Reading for andrea williams

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morton tolson
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Reading for andrea williams

Post by morton tolson » Wed Jul 06, 2005 12:19 am


First – here are your chart and your aspects: ... PhotoID=11 ... PhotoID=10

The overall pattern formed by the grouping of your planets in your chart is a See-saw; here there is one group of planets clearly balanced against another group. And philosophically, this process balances different pairs of opposite – hot cold, love hate, rich poor, success failure. Such a process is, of course, dear to the hearts of all Alchemists and Astrologers. One might call ‘equilibrium’ and ‘balance’ the very heart of our art. ... PhotoID=13

The See-saw pattern can also be found in the charts of Richard Nixon and Krishnamurti. Nixon, with a Capricorn Sun, saw Life as a balancing of political forces – set up, of course, for his personal exploitation. Wherein lay the heart of his personal downfall.

Krishnamurti, as those familiar with his writings know, was able to introduce to Westerners a view where ‘conflict’ was no more than a selfish ego-drive; he also advised meditation as a technique for empowering the mind by viewing the beautiful harmony that exists in Nature. And, not to keep you in suspense Andrea, your See-saw more closely resembles that of Krishnamurti.

Technically (by splitting hairs) one might include your Moon with the left-hand side of your See-saw, but a closer look at your chart (see earlier illustration) suggests that your Moon actually serves as a fulcrum or balance point; it can do this because it is mid-point between the opposition between Neptune and Venus. (In fact, your Rising Rising Sign is actually in opposition to both Venus and Mercury).

Either way, the opposition becomes the spine of your T-square, and the Moon at the midpoint becomes the release.

And later, when we examine how few aspects your Sun has, we begin to see your Moon a major point of self integration. It does not represent a power which can stand alone while doing this task. The Moon can only reflect the Light or Consciousness of the Sun. So, you do have an interesting life to look forward to! Especially since all astrologers seem to agree that a T-=Square gives a native back bone; by which they mean you have a personality that somehow ATTRACTS challenges.

Personal vs Social Planets

When we take a closer look at your chart we discover that ALL of your personal planets – the Sun, Venus and Mercury are on the right-hand side of your chart – with two social planets (Saturn and Mars). And on the left-hand side of your chart are the remaining social planet (Jupiter) plus the three slow moving planets – Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. These last three are the clocks for the slow evolution of all humans.

We now have another way to look at the role that your Moon plays in your chart. ... PhotoID=12

Mercury and Venus, as viewed from the earth, and being inside the earth’s orbit are never seen far from the Sun – hence the name personal planets. {The principles of Thought and Love are never far from the principle of self-integration).

The orbits of the social planets – Mars, Jupiter and Saturn lie outside the earth’s orbit, and thus symbolize our growth from a self-centered individual (infant and child) into a social creature. And – obviously, the Moon as it orbits the earth then acts as the intermediary between our individual self and our social self. And it is clear why the Moon rules Cancer, the sign of home, family and domesticity. And is it not interesting that your chart is set up to EMPHASIZE THE ROLE OF THE MOON? I refer, of course, to your SEE-SAW.

The outer most planets, then, expand our consciousness into realms that ‘transcend’ the personal (the social and individual). ‘Transcendental’, then, means not the divine but rather a movement toward transcending the limitations of the little ego. The ancients called this movement a ‘rebirth’, since the new self would be quite different that the old self. We are told, by the ancients, that the very cells in our bodies begin to change when we develop a higher and more evolved sense of ‘self’.

The Ancient View

IT ALWAYS SURPRIZES me how many ‘modern’ astrologers suffer from a malady I can only term: ‘looking at the planets as creating problems’. It reminds me of Ostanes, who (in an old Alchemical treatise) pleaded as follows:

‘Save me, O my God, for I stand between two exalted brilliancies noted for their wickedness, and between to dim lights; each of them has reached me and I know not how to save myself from them.’ -- Abul-Qasim

As Carl Jung remarks, the two ‘malefic’ are Mars and Saturn, and the two dim lights’ are the Moon and Venus. He identifies these because they represent the quaternio that begin the four seasons – Mars (Aries), Moon (Cancer), Venus (Libra) and Saturn (Capricorn).

But perhaps Andrea will receive some solace from the following remarks by the Thrice Great Hermes, madke while he was addressing the Sun:

‘I cause to come out to thee the spirits of thy brethren (the planets), O Sun, and I make them for thee a crown, the like of which was never seen; and I cause thee and them to be within me, and I will make thy kingdom vigorous.’

This passage, quoted by Carl Jung in his last book on Alchemy, suggests that the planets really represent powers that lie within us, but which move synchronously with the planets in the sky. And further, if we properly understand the role of our inner planets, we can then become masters of our own destiny.

In our next post we shall address Andrea’s Sun in Taurus, and seek help from several of the Tarot Keys, because their symbolism is directly keyed to Astrology, and they thus can add great depth to our interpretation. Oddly enough, we will find that the Key that represents Taurus also points directly to the Moon and its role in our charts.

Does this mean that Andrea knows something the rest of us have yet to discover?


P.S. Andera: please feel free to ask questions as we go along.

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Post by Raven » Wed Jul 06, 2005 1:57 am

Awesome reading Shantana, I checked out your MSN group also, very nice

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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Wed Jul 06, 2005 7:11 am

I second that Raven.

morton tolson
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Post by morton tolson » Thu Jul 07, 2005 3:36 am

Hi raven and blonde eagle, and I thank you both for your complements.

Incidentally, b. eagle, did you say your parents were both Leo's? I was wondering how that worked out for you, but then I decided that Scorpio Rising could hold its ground with anyone, right?


p.s. your application to join astro cabala has been approved, and since you are the only other member, I appointed you an asst. manager.

So feel free to invite some E-mail friends to join you, and set up whatever you want. I will probably post some lessons on Cabalistic Astrology -- when I figure out what it means.

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Post by morton tolson » Thu Jul 07, 2005 3:40 am

Her Personal, Social and Transcendantal Planets ... PhotoID=12 ... PhotoID=13

These two illustrations, from Part ,I  show the different roles played by our inner planets and role played by the Moon in  Andrea’s See-Saw pattern.  We cabn now emphasize some important points::  

* All of the outer or transcendental planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) are on the left hand side of Andrea’s See-Saw.  In the language of symbolism, then, her entire personal and social life (on the right hand side) is to be  balanced by the Way or manner in which she seeks to transcend the limitations of her current personality.

* Her Moon is the actual fulcrum of the See-Saw, so it must plays a leading role in her life.  Fortunately, her Moon will work beautifully with her Sun in Taurus, since Taurus is ruled by Venus (a sister planet to the Moon); further, the Moon is exalted in Taurus which means the Moon works best in (or WITH) that sign.

* The one social planet on the left hand side is Jupiter, in Scorpio, which immediately calls our attention to her Rising Sign, Scorpio.  We all know that Scorpio represents sex, reproduction, regeneration and the urge to ‘transcend’ our present limitations.  Creative tension, of course, IS the awareness of Duality (Yin and Yang), and its furthest push is to dissolve boundaries and then merge with others in an organic whole.  

This description of Scorpio matches Carl Jung’s own definition of the process of Individuation.  Jupiter it happens is in Scorpio and in the eleventh House; this suggests that Andrea will (eventually, if not now) attempt to expand her role into the social realm found in large organizations and/or groups that do international work of some type.  .

* The real Key to Andrea’s evolution, now falls on her Rising Sign, Scorpio, which represents how she will project herself into Life, how others will ‘see’ her, and how she will ‘see’ (or discover) her true Self.   Mars is the co-ruler of Scorpio, and thus becomes the co-ruler of her entire chart; the significance here is this: the Rising Sign determines the signs on the cusp of every House, and in this manner the SCORPIO influence will actually permeate every corner of Andrea’s existence.  

The Polarity of the See Saw ... PhotoID=15

On the left I have placed Mars, the co-ruler of Scorpio, and on the right I have placed Venus, the ruler of Taurus.  I have done this so we can examine the forces involved in the See-Saw between the Sun in Taurus and the Rising in Scorpio.  In a Tarot Key, the central figure almost always represents the Essential Core You – or some distortion of it.   Ken Wilber, an American Philosopher, has stated that the One identification of WHO this is can  be found in the ‘message of the Mystics’:

‘And the first is: God is.  (and) at the very core of your being, you are God.’ – Grace and Grit.

I forget who it was (perhaps St. Augustine) that we can doubt all things, since they may be illusions, but we cannot doubt that we doubt.  Modern thinkers would rephrase this: YOU are Conscious and you Exist.  And that, in all spiritual systems, defines what they call 'God'.

Key 3, Venus, represents some aspect of  your essential Being.  The waterfall behind her represents the tension between Yin and Yang (male and female), a tension used by Venus to create the manifest world (the wheat at her feet).  She is Creative Imagination – but the seeds all come to her from the Masculine side of Life, which is Consciousness.  Creative imagination carries Consciousness, but is not the source of Consciousness.  So -- this aspect of yourself is a CARRIER of your essential Consciousness.

And we note the crown of 12 stars on her head (the 12 signs of the Zodiac) and the necklace of seven (7) pearls on her neck.  These are represent the seven planetary powers which -- we remember,  Hermes told the Sun he would learn to rule.  We also note that the shield of Venus is love.

Mars on the left, the co-ruler of Scorpio, is represented by a Tower.  This Tower is everything our minds create, so it also represents our ego and – like the Tower of Babal, we have tried to raise this above the landscape, as if we and our subconscious and self-conscious modes of being are the real rulers of all that we see.

The Mars force, reapresented by the Lightning bolt, destroys this ‘image’ so energy can be released for further growth.  In more practical words, we can all remember losses of our hopes or dreams which, at the time, seemed great calamities; later, however, many proved to be among the best things that ever happened to us.

Andrea’s Sun in Taurus ... PhotoID=14

Our physical sun is obviously the source of all our energy, our will and our vitality.  That also is a given.  BUT, the Sun in your chart, Andrea, is a symbol of your ability to exercise your powers of leadership, and specifically a symbol of your ability to integrate all of the other planetary powers into one harmonious and unified Whole.  A psychologist might say: the Sun, then, represents the principles which – if you understand them, help you to ‘actualize’ yourself, which is to say: how will you eventually express yourself and then that expression will allow you to fulfill your quest for  WHO you really are.  

Key 5 of the Tarot, the Hierophant, represents the sign of Taurus, Fixed Earth, and the power of Intuition.  The Hierophant represents our Inner Teacher, and because he occupies the center portion of the card, we immediately know he is also an aspect of the One Self (or, if you prefer, of yourself as God).  This is the inner aspect of yourself that guides you in all things, and (slowly) yokes you to reality.

The ‘yokes’ (Yogi) behind his ears emphasize that Taurus rules the sense of Hearing.  He wears feminine garb, and the two ministers who kneel at his feet (so are subject to him) represent Desire (the roses) and Knowledge (the lilies).  As a wise Cabalistic friend once told me, ‘Intuition kicks in AFTER we have exhausted Reason’.

(Part III shall begin with the Sun, Key 19 of the Tarot)

Check Out Your Hermes Zodiac

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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Thu Jul 07, 2005 8:20 am

Yes both of my parents are leos. Dad is July 27,1937 and Mom is August 21,1940. Yeah I can hold my own against them.

What is my rising rising sign?

morton tolson
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scorpio scorpio scorpio rising rising rising

Post by morton tolson » Thu Jul 07, 2005 9:39 pm

Nobody -- and I mean NOBODY, messes with a native of Scorpio !!!! (lol)

I will talk about your Rising Sign after my next post which will be about your Sun Sign, Taurus.

I have another question: I had assumed that you were pretty familiar with Astrology ... and apparently this is not so. It begins to sound like you are a 'newbie' ?? No?

If so, I should really simplify my posts. No? I just didn't want to talk down to you.

Let me know.


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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Thu Jul 07, 2005 10:46 pm

I am new to this deapth of it. I am used to getting thoes free samples reports and they dont go into this much depth at all.

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Well -- how can I help you?

Post by morton tolson » Fri Jul 08, 2005 3:57 am

Dear Friend --

If you can let me know what you understand, and what seems confusing, then perhaps I can tailor my remarks more toward your needs at this time.

This is not a game, in which 'I am psychic' and somehow prove it by being very accurate in what I say about you. That, in my opinion, is a silly appoach to astrology -- and a waste of time.

Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist who developed 'Analytical Psychology' studied ancient texts on Alchemy because he considered 'Ancient Wisdom' to be a highly advanced form of the science of the Mind. Carl Jung also wrote that 'Astrology is the basis or foundation of all spiritual systems.'

By 'spiritual systems' he meant the Cabala, Buddhism, Yoga, Vedanta and Alchemy. All of these teach us about WHO we are, and how we evolve as a higher consciousness. And -- astrology marks the various phases of this, our evolution as an individual self.

You have already changed WHO YOU ARE many times. You were an infant, and then a toddler, and then a child, and then a teen, and then an adult. And, at age 35, you have already enjoyed your first Saturn Return. And I feel SURE you were quite aware around that time that you had, indeed, changed again.

Future changes will be at 42 (Transiting Uranus opposite natal Uranus), and in the late 40's, T. Pluto square natal Pluto.

My readings look at the directins these changes take, the tools you have .... Your Sun Sign, your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign, and how you might use these to raise your consciousness still more. The pattern (a see-saw) shows still more about your style, and your T-square will suggest the types of challenges you will experience (or attract).

Your Karmic Task this lifetime is tied, quite clearly, to the Sphere of Mars ..... so Mars and Scorpio will be important points of focus in your life. But I have no idea if you want to get into that.

I can shift this reading in any direction you would prefer. Just let me know.


ood, and what was more confusing, then perhaps I can tailor the reading

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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:24 am

No it isnt confusing. Please go on.

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Final (Tarot) Reading for Andrea

Post by morton tolson » Sun Jul 10, 2005 6:08 am

Final Reading for Andrea –

Dear Andre –

. I am sorry but I will not be able to finish my reading your chart; a family matter has come up and I will be gone to another city for some weeks. So I asked the Tarot for a summary which would cover any points, including your current transits, that were important for you to understand about where you are and where you are going at this time in your life.

As always, I put fresh flowers on my altar, lit both candles and incense, and then saluted the Lord of the Universe. I will say: that the Angels of the Tarot obviously wanted you to get this message: Seven out of ten cards -- in the reading, were Major Arcana! The odds against that happening are very low. In my thirty years of doing readings, this is a new record!

The angels are really telling you the core of what your chart (Seven Planets) reveals.


Card One. You are asked to look deeply at your spiritual side which is now unfolding in new ways. You are a very practical and down-to-earth person, and can look on this side of yourself as your base. Your Taurus nature in sound and deeply intuitive, so Life is telling you that you remain completely safe as you enter this new and exciting phase of your life.

Card Two. Your problems come mostly from your emotional side and from some old memories that are hurtful. But you have a gift which you should can now begin to use to see more deeply into Life. In meditation and you can learn to ask the Goddess for your answers to any problem. She will show you the power of Love, your right course of action, and how you can turn painful memories into rich compost to grow future flowers.

Card Three. Look to LOVE as your best shield in Life. You have a gift -- that of true spiritual love, but you need now to develop this High Love. The message of the Tarot is clear: learn to see what is loveable in everyone; learn always to see the best in Life. And (says the Tarot), THIS is the best that can be achieved.

Card Four. There are unseen forces that will soon be coming to the forefront. These are Martian forces and some people may try to involve you in some quarrel. This is your opportunity to look for a peaceful resolution, and an opportunity to ask the Goddess for the SOLUTION that LIFE hides beneath the surface. And this is a PROCESS which should not be hurried; this ‘process’ represents the beginning of the insights you will develop as you enter your new Path.

Card Five. You have, in the past, depended primarily on your mind as the source of sovereign Reason. And this, of course, is good! But in the future your Mind will slowly take on a new role: that which the ancients called the ‘Messenger of the Gods’. In your coming life you will specifically be learning to direct your Mind to work closely with the Principle of Love in all things.

Card Six. This Key summarizes the door to your future, and represents how your Sun Nature empowers your Moon nature to do its work; that work is a ‘connectedness’ with all Life; a connectedness that fives voice to your deepest and subconscious needs. The Tarot says that a bold new era is unfolding in and for you. You can learn how to keep all things Powerful, while all remains in complete Harmony.

Card Seven. This Key represents the very first steps that are needed as you begin to form your Future. You find ways to take action to balance all opposites that occur in your personal environment. It is you who must actively seek for solutions, but it is the Divine Mother who will do the work – as you discover the proper path for yourself. In Key 11 of the Tarot the Divine Mother holds the scales – balancing Severity (Mars) against Mercy (Jupiter) in her left hand. Her right hand holds the sword of Discrimination (Mars and Saturn). And when you work WITH her you discover POISE. Isn’t that the result of a balanced and harmonious personality that learns it can solve all problems?

Card Eight. Your response to the new challenges will feel, at first, as if it is you who must juggle too many things, keeping all of the balls in the air with only your own powers to help you. But in time, you will discover that LIFE is doing the work for you. .
Card Nine. This represents your hopes and your fears. And you would like a period of rest and respite. This period is a sign of approaching success.

Card Ten. The final card of the future and how it unfolds. This is the Lover’s Key (6) of the Tarot, which shows your subconscious and self-conscious modes of expression, working together in Love, Harmony and Beauty. Under the watchful eye of your Mind, your subconscious nature (the woman) is perfectly connected to the angel Raphael, which is Mercury in its new role. And Mercury relays the messages from Above (Life) through your subconscious nature.

The following are Astrological Notes on the Cards.

Card One: this card represented Neptune in Sagittarius, and in the First House of Self. Neptune, then, will be your guide in all future meditations.
Card Two: this card represented Aquarius and shows the Divine Mother revealing the real truth to you, the one who meditates and asks questions. Your Moon is in Aquarius, ideally located for this work. Your strong emotions seem to oppose you at times, but remember: the Moon is is the mid-point or Release of your See-saw. Bringing your Moon into play in balancing the pairs of opposites is the secret of your chart.

Card Three: this Key represents your Venus, which is in Gemini – a sign which significes how Mercury and Veuns (the twins) can learn to work together and thus properly focus you on your new course. But Venus has a strong and challenging contact with Neptune (yor See-saw). A reminder that – in oprder to fully develop your spiritual side, you need to work with your Moon in Aquarius because it is the release point.

Card Four: on the Tree of Life this Key represents Geburah, Seferah 5 and the Field of Mars. The message here is clear: the ‘forms’ (or patterns) of your new life must ALWAYS balance Severity with Mercy. And, Mercy must always be balanced with Severity. The planetary powers involved in this balance are Jupiter (Mercy), ruler of Sagittarius, and Mars (Severity). Jupiter is in your 11th house of groups and hopes; Mar is in your 7th house of partnerships and marriage.

Card Five: This card represents Mercury, and your Mercury is in Taurus, where it is both very practical and also works most harmoniously with your Sun; further, you have seen the Hierophant Key (Taurus) and remember it represents INTUITION. Further, the Moon is exalted therein. One more point: Mercury rules Gemini, where your Venus resides. (And – be sure to look for a surprise in the last card of this reading, where your Mercury, Venus and Sun are joyously united)!

Card Six: This card represents Leo, the sign on the cusp of your ninth house, but you have no planets in that sign. So the Keys are reminding you that all Leo’s, whether they know it consciously or not, are born with the gift of ‘marrying’ the Sun and the Moon. As a young child you had two examples of this marriage before you, all the time. Now, with your adult heart and with love, you only have to SEE what was the very BEST in the Leo nature; then, seeing this, you will understand how to make your own life work during the coming transition. The BEST in the sign of Leo will show you how to make your own Sun work with your own Moon.

.Card Seven: This Key represents Libra, and Air sign, but ruled by Venus (Love) and Saturn is Exalted – meaning it works better in this sign than in any other. Uranus, co-ruler of your Moon sign (Aquarius) is in Libra, in the eleventh house of Aquarius. And Saturn, which represents Discrimination, Focus and the principle of Limitation. You will find how to use Saturn to achieve all your goals and your future happiness. After all, your Saturn is in Taurus, and conjunct to your Sun.

The 19th century Spanish artist, Goya, once painted a famous painting showing Saturn as a malefic, eating his own children! This has always been the view of the popular mind concerning Saturn. But all spiritual systems give Saturn first place among the Powers.

Card Eight: this Tarot Key represents the powers of the Zodiac, as represented by Chokmah, Seferah 2 on the Tree of Life. The angels of the Tarot are telling you to NOT worry! You are beginning a process in which Life begins to do the work for you.

Card Nine: this Tarot Key represents the sphere of Chesed (or Jupiter) in the world of Air. This decanate of Libra is co-ruled by Mercury, which suggests that your mind now SEES the Laws of Nature that assure your success!

.Card Ten: the Lovers Key represents the sign of Gemini, the twins, and Mercury is exalted in this sign (meaning it works best here). Here is the success that is promised both by your chart and by this Tarot reading. From other factors in this reading, this process will take about two years.

Goodluck --


morton tolson
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I forgot to say ..

Post by morton tolson » Sun Jul 10, 2005 6:13 am

I forgot to add a summary at the end ...

The last card of the future lets you in on a GREAT secret! If you want LOVE in your life, then BE loveable. Love everyone. Don't be taken in, but DO see the good in everyone.

good luck and goodby

s --

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