A white moth flew up my nose and other things!

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A white moth flew up my nose and other things!

Post by marlena » Sun Aug 03, 2014 4:00 pm

I haven't been here in a really long time but I had to come back! So long story short. I dreamed I was in my own place and headed to the bathroom. This place looked luxurious and cozy and I supposed the white moth thought so too cause as soon as I got near the sink, it flew right across my visual sight! I personally am not a fan of the buggy beasties, but I believe in doing no harm to them. We share this Universe. So as I am still inside the rest room, it flies straight up into my left nostril! I COMPLETELY FLIP OUT. I am blowing my nose so hard, trying to get it out and it ain't budging! I immediately wake up and was still trying to blow my nose in real life, cause it felt so real.

Any insight is vastly appreciated and hey there eye of the tiger! We need to chat!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:47 pm

Welcome back Marlena,

I am certain that other dream interpreters on MB will find much more detailed symbolism in your dream which could be interpreted very differently from what I am about to offer you, but something which "gets up your nose" is usually something which you find intensely irritating in your waking life.

The irritation caused by the white dream moth flying up and getting up your nasal orifice would in turn be expected to cause your eyes to be full of tears, temporarily clouding or interfering with your ability to see beyond the end of your own nose (meaning to see beyond what is evident on the surface, or being completely unaware of something outside of your normal experience or point of view).

The butterfly or in your case moth of any colour (see my postscript below) is a Christian symbol for rebirth. The American Indian sees butterflies and birds to be messengers from the spirit world. Some cultures and religions go so far as to regard them as angels in disguise.

On the other hand white could be interpreted as a symbol of purity, mental clarity, balance, SPIRITUALITY, joy, innocence and inner peace. Alternatively, white may reflect your genuine intentions to do what is good and right. You might also desire something which you can't have, but are well meaning about.

You are looking for spiritual rebirth and renewal, increased purity of thought and greater and more balanced mental clarity, more inner peace, joy and innocent fun in your life at present, but your goal constantly alludes you. The closer that you get to achieving your desired spiritual goals, the further they appear to move in the opposite direction.

In your day to day waking life who is the person who is always moving the goal posts at least a couple of steps out of your reach, and irritating and frustrating the (pardon my English) hell out of herself, by doing so?

Mmmmmm Who is doing that to you: I wonder. :smt018

While this may be the complete opposite of what you would like to be happening, guess who the person is who keeps moving her own signposts, presumably because once they have been reached she does not know what new goals to aim for. She may not have any further plans for her life, once her main spiritual goals have been reached.

Attaining your spiritual goals in life is a worthwhile and noble pursuit, but you can without knowing it set the bar so high for yourself, that your goals will always be just outside of your reach. It would be very easy in such circumstances to become so discouraged, frustrated, annoyed and diSPIRITED by your goals constantly outrunning you, that you would give up prematurely on ever reaching them.

I believe that this white butterfly/moth up your nose dream was meant at the same time to make you more consciously aware of the potential downsides of always setting your spiritual guideposts too far from where you are now in the present moment, and is also encouraging you not to close your eyes to and miss new and exciting opportunities (represented by your eyes being filled with tears in response to the unwelcome guest up your nasal passages) to hold the goal posts in one place, long enough for you to finally reach them.

In addition, I feel that the dream is attempting to communicate to you do not need to continue to worry about what you can or will do after the goal posts have been reached. The spiritual plan for the rest of your life will then reveal itself to you, BUT ONLY ONCE YOU HAVE REACHED THOSE GOAL POSTS, AND NOT ONE SECOND BEFORE YOU HAVE REACHED THEM. This suggests to me that when it comes to you achieving your spiritual goals, perhaps more than for any other types of goals which you want to reach in your life, patience is clearly not one of your greatest strengths or virtues.


EoT   :smt002  :smt002  :smt005

PS: There is some controversy between different dream interpreters whether moths and butterflies are equivalent dream symbols having basically the same meaning. The difference between butterflies and moths is a lot like the difference between frogs and toads. There are some rules of thumb you can follow to tell them apart, but there are also exceptions to those rules. Butterflies and moths also belong to the same classification insect order of Lepidoptera. While butterflies seem to be positive symbols of great beauty and delicacy, moths often appear to be more negative and destructive (as when they destroy our clothes by eating holes in them). Spiritual energies have a duality, meaning that they have both positive and negative aspects to them, which exist side by side. Indeed it is taught that each of them could not exist without its opposite. Consequently I feel that butterflies and moths probably represent the two sides of the same one spirituality coin, when it comes to dream interpretation. Having a butterfly or moth fly up your nose would have basically the same effect, anyway.  

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Post by Rook » Tue Aug 05, 2014 6:35 am

Hi Marlena

I like the setting - the cozy luxurious bathroom.  A very positive self-image.  Awesome.

The bathroom is a place of cleansing and purity - the feature being getting close to the sink.  Again the WHITE moth, related to what EoT has stated regarding the colour's link to purity.  The dream seems to be all about this.  I also feel the white moth represents spirituality.  Something that is "bugging" you perhaps.  It is certainly trying to get your attention by flying right in front of your vision, and then directly up your nose.  I suspect it is some kind of spiritual lesson.  And no matter how much you blow your nose this spiritual lesson is not going to leave you alone (not budging).

This has been experience in my own life, no matter how many times I fob off one of those "important" lessons, that exact same scenario comes back to haunt me til I finally take it on board.  I think this is one of those things.

I think this fits into what EoT said quite neatly.

Good to hear from you again.  :)


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