If you are kind and have the time, Please look this over

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If you are kind and have the time, Please look this over

Post by dreamlikeidoo » Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:39 pm

Hello , thank you for reading my plea. I was wondering if anyone can help me with my father, i guess fathers day is comeing soon, and i do miss him very, acheingly much.
I feel like im just a lost little tug boat of a girl adrift at night without the strong tug of my father to guide me.

Sometimes i feel very sad, sometimes i feel angry.

I guess i just wish i knew if he still looks over me..i feel lik ei can " feel" him sometimes..i just wish it was a little bit more definative...concrete, heck i dont expect him to appear and give me a hug...but i do belive in energy..soul..whatever you will call it.

If anyone here cares to try, can try...feels how desparate i am to ask, just tell me my dadoo is ok, and dont be surprised if you get some odd things from him, we had alot of " in " jokes.  

I respectfully await any reply, and if i have offended anyone im sorry, i know its not like " dialing for a pizza" or something and i dont mean to demeen your gifts, i guess if it was a long time ago i might have been able to go to my village wise woman, in 2012 i reach out to my global net wisewoman/men !

A thousand thankyou's

Zoe, Daughter of William, slayer of deamons, giver of biscuits. :)

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:50 pm

Someone came in laughing and saying - it is no longer a joke.  I have popped the mortal coil and now I must face the music.  

I don't think he had a firm grasp on what to expect but certainly from the above, it was all negative.  Send love, light and most of all laughter out to him so he can find his way to clear path of enlightenment.  In other words he can move into spirit enjoyment rather than fears.  Someone on the other side (very serious) woman - wants to hold him and bring him along.  She was not at all like him and he felt out of place in his youth around her.  She did love him - even his exuberance.  And is so pleased he had you to express his laughter in life.

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your dadoo still watches over you

Post by darkangel7172 » Wed Oct 30, 2013 2:36 am

even to this day,
his smiles have not even begun to fade away. He wants you to be very careful in the two choices you are making right now. One of them is to please someone else and your dadoo wishes for you to do what is right for you. If you try to please other people, you will never find peace or happiness throughout your life. It's one thing to help someone out, but it feels like you're taking this person under your wing and he or she is trying to call all the shots. The thing is you don't want to hurt them because others have cast this person aside and moved on. You dad thinks it would be better if you show your friend that you're a friend and you're happy doing things hand in hand with each having equal say but no one is going to boss you around. Like the way your dad let him boss you around when you were younger. He's been looking all over for a way to get messages to you. There seems to be some distance between us. Most of the time, he's very near you. He loves to touch your hair and your cheek when you're asleep. like he did when he was alive, but you could feel him and it confused you. He loves you also, he said, and he made sure for me not to say he loves you, too. He said that seems like it forces the other person to say it and it comes from his heart. He has been watching you cry, even catching some of the tears as they roll off your face. He says that you blame the Lord and he wants you to let that go. It was him who chose to move on when it became too much for him to bare.  When this part of you heals, a new window or door will be opened for you. You are going to become more than you ever imagined. He has been putting off going to his next level to make sure you were going to be okeedokee. I'm sorry but I'm tired now from being between the planes. Is there anything in particular that needs to be settled? Anything that you would like to say or ask?

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:52 pm

Darkangel you raised an interesting point in your closing.  Many people say they are tired from working with spirit.  In my experience it is re-energizing to the point of a buzz like feeling.  Spirit more than replenishes that which they use to work.  

This poster did not even answer back when they had posted their message.  I am not sure they are even around the site any more.  Do not anticipate results.

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