Who is this being???

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T.W. Moira
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Who is this being???

Post by T.W. Moira » Mon Sep 29, 2014 3:26 pm


Almost 8 years ago, I lost my doghter Ludzka to Lyme disease. It was a horrid case because none of the vets within my reach knew about lyme. Nor did I. and I did not know the place where i lived has deer ticks. A few days before I had to put her to sleep because of the whole complications of the disease, I saw this being (the cartoon image is the best resemblance I have of it) I did not draw it, found it somewhere in the internet.

Then, recently, about two or three weeks before I had to make the same decision with Alana, when I didn't even know she was sick or how sick she was (even though I did notice her hips hurt but I thought it was rheumatic discomfort) I KNEW this being was there, crouching on Alana's spot besides my mother's bed. I didn't see him as clearly as the first time.

The first time I saw it nearby my father's bedroom (where both my parents used to sleep [my mom left my father because he snored way too much, "accidentally in his sleep" had struck my mother twice in her face and other wonderful things of the sort] so now he was alone and you could see how the darkness was swallowed into his bedroom) so I am guessing that the shadows that usually cloak this being were engulfed by the darkness that IS my father (really bad juju) and that is how I was able to see it. I saw it climbing a drain, but as he was going up he was moving backwards.... if it makes sense

this second time, I did not see it, but I KNEW it was there. All these days after Alana's death have made me forget all the details of this being... however I know I have them somewhere in my mind.

I do not know who it is, where it comes from, what does it mean or why does he have his face upside down... I feel I need to know...

can anyone help? :smt006
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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Sep 30, 2014 12:11 am

Interesting, but also terrifying.

Probably more a question for the paranormal phenomena forum, instead of for this board.


Being upside down is the typical stance of Balinese demons, but with them the whole demon is the wrong way up, and not only its face.  

Take a look at the following webpage. Does yours look similar to the image appearing on the TV screen?


Upside down crucifixes and photos turned on their heads are often regarded as symptoms of demonic possession, but just because you are seeing images of a demonic figure with an inverted face, do not jump to any premature conclusions that you must therefore be possessed by supernatural beings from the Dark side.

It is difficult to say whether the demonic like figure exists independently from its observer. Could I please ask you whether you believe in the existence of supernatural demons, as part of your Mexican religious beliefs?

The symbolism of an upside down face or whole demon is that he turns everything in the vicinity upside down including the lives of the buildings occupants, and he causes ever increasng conflicts and fighting between them by not allowing them to see a situation from the other person's viewpoint or perspective.

In other words they sow the seeds of discourse and disharmony between living persons, then get great enjoyment from watching those seeds of destruction break through the surface and spread their relationship poison.

Especially if you do not believe that there are such things as demons, the other alternative explanation is that the image could well turn out to be a projection of your own unconscious fears plus the unhealthy atmosphere which was created in your house by your father. Instead of how a believer in demons would explain it, which would be that the demon caused your father to hit your mother.

Was this uncharacteristic behaviour for him?

One of the most common symptoms of demonic influence or actual possession is when someone who normally feels fine instead feels lots of negative emotions – heavy, depressed, thinking lots of negative thoughts about themselves, and so on.


The big question however which is difficult to answer, is as to whether the demons cause the person to become depressed and uncharacteristically negative (if you believe that there are demons), or whether instead being depressed and feeling overly negative makes you more likely to see these demonic like images which are in reality projections of the contents of your own unconscious mind (you do not need to believe in demons, to accept this possibility).

Negative energy feeds upon any other negative energy near to it, so in theory a demon could cause a living person to become depressed, then feed off that individual's negative energies to make it stronger so that it can gradually weaken its victim to make eventual possession easier.

A self amplifying feedback circuit will have been set up, where each cycle makes the victim progressively weaker, and correspondingly the demon (real or projected) stronger and significantly more difficult to resist, ignore or get rid of.  

Does any of this help?


T.W. Moira
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Post by T.W. Moira » Tue Sep 30, 2014 2:36 pm

Hello Eye of the Tiger!

Thank you for your information!  Yes, Mexican culture has pretty much the same pantheon of deities and spirits than the Irish.  We have our version of witches, demons, fairies and gnomes.  :)  

ha! our native gods even have their own hookers.  (seems we have a bit of a splatter of rome too)

I udnerstand what you are telling me and in the beginning I thought it was some sort of demon.  charles (my father) is a violent angry person who is self centered and highly at this.  Violence to all of us was the way he interacted with us... He also practices witchcraft and santeria; catholicism and buddhism when it suits him, but mostly santeria...

So I did suspect some sort of demon.  but he's out of our lives for 4 years now; and by that I mean we have shunt him OUT, completly.  when Ludzka died I did assume that she died because of something HE got himself into; as he often did, we ended up having to bail him out.  He spend my mom's inheritance and he had been living off my sister and me for over 6 years.

But when Alana died, he has been out and gone.  No phone, no mail, no contact.  He reaches out on our birthdays, but we do not reply.  The only phone number he has is mine, and I certainly do not talk to him.  

I KNEW the being was there almost a month before Alana's death... So it wasn't as immediate as Ludzka, but I wonder if what it was marking was the beginning of the disease or what.

I asked a few psychic friends to check on my Alana's condition as she got sick and after she died to try and figure out if it might have been his idiotic life wasting away something else of ours.  My doghter, but all of them told me that this time it was the natural way of progression, life, God, Spirit... whatever you want to call it.  

So that kinda told me that it might not have been a demon.  I sense no violence from it, I am scared and creeped out by it, and I feel I should not call it to talk to it....

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Oct 01, 2014 2:05 am

So that kinda told me that it might not have been a demon.  I sense no violence from it, I am scared and creeped out by it, and I feel I should not call it to talk to it....
Yes I agree with you that it is unlikely to be a demon, and that you should not make any attempt to communicate with it.

However if the problem persists, I believe that the solution is more likely to be found with a psychologist to help you to release these unhealthy feelings in a safe manner, rather than you consulting a medium or exorcist.

If black magic and witchcraft are involved, then this immediately puts the complexity of dealing with your psychological issues centered around your father up by several notches, and the urgency of dealing with this hallucination sooner rather than later for the sake of your own long term mental health has just gone through the roof. IMHO

Be kind to yourself


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