Do certain spiritual/paranormal experiences we have happen for a reason? and why?

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Do certain spiritual/paranormal experiences we have happen for a reason? and why?

Post by bewitchingbecca013 » Wed May 01, 2013 11:22 pm

Hey everyone, im going to talk about something that happened to me many years ago that I have been wanting to know about for a long time now...and it involves a short story and a little explaining.  

Well first, let me say that last week I was hanging out with a friend, and we were busy talking, and randomly, she starts telling me that when she went to go get her certification for Reiki II,  that only one other person was getting certified, which was a man, probably in his 60s and she told me how he talked about how he was in love with, and in a serious committed relationship with a spirit....and no, it's not the spirit of a previous girlfriend or wife that has passed away. Im not sure how he met this spirit or how long this relationship has been going on, but my friend told me how open he was about talking about his relationship and how he spends all his time in his house with her and how he talks with her and gives her reiki healing,etc..

Before my friend told me about the simular experience the man is going through, I honestly thought that I was the only one who was going through something like that lol. Small world, eh? Now when she told me this, I was   (and still am) in shock....I just can't beleive that there are others out there in the world that are currently or have gone through an experience that I have been through years ago. Im not as open about talking about my paranormal romance as this man obviously was. But when my friend told me this, I felt a strong urge to contact this man somehow and let him know what I have learned and have experienced, and I also want to help him in his situation. The difference between his experience and mine is, well i guess mine happened when i was younger & the relationship didn't last as long because I just "let go" and & moved on...

This is where I will tell you about my experience...ok, it all began when I was 14, a bunch of friends and I were at the beach using an ouija board (it belonged to one of my friends. we also protected ourselves!). Basically we talked with a bunch of different spirits, and one took a liking to me, said his name was george, and was 15 (I learned other things about him and his family and friends) well from that moment on, he followed me around wherever I went and we became friends, then more than friends. We stayed together for quite a while, but I did not tell anyone about him because I was afraid people would think I was crazy..well I did tell one person, but she is good at keeping secrets and my other friends, overtime kinda forgot about that night we used the ouija board, but I will always remember.

Anyway, sometimes at night I would be able to see him out of the corner of my eye, I would feel 'cold spots', he would give me signs or messages (like certain words in a song on the radio, or certain cloud formations in the sky, license plates,etc. come to me in my dreams and talk with me through automatic writing) but one night, even though I beleived in ghost and beleived he was still around, I deceided for my own sanity that I needed some sort of proof that he existed lol, so I did my first ever E.V.P in my room and I got a recording of him laughing... I was so :D I would spend all my time with him (whenever I wasn't out doing other things, sometimes I was just lazy about interacting with him haha...and my parents wouldn't let me date, so it was a lot easier for me to spend time with him whenever i did) especially at night, I would always talk with him before I went to bed, it made me feel safe and comforted. However in time, even though I loved george & fell in love with him...I grew tired of him being a spirit and me..well, being in the physical...& I guess the realization just came to me that in order for me and george to be together some way in this life, (or even if that wasn't possible he would help me find a good guy that would take care of me the way he would) that I would have to kind of 'take a break' from george and live life and focus on myself. So that's what I did for  while. (i was 17-18 when i had that realization)

And years later (I was 21 at this time), I ended up meeting some friends online that I was able to talk with them about my situation with george (they were all understanding and spiritually gifted) and how I thought the best decision was for both of us to move on and find happiness even if it isn't with each other, but if it's meant to be it will happen because we would 'take a break' for a while. They sugguested that I send george into the light and they helped me learn how to do that, so that's what I did. I sent george, along with his friends and family into the light and I really cried afterwards. I figured the way we can all be happy and free and move on, is for me to send them into the light, and for me to move on with my life and really live for me (plus I did it because I figured after being stuck on this plane for many many years, they all more than deserve to go into the light and to be happy and be with more of there loved ones up above).

Im 23 now, I've been given a sign that they are all doing good on the other side and that they check up on me every once in a while I feel very blessed and honored that I have a 'spirit family' if you will, that loves me....and I still do think back to when I first met all of them, and I still do love george...if you love something, set it free, right? But my question is, why in the world did this kind of experience happen to me?? Why do these kinds of experiences happen to certain people? What could it mean? Did I do the right thing by sending them into the light? Please, im looking for real answers here and I appreciate any and all help, weather its advice, sharing of simular experiences or what not.

I also put this question in the paranormal experience forum because this is about spirits...but well I thought it might fit in the topic category too incase the subject of mediumship comes up or anything else. Well thank you for taking time to read this, I appreciate your help.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun May 12, 2013 2:30 pm

Eventually you did the right thing - send him on to his new condition of life - spirit.  If we think about it there is no progress in a relationship between spirit realm and physical life.  And that is what you are here on the earth plane to do and learn from for growth of the spirit.  

Perhaps if  you examine what was happening in your material/physical life you may find clues as to the relationship and its importance in your life.  Many children have invisible friends for just that reason.  When they grow beyond them, the spirit moves on.

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