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Post by sk116 » Fri Mar 18, 2016 6:14 am

Now that my career is getting better settled, Would like to request for a love reading if I will be able to be with the person I like long term?
Thank you :)

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Post by sk116 » Fri Mar 18, 2016 6:18 am

Mainly the question is, should I be pushing to make things happen or is that not a good idea/ will they happen on their own? Thanks

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Mar 19, 2016 12:41 am


First comes my disclaimer.......

This reading will only apply to the next six months, so unless you are already in a regular and mutually committed relationship with this person by now (not necessarily living together), it would be difficult for me to predict with any degree of certainty whether you will remain together over the longer term (beyond the first twelve months). Since a relationship always involves at least two people and I cannot directly read his thoughts and intentions towards you through a third party reading, we will probably only be getting a part of the total picture of all that is or is not going on between the two of you. As long as you keep this in mind and do not make any important and irreversible decisions about your future based only upon any predictions coming out of this reading, then for entertainment purposes and general interest your reading can go ahead.

Your reading begins here...........

The Page Of Wands (POW) tells me that there could be a complication which you have not yet foreseen, which has the potential to make either of you put off until later any decision about whether to take your relationship to the next step.  This Page is often interpreted to mean in this context that one of you (which one I am not sure) is about to go on a trip (career related) or be promoted to a position of higher responsibility and authority within the company he or she works for. Both situations could lead to your relationship having to in the short term take a lower priority when compared to your career ambitions, although there is no suggestion whatsoever in the cards that you or he will need to make a stark choice between your career or your relationship. You can if you manage it maturely have both your careers and your relationship. A Page type individual is usually an immature and inexperienced person, so I would tend to interpret the POW's appearance in your reading as a friendly warning about the dangers involved during this early transition period of your relationship in not maturely and cooperatively balancing the needs of your relationship with those of your career. The important thing to know is that the balancing can work well if you are both willing to give it your best efforts.

Here comes The Sun (your next card in this spread) This card is thought to symbolize your goals, hopes, dreams and ambitions for the future. With reference to almost all aspects of your life, including but not confined to your career and love life. Everything that you have ever worked, hoped, dreamed and wanted is potentially in your future (and in his), and neither of you is lacking in energy nor optimism. But it would be wrong and even cruel of me to tell you that this is going to be an easy juggling act. At times the challenges and demands of your respective careers are going to have to be given a higher priority over those of your relationship (such as within the next six months), while at other times their order of importance will need to be temporarily reversed (without you losing your jobs over it). Without making enough income from your jobs (you will both continue working?), it is unlikely that you will have the finances to keep the relationship alive. Your jobs are important to you for other personal reasons than simply to make enough money. for you to live on? Do not get too carried away with your feelings of excitement and positive anticipation about what the future might hold for you, but at the same time do not limit yourself unnecessarily by becoming pessimistic or overly cynical about what you consider might be possible. Once again as before getting the balance right between two extremes is the key to your future success, and ultimately your victory over your fears.

Now we come to your final theme card for this reading, which is the Ace of Swords (AOS). Aces frequently represent beginnings and almost infinite potentials inherent in our life situations. Also any member of the Swords Tarot suit is associated with us cutting away at all which stands in our way of getting at the truth. Cutting through all the bovine droppings, and red tape of bureaucracy, to hopefully arrive at the full truth of the situation. I want to warn you as to what this card is UNLIKELY TO MEAN. So that you do not jump to any premature conclusions that he might be trying to hide something from you to make himself look like the innocent victim, when in reality he is nothing of the sort. While I cannot read him directly via the third party route, I can read him indirectly through his relationship with you and there is currently no indication that his intentions towards you are anything but being honourable and up front with you. Who you see with him is whom you would be getting. Another imperfect, confused and complex human being, just like yourself.

In summary therefore, having all of these three cards featured in the same reading gives both of you realistic hope that your relationship can successfully last the distance mainly in harmony with your careers and that it will be a relatively happy one, although never entirely free of any significant challenges. If you wait to find another human being who is free of complexities and weaknesses and failures, then you are probably looking on the wrong planet. This man is definitely worth exploring further as a potential life partner, as long as he has broken off all pre-existing relationships in both his mind and his heart. There should only be TWO of you at any time, in order to give your relationship with each other an above average chance of succeeding (greater than 50%).

NEVER THREE!!!!!!!!!!!! :smt009  :smt009  :smt009


EoT  :smt007

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Post by sk116 » Mon Mar 21, 2016 2:53 am

Thank you for your reading. I does seem like he is a bit distant or distractible, possibly from being busy with establishing career and hopefully not with pre existing relationship that hasn't been broken. I'll likely be the one traveling, will see what happens (or not)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Mar 21, 2016 4:00 am

You are very welcome for the reading.

You mentioned that while your own career is "getting better settled", that his own career is yet to be established.

That alone would be a good reason why he appears to be a bit distant or distractable.

Whatever the reason is (or reasons are, as there is usually more than one), he is not deliberately concealing it from you for malicious purposes.

Most of it is unconscious?

Rather I feel that he is intending to protect you from what he genuinely believes would be the only other honorable alternative (he comes over to me through you, as an honorable man), which might be to immediately terminate your relationship, and devote 100% of his time and energy to his work.

Workaholic heaven or hell, depending upon your perspective!

For this to work, you will need to be willing to sometimes compromise your demands upon him and temporarily lower your expectations with regards to how much  time he can give you for socializing and romance, especially if he has been given a project deadline by his boss in order to establish how well he performs under stress.

There should be more time and energy for socializing and romance in the future, although there must continue be some time put aside for both of them now in the present moment.

Finding the proper balance between his job and his relationship (the balance point will naturally shift one way or the other with the changing situations) will be the key to success in both.

EoT  :smt008

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Post by sk116 » Sun Mar 27, 2016 11:53 pm

Thank you EOT for your reading, it's appreciated as always. However, based on my recent interactions I feel that the reading is off somewhat. It's not job related, but he is simply interested in someone else more than me.
He has weekends free so is not really a workaholic in that sense and does take out time for socialization, but his preferences are clear to me now.
Thanks again

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