that the situation over here in Australia is decades behind your country.

In Australia the Australian Medical Association and federal government are involved in a campaign to either destroy the reputation of all natural healing methods, or at the very least bring them completely under their control.

It is a case of our public medical insurance (Medicare) supporting conventional medicine only. If you want to try any natural healing method, then you will need to be prepared to pay the very large amounts charged out of your own pocket.

It is as through it is a war between the government and medical profession against all natural healing practitioners and the entire health food industry, and people with chronic illnesses like myself are the innocent victims.

The upshot of all this is that people largely either choose conventional medicine or natural alternatives.

Only in relatively few cases can a patient access and afford both.

The idea of natural practitioners and energy healers working in hospitals alongside doctors and nurses (if the patient requests them to be there) is treated like heresy or a crime.

Which is why I emphasised the dangers of people completely replacing conventional medicine with natural healing. Such a warning does not apply in your country and culture, where the two work in close harmony with one another.

When compared to your country and to the UK where spiritual and energy healers are feely allowed to go into hospitals to give treatments and closely cooperate with the patient's doctor and surgeon in holistic healing, Australia is still back in the dark ages with natural healing being almost regarded as witchcraft and a complete fraud from which patients need to be protected at all cost.

Brian  :smt010

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat Jun 25, 2016 3:19 pm


Last year I was in Australia from 20th November to 30th November. Beautiful country, hardly any air or sound pollution. I found everything good but for one thing. The cab driver, who happened to be Indian, told me that the Govt. does not allow parents to scold their children and once children become adults children are free. In fact he said that teachers in the school ask their own children whether your parents fight with each other. I thought this to be something I would say not necessary at all, in fact best avoided as the divorce rate which I was told was 45% then will never decrease if parents are not allowed to guide their children the way they want to.

Now this is the second point you pointed out which I fail to understand what is the harm in healing someone. I used to heal people sitting in bus, train , travelling and I did not even inform them I am doing it and I got results on quite a few occasions. I never charged anyone nor claimed that I had healed. I did it because I did not want the person to suffer.


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jun 26, 2016 12:39 am


Last year I was in Australia from 20th November to 30th November. Beautiful country, hardly any air or sound pollution. I found everything good but for one thing. The cab driver, who happened to be Indian, told me that the Govt. does not allow parents to scold their children and once children become adults children are free. In fact he said that teachers in the school ask their own children whether your parents fight with each other. I thought this to be something I would say not necessary at all, in fact best avoided as the divorce rate which I was told was 45% then will never decrease if parents are not allowed to guide their children the way they want to.
My doctor and his wife (also a doctor) spent their holidays in India last year, and he told me that in all the time that they were there they never saw the sun or a blue sky, because of all the air pollution. So when they returned to Australia seeing the sun and blue sky again was a serious shock (a positive one) to their bodies and mental health.

The cab driver was telling you these things as he saw them, or from his own perspective. He was telling you the truth as he believed it to be, when compared to how children are usually bought up and disciplined in India.

However this is not what generally happens in Australian homes or schools.

While it is true that there are a few self appointed and highly vocal experts on bringing up children (many of them have never actually been a parent themselves) who believe that a child can be permanently and psychologically damaged by being disciplined or learning the difference3 between right and wrong, as long as the discipline used is not excessive and cruel then parents in Australia are quite free to use whatever means are required to teach their children to learn to accept the consequences of their actions.

Unfortunately child abuse (physical, sexual, emotional) is on the increase, as is domestic abuse mainly against women. I would not wish to minimize the seriousness and suffering involved in such situations to the victims. But the measures which your cab driver described to you are an extreme knee jerk response (too much and too strong) or unnecessarily harsh reaction to our shameful epidemic of abuse of the most vulnerable members of our society.

The widespread use of such excessive measures would be only likely to lead to a generation of adults in another twenty years who would have no respect for the rights of others and think that the world owes them a living, and it could only further increase the already depressing divorce rate which your driver was absolutely right about (sadly).

Please be assured that among all the families and schools in Australia, what the cabby was talking about probably only happens in less than 5% of cases. It is certainly not the typical or average experience, or the social norm.
Now this is the second point you pointed out which I fail to understand what is the harm in healing someone. I used to heal people sitting in bus, train , traveling and I did not even inform them I am doing it and I got results on quite a few occasions. I never charged anyone nor claimed that I had healed. I did it because I did not want the person to suffer.

There is absolutely nothing wrong in my opinion with you praying for or sending healing thoughts or energy to your fellow travelers, without their knowledge and permission. You are not charging them anything for doing it, and you are certainly not trying to get them as paying customers. You are not making any claims to them about what a great healer you are or how you can cure anything.

But when your healing becomes a source of income or your means of earning a living and you start charging a fee for your services and openly claim to be able to cure otherwise fatal diseases single handedly if the patient only pays you enough money, that is when the government, medical profession and the law steps in and carefully decides whether you are guilty of fraud or of claiming to have medical qualifications when you do not, or whether you are only doing this to get a reputation as the world's greatest healer or to make large amounts of money, and you do not care what happens to the person as a result of your actions.

If you were here in Australia traveling on buses or trains and were giving them healing for free without their knowledge as you described, why do you think that the government,  the Australian Medical Association or the legal system would be in the slightest interested in prosecuting you, even if they somehow discovered what you were doing (which they will never do)?  You would be perfectly safe from any form of disciplinary or legal action, and remain anonymous. No problems!

Finally I believe that nobody can ever claim to heal anyone. To heal is to make whole (body, mind and spirit).

But I do believe that you, myself and many other sincere and honest healers (including conventional doctors) can work more closely in cooperation with and support the body's inbuilt intelligence or self healing abilities, than the average person is capable of doing. In other words healing methods including the use of prayer and sending healing energy to the patient both help to remove as many possible barriers to a complete self healing, as well as stimulating the body's existing self healing mechanisms to even greater activity.


Brian is my name.  Image

PS: Hello AF. PK is still waiting to hear from you again with your reply. Please do not be put off from responding to PK's reading, because of our discussion. I can always split this off later as a separate discussion topic, if that is what you wish to happen. Let me know if it is.

Brian is my name.

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue Jun 28, 2016 12:07 pm


Nice to know your views. It was not only the Cab Driver but also the Indian Tour Guide who said something similar and also an Indian Boy, friend of my eldest son but they off course did not go into full details. But since you clarify I am happy. I did enjoy my visit there. absolutely no air or sound pollution. We seek such atmosphere in our country and have to go far away from the cities to get it and there to we find lots of people visiting, population being huge and many feel going to forests and hills in a quiet environment they might get peace of mind , which is actually within each one of us provided we look inside.

Even healers here who claim money for healing are brought to book. What however happens is the so called Babas as they are called cheat their clients claiming to do almost anything and then trapping the poor fellow till he becomes helpless.

I have travelled to Europe, USA and Far EAst before visiting Australia and New Zealand and I find the last two countries most peaceful and have plenty of natural beauty.

Pravin Kumar

P.S. Where do you stay in Australia?

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