Deja-vu during dream states...?

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Deja-vu during dream states...?

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:38 am

I would like comments and experiences about deja-vu states during dreams, please?

Have you experienced during dreams a feeling that you have been through the dream or during segments of the dream?

This is different from waking up and feeling that you have seen the dream or parts thereof, before!



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Re: Deja-vu during dream states...?

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Jul 13, 2014 5:22 pm

Rohiniranjan wrote:I would like comments and experiences about deja-vu states during dreams, please?

Have you experienced during dreams a feeling that you have been through the dream or during segments of the dream?

This is different from waking up and feeling that you have seen the dream or parts thereof, before!


Dear friends,

Though very curious about this, I had been holding myself back so as to not give the impression of being 'pestering', something we observe in reading seekers here and on similar cyber-portals and which most of us find a bit unappealing!

I attended a spiritual group yesterday that was discussing Past Life Regressions and dreams etc. It was a group with one very quiet person who remained quiet to the end, even though the presenter/moderator did make a special effort to make him contribute or participate. Other members were rather interesting and some had had rather strikingly vivid PLRs in dreams and hypnotic sessions and in one case through a local psychic of repute. The sharing was very forthcoming and it was nice to experience that.

Being a first-timer, I was bidding my moment because I really wanted to ask and learn more about the 'deja-vu' in dreams. Interestingly, even before I did, a few members began to share their experiences similar. They had been having 'deja vu' experiences during their past life regression sessions! Being somewhat time-constrained (busy venue with other groups starting after us), I could not pursue the matter further, but I am wondering if someone here who might have read my request for information and wished to help me out through their experiences etc.?



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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jul 15, 2014 1:05 am

Have you experienced during dreams a feeling that you have been through the dream or during segments of the dream?

The dreamer would need to be lucid, or consciously aware that he or she was dreaming while still within their dream, in order to do what you are asking here.


The one example which immediately springs to mind is me walking down a long corridor with thousands of closed doors and rooms on either side. I keep knocking at some but not all of the doors, and some of them open by themselves only to reveal an empty room. :smt009


I kept asking for the dream to develop or progress in some direction to show me what is supposed to be in those rooms over many years of having this type of dream (with very limited success I might add), but I cannot remember having had this same experience during the last ten years or so.

I am not sure if this is because I found out what was in those rooms another way, and therefore having them was no longer necessary, or whether instead I simply gave up looking and caring what was in them. :smt017

Now I have a question for you.

Do you think that some but not all of what we label as Deja-vu (including in our dreams) is actually retro-cognition in action (us seeing our own past)?


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Jul 15, 2014 4:52 pm

eye_of_tiger wrote:
Have you experienced during dreams a feeling that you have been through the dream or during segments of the dream?

The dreamer would need to be lucid, or consciously aware that he or she was dreaming while still within their dream, in order to do what you are asking here.


The one example which immediately springs to mind is me walking down a long corridor with thousands of closed doors and rooms on either side. I keep knocking at some but not all of the doors, and some of them open by themselves only to reveal an empty room. :smt009


I kept asking for the dream to develop or progress in some direction to show me what is supposed to be in those rooms over many years of having this type of dream (with very limited success I might add), but I cannot remember having had this same experience during the last ten years or so.

I am not sure if this is because I found out what was in those rooms another way, and therefore having them was no longer necessary, or whether instead I simply gave up looking and caring what was in them. :smt017

Now I have a question for you.

Do you think that some but not all of what we label as Deja-vu (including in our dreams) is actually retro-cognition in action (us seeing our own past)?


EoT   :smt015

It is the 'deja vu' segments that are particularly intriguing since those occur in very different dream-contexts. Perhaps an important message after the symbolic code gets deciphered. (work in progress!)

WOW! So you get the same frustrating dream many times during the same night? Since I am assuming your dream was in a lucid state, going by your opening statement, how about requesting your 'dreaming' self to please try another corridor or dream castle? Maybe your dream was significant but the location needs some work? How perplexing indeed. Would love to hear in due course if my suggestion worked!

I doubt if you already found out what was necessary, as you said, because in that case why would your lucid dreaming self keep revisiting the dream-location. :smt017

Perhaps what you might have judged as 'empty' might hold something of significance? You gotta spend some more dream-time in those seemingly empty rooms which keep attracting your dreaming-self. Give it a try, again.

My belief is that deja-vu has something to do with triggering of subconscious recollections of what once was. Although, some may argue that time is not linear and probably we coexist in past-present-future simultaneously and so sometimes see what is going on in the 'other'room, yet again!

But so many other possible beliefs can coexist; it ultimately depends on the limits of acceptance that forms the boundaries of our understanding and reality!

No? Yes??



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Post by Rook » Wed Jul 16, 2014 4:25 am

Hi guys

I have never experienced deja-vu whilst in a dream state before - the closest I have gotten is interpreting what is happening in a dream whilst in a dream state, and not really even being a lucid dream either.  I think dream interpretation has just become ingrained in my psyche.

That said I am technically supposed to still be coming to the end of my "Father-quest" and about to have that mental breakdown mid-life crisis before I start on my spiritual quest.  That said I feel I have always been on that spiritual quest.

What I have experienced is going through events and scenes from dreams that play out in life after I have dreamt them.  Rationally some are quite predictable - as simple as walking down a certain street - what stands out with these is the overwhelming feeling of deja-vu and emotion related to the normal everyday event.  Others are not so "everyday" such as the death of the family dog.

The other sense of similar dream states is repeated dream sequences.  I don't notice these until I actually interpret them and find common sequences within the dreams, using symbols with similar meanings, realising that it is the same dream, or very similar with subtle changes in the "wording" or dream symbols.  Perhaps the dreams are trying to use a different way of getting the message through after the first attempts didn't succeed.

EoT - perhaps the empty room is symbolic in itself.  I could relate that dream to my own life and search for meaning.  There are many doors or avenues to finding meaning in life, but each time I go down one, I find myself disappointed, nothing seems to fit.  These are all empty rooms for me.  It sounds like a similar scenario to your dream.  Since the dreams have stopped though perhaps you are no longer searching or have found whatever it was you were looking for?

Rohiniranjan - as a scientist of sorts my mind is always pushing for the "why is it so?" which both conflicts and complements my mystic priest dream interpreter self.  But that combination is wondering as to the function of the link between dreams and past-life regressions.  If there is a link I am sure there is a reason for it.  Perhaps to give us context to the lessons we are learning in this life?


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:48 pm

Rook wrote:Hi guys

I have never experienced deja-vu whilst in a dream state before - the closest I have gotten is interpreting what is happening in a dream whilst in a dream state, and not really even being a lucid dream either.  I think dream interpretation has just become ingrained in my psyche.


Rohiniranjan - as a scientist of sorts my mind is always pushing for the "why is it so?" which both conflicts and complements my mystic priest dream interpreter self.  But that combination is wondering as to the function of the link between dreams and past-life regressions.  If there is a link I am sure there is a reason for it.  Perhaps to give us context to the lessons we are learning in this life?


Hi Rook,

Greetings! Nice to see your interest and sharing your experiences, interpretations and wisdom acquired through experiences with us all :-)

We each have different perspectives about this, but in my case I have never had the feeling ever that I have a separate interpretor or wisdom self or even psychic self. I sense within a UNITY, a single self which has mutually harmonious and intelligently cooperating facets. Curiously, they seem to be capable of operating simultaneously at times. Of course I have generally been careful to not get too pushy with these. Strangely, though my description may sound as if there are compartmentalized units, they are in reality not, nor are felt so by me.

PLR, dreams and other similar phenomenon including divinatory portals are not really compartmentalized too, although in order to keep an artificial sense of separation and other reasons, the various disciplines have to be kept so, for instance in our board. Since most of us tap into the board using the conscious, logical, superficial, interface of what I am describing (MIND), such separations are essential since very different *computers* (using analogy!) are plugging-in and can get confused. Working on tuning up the **filters** is what would be recommended in such a case.

Perhaps being attuned to astrology and a few other portals, I view these modalities and experiences as emanating from a common source, a repository of all memories and information, etc. Astrology does not reach up to the level of the SOURCE, but it does touch upon the cable (analogy again) that brings in the information. The cable is also what some have tried to compartmentalize and categorize and label as subconscious and unconscious mind. There are clear indicators for that functional concept in astrology. So, in my mind, there is no doubt at all that PLR and dreams are not water-tight compartments but different ends of the same swimming pool, like the superficial and deep ends we see in most swimming pools, each pool of so many different shapes, curves and formations (analogy again!)

Love and Light and Explorations,


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jul 18, 2014 1:23 am

So you get the same frustrating dream many times during the same night?
No you misunderstood me. Never more than once a night. I become lucid or consciously aware within my dream that I have had the identical dream many nights before that particular night.
how about requesting your 'dreaming' self to please try another corridor or dream castle?
I have not had these dreams in the last ten years to try out your suggestion now.

Any way when I was still having those weird dreams I tried to ask my dreaming self many times to change the location or explain why I was having the same boring and frustrating dream yet again, and got no answer.

Finally the dreams seemed to disappear by themselves. Presumably my purpose for having them was finished.

Dream dictionaries say that these dream rooms represent yet to be discovered and explored aspects of oneself.

Did I discover and explore in full all these latent aspects of my being? Is that why the corridor dreams disappeared? I really cannot say with any degree of certainty if that was the reason or only reason they stopped happening.
Perhaps what you might have judged as 'empty' might hold something of significance?
Yes that would be completely consistent with the aspects of oneself room theory, which I described above.
But so many other possible beliefs can coexist; it ultimately depends on the limits of acceptance that forms the boundaries of our understanding and reality!
Yes I agree with this.


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Jul 18, 2014 10:59 am

eye_of_tiger wrote:
So you get the same frustrating dream many times during the same night?
No you misunderstood me. Never more than once a night. I become lucid or consciously aware within my dream that I have had the identical dream many nights before that particular night.

RR: Thanks for clarifying this. This matter is now a lot simpler
how about requesting your 'dreaming' self to please try another corridor or dream castle?
I have not had these dreams in the last ten years to try out your suggestion now.
RR: Since the experiences were not in concordance with your life-plan, it is understandable that your mind stepped in! :-)

Any way when I was still having those weird dreams I tried to ask my dreaming self many times to change the location or explain why I was having the same boring and frustrating dream yet again, and got no answer.
RR: Those of us who are sensitive and attuned to such finer aspects of functioning of mind sometimes do experience premature breakthroughs, but Thank God that the Higher Intelligence remains in the driver's seat. I have experienced that a few times myself too! Mind indeed is very plastic and now we hear from scientists that the brain is as well! Neuronal Plasticity!!

Finally the dreams seemed to disappear by themselves. Presumably my purpose for having them was finished.
RR: Yes, that which is irrelevant at a given time, and our conduct remains in good order and disciplined, such experiences arrive, vanish, arrive again, etc

Dream dictionaries say that these dream rooms represent yet to be discovered and explored aspects of oneself.
RR: Like any other available knowledge produced by humans or through humans, all these are limited, new or ancient ;-)

Did I discover and explore in full all these latent aspects of my being? Is that why the corridor dreams disappeared? I really cannot say with any degree of certainty if that was the reason or only reason they stopped happening.
RR: Perhaps they got blocked since those were not relevant to your current path and needs.
Perhaps what you might have judged as 'empty' might hold something of significance?
Yes that would be completely consistent with the aspects of oneself room theory, which I described above.
RR: On a personal note, if I may share, I have always taken dreams very seriously, and even when those are lucid, upon waking, I keep in mind the fact that I am a worldly human being and so the dreams contain symbolisms! A snake seen in a dream is not a snake, in other words. As we grow more refined spiritually, my belief is that we tend to see things as they truly are! Even in our dreams. Until then symbolism serves a protective purpose, just like other defense mechanisms do to allay or limit anxiety. Here I am referring to the usual mechanisms such as repression, denial, reaction formation, projection, etc.
But so many other possible beliefs can coexist; it ultimately depends on the limits of acceptance that forms the boundaries of our understanding and reality!
Yes I agree with this.


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Bring out your deja-vuers!

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:39 am

To my brother in spirit,

This message is simply to let you know that I have read your response in its entirety, and since I have found nothing in it with which I either disagree or feel that I can add to to make any progress, I am choosing to at least for the present moment be more of an observer of this ongoing discussion, rather than one of its active participants.

Recognising that you have been trying to get some personal feedback about this subject for some considerable period of time with little joy, I feel that to discuss things any further between us at this point might discourage the very people whom you most want to hear from, from responding.

That is those of our members who possess a much deeper understanding of this topic than I do, as well as those who have personally experienced the deja-vu phenomenon within their dreams, as you have described as being the basis for your investigation.

All the very best with your study. I sincerely hope that the responses which you are looking for will start pouring in any time from now. With his subject I feel that you are looking for members with practical first hand experience of what you are talking about (those members having experienced deja-vu on a more major and more regular scale), in preference to our ongoing intellectual  but mostly abstract exchange of ideas.


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Re: Bring out your deja-vuers!

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:23 pm

Dear EoT,

My personal philosophy about forum threads has been simple. None of us are perfect in our understanding of the TOTAL! :-) So topics on a thread can only benefit from participation of all. Sometimes experienced readers tend to become too focused and cautious since reputations are implicitely at stake; not everyone of course! So, even a rookie can sometimes open a door, a window in what otherwise could remain a closed room :-(

The spirit speaks through every single one, although at times a bit of probing and cleaning up might become necessary so as not to get distracted.

I have noticed that you tend to compartmentalize into a box as 'intellectual', conversations (sometimes discussions) almost as if such have to be separate or even non-essential! Human minds are essentially portals and receive and mix all kinds of information: high, medium and low, were it possible to get by with just those three streams, which might in reality not exist in a tri-colour river, but more like a collage of colors and hues. Being my life-pursuits etc., I tend to be a big believer in the value of pattern identification and matching in pretty much everything we engage in, in life. Before we begin to sift the coloured granules of truth, we need to first collect those and to me essentially that is what in general the evolution of a forum thread is. And to me always has been, whether it is this section or that section or that forum!

As a general comment, shring and discussions end and debates or worse (sadly sometimes seen) begin is when we approach anything being discussed from a self-perceived notion of having arrived at perfection and speaking therefrom. In spiritual and divinatory realms such perfection is rather difficult to attain and the sooner we all recognize and accept that, the fewer blockages there would be in the exchange of well-meant information and in self-development/growth for all of us: high, medium and low!

Just some general observations shared above and not to be taken by anyone here, personally or even locally (pertaining to just this forum or board!).

Love, Light, Beauty,


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jul 19, 2014 11:45 pm

So, even a rookie can sometimes open a door, a window in what otherwise could remain a closed room
Although I feel I have no need to defend my reputation as a reader to anyone, having admitted several times on these forums that I do not know all the answers and that I am far from being perfect, this is precisely why I chose to take a more observer approach so that members having actual personal experience of deja-vu in dreams will not feel backwards about coming forward with their own stories, because of feeling intimidated by our discussion.
I have noticed that you tend to compartmentalize into a box as 'intellectual', conversations (sometimes discussions) almost as if such have to be separate or even non-essential!
I believe that both intellectual discussion of the subject as well as the sharing of detailed personal accounts of members experiencing deja-vu in dreams have an essential combined role to play in progressing our collective knowledge concerning this phenomenon.

And I am not saying that either one of them is superior to, or better than the other.

Your word "comments" means the same as my word "discussions".
I would like comments and experiences about deja-vu states during dreams, please?
You want both comments AND personal experiences.

But it is crystal clear to me from the wording of your request that you wish to at least temporarily give higher priority to the personal accounts in preference to the discussions/comments, in order to collect the information which you have been looking for over an extended period of time, but up until now have been frustrated by not getting any.


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:33 am

eye_of_tiger wrote:
So, even a rookie can sometimes open a door, a window in what otherwise could remain a closed room
Although I feel I have no need to defend my reputation as a reader to anyone, having admitted several times on these forums that I do not know all the answers and that I am far from being perfect, this is precisely why I chose to take a more observer approach so that members having actual personal experience of deja-vu in dreams will not feel backwards about coming forward with their own stories, because of feeling intimidated by our discussion.

Rohiniranjan: A rookie as well as a reputed reader (meaning experienced!) both can bring forth valuable additions to any thread and neither should feel 'intimidated' or overly awed by other participants. In fact I assumed that that was well understood by all participants who contribute to any thread, EoT! The soul can speak through anyone and all contributions are valuable, at least in my reckoning :-)
I have noticed that you tend to compartmentalize into a box as 'intellectual', conversations (sometimes discussions) almost as if such have to be separate or even non-essential!
I believe that both intellectual discussion of the subject as well as the sharing of detailed personal accounts of members experiencing deja-vu in dreams have an essential combined role to play in progressing our collective knowledge concerning this phenomenon.

Rohiniranjan: I consider the latter (first hand experiences!) as intellectual as well and do not think we should aggrandize this so called "intellectual/scholarly" false division or glorify it as being separate! We are all intelligent beings and the soul and spirit is ONE and speaks through all of us! I am not saying that superficially but truly believe in that.

And I am not saying that either one of them is superior to, or better than the other.

Your word "comments" means the same as my word "discussions".
I would like comments and experiences about deja-vu states during dreams, please?
You want both comments AND personal experiences.

But it is crystal clear to me from the wording of your request that you wish to at least temporarily give higher priority to the personal accounts in preference to the discussions/comments, in order to collect the information which you have been looking for over an extended period of time, but up until now have been frustrated by not getting any.

Rohiniranjan: No, I did not have any such prioritizations in mind. I value experiences as well as well thought out possible explanations (even with a bit of creative imagination! However, these should be clearly labeled so! Just so readers do not get confused and take it as some sort of gospel!


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:54 pm

First comes the collection of data from the combined personal experiences of those who have had deja-vu happen in their dreams, followed by a discussion of what those personal experiences might mean our add to our accumulating knowledge concerning the phenomenon.

Bring on the personal experiences and once the required information is in, any discussion will be based more on facts, instead of just theories.

Once the information coming from those personal experiences has been obtained and sorted, I will re-enter the process if I feel that it has served its purpose.

I will not be responding any further until this has occurred, and will now make space for the people who are the focus of your research i.e. those of our members who remember having experienced deja-vu in their dreams and who are willing to share their experiences with us.


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:24 pm

eye_of_tiger wrote:First comes the collection of data from the combined personal experiences of those who have had deja-vu happen in their dreams, followed by a discussion of what those personal experiences might mean our add to our accumulating knowledge concerning the phenomenon.

Bring on the personal experiences and once the required information is in, any discussion will be based more on facts, instead of just theories.

Once the information coming from those personal experiences has been obtained and sorted, I will re-enter the process if I feel that it has served its purpose.

I will not be responding any further until this has occurred, and will now make space for the people who are the focus of your research i.e. those of our members who remember having experienced deja-vu in their dreams and who are willing to share their experiences with us.

How did a simple exploratory question from me got turned into a scholarly Ph.D. level research, dear friend? <LOL>

It is not even a 'pilot' study and certainly not a *plot* ;-)

But I am wary of beginning a research based on internet info. However, for comments and information sharing, it is a nice place to begin.



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Re: Deja-vu during dream states...?

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:26 pm

Rohiniranjan wrote:I would like comments and experiences about deja-vu states during dreams, please?

Have you experienced during dreams a feeling that you have been through the dream or during segments of the dream?

This is different from waking up and feeling that you have seen the dream or parts thereof, before!


Research? Where?? &nbsp;:smt004

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