Applying to college dream.

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Applying to college dream.

Post by Sladejake » Tue Jun 30, 2015 2:05 pm

I haven't really thought about college at all.
But I had this dream about writing an application to send to a college.
At first I was at a pool with some people and there was this yellow, red, and black wasp flying around. Which I managed to catch, and I pulled off it's head. Basically I killed the wasp. And I had to catch it because it would help me get into the college. Then next part was me typing it out on a computer.

Then I was in this mall with some people I didn't know. And I said I was going to go to this specific store that I liked. And there was this gothic cashier there. I was going to buy this little guitar but I didn't know how to play it. And then she showed me some chords. She then stood there and asked "Is there anything else?" As if she wanted me to ask for her number. We were kind of liking one another.
And then she took me to the back of the store and we started having sex and such. It was very passionate. And she was kissing my neck.

Which was great, I which i could trigger more dreams like these then being chased or killed. But yeah. Would love to read your interpretation.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jul 05, 2015 1:01 am


Actually I seriously doubt that this dream has anything to do with you planning to go to college. A college is a place of learning, and this dream symbolically has something to teach you. There is also the idea behind this of you currently being blocked from progressing to a higher level by whatever the wasp represents in your waking life.  
Since ancient history the wasp has been a symbol of unrelenting torment. Wasps are capable of stinging multiple times and are known for their single-minded pursuit of vengeance. Dreaming of wasps is sign that you are feeling beset by hardships, setbacks, conflicts, temptations, or pain. It can also signify that you wish harm to your enemies. Some species of wasps are parasitic, laying eggs in the bodies of other insects. As a consequence, dreaming of wasps may also indicate that you are being taken advantage of by those closest to you.

All of which does not sound particularly encouraging until you recognise that to identify what a problem is is the first important step towards finding a solution. You recognised in your dream that you will have to pull off the head of the wasp and kill it to be allowed to move forwards again so instead of this wasp symbolism being completely negative it is at the very least a positive sign that you are well on the way to finding an answer to whatever is presently troubling you.

I am beginning to sound a lot like Sigmund Freud who is regarded as the father of modern psychiatry when I tell you once again that this dream is likely to be about your sexuality. According to Freud almost every unconscious symbol is either directly or indirectly related to our sexual nature. While I would not go this far, it is clear that at your age sexuality and the treatment of women are important issues which your inner dream director is currently working on while you are asleep.

For your relationship with girls is often modeled upon your relationship with your own mother. We already know that you have issues with your mother and sister, and these tensions could in turn be transferred to how you relate to young women as prospective sexual partners.

A guitar in a dream is a symbol which expresses the current emotional state of the person whose dream it is. It is also believed to represent the feminine or female. The Gothic cashier in your dream showed you how to play some basic guitar chords, then appeared to be waiting for compensation or some type of reward for doing so. I would put it to you that you are having this dream because you have been bought up to view any female person's motives for appearing to want to help you as being suspicious.

You may have a feeling that women are always trying to manipulate you into having a relationship with them for their own hidden reasons. You are because of your mother probably more sensitive to the possibility of being manipulated or forced into something by a woman before you are fully prepared to, so you would be expected to strongly resist any perceived attempts by girls in your life to make you feel as though you have no other choice than to accept that they are the ones who will make all the decisions, and that unless you are willing to go along with this arrangement, you are somehow destined to be permanently single and lonely.

It is important to note here that what you might perceive as an attempt on the part of a girl to manipulate you may not represent reality. While there are of course both manipulative men and women out there, not every woman has hidden reasons for expecting a level of commitment from you at the beginning of your relationship.

Indeed some level of commitment and fidelity in a long term relationship to one woman is necessary because women often have far more to lose if you later leave them (and if your union has been blessed with children) and your kids behind you. This is hardly a hidden reason. It is a biological necessity for the future adult to have the greatest chance of surviving and thriving if whoever brings him or her up is committed to his or her partner sexually and otherwise (including same sex couples) and deeply loves and cares for his or her entire family (their partner and any children).

So in the dream she used having sex with you as a way of you paying her back for the favour of her giving you the guitar (emotional) lessons. As if she had been waiting for you to ask her for a date, and had been expecting you to be the first one to make a move.

Because you did not take the bait and make your own advances in time for her, she started passionately kissing you on the neck and lead you into the back room of the store to have her way with you. Almost like a predatory female spider who lures you into her web, uses you for her own purposes then gets rid of you. A common symbol for a highly manipulative person with dark, hidden motives.

In summary the main lesson of this dream is that while there are some women who will manipulate you for their own hidden reasons into doing something before you are properly prepared to do it, most are not doing anything of the sort. Find the right balance for you between watching out for manipulation and hidden motives in the women whom you meet, but at the same time do not always immediately see manipulation and hidden motives where they may not exist.

Be vigilant (keep your eyes open for possible manipulation), but simultaneously recognise that it is the exception rather than it being the general rule with all women. The biological need for some level of commitment and security in their closest relationships is hardwired into women by evolution, with the intention to protect the next generation and in order to preserve the human species as a whole.

Fact, and not always an attempt at manipulation!


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Jul 05, 2015 1:15 am


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Post by Sladejake » Mon Jul 06, 2015 6:04 pm

Wow, I can't thank you enough EOT. That was very insightful and much appreciated.
I'm so, so grateful that you would take your time to write out such an amazing response. Thank you, truly.
That was incredible.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jul 06, 2015 11:10 pm


As always you are very welcome.

EoT  :)

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