I am making progress on my own - but now what do I do?

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I am making progress on my own - but now what do I do?

Post by AeraCrescent » Sun Jul 22, 2012 3:46 am

I can now see the etheric Aura under the right conditions, and I can now see my own concentrated energy formed in a ball between my hands, or extending past my fingertips.

I have also seen my own Aura in these instnaces, an indigo during concentrating of energy between my palms or just concentrating energy in one hand.

I can heat up my entire body and feel the 'frequency' of this energy.

I can feel my third eye be more active than at other times. Sometimes I am afraid someone I knew who recently ditched me as a friend who explained ot me he is a Psychic Vampire might be tapping into my Aura.

He explained to me he has these 'tenticles' that come off of him that tap into other people's energy. He said that his Third eye would feel funny and he would feel light headed around me because of my energy, I was one of three people who made him feel that way.
And then I started to feel sensations around him, and become aware of when he might be online to message me. We were friends in real life, and I knew him 6 years ago, but recently reconnected with him, too.

I want to protect myself because he so suddenly cut contact with me, saying our 'personalities' don't mesh well. And he was talking about being unhappy a lot, and some of his past trauma was starting to bother him again.

I'm starting to really feel other people's feelings. Though in a detached kind of way. I know they are not MY feelings. For him, they 'bog him down' as an empath. So he has to 'shut his psychic abilities down'.
He has a lot of anxiety and fear holding him back. I seem to be moving forward, and fear is no longer  holding me down. I am eager to learn, I am wanting to learn correctly.

I am becoming more sensitive to energy, but I also am becoming afraid that I need to learn to protect myself, and I need to learn to do it well as my vibrations increase, as my anxiety and depression are almost non-existant. I feel that if there are people who can tap into other people's auras, my aura may become target. I do not want this. I want to protect myself well. Someone like my friend who ditched me, may do this unintentionally as he starts to feel worse and worse, or even in a dream-state.

He's told me stories about dreams he has had about people and even some mishaps where he has taken vitality from people in dreams. I wish I didn't believe any of this, but he is so certain he is this way, if at the very least, I'd like some peace of mind that I can do things to ensure that maybe I can do something to repel people like him from entering my life in the future. (law of attraction...?)

This being said, I am very interested in Auric Sight and Energy, and why is it I can do this so quickly, having only practiced for a couple of weeks? I know someone who does energy work, and has for years and years, he can feel Auras, but he can not see them.

When I saw my energy ball between my hands, it was completely opaque, and I felt the frequency run through my entire body. I even felt it hum in my ears.

I also see some colors when I ground myself.

I am curious, if anyone knows, too, if there is a metaphysical-like blog sight where i can post my logs I am writing of these significant moments, where i might also be able to connect with other people? Like I said, I am eager to learn and I'd like to share and read what other people are doing...

Someone told me I have Third Sight.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jul 22, 2012 4:26 pm

We all begin with the 5 senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch - tactile and emotional) and when we take them to our sensitivities we are doing the clairs (voyance, audience, ofal, gustience, psychometry, etc.) and all manner of psychic happens.  When we add 2 more:  intuition from the gut, and I know from the heart (the heart neither sees nor hears, it just knows) we are open to all that is possible.  

First step is take charge!  You must learn to live your life and not get caught up in other people's games or energies.  What this other person is doing (3/4 of your blog above) is of no consequence to what you can and must do for self!  With free will choices he will decide for himself how to handle his own energies and to keep them to himself!

You could do with a good teacher.  Is there someone in your own area where you could take lessons and bounce your energies off of as you learn and grow?  To do it alone is a long hard journey of trial and error on your own.  Hence groups like this to help the journey!

The aura can be seen with normal eyesight, slightly focused.  When it is psychic you will begin to see so much more.  It is perhaps a question of learning to go into your own sensitivities.  Second step: protection and grounding.

You might consider your purpose with these abilities.  When you have discovered what they are, what do you want to do with them?  Be clear about this as you proceed on a journey of awareness.

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Post by AeraCrescent » Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:43 pm

Thank you for the response.

I try to ground. Especially if I start going into laughing fits or have felt something that has caused me to feel a sense of detached grief (IE: It is not MY grief or trauma, like when I went to the cemetary to see how sensitive I was).
Grounding takes me from being in a 'high mood' down into a regular mood, and is useful when I feel accelerated.

Holding a copper pendulum, I could feel my energy level rise, or my vibrations increase. I had to hand it back to the person it belonged to. I didn't expect it to make me feel that way. So yes, I have to ground.

For protection, I don't know what to do. I've read a little bit about it, but anywhere you go, people say different things, just like they do about cleansing of gems or even the various METHODS to see the Aura (some of which simply don't work, or at least, don't work for me).
So how does one know protection works? How does one know it's the right kind of protection?

As for teachers, I'm sure there are. I got offered by someone this now ex friend of mine thinks highly of, to train with her teacher for about $2,000. "It seems like you've got the goods. Starting wage for a psychic is 45/h" So I am a bit wary of being taken advantage of by people. Her teacher charges a bout 500$ for a reading, dealing with Akashic records.

I mean, this woman did some divination infront of a group with a pendulum. Then I did research and figured out how to do it by myself. I don't think I'm great at it. But I've got the pendulum to respond to me via free will, and I found it, after not knowing I had this jade crystal pendulum for years after seeing this done.

So as for my purpose, as I have always felt my entire life, or wanted to, I want to help people. I also want to learn and grow. Now here are some things and some skills of which I can learn in, and grow in. Most of these skills and practices, to start in, I feel, don't require a lot of money, if any, to start with. Unlike college, which I had to drop out of 3 years ago.

There are some 'schools'  for clairvoyance here, you pay for classes. The biggest turn off here is money. How everything costs, when you're on such a low budget and barely have 100$ left over to yourself every month. It's kind of daunting...

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:53 pm

Money is certainly a big topic in development.  But the expertise of those who have studied and paid their dues is certainly worth something!

Money is an energy exchange that shows the good intent of both parties.  I know it can seem a lot, but sometimes it must be paid to get what you need.  How important is this expertise to you?

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