Can anyone predict marriage?

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Can anyone predict marriage?

Post by Minee » Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:52 pm


I am currently in a relationship with a boy and things are so good between us. We study together in New Zealand. I am currently back home(Mauritus) for holidays and I have one and a half year of University left. However, it doesn't seem like my dad wants me to go back so I am unsure if I am going back in February which I would love to know. Anyway the boy went back to New Zealand and I was wondering if there was a possibility of marriage between us.

His birth details are: 28th of January 1987 Dubai at 5:30a.m
My birth details are: 01st of March 1989 Enfield United Kingdom at 18:45

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Post by enumero123 » Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:46 pm

Be ready for major changes. You will be inspired to start new projects or enterprises. You will feel a strong forward push toward new goals.

This is a time for vision and planning. Share your dream with others; make plans, get the necessary support, but, above all, rely on yourself as the driving force. Be decisive!

You are starting a new nine year Epicycle. Everything you do now will affect your future. Do not hold back the inner force of creation. Be direct, daring, bold.

You will have more confidence and determination this year, particularly in comparison with last year, which was a time of letting go. This year represents a time of birth. It's a time to take charge and to apply yourself to your dream.

This is also a good time to make the personal changes you have long wanted to make: start a diet, an exercise program, begin a new course of study.

There may be some emotional turmoil, especially in the first two or three months. It takes a while to get the ball rolling. There are many changes you must make and much work to be done.

Be open-minded, organized, and focused. Avoid distractions and procrastination.

You are at a crossroads. You will need courage and a clear head to stay on the right track.

This is a year of opportunities.

The key months in your year ahead are March, in which you are able to lay the foundation to your plans; April, in which changes take place such as a change of residence or career; July and August mark a time in which you will see the fruits of your labors begin to take place; October represents a major turn in events, often fraught with emotional turmoil; the fall marks a coalescing of your plans into more concrete form.

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Post by enumero123 » Thu Jan 24, 2013 1:51 pm

“I sow again, I trust the universe…”

Personal Year 1 is a year of new beginnings – the beginning of a new chapter in your life. You may feel, contrary to last year, a new breeze of new opportunity. Suddenly things begin to move forward. Have faith in yourself and in your dreams and act. Be aware and pay attention to all that is happening and moving around you. You never know what they may have in store for you; the year 1 is one full of surprises.

Many people ask; is it good or bad beginnings? Good and bad is nothing but an illusion as you may suspect by now, things become good or bad depending how we choose to go about them. But to give you a more clear answer, I choose to see it as good. New beginnings can only lead us to new experiences, and that is the reason why we came here in the first place, to grow and evolve.

Often times these new beginnings come to us disguised as not so good. However, I invite you to walk them with faith, for what may look not so nice may actually be all that you have wished for. Things are not always what they appear to be.

Open your heart, trust that this new beginning is needed. Take advantage of the favorable wind blowing in the direction you want to take.

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Joined: Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:13 pm

Post by enumero123 » Thu Jan 24, 2013 2:55 pm

Can anyone predict marriage?   theres no doubt that the vibrational essence of marriage is present  within your chart    but if this is indeed your dream ..i believe there are some deeper issuses that need to be addressed     finishing  your schooling for one  and taking on independence  from  you father/family       one step at a time     you  are starting a new cycle  he is reaching the end of a cycle    expressing your desires to your father/and your friend  is also of the utmost importance at this time    the 0ne and half years that you mentioned that are lefted in your schooling  ..would put you into a favorable personal year for marriage  and move your freind into a  new cycle   .....

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