A technical computer question but astro related

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A technical computer question but astro related

Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Jan 20, 2014 4:29 pm

Hi everyone,

I have to run some xp programs in tandem as well as windows 7 programs hence am going to be stuck with W7 PRO as opposed to *ascending* to a Windows 8 os.

Have any of you have some experience with running virtual XP under W7? Do programs in the virtual XP run as fast as a comparable computer running full XP? CPU speed and memory etc remaining comparable between the xp computer and the computer running virtual XP.

It may vary from software to software, I understand, but what has been your experience in such os situations?

Thanks in advance,


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Post by RishiRahul » Mon Jan 20, 2014 4:43 pm

I am transferring this to the tech forum hoping Swetha or Abhisekh (the whiz kids) come up with something.


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:20 am

I currently have three operating systems on my computer, one on each of three physical hard drives.

Windows XP Professional Edition
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition
Windows 8 Professional Edition.

One thing that I can tell you with absolute certainty is that changing to Windows 8 is definitely not changing upwards or ascending. In contrast I feel that it is a huge backward step that will lose Microsoft a big part of its loyal customer base to Linux, but that is not your question.

I understand that because Windows XP becomes obsolete and unprotected on April 8th this year (service life expires with no further security updates), that you are considering running your programme Under Windows 7 XP compatibility mode, or alternately using a third party virtual environment such as Virtual Box.

The bad news is that using either of these will always be a compromise, but it may well be your only option with the hackers getting excited about April 8th fast approaching. Do not expect to get anywhere near the same speed or hardware compatibility as if you had instead run your programme under the software environment for which it was originally coded and designed.

At best you will probably end up with a programme or computer which is missing some of its important features. At worst it will either not run at all, or be so crippled that it is less than useless.

The lack of compatible printer drivers could potentially make this option extremely frustrating for anyone who needs to print the output of their program, but do not give up prematurely. Necessity is sometimes the mother of invention?

Hoping that this helps,

EoT Image

PS: BTW Windows 7 is protected and active at least until 2020. It will until then always be my default OS, with the latest service pack. "Upgrade" to Windows 8 at your own peril.  :smt013

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Post by cedars » Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:24 am

After long deliberation and having loved Windows 7 OS and still using it on my two PC's, my third PC is now Windows 8, as all PC's come pre loaded with Windows 8, I had no other choice.

Despite my fears, and apprehensions, I am now growing to like Windows 8 -- not in love with it -- but am wondering why I resisted it for the simple reason that the screen looked different, unfamiliar to the many years of using XP and Windows 7.

I use Windows 8 as though it was Windows 7. All you have to do is click on the Desktop icon and there you are using Windows 8 aesthetics as Windows 7. Create icons for all your software on to the desktop and use it as though it was Windows 7.

The ''app'' look on Windows 8 is Microsoft's way to prepare its customers to use it as a Tablet or a smart phone. you don't have to use these apps if you don't want to, but having an open mind about these apps you may be pleasantly surprised that there are some useful apps there too. Uninstalling them is simply a matter of right click on the mouse and select Uninstall.

I know this was not your question Rohiniranjan, but if you were considering to buy a new PC with Windows 8, there isn't much to fear. :)

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Windows 8.x REST IN PEACE

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Feb 07, 2015 12:29 am

I use Windows 8 as though it was Windows 7.
Then why not use the real comparatively stable and robust window 7, instead of being burdened with its pale hypersensitive imitation? You can always upgrade the OS to Win 7, if your computer came partially disabled with Win 8 from the factory.

Windows 8.1 has been a significant improvement on the original Windows 8.0, but the huge amount of negative feedback from disgruntled Windows users has forced Microsoft to completely bypass Windows 9 for Windows 10 (which will be released this year).

Evidently Microsoft wants people to completely forget that they ever saw let alone had to use Windows 8, and by leaving out Windows 9 it helps them to distance themselves from the guilty responsibility of having given us what is widely agreed to be the worst MS operating system since the Windows ME disaster.

Soon it will be Windows 8.x REST IN PEACE, for yours truly.

Windows 10 cannot arrive fast enough for me. Until then, Windows 7 will remain as my computer's default OS.

The main thing that does worry me about the pre-release versions of 10 is that all Microsoft Updates will be AUTOMATIC

There will be no easy way for end users to prevent Microsoft from turning their computers into a useless brick at least once a month, with their poorly designed and terribly programmed buggy updates and patches.

This is something that I am definitely not looking forward to if it is indeed included in the initial public release of Windows 10 as is suggested.

Life was never meant to be easy.


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Post by cedars » Sat Feb 07, 2015 7:05 am

I had no choice but to have windows 8 as all new pc's were coming with 8.
I have not upgraded it to windows 8.1 so far.
Microsoft will give free upgrade to windows 10 to those who have 7 and 8.1..... but there are some prices to pay for this free gesture.
Anyway, I shall one of these days update to 8.1.

The reason why I said I am using my Windows 8.0 as though it was 7, I was apprehensive about getting it, but since I had no choice, I now see my fears were unfounded.  If you ignore the Apps screen and click on Desktop app, you can use it as if it was Windows 7 minus the Start button.

I dont think Windows 8.1, which apparently does have the Start button (but not quite) has amongst other stuff, modified the Power/Shut down facility which is very annoying on 8.0.

Anyway, we shall see what Mr Gates has got under his sleeves....

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