married life

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married life

Post by naaz » Wed Mar 20, 2013 3:15 pm

hi i m marium my details r below
16 july 1991
tob 8:00 pm
please tell me about my married life as m married it will b good or will go bad please tell me i want to know about my married life

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Post by merwin » Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:51 pm

What's your full name at birth? It will be more accurate to decipher your chart.

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Post by naaz » Thu Apr 25, 2013 5:00 am

at my birth time people call me zohra only for 1 week and then my name changed as marium begum in birth certificate also and after 1 week every body called me with my new name marium i hope it helps

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Post by enumero123 » Fri May 17, 2013 8:57 am

my dear friend  you have the power to make life and any situation positve are negitive your birthdate july 16 1991 shows a 16/7 life path  your birthday number is also a 16/7     so it very important for you to undeestand this number vibration in great detail  heres alittle to get you started

Numerology Life Path 7 (7, 16/7, 25/7, 34/7)

The Life Path 7 suggests that you entered this plane with a gift for investigation, analysis, and keen observation. You are a thinker of the first order. You evaluate situations very quickly, and with amazing accuracy. As a result, you are thorough and complete in your work, the perfectionist who expects everyone else to meet a high standard of performance, too.

A Life Path 7 person is a peaceful and affectionate soul. But you guard your connection to people carefully. It's easy for you to detect deception and recognize insincere people, and you avoid them. You aren't one to have a wide circle of friends, but once you accept someone as a friend, it's for life. It's as if you must get to know someone a lot better before you allow the wall surrounding you to be penetrated. Chances are you are a very charming and refined individual with great poise and a quick wit. Nonetheless, there is an exclusiveness about you. You probably aren't a very social person. Your reserve is often taken to be aloofness, but actually, it's not that at all. It is merely a cover up for your basic feeling of insecurity. There's no rush, It takes time for you to warm up to new friends. Clubs and organizations hold little interest for you; you are not a joiner.

You actually like being alone and away from the hustle and bustle of modern life. In many ways, you would have fit in better in much earlier times when the pace of life was less hectic. You need a good deal of quiet time to be with your own inner thoughts and dreams. You dislike crowds, noise, distractions, and confusion.

The overwhelming strength of the number 7 is reflected in the depth of thinking that is shown; you will garner knowledge from practically every source that you find. Intellectual, scientific, and studious, you don't accept a premise until you have dissected the subject and arrived at your own independent conclusion.

This is a very spiritual number and it often denotes a sort of spiritual wisdom that becomes apparent at a fairly early age. A built in inner guide providing a strong sense of intuition may set you up as being a law unto yourself. Whatever spiritual position you take, whether traditional or bizarre, you will cling to it with fervor. Once you have decided an issue, it is almost impossible to get you to revisit the question. Adaptability is not your style, and change for you is a rarity.

You rely heavily on your experiences and your intuition, rather than accepting advice from someone. Your hunches usually prove to be very accurate, and knowing this, you follow the directions they seem to guide.

In the most negative use of the 7 energies, you can become very pessimistic, lackadaisical, quarrelsome, and secretive. A Life Path 7 individual who is not living life fully and gaining through experiences, is a hard person to live with because of a serious lack of consideration for others. There is such a negative attitude. Indeed, operating on the negative side of the 7 can produce a very selfish and spoiled individual and living with one can be a challenge. This may be why some 7s actually prefer living alone. If you have any of the negative traits they are very difficult to get rid of because you tend to feel that the world really does owe you a living or that in some way you are not being fairly treated.

Fortunately, the negative 7 is not the typical 7, at least not without some mitigating positive traits. This number is one that seems to have some major shifts from highs to lows. Stability in feelings may be elusive for you

its also important to piont out that the 16/7 is seen by many as a karmic debt number

16/7" Difficult, especially during the early part of life. Great potential for spiritual growth and self-knowledge. This Karmic Debt numbers reflects "The Fallen Tower" in Tarot. Can be self-destructive.

The 16 Karmic Debt - wherever it shows up on the chart - means destruction of the old and birth of the new. The 16 is about the fall of the ego, and all that it has built for itself. It is a watershed, a cleansing. All that has been constructed, and all that serves to separate the person from the source of life is destroyed. Through the 16, reunion with the great spirit is accomplished.
This can be a painful process, because it usually comes after much ego inflation. This results in a struggle between the ego and the divine will. Life presents challenges to your grand plans, which can be resented and struggled against. It is a lost battle, and you will likely feel humbled in the face of the collapse that follows. This humility is the key to later success, however, because you will learn to follow the intimations of a higher reality. In the destruction of the old, a spiritual rebirth takes place with an entirely new awareness. This rebirth affects every area of your life. It is a life much the better for the fall.

Those with the 16 Karmic Debt must be careful of egotism. Very often, those with the 16 use their highly intuitive and refined intellect to look down upon others, and view the rest of the world as inferior. This causes acute alienation and loneliness. In addition, it invites retribution, for the egotist is humbled more harshly than any other.
When the 16 is in one of the core numbers, this process of destruction and rebirth is a continual cycle that actually serves to bring you into higher consciousness and closer union with the source of life.

The 16 Karmic Debt can be a path of progress and great spiritual growth if it is looked at properly. One develops great faith by placing one's life in the hands of God. Through such faith, gratitude and peace are firmly established.

16 /7Birth Day

Your over-powering orientation is toward the philosophical and spiritual aspects of life. You are driven to understand the unseen world. On some level, you feel like a foreigner on planet Earth. Your realm is the world of spirit. Your challenge is to find a way to ground that desire and understanding in practical terms so that it can be effectively shared with others.

You have a fine analytical mind that is capable of penetrating beneath the surface of the subject at hand. You also have the capacity for excellent concentration. You must use that mind to your greatest advantage. Investigate the subjects you love and gain the depth of knowledge in these fields. Specialize. Become an expert in a given area. This will give you a means of earning a living and personal power to share your wisdom.

The great pitfall you face is the choice of becoming aloof, mental, and critical. This will result in alienation and even bitterness. You can also easily lift off the ground, becoming impractical and dreamy. If you indulge too much in flight of fancy, you may drift from reality and give up the possibility of earning an adequate living.

You have excellent intuition and may even possess psychic ability. Trust your intuition and use it as a guide in life. But at all times, be practical in your application of your insights. Find concrete means of expressing yourself. Pick a field that suits you - science, metaphysics, philosophy, psychology, teaching, for example - and deepen yourself in its understanding. But beware of becoming overly dogmatic and shut off from the truths of others.

You prefer to work alone, rather than in a group. You can easily lose interest in your projects, however, and must work hard to finish what you start. You have to have faith and let opportunities come your way You may miss out if you reach and seek.

You are very sensitive and feel deeply, but you don't share your feelings easily, nor do you communicate them well. The realm of the heart troubles you for its shifting, nebulous qualities. You must work hard to understand this area of life.

You like to spend time alone to contemplate and meditate, but have to be careful not to withdraw too much. Long-term relationships are not easily established nor maintained.

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Post by naaz » Fri May 17, 2013 10:14 am

will u please explain my married life as m married and facing lots of problems

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Post by enumero123 » Sat May 18, 2013 11:06 am

love and relationships for you are linked to sensitive .you arwe highly intuitive and intellilgent  you seek the company of cllever and interesting people who can offer you variety and fun .a tendency to become bored and restless implies that in personal relationships you need reassurance and affection  as well as common interest         ...... question are you now married  if so your spouses info is need  to answer any isuues you might be having   if you are not let marriaged  then dont worry   knowing yourself  your strengthens and weaknesses will be the best reassurence for happiness    in light and love

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Post by naaz » Sat May 18, 2013 8:19 pm

i m married but due to lots  of problem in my married life i have fear of divorce from my husband i love him alot and dnt want to leave him kindly tell me is there any divorce or not??plz i will b very thank full to u

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Post by enumero123 » Mon May 20, 2013 3:57 am

i can not directly answer you question for in the end you have the final key  ..but i can add the following your currently under a two personal year

This is a year to carefully protect and nurture your plans. You will be like a mother watching over her children, conscious of every threat, real or imagined.

You need tact and cooperation to keep yourself moving forward. There will likely be confrontations with others, requiring a subtle and gentle approach. You will have to stay focused on your goals, yet use intelligent persuasion. Being forceful may work against you; compromises will work in your favor.

You will be unusually sensitive and may wonder at times what happened to the drive and momentum you felt last year. This year requires something else from you now - a delicate sense of balance and a willingness to go around obstacles, without losing sight of your goal.

You may experience some emotional depressions and frustrations. The year is marked by struggle, but there are many opportunities to advance your plans.

This is a year of slow growth, requiring patience.

Be discriminating in your associations and secretive about your plans. Don't talk too much about your ideas; be a bit secretive; guard yourself and your ideas. You are somewhat vulnerable this year.

This is a good year to improve yourself through reading and research. Your growing awareness of the less visible and less obvious aspects of life will make you much stronger and better prepared for the future.

You must be wise in all your relationships and associations this year. You are far more capable of establishing close, even life long relationships this year. Because sensitivity and openness are heightened, many people find their "soul mate" in a two year.

May is the pivotal month in the year. You are extremely intuitive and sensitive. You are also self-reflecting and better able to influence your peers and situation through spiritual awareness. July brings a culmination of plans and a distinct step forward. August sees things become more concrete and brings a new beginning. September is emotional, requiring adjustments, tact, and inner resolve. The 2 year is a year of growth and advancement, but through gentle means, and the indirect use of your personal power.

indicating influences for age 21.

Marium, of the nine possible challenges, the zero challenge is perhaps the most
important.  This is a challenge of the heart.  Its purpose is to strengthen the
connection between you and your fellow men through compassion, sympathy,
and, most importantly, unity; the recognition that we are not as separate of each
other as we seem.  This is not about emotion.  It’s about wisdom.  It takes
wisdom to see all the things we have in common.  Ignorance is what makes us
see the differences.  

You will find prejudice where you least expected it.  Marium, you will witness
cruelty and injustice.  Your heart will want you to do the right thing, but you will
also have the opportunity to take the easy way out.  These are the choices that
will define you.  In essence, the zero challenge is not so much about good and
evil, but about being brave enough to make the distinction and respond

Marium, you will find yourself again and again in situations that stab deeply into
your sense of justice and compassion.  You will be a witness to some disturbingly
unjust proceedings.  You know you are in a position to do something about it, but
it requires sacrifice and effort, and you are holding back.  You probably think of it
as restraint, however, when you look deeper you realize that you are postponing
the inevitable.  Your sense of justice is being challenged.  
Getting you to take action is necessary.  And in turn, your self-sacrificing acts
earn you the gratitude of others.  But that is not your true reward.  
The real pay-off is in the fact that taking action opens new windows into your
deeper self.  You will learn much about your self, and your self-esteem gets a
powerful boost.  This is one of those opportunities, when your efforts to help
others are returned a thousand fold.

Marium, this is a time when you will produce your best results by being less
practical and more idealistic.  While this may seem a contradiction, it makes
sense when you look at it from a larger perspective.  You are asked to devote
your time and effort to what is important to your heart, not your mind.  When we
set goals for ourselves that we hope will bring us comfort and security, those
objectives are defined by our expectations and the limits we have set for
ourselves.  It is as if we roll out a path in front of us, a narrow path.  The problem
is, of course, that we don’t know for sure that the destiny we set for ourselves is
really what we want.  It is, in fact, a reality for many people that once we reach our
goals, the rewards don’t come close to measuring up to our expectations.  

Imagine what it would be like to devote all your energies to creating your perfect
environment and reaching those goals you knew with absolute certainty would
bring you love, happiness, and contentment, merely to find that you have spent
your whole life chasing an illusion.  This is a reality for many people, Marium.  You
don’t want that.  And the only way to prevent this scenario from becoming your
personal life story is by occasionally stepping away from the path you rolled out in
front of you.  
This is the time to do just that.  And the best way to do that is by devoting your
energies to the betterment of mankind.  Be an idealist for awhile.

Key ingredients for this period are idealism, selflessness, and modesty.

Marium, you will find your self in a very different situation now than you were 3 or
4 years ago.  You are more involved in activities which affect mankind as a whole.  
You are more actively involved in attempting to improve the quality of life for
people at large.  This may be in the form of politics, legal affairs, environmental
issues, metaphysical studies, or alternative health and health foods.  Not only has
the idealist in you become more prominent, you are taking a more practical
approach.  Whatever cause or causes you have taken on, you intend to make a

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Post by naaz » Mon May 20, 2013 8:59 pm

thanks alot

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