Spirit contact experiences through dreams?

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Spirit contact experiences through dreams?

Post by Artisgood » Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:26 pm


I'd like to get some insight into whether or not these dreams I'm having are some type if mediumship ability presenting itself, if not a mediumship ability perhaps some type of psychic ability. I pretty much am wanting to know where to go from here and what I should be doing with this information/skill(s) at this point. Alright some background:

I've always been one to have vivid and often lucid dreams. Most of my dreams are highly symbolic and I do often have dreams that come into fruition. I've never tried to develop gifts but there are some in my family that are gifted but not as mediums. I have had psychic readers tell my mother and my grandmother during their own personal readings that I was psychically gifted when they used to get frequent readings when I was a child, I was never present at these times.

About a year ago I decided to pick up chakra meditation for stress relief and emotional reasons. I've been doing chakra meditations daily now for about a year and my dreams have picked up in intensity quite a bit. I've also gotten to a point that I can "feel" my personal chakra energy at each location during my meditation time. Now on to why I'm posting here:

When I said my dreams have picked up in intensity I mean that they are starting to effect my ability to get rest. I feel as though I never sleep. I have had a set of dreams with similar themes that I have tried to investigate that I just can't pin point how to stop or fix. There's been about four dreams that I feel deceased persons who I do not know or in some, entities, are contacting me.
The first dream I'm at a beautiful house I've never seen, I'm with my boyfriend who I live with and have been with for multiple years. He leaves and goes to take a shower. I go from leaving him in the bathroom to running into a small group of people in a hallway. One lady in particular, who's dressed very classy and stylish, a very southern lady, starts telling me how they (the group) don't really like me, and that "it's not personal hun." I sit with her on a couch and she tells me that they don't like my boyfriend being with me, I get the impression they are connected to him somehow and that one male in this group is this woman's husband. They're all laughing and she keeps telling me I have to go, then she takes her finger and digs it into my spine (near the second chakra area). It hurts so intense that although I will myself to stay in the dream I wake up because the intensity of the pain that I can physically feel.
Second dream: I'm outside a small house, it's raining outside, I approach the door and I hear a young woman crying, I find her in the bedroom on top of the bed. She's sobbing so I sit beside her to console her. A few moments go by and a creature comes out from beneath the bed at the foot, it looks sort of human/alien with pale skin, smaller than a regular person. It creeps up the bed at the girl, I look at her alarmed and she said, "don't worry it eats sadness and sorrow." It pulls her to the floor out of my sight. Next she's back on the bed still crying. Creature appears again and this time tries to pull me but only succeeds in flipping me over on top of the bed, now, I'm lucid in this dream but I'm willing myself to stay so I can see how this will play out, so it flips me and digs it's finger in the same spot in my back, second chakra area, same pain physically, I try to stay but end up awake and woke my boyfriend in the process.

Third dream: in this dream I'm having a surgery, they want to give me a huge anaesthetic shot in my back in that same area. Everyone looks human but no one will allow me to see the person administering this shot. This time I won't fall for it so I wake myself.

Fourth: just upon waking from a nap, I open my eyes, or at least I think, look at the ceiling I can see my room as usual and everything's correct for the time of day etc. I realize I cannot move or speak, a dark shadow figure enters through my bedroom doorway and comes to the foot of my bed. I can't move or speak, it all feels heavy, I just keep willing it in my mind to go away but I refuse to panic or wake myself ( if I was sleeping I'm not sure I was) the thing raises it's hand and I immediately fall back asleep for some minutes, then I wake, I can move, it's gone .

I don't know what all this is. I am trying to figure out what to do next. I feel I should make contact with my spirit guides, I've tried during meditation, and now I have this wonderful older lady appearing to me in dreams from time to time. I think she's a guide but I'm not sure. I know when I met her in the first dream she was in she embraced me and in the dream I was so relieved and moved to tears, her hug made me feel safe and I felt love, so I don't think she's nefarious. I have started stating before I go to sleep that no spirits aside from my guides and/or spirits of light and love are allowed to interfere with my dreams or remain in my house. This has aided in the amount of negative spiritual dreams, I do still have plenty with these strangers who give the impression they are spirits but they are usually friendly and warm.

I'm so sorry for the looong post but I'm hoping for some help. My parents both believe I saw spirits as a small child, like three and four, but I don't really remember this. I did have a near death experience in first grade during an operation, other than that I've not sought or had much mediumlike events in my life. I am not hoping to become a medium, but I would like to know if that is what all this is? If so I feel it would be my spiritual duty to accept it. If I have an ability or abilities how would I develop it? More importantly control it and use it for good? What abilities if any do you all see here? Please give me direction if you can because all this has made me over tired and want to stop my chakra meditations which would be unfortunate for a stressed mother of four. Thanks!

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Post by Artisgood » Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:46 pm

Did I post this in the wrong spot? I'm new to these boards and I'll move my post if I made a mistake.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Nov 11, 2014 9:44 pm

No you posted it in exactly the right place, but because it is so long and complicated and because our resident medium Spiritalk is not currently available, there is nobody on here who feels qualified to give you the depth and quality of answer that we feel that you deserve to be given.

I am not a medium myself, but I do know that when these abilities first develop, this often happens in our dreams.

Some of your description sounds much more like what is called sleep paralysis. The shadow figures which you are apparently sensing in your room when you are not fully awake could be spirits, but they could equally be hallucinations caused by your mind waking up before your body does (common for sleep paralysis).

Only a trained medium would be able to tell you which it is, and even then there may be some overlap. It is quite possible that your sleep paralysis may go on to become a genuine mediumship experience.

I feel that you are also having lucid dreams. This is where the dreamer becomes conscious that he or she is dreaming, while still within their dream.

Many people mistakenly believe that they are either fully asleep or fully awake, when the reality is that there are probably hundreds of different states of consciousness between the two extremes.

And we currently  have a very limited understanding of what our mind is doing in almost all of these altered states of consciousness.


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Post by Artisgood » Tue Nov 11, 2014 11:28 pm

Thank you for responding. I'm sorry my post is so lengthy, it's just that this is something that is really affecting me quite regularly and not only is it interfering with my sleep but also with my desire to resume meditation. I've tried to read what I can online about this but there is no substitute for laying out the details to a knowledgable psychic/medium and having them help me interpret. These dreams are so frequent that I've considered paying a psychic to help me sort them out.

Do you know when your resident medium will return?

I do think that one experience could certainly be sleep paralysis but felt I should include it just in case since the negative contact would be of concern if it is mediumlike experiences coming in dreams.

Thanks again for your time!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:07 pm

No I unfortunately have no idea when Spiritalk will be onsite again, but in the meantime I feel that our best option is to break down your posting into its individual elements, then analyse them one at a time. Otherwise I believe that any motivation to keep going with this enquiry will quickly get lost in all the complexity of what has been happening to you.

Please do not think that you did the wrong thing by posting it all at once, or that your questions will get lost in the system.

A medium in your local area is what is really required for you to establish whether an actual spirit personality is present. If or when Spiritalk does eventually come back to us, she will still only be able to offer you further advice, using her own mediumistic experiences as a guide to what might possibly be happening with yours.

Since a reading cannot be given here to help you tune into any spirits who are present, only a sitting with a medium in person is going to be able to separate what of these events are genuinely mediumistic, and what are not.

I will try to get around to looking at your posting again, when I come back online Friday after my weekly day off from giving readings.

It might turn out to be better in the longer term to separate it into its individual events, then move them to a more appropriate forum where people who are not mediums but could still have something helpful to contribute to our understanding are more likely to see it and respond.

I can do this myself, if you are not getting any more responses in here, so please do not concern yourself too much about it.

Will type to you again soon,


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Post by Artisgood » Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:30 pm

I've looked into mediums in my area, I came up very short, I live in a highly religious part of the country. There are psychics around but few, and no mediums still in practice. A psychic could be a smart alternative in that perhaps they might not be able to decode the particulars but give me a general reading on whether or not I'm having some type of abilities manifesting themselves or if that is likely in my life. If there are any psychics on here that'd like to use me as a guinea pig I'd be happy to volunteer.

If you'd like me to separate my post up please let me know, I don't want you to have to do all the work. I've had more mediumesque dreams than the ones I listed, but all the others were positive spirits/entities in nature, in some I am brought to a persons house and the family is asking me to do a medium reading for that location. Again, this is not something I study or read or watch TV about at all regularly. It's not a gift I was looking to obtain or tap into.

Perhaps the best thing is for me to put energy into contacting my spirit guides. I have one woman who keeps appearing ( the one I mentioned above) but I'm not sure she's a guide. My feeling is if I could establish communication with just my guide I might be able to sort things out. My plan is to start asking my guide or guides to appear to me in my dreams using a specific symbol, we will see if this works. First I have to stop my fear of meditation.

Thank you for all your help.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Nov 13, 2014 9:54 pm

I've looked into mediums in my area, I came up very short, I live in a highly religious part of the country. There are psychics around but few, and no mediums still in practice. A psychic could be a smart alternative in that perhaps they might not be able to decode the particulars but give me a general reading on whether or not I'm having some type of abilities manifesting themselves or if that is likely in my life. If there are any psychics on here that'd like to use me as a guinea pig I'd be happy to volunteer.
I am not very surprised to hear that this is the situation with reference to there being no practicing mediums available in this highly religious part of your country. In one state of Australia particularly (Western Australia) visiting world class mediums are not welcome, due to the influence of the churches on the laws. And local mediums are treated as though they are all into witchcraft and satanic rituals. It is hard to believe that this is still happening in my country in the 21st century, but there you are.

I prefer not to label myself as being psychic or a psychic, because of certain assumptions made by the public about what a psychic is or is capable of, but I do give intuitive readings on the psychic reading forum. I would be perfectly OK with you requesting a reading from me about your possible abilities on that board, if you so wish.
If you'd like me to separate my post up please let me know, I don't want you to have to do all the work. I've had more mediumesque dreams than the ones I listed, but all the others were positive spirits/entities in nature, in some I am brought to a persons house and the family is asking me to do a medium reading for that location. Again, this is not something I study or read or watch TV about at all regularly. It's not a gift I was looking to obtain or tap into.
During my day off I gave your posting some further consideration, and have decided not to go ahead with my original plan to break it up into its component parts, then send each of them to the appropriate forum. I feel that since this is your posting and experiences that you should have the final say on where we go from here, so I am following your idea about the reading instead. Since that reading is asking questions about a very specific subject, it cannot be a general reading. General readings are where it is left entirely up to the reader's inner guidance to decide what the subject will be.
Perhaps the best thing is for me to put energy into contacting my spirit guides. I have one woman who keeps appearing ( the one I mentioned above) but I'm not sure she's a guide. My feeling is if I could establish communication with just my guide I might be able to sort things out. My plan is to start asking my guide or guides to appear to me in my dreams using a specific symbol, we will see if this works. First I have to stop my fear of meditation.
This is the part of your request in which I feel most inadequate. Putting you in contact with your guide is really outside of my area as a non medium. It is true however that there are certain meditation techniques which you could use to help you to meet your guide sooner rather than later, and this is best done on the main psychic forum.

So my new plan based on your special needs and wishes is a two pronged one. A reading about this on the psychic reading forum, plus a discussion of meeting my spirit guide meditation techniques on the main psychic forum. Since you have already indicated that this is what you would like to happen, I will do the work for you and reduce any further unnecessary delays in us helping you. Today I will do both postings on your behalf in the appropriate forum, then send you a link to each of them in a private message.

So unless you have any other ideas this will be the last entry from me in this thread, which will be left here intact for any other mediums who feel qualified to advise you beyond what I have already done. Now over to psychic and psychic reading forums.

Watch out for my private message with the links.

EoT  :smt004

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