Is Magic real or is it a Myth?

Discuss age old myths here. Are they facts or are they fiction?

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Is Magic real or is it a Myth?

Post by sunmystic » Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:15 am

Has anybody participating on this message board ever worked any "Magik" and had things happen?

In my life, I have had magical things happen, but the Divine was always involved :) I did not work any magic, I just asked them for some help and things got solved. The magic was that the Divine agreed to be involved :) .

Is magik a myth or is it real?

Poor Aegeus :) , your wisdom (and other's wisdom) is envited into this topic :)

of course :) just love :) ,

sun (ny) :) (and yes I am having too much fun :) ! Which should never be allowed!)

I love you guys!


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Post by sunmystic » Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:57 am

Guys just so that there is no confusion here, magic is actually real :)

But it is a science and not a religion?

Maybe ? :)

I know how to work magic. I just do not do that. I just ask the Divine to intervine and the Divine does :) .

Real Magic is an interesting topic and how can we all explore it in the "Myth Forum?" Is magic real or is it a myth? Walt Disney says that it is real :) and alot of USA kids are approaching magic as real :) because of "Walt Disney". Oh and these kids parents are happy that their kids are out of their hair :) and no drugs! "Walt" is a gift and is "G" rated :)


Is magic really real?


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Post by saboinia » Sat Sep 19, 2009 7:22 pm

it is the science of the wiccan religion.

most of the time (or rather all) divine is involved, even if the divine is not asked for help

like in the light change spell

by count of one the spells begun
by count of two the lights in tune
by count of three they will turn green for me

as you can see in the above chant the gods are not invoked, but i use this spell i think i got it from silver ravenwolfe forget which book. any way, it works for me because the divine see fit to let it work for me. but also every thing on the planet has a 'divine spark' may be it is that divine spark that allows me to do it.

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Re: magick

Post by sunmystic » Mon Sep 21, 2009 4:26 pm

saboinia wrote:it is the science of the wiccan religion.

most of the time (or rather all) divine is involved, even if the divine is not asked for help

like in the light change spell

by count of one the spells begun
by count of two the lights in tune
by count of three they will turn green for me

as you can see in the above chant the gods are not invoked, but i use this spell i think i got it from silver ravenwolfe forget which book. any way, it works for me because the divine see fit to let it work for me. but also every thing on the planet has a 'divine spark' may be it is that divine spark that allows me to do it.
Hi saboinia, what you have posted is interesting. And what magic I do all has a Divine love lock on it or it does not happen :) So I do understand what you are saying.

Saboinia, if you would be willing to, will you post in my topic "the unified field theory of religion" in the "Spirituality" forum, some things about the religious aspects of the Wiccan religion? Alot of people, including me, are curious  about the religious aspects of the Wiccan religion and would like to learn more about it.



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Post by MacLir » Mon Sep 28, 2009 5:18 am

About few months ago, I saw scientist gave a little explanation about nano-technology. I'm not good in Science, so my quote would be far below him. Sorry for that. But it goes about like this : Nano-technology is not about directly manipulating the nano particles, but it's about mixing what with what to produce the desired effect in the nano realm.
    According to that, it is just as the same as Magick[P.S: I'd rather use the word Magick that Aleister Crowley created, to distinguish it from Stage Magic, that is sleight of hands--which I think have closer resemblance to myth]. Take for an instance Talisman. When I make a Talisman, it's about creating what(in this physical realm) that could produce the desired effect in the energy realm which in turn would produce the result that I want in this physical realm. The same also applied to ritual, prayer, chanting, etc.
    For me, Scientists are Magickians--or precisely, Modern Magickians. And correct me if I'm wrong, it seems common among the Qabalists to say that Albert Einstein was actualy a Qabalist disguised as Physicist. His well-known E=mc2 is a Qabalist teaching that was modified to be understandable amongst ordinary people by way of changing it to became Physics Formula.
    And through my learnings for many years, Runes(Ancient Nordic Alphabet) or Runic Magick is one that have strong scientific aroma. Every letter--or every stave of The Runes--is intended to produce a particular result in the energy realm. Working with the Runes is just like working with DNA--including the DNA of the universe. Maybe oneday I would post Runic
Teachings in this forum, if The Goddess, The Supreme Mind, God, or what/whoever you might call It wills it, or just like the Moslems, Insya Allah! It's gonna be a very long explanation! But for now I would just gonna make a glimpse look to it.
    For the 1st Rune Ur, it is the same phenomena as in The Bible before God say "Yehe Aur", "Let there be light"; or when The Tuatha de Danaan(Faeries) were still in the mist upon the sea.
    Then it would be followed by Thurs. Yes, "Yehe Aur"; "Let there be light"; when Tuatha de Danaan came to Ireland.
    Because our mind is energy, we can feel those two phase in our minds. Whilst Thurs is when a need, a desire arises within us, Ur is the condition just before that. Just by writing or even imagining one or both or a combination of those staves would directing energy to what I have explained. Of course, a combination of Runes would produce a combined effect too.
    I think that's all for now, before anyone gets tired seeing me babbling.

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Post by sunmystic » Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:01 pm

MacLir, I enjoyed reading what you posted.



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Post by Evard » Sun Sep 12, 2010 5:04 am

OK Science or Religion.  I mastered both.
Metaphysics or ontology ad qua.. Phla~n.i

When I altar cast spells with the mind proper accorded Religious Meditation
I want the role proper aligned with Deific Ways ^ and show the planets @^
on Promise There Was a Ruling to Occlude Earth so It Will Not Be Bothered,
I not believe the rule 'geocentriac respectin~' showing there are plenty aum
other human and near human civilization planets out there and more locally
than anyone would have guessed with the NASA program saying before %^
recently there was not any life found on other planets near this System One.
I know there are 20 System Full Christian Laurel Star and Planet with human
equivalent and another 20 and 10 systems with near homo sapiens race aum.

I will base my thought on magic philosophy on the phrase,. "Modern Magical~
Network will remain unseen by the common and Eldritch will be ethereal aum"

Yes ., I cast high energy spells at my Sylvan Planet Deity Altar almost daily . .

Yes ., I am at One with the Almighty ,. Often Jehovah Promise Henotheist Lah~

OK., I'm not a major strength based Martial Artist though new MS Kinect demo
on valuing the unseen 'kin' {energy} output : ranks me at Ptah Ai Deit Ver~sa
a setting meaning I draw the Energy of Ptah from a picture ,. the Peace Forein
of (Deit) Ai from the other picture.. cast Peace on a Druid Leaf near my door...
and throw it at my TV (kin engiki) and rank .. Energy Universe Deit yi Dragon::
Master ed reason energy not online .. local network says : reason was Kin Etik.

So ya .,. thought energy and magic will be invisible at modern time.. it will be a
way to surpass the rudiment uh common modern polluted air and begin the aum
way Sylvan Accord will want new accord with Magical Modern Anachronist. Evard.

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Post by Aquo » Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:18 pm

Well I do not believe in magic, because I never met someone actually using it, and I have not seen it yet. I am a man of science, and logical proofs and reasonable arguments are the main criteria for me. Though if someone could persuade me by showing something, I would change my point of view :)



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