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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jan 08, 2013 5:12 pm

There are no special tricks to being light, nor are there special colors of light.  (Indigo is a defined group of people) Being your own spiritual self is the key.  As we are all individuals there are many ways to attain it.  Living from the spirit, understanding self as a spirit is a key step.

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Post by p3ntacle » Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:57 am

Do you feel a sense of time urgency within you?

I often do. I feel the sense that so much bad could happen, and if I enact the correct judgement upon any small circumstance it will benefit the whole.

Do you feel draw to help humanity?

Yes, but also a sense of sorrow and insecurity over it. There is so much good to be had, but so many are lost and so many are corrupting what little we have.

Do you feel draw to spirituality?

Of course. I have since I was old enough to talk and perceive. My biggest calling is to become a healer. Seeing a person's affliction or wound healed is like the greatest gift that can be felt, connection is awesome too. That's hard for me though. So many people are on different levels.

Do you get a persistent ringing sound in your ear?

Yes. I don't know why though. I think it's due to hyper-sensitivity. I can hear sound that no one can hear. Such as a buzzing light or a TV, louder than others. It can become distracting. I also sometimes have third-eye headaches around negative people, and one ear rings when I'm in danger, someone's lying to me or it's not safe ahead.

Have you been told by others that you are too sensitive? Yeah, always.

Do you feel different from others? I do. And I've been told this. I dislike being different. I wish more people were like me, haha.

Do you believe that spiritual methods can heal any situation?

I do not believe that any situation can be healed this way, there are important ways to evolve beyond using spirit or magic to heal. Spiritual methods can be used to help most situations though, in different ways, you still have to be wise about it and not over-do it.

Do you know that you are here for a higher purpose?
Yes. I am pretty sure I have a higher purpose and a strong reason to be here. It's a calling. I've been reincarnated in a certain time, for a certain reason.

Often my guides interject in my life when I am making poor decisions. It is incredibly helpful to me. If I were to say email a message explaining a problem that might offend or worsen situations, if I should avoid a certain person, if someone is in danger, if I've been crossed, etc.

I also believe that Angels are watching over me 24/7. That must be a good reason to believe I am a light-worker. I have chosen this path, of course. I have practically worked for the past three years or longer to achieve their trust. I still falter, and I feel extreme guilt over it. I do not know my mission, only that I am being prepared for some events and I need to be strong, and subvert as many disasters as I can. If I was blessed enough, I would come back as an Angelic being who helps aid souls in crossing over, or who influences humans to be righteous and good, as I believe they are doing for me. I do not wish ill on anyone, even my enemies anymore.


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Post by kaz22 » Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:38 pm

Hi there

i think i maybe a light worker but not sure i have been told that i shine a lot when im happy and smile but someone once told me that im more than that i have meny gifts and cant control them, ill try to explane the best i can i cant go out of my house when i do i feel everything and everyone's happyness and sadness pain anger and not just from people plants and animals to even the earth her self, i also see things that have and have not happen yet this i don't like and heal to just talking to someone and not even beaing near them to also move things when im very angry to as well as the weather and once time it self someone told my once that im like a starseed and indigo and an earth angel im not sure what i am but all my life ive felt not the same as humans i love this world and all people more than i should, i secens spirits, a friend of mine once said im like a god or something but im just me people at times come to me and just talk but they dont know me animals and kids do this to i know cos i feel im here for some reason but im not worth this i dont know why but need help with my gifts i have tryed to ground and light my sfel but it dont work for me and know im open all the time and cant turn off i dont know what to do i dream every night and have nightmares but i still try and smile tho thanks for u time

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LightWorkers need to help and support other LightWorkers

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:07 am

kaz22 wrote:Hi there

i think i maybe a light worker but not sure i have been told that i shine a lot when im happy and smile but someone once told me that im more than that i have meny gifts and cant control them, ill try to explane the best i can i cant go out of my house when i do i feel everything and everyone's happyness and sadness pain anger and not just from people plants and animals to even the earth her self, i also see things that have and have not happen yet this i don't like and heal to just talking to someone and not even beaing near them to also move things when im very angry to as well as the weather and once time it self someone told my once that im like a starseed and indigo and an earth angel im not sure what i am but all my life ive felt not the same as humans i love this world and all people more than i should, i secens spirits, a friend of mine once said im like a god or something but im just me people at times come to me and just talk but they dont know me animals and kids do this to i know cos i feel im here for some reason but im not worth this i dont know why but need help with my gifts i have tryed to ground and light my sfel but it dont work for me and know im open all the time and cant turn off i dont know what to do i dream every night and have nightmares but i still try and smile tho thanks for u time
Hi Kas,

You are a potential lightworker, have many psychic/spiritual gifts, but unfortunately at present your gifts are controlling you instead of you controlling them. You are very highly empathic, meaning that you are exquisitely sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of other people close to you. You are like a psychic sponge which is always soaking up other people's emotions to the extent that you are overpowered by their intensity and cannot easily sort out your own feelings from among them.

Your main and most urgent problem is definitely how to temporarily turn off your abilities to allow you to get on with the rest of your life without feeling ass though you are under attack from every negative thought they might have. You have not done anything wrong to deserve this, and we will work together along with qualified professionals such as your own doctor to stop this from ruining your life. And it is not too late for us to stop this, and for you to be a Lightworker and healer, but have your own life back.

1. The first thing to do is for you to have a thorough physical checkup from your doctor. And if he or she thinks that it is necessary a consultation with a psychologist or psychiatrist. This is mainly to rule out any underlying and treatable medical conditions which could be the reasons why the lighting and grounding have not worked, and why you cannot turn your abilities off enough to be able to leave your house.

Did you always have fears about leaving your house before all this began happening, or has it always been this way? Are you currently taking any prescribed medications, recreational drugs or are you self medicating with alternative medicine products without your doctor knowing? Note that we are exploring what could be happening deeper below the surface which is getting in the way of you being an effective LightWorker. I am not saying that you are only imagining this, are sick in the head or are making this up. It is all too real, but it is quite possible to be both psychic and unhealthy. The answers to these questions are for you and your doctor's eyes only. They should not be posted on a public forum like this one, and they are none of my business.

2. Stop any sort of psychic activity, especially private meditation. At least until we start to get this more under your control. Your constant ON condition will make you unusually vulnerable to negative psychic energies and entities, and could lead to you falling into a very deep state of depression which could be well outside the ability of a normal GP to treat. Spend less time online on psychic and/or spiritual websites such as this one (but do not leave us completely), turn off your computer or mobile communication devices, and work towards getting way from your house as much as possible every day. Get a job, do some manual work or start a hobby. This must all be done a bit at a time. Nobody is expecting you to suddenly be able to do all this on the first day or attempt. Your doctor and we can help and support you with this, but you are the only person who can do it.

Why this plan should work where others have failed miserably is that our minds tend to draw into our lives more of what we are thinking about most at the time. You are thinking you are going mad (you are not) and that you are losing control over everything (you are also not doing this). But by continually focusing on the belief that you have no control and will never have it, your subconscious mind goes into survival mode. Where everything is based upon fear, and protecting you no matter what. How your mind is trying to protect you is to make you lock yourself away in your bedroom and to throw away the key.  

Somehow you, your doctor and we need to convince it that there are better ways of doing this, without at the same time preventing you from have a life worth living. Survival is NOT living in the sense that your Creator wants you to live a full and happy life, and be a LightWorker to others. Our homes and our minds can become our own prisons, much more difficult to escape from than any jail that a man could build. I believe that once we can all work together to get you moving back in the right, more healthy direction, your ability to control your gift of empathy will be significantly better than it is now. That will be the time for you to gradually get back to meditating and doing the lighting, re-centering, and re-grounding. And then they will work as expected.

Over the next six months (this is not a reading but my own opinions and advice), your top priority must be to get all the help which you are able to and deserve to have including from your doctor in bringing your life back under your control, and taking some of it back from your always scared to do anything which makes your life feel more worth living, survival at all costs subconscious mind.

LightWorkers need to take even better care of their health and of themselves than the average person does. It is difficult to help other people psychically or otherwise, from a hospital bed or cemetery.

We are with you all the way. LightWorkers need to help and support all other LightWorkers.

EoT  :smt052

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Post by kaz22 » Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:50 pm

Hi tiger i know i have to do something and i am it will take time tho, im trying to so hard to do this and over things but ill be ok i hope :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Apr 21, 2013 11:48 pm

Trying too hard and forcing things along before they were meant to happen is one of the most common reasons for spiritual seekers not making any positive progress in the right direction.

Ease up on yourself, do the basic exercises and set up the right conditions for it to eventually happen at a time for which you have been properly prepared beforehand.

So meditation, spirituality and faith in yourself are the key components to begin working and developing your natural psychic abilities. Add in time, practice, and patience and you have a great foundation to work from.
Source: "Developing Psychic Abilities" Written by Medium Renso Ryokan ... ities.html


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Post by spiritalk » Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:35 pm

Another good book is:  Develop Your Psychic Powers by Tara Ward.

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Post by stephybabes92 » Sat Apr 27, 2013 4:53 pm

After my baptism a lady from the church told me that as I came out of the pool she could see light and told me i am a "light bearer". So I guess I need to learn about that!

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The Role Of The Light Bearer

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:40 am


The woman at the church where you were baptised can see your personal energy field or aura, which is normally invisible to the rest of us.

After the spiritual cleansing ceremony or ritual of baptism (total immersion), your aura could be stronger, purer and extend further out from the outlines of your body than it often is at other times, making it that much more visible and impressive to a person gifted with auric vision.

But there is a whole lot more to becoming a LIGHT BEARER than merely having an incredibly bright, strong, pure and unusually extended aura. It is instead a way of living your life as a spiritual warrior. A person who helps to bring or BEAR the LIGHT of truth and healing into not only his or her own life, but also into the lives of others.

See "The Role Of The Light Bearer"

EoT :smt051

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Post by stephybabes92 » Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:35 am

Thanks EoT!

Well I hope she was right as it certainly seems like an exciting role full of responsibility!


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Thanks for the book suggestion

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed May 01, 2013 12:52 am

spiritalk wrote:Another good book is:  Develop Your Psychic Powers by Tara Ward.

Thanks for the book suggestion.

I am looking at it on now, and am thinking about adding a copy of it to my own private reference collection. ... 1841935050
Most importantly, Discover Your Psychic Powers has been written in a simple, factual style, making this complex subject both easily accessible and fascinating.
Sounds very practical and no nonsense to me.

Excellent idea!

EoT :smt020

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Post by pageofcups » Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:57 pm

i just discovered that i am an indigo adult. does that automatically mean i'm a lightworker?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:10 am

YOU COULD ALSO BE A LIGHTWORKER if you decided to use your Indigo personality characteristics and unique spiritual gifts, in order to help and heal other people.

For that is basically what a Lightworker is. A helper and healer who works in harmony and cooperation with the divine forces of the Light.

In other words being an Indigo does NOT automatically make you a servant of the Light or channel  for the higher spiritual energies and entities, but it probably does mean that you have a greater potential to become one, if you consciously believe that it is an important part of your purpose for being here and positively act upon those beliefs.

EoT  :smt006

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