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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:54 am

MAYA MA teray kitnay roop
Andhakaar phir ujjlie dhoop ;-)
Khaamoshi may kitnay beej
RESET bhi kyaa hai cheez!

I have seen these dramas so many times in past nearly three decades, that if I had one year of life given to me for each of those 'nautankis', I would be relatively immortal! But that has never been my MAYA! Just gave me a moment of mirth!

SCEPTICS always tend to lump the entire and VAST community of Divinators into one group and turn us into a 'melting pot' of DIVINATION! They pick a bit from here, a bit from there, and always attack US and compare with Physical Science! Which is pretty much what SCIENCE has managed to achieve an understanding of, and even that NOT PERFECTLY! Because if SCIENCE had achieved PURRFECTION, there would be no more need for RESEARCH and SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS! Go GOOGLE my dear friends and count how many JOURNALS and ANNUAL REVIEWS and TEXTBOOKS (NEW! NOT REPRINTS!) are being published regularly. And find out the TOTAL FUNDING that society (YOU TAX-PAYERS!) is putting into SCIENCE (Including APPLIED SCIENCES!), and yet disasters rather costly on nations, societies, INDIVIDUALS land upon on a hourly basis, if not by the minute or even more frequently! WHY such poor performance from something that has become the GOLD STANDARD for everything, including DIVINATION! How much has society spent on Divinators willing to develop and research their subject? In the past Kings and Emperors used to have special GRANTS for astrologers and divinators, so that they could work full time in developing the Craft of Divination! The Oracle of Delphi was simply the Oracle! Was not delivering mail or pizzas or looking after patients or teaching or writing for a living! Varahamihira was not required to have a 'day-job' or publishing a journal or giving readings while sacrificing his personal time! Parashara was not teaching French to make a living and then doing astrology on top of that! When will this social hypocrisy of Sceptics end? Or where...?

So a woman did not get her date in her declining years when perhaps she should have been expanding her horizons and helping orphaned children or whatever other good purposes for which she was meant for!

SCEPTICS are narrow-minded people with good brains and they have figured out the "RATIONALITY-GAME" perfectly or near-perfectly!

But they forget that they have ONE MAJOR LACUNA! They barge in like bulls pretending to be lovable kittens into this China Shop and begin pronouncing judgments on folks who have dedicated their lifetimes in serving divination, selflessly and learning their craft, while sceptics have never even taken the time to learn, HONESTLY, or to KNOW what they are so hell-bent upon to criticise, rather amateurishly and in a biased manner!

If one has already made up their mind that a certain race is bad, inferior or evil, be it the race of DIVINATORS, what would SANE society CALL those?

Are we all back to burning crosses or burning pagan witches? Or Nostradamuses books, or offer Socrates a cup of Hemlock!

Go ahead and serve it! The modern society in modern countries and modern democracies have learned their lessons well and it is only in Fundamentalist silos, including ill-informed sceptics whereever they live, darkness and ignorance thrives and they too shall learn one day! ;-)

Love, Light, Observations!

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Post by RishiRahul » Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:22 am

Science is not a dogma at all.

A Science has the scope to be disproved; while a dogma does not have it.

The need for proper Sceptics are very many of them are well versed to be 'Sceptics'?


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:21 am

RishiRahul wrote:Science is not a dogma at all.

A Science has the scope to be disproved; while a dogma does not have it.

The need for proper Sceptics are very many of them are well versed to be 'Sceptics'?


Are you a scientist? Ever have been one, since you graduated? ;-)

Please do share!


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Post by mp5boy200 » Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:42 am

according to my vedic chart, i'm a natural skeptic.
does 9th house in virgo make someone a skeptic?

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:54 am

As I stated...I did not post the critic for the critic itself...I posted the critic in hope that one would get some thoughts that in the end would benefit understand that each person is Unique....and if can't be micro controlled because there is to many factors involved.
The discussion in the thread was to implement another of our treats into star position, which I see no benefit in.

The stars combination don't take into account;
where the work opportunity is
What education system the place has
What the Rule of Government is
What health care system there is.
Where the Slum is, and the danger for epidemics.
That we have Airplanes, that one Epidemic in India, might pop up in Norway the Next day....and so on.
Stress is an important factor....air pollution is an important factor...the increasing number of people with "mental disorder" everything here has a great impact on the Native and his/her development regardless of what the star tells about them.
There is a lot that ask about Visa, and when will I go abroad.....It depend on another Government...their rules....on the actions taken by the Native...his Education....His financial state..and so on.  
Rohiniranjan wrote:
Grandpa, what do you think of religion? Which is the bigger superstition? Astrology or religion?

Love, Light, Curiosity  :smt004
Since none of them is proved, and since both of them have their skeptics, we must assume that Religion is the one which is biggest in follower.......

BUT!!! Both Religion and Astrology have their followers, and if taken the right way can give comfort in "hard times".

As we can see from Religion, when it become extremism, then blinders for anything else arise, and from benefit mankind..or start to damage. When most of our development depend on the Star position...when we ask for our education...our marriage...our job....then we take away our own initiative and become puppets of the star ..or Astrologer.

So extremism is if we want to micro control every aspect of the human, and this even become more important then to adjust old scripts, which is done in most Religions.

A Healthy use of  Astrology, can promote a Native..Just like any healthy use of Religion do..but from there to assume you can micro control him is a far way.

You as Astrologer have more then 4000 years of knowledge behind you, You might only open your eyes...look around you....see where you as group have benefit from your trade compared to Country that don't have the same belief....I think we all follow the same development....and then our development is controlled by the government, our education system, our ability to be competitive including adjustment, and our global interaction.
India is now one of the fastest growing economy, not due to Astrology, but due to cheap, educated workforce, and the big www, which has opened a global warehouse from your own room.
The day India's workforce become more expensive then on another place on earth...the pc will move the jobs there...we have become our ability to take good decisions seen from fast see opportunities in a fast changing marked is very important, and the question is...Is the Star capable to follow the development on earth itself?

So instead of finding new area to control, find ways that benefit the Native....give good Advice's seen from the star combination...but give the Native a push for personal initiative...ask about abilities, and what they want, instead of suggesting thing that might be the opposite of their ability.
Be honest....try to remove the biggest area of how do my partner look like....will I get VISA  and so on.

I have stated before....if you discuss thing inside a group that have the same can't see the trees...because you only look at the Forrest, and the options for planting new trees......from outside one can see trees that might need attention...or at least give some new inputs :)

Much of Astrology/Religion, or Divination at all, are bound in the need to explain know thing...and the same goes for us who ask for readings/or belief....BUT the day we can give the full answers to these thing...that day we have become GOD....which I KNOW I never will be :)

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:46 pm

Rhutobello wrote:As I stated...I did not post the critic for the critic itself...I posted the critic in hope that one would get some thoughts that in the end would benefit understand that each person is Unique....and if can't be micro controlled because there is to many factors involved.
The discussion in the thread was to implement another of our treats into star position, which I see no benefit in.

The stars combination don't take into account;
where the work opportunity is
What education system the place has
What the Rule of Government is
What health care system there is.
Where the Slum is, and the danger for epidemics.
That we have Airplanes, that one Epidemic in India, might pop up in Norway the Next day....and so on.
Stress is an important factor....air pollution is an important factor...the increasing number of people with "mental disorder" everything here has a great impact on the Native and his/her development regardless of what the star tells about them.
There is a lot that ask about Visa, and when will I go abroad.....It depend on another Government...their rules....on the actions taken by the Native...his Education....His financial state..and so on.  
Rohiniranjan wrote:
Grandpa, what do you think of religion? Which is the bigger superstition? Astrology or religion?

Love, Light, Curiosity  :smt004
Since none of them is proved, and since both of them have their skeptics, we must assume that Religion is the one which is biggest in follower.......

BUT!!! Both Religion and Astrology have their followers, and if taken the right way can give comfort in "hard times".

As we can see from Religion, when it become extremism, then blinders for anything else arise, and from benefit mankind..or start to damage. When most of our development depend on the Star position...when we ask for our education...our marriage...our job....then we take away our own initiative and become puppets of the star ..or Astrologer.

So extremism is if we want to micro control every aspect of the human, and this even become more important then to adjust old scripts, which is done in most Religions.

A Healthy use of  Astrology, can promote a Native..Just like any healthy use of Religion do..but from there to assume you can micro control him is a far way.

You as Astrologer have more then 4000 years of knowledge behind you, You might only open your eyes...look around you....see where you as group have benefit from your trade compared to Country that don't have the same belief....I think we all follow the same development....and then our development is controlled by the government, our education system, our ability to be competitive including adjustment, and our global interaction.
India is now one of the fastest growing economy, not due to Astrology, but due to cheap, educated workforce, and the big www, which has opened a global warehouse from your own room.
The day India's workforce become more expensive then on another place on earth...the pc will move the jobs there...we have become our ability to take good decisions seen from fast see opportunities in a fast changing marked is very important, and the question is...Is the Star capable to follow the development on earth itself?

So instead of finding new area to control, find ways that benefit the Native....give good Advice's seen from the star combination...but give the Native a push for personal initiative...ask about abilities, and what they want, instead of suggesting thing that might be the opposite of their ability.
Be honest....try to remove the biggest area of how do my partner look like....will I get VISA  and so on.

I have stated before....if you discuss thing inside a group that have the same can't see the trees...because you only look at the Forrest, and the options for planting new trees......from outside one can see trees that might need attention...or at least give some new inputs :)

Much of Astrology/Religion, or Divination at all, are bound in the need to explain know thing...and the same goes for us who ask for readings/or belief....BUT the day we can give the full answers to these thing...that day we have become GOD....which I KNOW I never will be :)


Now I am beginning to see the *method behind your madness*;-)

So "Extremism" is now coming out as the bigger 'cancer' (as in disease, not the fourth sign ruled by moon -- also involved in madness!) and not religion or astrology or divination. Yes I agree there! Look at communism. China and Fidel Castro played their 'cards' (not in the sense of TAROT!) better and closer to their chest (another adage!) and are still around, while Dictators are falling one by one or have already fallen! Due to extreme corruption and other forms of extremism!

Human beings must always lead a balanced life and I find many if not most of us as being really part-time Divinators! Simply because we have families and we have other jobs and professions, that keep us 'naturally' balanced! So the fact that we are prey to extremism is simply a silly MYTH ;-)

I hope that is not an EXTREME viewpoint!

To those who have families, children, grandchildren and got there naturally, such questions may sound irritating and futile (when will I meet my dream-queen, when will I get married, which girl would I marry, when will I get visa?). But, also place yourself in their shoes (well, not literally! Now that would be EXTREME for cleanliness-freaks (extremists with obsessive compulsive neurosis!)) and feel for a few minutes where they are, what they are thinking, how they are feeling, and most importantly, how they are getting through each day, waiting for that magic moment to arrive but EXTREMELY clueless how to find that. If the divinator is a real person instead of a software or someone from 99th dimension (like your friend that you were trying out you 'reason and reasoning game' which was getting EXTREMELY boring because of its EXTREME INEFFECTIVITY, but was quickly resolved by a few people who KNEW how to deal with such situations. So you can see, hopefuly how EXTREMELY biased you were when you judged hastily and saw us only as divinators who know nothing else, do nothing else but DIVINATION and all of us insensitive and making sure that women don't get their dates or wait for their Prince Charming or something like that! ;-)

Surely, there are other kinds of EXTREMISTS too who think that REASON and RATIONALITY alone is enough in the world and many of them turn into EXTREME SCEPTICISM or even CYNICISM!! They have too closed their doors (MINDS) and think that that stick will serve them EXTREMELY WELL!

GEEZ! I have used EXTREMISM term so many times in ONE POST! For that I am EXTREMELY sorry!!

What is good for the goose must be good for the gander too! Hopefully!!
Love and Light,

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Feb 20, 2012 1:22 pm is a bit sad...because it seems we are talking pass each other, instead of to each other.

You grab one word...and then that word become my whole post...""""the extreme attack on your belief.""""...which in my thoughts was quiet opposite.

You look away from everything else of my thoughts...where I point out that Divination has its place, but can't be taken as ultimate truth....if that is Extreme thoughts from me...then so be it.

In order to show that you are able to ""Micro control"" a human being, then you have to "Micro control" a skeptic....if that is an extreme statement....then so be it.

A Believer will always try to fulfill the prediction.

A Skeptic will always try to avoid fulfilling of the prediction.
If you can prove the skeptic to be wrong...then you have a win
If a skeptic can prove that he/she can achieve a good life by not doing what the reading suggest..or by never ask anyone about advice at all, and still have a good life....what do that say about the Reading...or the importance of it?

The extreme is not the average believer, who ask for personal evaluation...or for confirmation of own thoughts....he/she can endure such thing...because they have enough ballast to evaluate, and throw away what not suit them.

The extreme is the weak ones...those who blindly believe in it....who live by it...where you take away any initiative they have....because they get time epochs when everything will be better...why struggle now when time is bad...better wait. they even ask you for why marriages don't happen...or how their future partner would many children they would have...and so on.....if that isn't extreme...then maybe I don't know the meaning of the word.

I know I have hurt some of you...not my intention at all...after all it is just thoughts carried from an old guy...and since I have no personal gain from this...mostly the opposite...I believe it is written in the star that I shall do this...and I have no will of my own to prevent it :)

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Post by RishiRahul » Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:43 pm

Hi Guys,

A main Qualification of a Sceptic in Divination/Jyotish:= The Sceptic should be well versed/Qualified in Divination/Jyotish.

For example= a Sceptic in Economics should be well versed/Qualified in the Subject (Economics).
Which means= only a person well versed/Qualified in a Subject can talk/discuss about it 'Intelligently'.   More so, if the native wants to be a Sceptic of that field.


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:56 pm

Rhutobello is a bit sad...because it seems we are talking pass each other, instead of to each other.

You grab one word...and then that word become my whole post...""""the extreme attack on your belief.""""...which in my thoughts was quiet opposite.

You look away from everything else of my thoughts...where I point out that Divination has its place, but can't be taken as ultimate truth....if that is Extreme thoughts from me...then so be it.

In order to show that you are able to ""Micro control"" a human being, then you have to "Micro control" a skeptic....if that is an extreme statement....then so be it.

A Believer will always try to fulfill the prediction.

A Skeptic will always try to avoid fulfilling of the prediction.
If you can prove the skeptic to be wrong...then you have a win
If a skeptic can prove that he/she can achieve a good life by not doing what the reading suggest..or by never ask anyone about advice at all, and still have a good life....what do that say about the Reading...or the importance of it?

The extreme is not the average believer, who ask for personal evaluation...or for confirmation of own thoughts....he/she can endure such thing...because they have enough ballast to evaluate, and throw away what not suit them.

The extreme is the weak ones...those who blindly believe in it....who live by it...where you take away any initiative they have....because they get time epochs when everything will be better...why struggle now when time is bad...better wait. they even ask you for why marriages don't happen...or how their future partner would many children they would have...and so on.....if that isn't extreme...then maybe I don't know the meaning of the word.

I know I have hurt some of you...not my intention at all...after all it is just thoughts carried from an old guy...and since I have no personal gain from this...mostly the opposite...I believe it is written in the star that I shall do this...and I have no will of my own to prevent it :)
Dear Grandpa,

With all due respects, I think there is a little bit of 'tunnel vision' going there in our good old Grandpa's otherwise very respectable mind :-)

Please allow me to be presumptive, but you have a very narrow understanding of this huge field of Divination and how it really affects the nativity that contacts Divinators and Divination :-)

Your friend had a 'bad' experience recently as you indicated, that then led you to paint all Divinators with the same black brush! Yes, I fully agree that some divinators really need some training in counselling because we are dealing with real people who have real or unreal problems and also irrational expectations. Hence, some people-skills and compassion are needed. Reading few books on Tarot or astrology or whatever is not enough, because there is the technical part of Divination and then there is the dispensing part too. Divinator must understand and empathize and all that, but they must also develop an understanding of how best to help. Hence, I am personally not very much in favour of the impersonal way in which internet readings work. Face to face setting is the ideal one for any serious divination. However, that is not pragmatically possible for everybody because there may not be any good reader locally, so they find Internet their only option. There are lots of people these days who are experiencing job-related problems and cannot pay for a reading. Where would they go? So they come to internet and take their chances. Divination is an unregulated vocation and there is no guarantee of the quality of service, etc. There are many individuals who are marginally unbalanced too, some naturally while many become so due to circumstances, etc, and it is very difficult to provide the kind of help one would like to. Yet, by large, I think most divinators are good people and not here to make a quick buck. I am not saying that you said that, but lot of sceptics think that way and say so too on internet fora.

It all comes down to the thing I mentioned in my educational post to you :-) Society and particularly its self-appointed critics and morality-judges forget that while they love pitting divination against physical sciences, society becomes cock-eyed and mentally-myopic (aka BIASED!) in forgetting how much it has invested (money and time and facilities!) in developing Science but not in divination! Partly because even without studying divination, they have decided that divination is bunk and all they are doing is throwing the baby with the dishwater!

There was a time when Society shunned Science and Scientists and deliberately muzzled them, burned their books, even killed them like common murderers! Religious institutions did much of that and then things changed and now Scientists and Science have become the moral judges. They shun, secretly or publicly, religious institutions and think that the priest is out of his mind because he does not like what Darwin observed and suggested and creationism is the real story! Numerous scientists many nobel laureate signed a petition against astrology and astrologers. I am pretty sure, that none of them knew A of astrology! If someone does not study or use something and yet has strong opinions about it based on some anecdotal indications or a biased outlook they were indoctrinated in when growing up or in their church or congregation etc, AREN'T THEY BIASED?

This type of debate will continue and we can go on until cows come home, and we will then shake hands, go home eat and sleep and next morning we will begin duelling again.

Don't waste your time JUDGING before you spend some time in LEARNING about what you begin passing judgment on :-)
I must mention with admiration here the psychologists Eysenck and Nias who did exactly that. They learned about astrology before they in a calm and mostly unbiased manner wrote Astrology, science or superstition. Unfortunately, they too did not take the time to study or learn about jyotish and focused only on tropical astrology. But their work came from knowledge and not from educated ignorance!

It is very easy to light your pipe and begin passing judgment over anything that you have no clue about how it works, how readings are done and so on.

I am sorry if you have gotten too comfortably used to people listening to you politely and nodding happily, no matter what you say, but please do not expect that here, at least until I remain welcome here ;-)

Enough said, let us go back to what we were doing and let us chase some real ghosts and goblins from outer space rather than creating bad vibes and rancour by talking through our biased headwear!

Love, Light, Learning,

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:12 pm

Okay...I see the discussion is fruitless I shall stop...

As for Critic and lack of knowledge...

If an economic thesis again and again fail....then even an none educated person can tell that something is wrong....he is just not able to improve the thesis, so also in other fields, and I have never tried to improve Vedic....or Divination, just told what I, and other feel is wrong with them.
The strange thing is......None of the learned people tell me where I am wrong....and show me  where and why micro control of Humans benefit their Country........or its inhabitants.

But enough said...I am finish...sorry to have disturbed you all :)

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Post by RishiRahul » Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:19 pm

Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:Science is not a dogma at all.

A Science has the scope to be disproved; while a dogma does not have it.

The need for proper Sceptics are very many of them are well versed to be 'Sceptics'?


Are you a scientist? Ever have been one, since you graduated? ;-)

Please do share!



I was brilliant in Chemistry..found Physics & Maths interesting.

Since young, I loved to delve into something mysterious, like the brain & divination... which can give Real Answers.

I guess... a Scientific Mind, if not Qualified in terms of paper/exams; AND take pleasure in Criticizing myself... to Learn better.

Rishi :smt002

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:05 pm

RishiRahul wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:Science is not a dogma at all.

A Science has the scope to be disproved; while a dogma does not have it.

The need for proper Sceptics are very many of them are well versed to be 'Sceptics'?


Are you a scientist? Ever have been one, since you graduated? ;-)

Please do share!



I was brilliant in Chemistry..found Physics & Maths interesting.

Since young, I loved to delve into something mysterious, like the brain & divination... which can give Real Answers.

I guess... a Scientific Mind, if not Qualified in terms of paper/exams; AND take pleasure in Criticizing myself... to Learn better.

Rishi :smt002

I am not talking about Science subjects, Rishi, but the environment they work in :-)

The same range of personalities, similar drives and similar politics and games exist there too, as well as a lot of sincerity, competitiveness, information-guarding, etc. I hope I did not prick any colourful bubbles!

Love, Light, Reality!

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Post by RishiRahul » Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:31 pm

Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:Science is not a dogma at all.

A Science has the scope to be disproved; while a dogma does not have it.

The need for proper Sceptics are very many of them are well versed to be 'Sceptics'?


Are you a scientist? Ever have been one, since you graduated? ;-)

Please do share!



I was brilliant in Chemistry..found Physics & Maths interesting.

Since young, I loved to delve into something mysterious, like the brain & divination... which can give Real Answers.

I guess... a Scientific Mind, if not Qualified in terms of paper/exams; AND take pleasure in Criticizing myself... to Learn better.

Rishi :smt002

I am not talking about Science subjects, Rishi, but the environment they work in :-)

The same range of personalities, similar drives and similar politics and games exist there too, as well as a lot of sincerity, competitiveness, information-guarding, etc. I hope I did not prick any colourful bubbles!

Love, Light, Reality!


The environment who works in? The scientists?


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:57 pm

RishiRahul wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:Science is not a dogma at all.

A Science has the scope to be disproved; while a dogma does not have it.

The need for proper Sceptics are very many of them are well versed to be 'Sceptics'?


Are you a scientist? Ever have been one, since you graduated? ;-)

Please do share!



I was brilliant in Chemistry..found Physics & Maths interesting.

Since young, I loved to delve into something mysterious, like the brain & divination... which can give Real Answers.

I guess... a Scientific Mind, if not Qualified in terms of paper/exams; AND take pleasure in Criticizing myself... to Learn better.

Rishi :smt002

I am not talking about Science subjects, Rishi, but the environment they work in :-)

The same range of personalities, similar drives and similar politics and games exist there too, as well as a lot of sincerity, competitiveness, information-guarding, etc. I hope I did not prick any colourful bubbles!

Love, Light, Reality!


The environment who works in? The scientists?


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Post by RishiRahul » Tue Feb 21, 2012 7:00 am

Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:Science is not a dogma at all.

A Science has the scope to be disproved; while a dogma does not have it.

The need for proper Sceptics are very many of them are well versed to be 'Sceptics'?


Are you a scientist? Ever have been one, since you graduated? ;-)

Please do share!



I was brilliant in Chemistry..found Physics & Maths interesting.

Since young, I loved to delve into something mysterious, like the brain & divination... which can give Real Answers.

I guess... a Scientific Mind, if not Qualified in terms of paper/exams; AND take pleasure in Criticizing myself... to Learn better.

Rishi :smt002

I am not talking about Science subjects, Rishi, but the environment they work in :-)

The same range of personalities, similar drives and similar politics and games exist there too, as well as a lot of sincerity, competitiveness, information-guarding, etc. I hope I did not prick any colourful bubbles!

Love, Light, Reality!


The environment who works in? The scientists?


True, that the above happens too, and nothing can be done about it.

B ut with genuine scientists the problem would be less. After there is no absolute zero or absolute infinity.

I do not know if my answer is right to the 'context'.


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