Reading for Artisgood

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Reading for Artisgood

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Nov 13, 2014 10:10 pm

This reading was requested in a thread posted by Artisgood in the Mediumship: Questions and answers forum. Please see the following link. ... 922#334922

The reading will be about determining whether Artisgood's experiences are genuinely mediumistic in nature, and if they are mediumistic what potential there is to further develop these abilities in the future. This is not a mediumship or spirit reading, as we are not attempting here to either prove survival after death, or to communicate with a spirit personality or guide.


Your parents were right about you being able to see spirits as a child, and near death experiences have been known to cause psychic and/or mediumistic experiences to appear in individuals undergoing a NDE several times in the past. The problem is not so much with you lacking in sensitivity to be able to sense spirits, but rather it is to sort out or discern which of these events indicate genuine mediumship, and which of them do not involve spirits at all.

Normally discernment only comes from regular practice as a member of a psychic development group which meets regularly in your local area. Where each person is developing his or her often unique abilities, while at the same time providing valuable feedback to help you in the sorting process. But because you live in a highly religious area that is probably as likely as you being able to find a reputable medium who is brave enough to become the target for religious intolerance and persecution.

Because you are lacking in such experience and practice, you are effectively being forced to do it mainly by yourself, with some outside help from your friends on Mystic Board. This means that it could take longer for you to make significant progress when compared to if a suitable development group had existed. But perhaps that is how you are going to learn some important lessons about being patient and not always getting ahead of yourself.

Maybe the fact that you are going to need to do this mainly by yourself is a test of your depth of character, commitment and perseverance in the face of difficulties. No local development group might well with hindsight turn out to be the the best possible thing which could have ever happened to you, to further your development both as a spiritual and as a human being. Safety must be your primary concern at all times, and protection and grounding exercises will be needed to ensure that your development remains safe and well disciplined.

After the preliminary protection and grounding rituals (which will be covered in your other posting), comes the raising of your energies to a level more in harmony with the higher spiritual planes which you want to contract.It is  always easier said than done but you need to temporarily put aside your understandable fears and be willing to surrender to the experience. But still be relatively in control of the situation, and able to withdraw at any time which you feel uncomfortable.

This is where your spirit guide really comes into his or her best in helping you to keep a balance between letting go, but simultaneously not letting the experience control and overpower you. Generally when your guide thinks you are ready to meet him or her, he/she will prompt you to find the best and most comfortable meeting your spirit guide methods. A true spirit guide almost always uses the gentle approach, unless there the need for you to make contact is especially urgent, or a matter of life or death. You have glimpsed your guide on several occasions, but the connection has not yet been properly set up, so no wonder that it feels terribly disjointed and extremely frustrating to someone like you who at times can be a bit of a perfectionist.

There is always such a thing as trying too hard.  If you try too hard you immediately pull yourself out of the relaxed state of consciousness which is required for both the initial letting go, as well as for maintaining contact with your guide for any reasonable and practical period of time. That is why progressive relaxation and possibly gentle self hypnotic suggestions could be so useful to you in calming you down without putting you to sleep.As your practical experience in your waking life increases, the psychic elements occurring in your dreams will in most cases be significantly reduced. It will by then have served its purpose in sowing the seeds of what is still to come.

Be your own best friend and go easy on yourself. Take good care of your overall health and level of fitness, with some help from your doctor if it is indicated. There is no real hurry. Time is on your side. Your still young age is one of your greatest assets in ensuring that your development as a medium is slow, but at the same time it is also safe and sustainable. This is where your reading ends.

Love, Light and Healer; first heal yourself,

EoT :smt039

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Post by Artisgood » Fri Nov 14, 2014 12:30 am

Thank you for all your dedication in helping me out. I didn't post in my previous postings that I did have a near death experience at the age of 6 in a hospital during a surgery. So excellent intuitive guidance on your part there.

I've done the chakra meditations and over the last couple weeks, after abstaining from all meditation for nearly a month, I'm slowly getting back into it. I've tried to educate myself about very psychic abilities to see where I might fall in order to use that track to contact my guide more effectively. So far, I see myself falling into the more clairsentience/clairvoyance category.

Now to just do as you suggested and learn to sort these experiences, which may be as simple as trusting my feelings as to what they are. Also need to learn some grounding. I know I respond well to meditation so now it remains to study safe meditation methods to contact my guide in a coherent way.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Nov 14, 2014 10:10 pm


You are very welcome for the reading, and any extra help given.
I didn't post in my previous postings that I did have a near death experience at the age of 6 in a hospital during a surgery
Actually you did mention this in a previous posting, so I cannot take the credit for this information having been obtained psychically.
I did have a near death experience in first grade during an operation, other than that I've not sought or had much mediumlike events in my life. ... 904#334904
So far, I see myself falling into the more clairsentience/clairvoyance category.
This is very useful information in order for us to be able to help you with your development. It appears from what you have said here that your psychic senses of clairvoyance and clairaudience will always be your strongest and most reliable ones for the purposes of effective spirit communication.

Thank you so much for telling me this.
Also need to learn some grounding.

We hope that this will be more than covered on the main psychic forum.

It will not be duplicated in any readings given to you by me.
safe meditation methods to contact my guide in a coherent way.
That is the ultimate goal of all the readings and advice which you will be given on Mystic Board (by me, or by anyone else).

Your safety and comfort (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) during all stages of the communication process are of paramount importance or of the highest priority to me. Without doing this it would be dangerous for you to continue, and for us to encourage you to do something which with our best possible intentions to help you could well end up harming you instead.

Loving regards,

EoT  :smt049

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