Some Thoughts On The Moon

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Some Thoughts On The Moon

Post by Benevolentwizard » Sat Feb 11, 2012 11:17 pm

The Moon is, without a doubt, the second most important factor in any chart. In some charts it may well be the most important. The Moon is certainly the most dynamic factor in the chart.
Where the Sun passes through about one degree of the zodiac each day, the Moon passes through about 12 degrees. The Moon will pass through a sign in about 2 ½ days, and through the complete zodiac in under a month. The Moon is, by far, the most animated body in astrology.

  It was through the Moon that our ancestors first realized the connection between the heavens and the effect they have on our lives. The rise and fall of the tides, the monthly cycle of women and the endless natural rhythms of the world around them gave our for bearers the first glimpse of the art of astrology we practice today.

  The Moon has always been linked to the feminine. Before the advent of monotheism and the concept of one god, the basic foundation of all belief systems was the duality of male and female. It is thus that the Moon was seen as the Great Mother. The Sun was aggressive, the Moon represented the passive. The Sun dominated, the Moon nurtured. The Moon represented the fertility of life.

  The nature of the Moon in astrology is emotional, intuitive and reactive. The Moon represents how we “feel” the world around us. The Moon works subconsciously. It reflects how we react, both in the ways we respond as a process of our social programming and an indicator of our biological processes. The Moon uses those deeply ingrained patterns of our live that we often refer to a habits. The Moon represents home and mother and those things we associate with feeling secure. The Moon is associated with love, but not necessarily passionate love. Rather it reflects a more nurturing like of love. These are the love between mother and child, the deep abiding love with a friend or partner who is trusted. It is the kind of unconditional love that knows no doubt.

  The effects of the Moon may well be the most difficult for us to see in our own lives since so much of the Moon influences are unseen. The things we do out of habit are easily observed by others yet we seldom are aware of them. As our subconscious interacts with the world around us, our conscious mind is rarely cognizant of it. The Moon represents that part of us that reacts without thinking. In this way the Moon can often reflect those aspects of our nature that are referred to as obsessive or compulsive. These kinds of reactions may result from factors in the chart or those programming patterns instilled into us by family and society.  Because of this, the effects of the Moon may be glaringly obvious to those around us while we are blissfully unaware of them.

  Because the Moon travels so rapidly through the heavens, it’s effects are very ephemeral.  Major aspects formed by transits of the Moon only last about a day. The Moon moves through about one degree of the zodiac every two hours. Using a 6 degree orb, the Moon will close an aspect in about 12 hours and have separated in another 12. Such transits are at their strongest for only a matter of hours. Because of their rapid passing and subconscious nature, the effect of Moon transits are easily missed. I can not count the number of times I have found a difficult Moon transit at its peak of influence when someone thought to blame retrograde Mercury for some malady that had befallen them. So many of those peaks and valleys that make up the highlights of our day to day lives can be traced back to Moon transits and yet the vast majority go unnoticed.

  While the placement of the Sun in our charts is usually given the most emphasis, the Moon can sometimes play a more important role. In many charts Sun is weakly aspect while the Moon is heavily aspected. In such a chart, the influence of the Moon will dominate the nature of the individual. Those charts where the Sun and Moon aspect tend to produce those with the strongest character. Difficult aspects between the Sun and Moon, such as squares and oppositions, produce individuals who thrive in conflict. Those with the more favorable aspects, such as sextiles and trines, tend to become the rocks of stability in the seas of storms that batter the world. Just because the Sun and Moon do not aspect does not mean the individual has a weak nature, it is just that Sun - Moon aspects tends to provide the most solid foundations for the strongest of characters.

  The Moon tends to interact well with planets like Venus and Jupiter. Even the more difficult aspects have a genial nature. Perhaps the most difficult planets for the Moon energy to cope with is Mars. The harsher passions of Mars tends to bring out the darker natures of the Moon. Because the Moon represents our most subjective and impulsive nature, aspect to planets like Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto that deal with the society beyond our personal sphere of influence can prove more difficult for the Moon to handle as well.

  To learn about the effects of the Moon it is perhaps easier to watch how its influence unfolds in others rather than ourselves. The Moon is in many ways the most subjective of the astrological bodies and thus the most difficult for us to place in perspective when assessing ourselves. It is in observing the Moon’s effects on others that we are best able to assay the full scope of the Moon’s primacy in the chart. The Moon is one of the major players in astrology and for many the most difficult to come to grips with. Yet, for those who wish to fully grasp the potential that astrology can reveal, an comprehensive understanding of the Moon is essential.


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Post by Evard » Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:38 am

Hello . I want to comment this week . , . the Moon and Sun ~ Moon influences on astrolomy
are similar to astronomy as the tides have tendency to begin
with thoughts as sublimal being subliminal and in ways sub*
limated the role of water and so called emotion which is then
seen by me as the role of Manna Launa or the Luna of psyche
rather thn some emotive on promis ~* about luna#cy madden
as the astrolomy for Saturn [AcqiRen] is very promonent with:
influence of spaces known to be the mythic spaces om humanity .

Astrolomy is known as the myth of stones in higher dimension to
consider all planets appear fully round and are sa*!id! to be 3rd dim # ensional
representations of stones placed by a Greater Power . , . known in likenes.s as
the power of a Deity with 20 system arm span noted as a good personal virtual
likenes.s[n] or human magic Planet Altar {astrolomy} with Mars redded symbol (*)* known as the Mader of Breath . :-D

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Post by Benevolentwizard » Sun Feb 12, 2012 6:10 pm

OK, Let's start with the basics here. What is Astrolomy?

It was my intent with this post to bring some insite into how to use the Moon in the interpretation of a chart. It seems to me that the reply by "Evard" borders on B.S.


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Post by Evard » Mon Feb 13, 2012 2:32 am

Astrolomy is the theory the planets which appear fully round [3Dviewed]
are in fact the mythic of planet stones places in the form : a spaces altar
with case the planetary objects would appear as accretion to formative :
Science on the Thought to Begin Why Cosmic Formation Seems to Show
Planetary Objects would be the form intent to begin dust and planetoidal
particles in space formed the planets and will be reason to see them as :
formed spaces objects showing Kepler rotation around suns known as :)
Kepler elliptical orbit or in gravitic science .,. the perpetual rotation seen
un*ending as the role of astronomy in planetary orbit . Though Astrolom
~y shows the planets would not always form standard orbits accretioned
in case of gala swirl or otherwise affecting cosmis science . Mythical M0N
theory says it will have been stones in higher dimension placed stationed
on a Sylvan Planet Altar at distance to Sun as appearing to 3Dorbit R0ND
:-D Most people don't like to reply happily to my eccentric high falutin .,.:   OK[+] bsAB overhead as usual . Evard .

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Post by Benevolentwizard » Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:33 am

Ahhm so I was right, it was BS

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Post by Evard » Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:46 pm

If you like it 's a Bachelor Science .  [ another without regard to converse is Prof. Akers ] Oh OK .
Thoughts re apportioned to give leniency to pagan regard as I get suspiciously self centric aum~n
as ways the thoughts as Modernite Scientific Pagan are not in basis of Kepler [accreted] "lunacy" :
to consider the role of mythic Greater Deity and Altar of Summoner is [hoo dang] way far out . . .

So ., I offer you are right as I am known to impose higher thought
and then be dismadered with eccentric regard which is not easily :
Accepted with Role of Man and Scientific Pagan . :-D :-D Om Owell .

As I won't offer Apology .,. continue in first re-approach Tarot Peace
and I will try my best not to impose my standard of thought to Bene
vol ent Wizard as the regard of Board standing and Peace in General .

Thanks and Have a Nice Winter . I will continue as I see fit . :-D :-D Ev

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Post by astrologer50 » Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:12 pm

Benevolentwizard wrote:Ahhm so I was right, it was BS
100% agree

what on earth is *Astrolomy* look cannot even spell.

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Post by Evard » Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:33 am

I gave you a full common definition of Astrolomy .

It is the altar of setting to Deity mythic which shows !!*
the planets are not truly given the scientific explanation
show ing the accretion of planet and moon are the way
we see the gravimetric setting to say the planets formed
fully round and this is because the system formed by the
gravity in scientific explanation of the round gravity basis
the planets may have formed in a mythic accord with the
ways of a Greater Deity who set them in accord with the
old Summoner.s of Sparta which said the systems may be
known in a higher dimension as only appearing 3 dimension
~al at sense the report on Mythic lore of planetary objects *
does not accept all orbits for planets keep proper orbit for a
time of all gravitic and gala spaces without 4D shape Kepler .     You can use an astro~scientific reason to not understand it .

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Post by astrologer50 » Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:01 pm

[You can use an astro~scientific reason to not understand it]

what a load of clap trap. Of course there is no scientific evidence to prove astrology works,,,,, BUT it does!! get over yourself

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Post by Evard » Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:21 pm

You seem to wonder why I make "I" statements .

This is not the scientific secular board of pagan .

It is a board to discuss pagan ideas . . . and I am
offering what I know is a contriversial [sp] self~
opinion .,. though I have the rite to say what is a
sense of my own opinion on Mythic without uh *
being berated by the ways some seem good tho
might be more sinister . I end my comment with a
thought . . Is this a board about science or Anew
Free Trusted Mythic . . the opinion of pagan . . . .,

My opinion is the Kepler orbit around sun and planet
don't sustain themselves without mythic design [4D] . So peace to good tidings . "Clap trap" ., got it . . Benevolent .

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Post by astrologer50 » Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:01 pm

Evard wrote:You seem to wonder why I make "I" statements .

This is not the scientific secular board of pagan .

It is a board to discuss pagan ideas . . . and I am
offering what I know is a contriversial [sp] self~
opinion .,. though I have the rite to say what is a
sense of my own opinion on Mythic without uh *
being berated by the ways some seem good tho
might be more sinister . I end my comment with a
thought . . Is this a board about science or Anew
Free Trusted Mythic . . the opinion of pagan . . . .,

My opinion is the Kepler orbit around sun and planet
don't sustain themselves without mythic design [4D] . So peace to good tidings . "Clap trap" ., got it . . Benevolent .
Scientific evidence validating astrology

“The following are some of the scientific discoveries that have validated astrological concepts:

(1) Serial killers can be identified through a person's astrological birth chart.
(2) There is a correlation between a person's chosen profession and their astrological birth chart.
(3) Mental illness can be predicted by astrology.
(4) Fetuses might be affected by the movement of the sun, moon, and planets as they interfere with the Earth's magnetic field which may have an influence on the fetuses occupation later in life.
(5) Women can use the lunar cycle for purposes of contraception.
(6) Many terrestrial phenomena are influenced by electromagnetic and gravitational effects originating within the solar system.
(7) Sun spot activity affects the molecular structure of water.
(8) Sun spot activity affects the molecular structure of blood.
(9) Potatoes, rats, fiddler crabs, and oysters are all governed by lunar periods.
(10) A theoretical model using principles of mathematics and physics may account for human consciousness and process as it relates to the zodiac.
(11) The concept of karma was demonstrated to be a reality in a study which confirmed that acting selflessly has rewards.”


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Post by astrologer50 » Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:01 pm

Geeezz I was under the impression that THIS was a Western astrology forum, not a Pagan one....  have you lost direction  :smt003

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Post by Evard » Wed Aug 22, 2012 1:55 am

I see you quoted my comment . You didn't have to .
I can read it . . did you . read it . I make "I" statements .

To me . you appear selfish and standard sinister scathing reminder of psycho social self worth to appear domain "calm" .

Domain calm . is a psycho social evilist condition to casting blame blame~ing on others with sinister medica effect . . . . .

Did you understand what you read of my comment . as your comment reply is good though patterned to be nobless . , .

Some people are dominant and known by sociopaths as crazy and to be suppressed ~ ignored . Sociopaths like to be
affected psychotic to injure others with socio medici . .  socio pathic networks are all the villains of medicinal supress .

Sup{p}ress means to feel more dominant thn others to injure their free will . Often set by ignorant "white" righteous or
ignorance about similar term as if not being able to see or hear available information . If you put yer bebi to the screen
to say a "baby can read this" before I wrote it . as if prognosticate ing my thought .info . you are seen as socio faux .     :) !! Evard

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Post by astrologer50 » Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:03 pm

IF you cannot comment astrologically I suggest you try another forum!!


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