May I have a psychic reading please?

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May I have a psychic reading please?

Post by Wolfmoonsky » Wed Dec 26, 2012 4:41 pm

More then a half year back, I got a picture reading here . To my own shock, much of that reading became true (in a kind of different way). This made me belief that there are real phychics here on this website! :)

I would love to know what the year 2013 will bring for me. Every year on new years eve, I'm getting very nervous about what the year will bring to me. I have gone *and still am going* to a hard time, and I haven't really experience positive things in my life, mostly negative. So every year I kinda know that I will have a hard time every year and am still hoping for something positive. Things that will make me happy and the people around me *makes me kinda happy too! XD*. I would like to know a bit for 2013, so I can prepare myself for the new year, and I think it will less my nerveus system too a bit! XD

Every year I want to get better at something: drawing, writing, sport or even learn an instrument! But never happens...wich is kinda my own fault but still kinda try anyway. I hope that this year, I will learn something.

So my question is: what do you see for me in 2013? something positive? negative?

Thank you for your time reading this!
Merry christmass and a Happy new year too all of you! God bless you all!
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Re: May I have a psychic reading please?

Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Dec 26, 2012 11:33 pm

Wolfmoonsky wrote:More then a half year back, I got a picture reading here . To my own shock, much of that reading became true (in a kind of different way). This made me belief that there are real phychics here on this website! :)

I would love to know what the year 2013 will bring for me. Every year on new years eve, I'm getting very nervous about what the year will bring to me. I have gone *and still am going* to a hard time, and I haven't really experience positive things in my life, mostly negative. So every year I kinda know that I will have a hard time every year and am still hoping for something positive. Things that will make me happy and the people around me *makes me kinda happy too! XD*. I would like to know a bit for 2013, so I can prepare myself for the new year, and I think it will less my nerveus system too a bit! XD

Every year I want to get better at something: drawing, writing, sport or even learn an instrument! But never happens...wich is kinda my own fault but still kinda try anyway. I hope that this year, I will learn something.

So my question is: what do you see for me in 2013? something positive? negative?

Thank you for your time reading this!
Merry christmass and a Happy new year too all of you! God bless you all!
:)  :smt003
You can try to set a somewhat longer 'time-frame', instead of your usual resolution to learn more of something each and every year. Let us say, 2 years or even 2.5 years. You will find that the pressure is less that way. Also avoid making such resolutions around 'holiday time'. A better epoch perhaps would be your birthday. Write down what you plan to learn and keep it somewhere it is not in public view (you do not want consistent reminders from "well-wishers" :-)) but only where you can see it on a regular basis.

Seriously -- try this, this year and put some thinking into what exactly you wish to learn or improve in during the 30 month period ahead, whenever you want to start.

God Bless You!

Love and Light!

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The K.I.S.S. Principle

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:43 am

With due respect to my esteemed colleague Rohiniranjan,

My own readings are believed to only refer to what is likely to happen during the period of the next six months. Any predictions or insights made any earlier than that before the actual event tend to be too inaccurate or unreliable to be of any useful purpose to you in making your future plans.

Also the general advice to someone who is unusually nervous and somewhat overpowered by trying to make plans so far into the future (although this is not saying that you should not make any plans at all) as 12 or 30 months from now is to take things more slowly and in a more relaxed manner, one day at a time.

As a person who has suffered most of his 60 years with chronic anxiety and depression (yes it is indeed possible to have both at the same time) I can tell you that often coping with each 24 hour period after the previous day is over, can definitely be more than enough for yours truly.

When making your longer term plans try breaking them down into smaller more manageable units of no more than a month in length. It is best to have measurable indicators dotted along the path to tell you that you have successfully completed that part of your plan, before moving on to the next one.

The enhanced sense of achievement this will offer you will significantly increase your motivation to keep going in spite of any obstacles which are placed in your path.

Instead of trying to plan it all at once and go straight from A to G in 30 months without any rest breaks in between, go from A to B to C to D and so on in a series of smaller and easily measured  simplified steps.

In spiritual development the same general principle applies as it frequently does in other areas. Keep things as simple as you possibly can, and you are more likely to continue doing them regularly and with more enthusiasm. Which usually leads over a more extended period of time to a greater chance of success and lasting happiness.

The K.I.S.S. Principle?

Could I please ask if you regard your response to Wolf as being a reading in the accepted meaning of the word? I do not wish to unintentionally interfere with or step on anybody's toes here by giving my reading on top of yours, if this is indeed the case.


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Post by Wolfmoonsky » Sat Dec 29, 2012 2:02 pm

I think Rohiniranjan wanted just to give advice. It's nice though, I could try that! thanks! :)

I know that your readings are believed to only refer to what is likely to happen during the period of the next six months. I would like to know what happens in the nexts six months! :)

I believe you, I suffer from anxiety and depression since I was a very little and it became much an much worse each year. I also have a social fobia and post traumatic stress disorder, so I guess I suffer pretty bad enough. I just want a little bit positive in my life, that's all I want right now *ok, happiness is what I want the most but it's kinda the same thing*. I know I have to work hard for myself to get that, and I do! But something [positive is not what I'm really getting. Only a lost of anxiety, depression and stress....*sorry that I sound so negativestic! XD*

Thank you for your advice! I will try it! :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Dec 30, 2012 12:41 am

Yes I also think that Rohiniranjan was never intending this to be a reading, but following the golden rule of always treating other people as I would want to be treated if our roles had been reversed, I thought that I would do the decent thing and check it out first with the source.

We clearly have much in common with regards to both suffering with chronic anxiety and depression and PTSD is definitely not confined exclusively to soldiers returning home from the battlefield. To people like yourself who are doing their very best to cope with the strains and stresses of their daily lives, it can feel like a battle a lot of the time? Social phobia is something else again. Having both at the same time hardly seems fair.

Anyone who follows my readings would know that I am hesitant to predict what the next six months could be like, because that will be largely determined by what we each as individuals consciously decide to do in the present moment with the intention to help and heal ourselves. And if nothing else is clear from your reading, it is that if they were handing out medals for courage and perseverance in the face of adversity and challenges, you should be at the head of the queue for getting such an award.

Now this reading could I suppose tell (lie to) you that there will be no further significant challenges waiting ahead for you over the coming six months, but it would be a lie and I would not wish to give you false hope in place of a real and lasting sense of positive hope for the future that things will get better. Also I would not wish to insult your intelligence by trying to convince you that your life will not continue to have its ups and downs, good and not so good days and those dark days where even getting out of bed seems pointless and more than we can deal with.

While your reading is certainly not in any way minimising or ignoring the incredible difficulties you inevitably face on an ongoing basis with your condition, what we focus our minds upon most regularly tends to draw into our lives the very factors which would lead to more of the same. Not thinking about your many problems in coping with your illness is not going to make it go away, but constantly focussing upon them can easily become a self fulfilling negative prophecy about what could go wrong next.

The main problem is that when we are in such a distressed mental state of mind we withdraw into an inner world of our own where temporary distractions which would help to get our mind off our problems for a while are not able to readily penetrate the protective wall which we build around ourselves, and bring us some relief.

The question I am now asking my inner guidance is with reference to how you could slowly but surely take down your wall one or a couple of bricks at a time during the period of the next half year, but still feel confident enough to want to continue to tear it down because you no longer need it to protect you because you are now a stronger person within yourself.

As I have said many times to other members during their readings, walls are often not very selective in what they keep in or out. Sure they may keep the bad feelings out for a while, but they also keep the bad feelings which are already there IN with us. Also they are very good at keeping the good feelings from getting IN to us in our mental prison cell.

If we do not feel that we are being attacked or are in any danger, becoming defensive and keeping these protective walls at their maximum height and strength is no longer as necessary as before, but of course we are likely never to be able to dispense completely with these walls. That would be foolish and potentially fatal. Walls do serve a useful purpose, but only up to a certain point and only for a limited time.

I would interpret your reading to mean that approximately between now and the beginning of June 2013 (~ 6 months) there is a real opportunity for you to make major inroads or progress on the front of slowly disassembling or de-constructing the protective wall which you have built around your heart and your mind for a very logical reason.

So that is where the reading sees you having something worthwhile and lasting to hope for over the next semi year. Not a dishonest fortune telling prediction that your life for the next six months is going to be without its problems, but an actual practical suggestion of the methods by which you can help yourself take down that wall at your own comfortable pace, BUT STILL FEEL SAFE ENOUGH TO CONTINUE TO TAKE IT APART.

At the start of every day commit yourself to doing something that you would not have done the day before. Start small and gradually work up to taking bigger risks. You will undoubtedly require professional medical help and support in your ongoing struggle to relatively free yourself from these walls.

This is not a sign of any weakness in your character.

Instead it is a graphic sign or impressive demonstration of your courage and sheer determination to not allow these mental/emotional walls to permanently imprison you. You deserve only the very best from your life, and there are plenty of people both online or off, or professional or non professional who are waiting and willing to assist you, IF YOU ONLY ASK THEM TO AND ACCEPT THE HELP WHICH THEY GIVE YOU, WHEN THEY GIVE IT.  

Love, Light and Healing,

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