Odd dream

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Odd dream

Post by Dreamer42 » Sat Jun 13, 2015 9:06 pm

My dreams have always been weird so I usually post online if it really weird me out as a way to release and let go. This is however my first time on this website so hello I'm Alexis. Just to right into the dream:
I'm watching a war people of every color being slaughtered shooting each other buildings were destroyed bombs where going off. A man in a black robe appears next to me and he looks at me and looks to the people and than he points to a painting that just appeared. It looks like the time period was around 400 b.c I'm. not sure but they begin to fight killing each other with swords. I look between both  because it's kind of like I'm in the middle and there is just so much death it's overwhelming and than I wake up.

Now I know it sounds short but that's because I forgot some of my dream. I think for the most part I understand what it was saying but I don't see how this has to do with myself because everything is really good in my life currently. Any way I just needed  to post it,it was driving me crazy.

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Post by Rook » Mon Jun 15, 2015 6:27 am

Hi Dreamer 42, and welcome to this site.

Did you know that "I always have really weird dreams..." is pretty much the standard line I get when people tell me about their dreams?  There is a reason.  Dreams usually have a specific and complicated story to tell, and in telling that the imagery used is for a specific point, and not always complying with rational thought, so they seem crazy, until you figure out why the dream did that, then it makes perfect sense.

I see two possibilities with the dream.  The first one is relating to outside concerns about the state of the world, and fighting taking place between different peoples, such as what is happening in the Middle East and Africa.  To this concern it appears that the figure in black is saying that people have been fighting since the dawn of our time.  That is; it is in our nature.

But perhaps this dream is more a glimpse of your inner world.  Although things are rosey on the outside at the moment, we are still always subject to inner conflict.  Our emotions and feelings vs our rational mind (ie following the heart over mind) for example.

I am not sure what inner conflict this is specifically referring to, in fact I feel it is representing conflict generically as it was a "war of people of every colour".   The man in the black robe - he is a strong candidate for your inner shadow.  This character is usually dark in colour and generally of the opposite gender.  He represents everything we don't know about ourself, and everything we wish we didn't know about ourself (what we supress).  He is guiding you to realise that these inner battles have been going on since the dawn of (your) time.

You are stuck in the middle.  This is where you want to be, a position of balance.

Death as a symbol usually represents change, not physical death, as from death comes life according to many myths.  The death and rebirth cycle.  In this case though I feel it is used to generate an extreme reaction to get your attention.

Does that make any sense?


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